asteria goddess powers

She was the second of two daughters; her older sister was Leto. Asteria is the Titan goddess of nocturnal oracles and the island of Delos. It was a barren, uninviting place. [4] She evidently joined the other gods during the Gigantomachy, as in the Gigantomachy frieze on the Pergamon Altar, Asteria is seen fighting against the Giants next to her mother Phoebe. There are many clues, however, that show that Asteria was a goddess of more than just one natural phenomenon. 13 Greek Gods and Goddesses Explained Powerful but Weak. Nyx and Erebus (darkness) are sometimes given as Hekate's alternative parentage. Still, she can also be regarded as a protective sister, for she risks everything, including imminent destruction by Hera, to provide sanctuary to Leto and her unborn son. The goddess was forever linked to Dike, the goddess of justice. But out of desperation as a drowning bird, she had no choice in an effort to keep Poseidon away from her. (Apollod. Asteria's golden armor was found by Diana at some point after the latter left Themyscira. Athena - Goddess of war, wisdom and domestic crafts. itself is inherited from the Proto-Indo-European root *hster- (star), from *hehs-, "to burn". Nationality The Astraeus Cabin (Cabin 43) is the cabin that houses the children/legacies of Astraeus, Greek/Roman Titan/god of dusk, stars, and constellations. ASTERIA was the Titan goddess of falling stars and perhaps of nighttime divinations such as oneiromancy Species The island began to flourish and it became sacred to Asteria, Leto, Artemis, and Apollo. Nymphs of the Stars and Constellations Stellar Nymph Mimicry/Physiology The Asteriai or The Asteriae A user with this ability either is or can transform into a Asteriai. Her Roman counterpart is Trivia. Astraea was the virgin goddess of justice, purity, innocence, and precision. She was the mother of the goddess Hekate by Perses (the Destroyer). Hecate is also one of the three moon goddesses the other two are Artemis and Selene. Asteria 's cabin is made black stone, speckled with shimmering lights that glow brightest at night. Appearances According to Hesiods Theogony, her father was the second-generation Titan, Astraeus. 2. She was one of their greatest warriors ever, having even earned the title The Golden Warrior. Therefore, she asks Leto to swear before the gods that Apollo will build a glorious temple here first, to become an oracle for men. The Bibliotheca by Pseudo-Apollodorus tells us, Of the daughters of Koios (Coeus), Asteria, in the form of a quail (ortux), threw herself into the sea while fleeing a sexual union with Zeus. It seems she was one of the very, very many gods and goddesses who . Asteria is notable for her pursuit by the amorous god Zeus, who desired her. Hecate is the Greek goddess of magic, the Mist, crossroads, necromancy, the night and the moon. She was the daughter of Coeus and Phoebe, making her a sister of Leto, the mother of Apollo and Artemis by Zeus and Lelantos, the father of Aura by Periboea. Zeus turned his attentions to Asterias sister Leto, whose veiled beauty he glimpsed accidentally. We are told,And Hera was grievously angered and spoke to her [Iris]: So now, O shameful creatures of Zeus, may ye all wed in secret and bring forth in darkness, not even where the poor mill-woman bring forth in difficult labour, but where the seals of the sea bring forth amid the desolate rocksBut against Asteria am I no wise angered for this sin, nor can I do to her so unkindly as I shouldfor very wrongly has she done a favour to Leto. She was the third goddess after Gaia and Themis to hold the Oracle of Delphi, which she gifted to her grandson Apollo on his birthday. amzn_assoc_linkid = "c3473f5272e0a6903b6ecef8d8bc4cf6"; Asteria is notable for her pursuit by the amorous god Zeus, who desired her. Some versions of Astraeas legend say that she left during the Bronze Age when humans became hardened by war. In Greek mythology, Asteria (or Asterie meaning of the stars, or starry one) was a daughter of the Titans Coeus and Phoebe and sister to Leto. [3], At some point, presumably in 1984, Asteria saved a baby from a falling pole, which garnered her thanks from the baby's mother.[3]. See Also: Titans, Coeus, Phoebe Asteria Video Book(s) The name Asteria is girl's name of Greek origin meaning "star". Zeus then set her amongst the stars as the constellation Virgo. These powers were shared by her sister, nephew, and likely her parents. Astraeas mother was Eos, who was the goddess of the dawn. 2, 4. Astraea was the daughter of Eos and Astraeus. There was also Prometheus and Epimetheus; those who chose to align with Zeus during the war and thus were spared of such condemnation, though the two brothers did later earn punishments but other transgressions outside of the war. Pliny the Elder Natural History 4. Callimachus, an ancient Greek poet, tells us in a hymn to Delos that the other islands were so afraid of incurring Heras anger that they refused to let Leto step foot on them and found it in themselves to run away with the tide. The Golden Age was one of the five Ages of Man in the old Greek religion. As could be expected from her story, she was an important figure in the local traditions of the island of Delos. She fears that Apollo will overturn her and cast her down to the depths of the sea because of her hard rocky soil, where she will be lost forever. Amelia Reyes. These gods were identified as Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Aphrodite, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Hephaestus, Hermes, Poseidon, and Dionysus. [1] [2] Both UK government agencies and companies such as AOS Group, BAE Systems, Qinetiq, Rolls-Royce plc, Cassidian, Cobham plc, EADS and Thales UK are involved. Sandys): Hail. Asteria is the daughter of the Titan Coeus (Titan-God of the inquisitive mind) and Phoibe (Titan Goddess of the prophetic mind) and the sister of Leto (Titan Goddess of fertility) . In Greek Mythology, Asteria was the daughter of Titans Phoebe and Coeus (Polus), as well as the sister of Leto. Online version at the Topos Text Project. Either way, she was one of the last to stick by the sides of humans. He was always pursuing beautiful women and the sisters were no exception. The two gods shared many attributes, including a link to light and brightness. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. 1 follower. Unlike other cultures, Ancient Greeks werent shy to speak about the negative aspects of their deities. The Story of Medusa in Greek Mythology Explained Why Kill Medusa? amzn_assoc_asins = "1910191078,B00EI4UKMW,1905297238,1555404278,B0053RZTQK,B01BE2R60Y,B01CPUE7C4"; 2010-2018, Covenant of Hekate. Asteria The poem tells us, In the sea, Earthshaker [Poseidon] chased Asterie (Asteria) in the madness of his passion. During the Golden Age, humankind was at its peak. She became pregnant with twins. Asteria is the former champion of the Amazons. [12] According to Hyginus, Leto was borne by the north wind Boreas at the command of Zeus to the floating island, at the time when Python was pursuing her, and there clinging to an olive, she gave birth to Apollo and Artemis. Read Captulo 2 from the story Galaxy Supernova by AlexiisGrey (Alexis Grey . Lynda Carter. Female According to the Fabulaethought to be written by 2nd century Latin author Gaius Julius Hyginus, Zeus became frustrated with rejection. Whether you're drawn to the passion of the fire goddesses, the mystery of the lunar deities, or the transformative power of the dream goddesses, Bizarella's goddess collection has something for everyone . Asteria - Goddess of the stars and the last immortal to live with man Atalanta - A competitive warrior and runner she was a famous mortal in Greek mythology and not a Goddess who was turned into a lion by Aphrodite. Although they were recorded under different names, local goddesses of both Lacedaemon and Delos are likely versions of Asteria. Asteria was associated with the starry night sky and her powers as a Titan of the circle of deities known as the Titans. Goddess Art. Thats when she came to the attention of Zeus brother, Poseidon, god of the sea. Aphrodite Apollo Ares Artemis Athena Hades Hephaestus Hera Hermes Hestia Poseidon Zeus All Olympians. [15], In the rare account where Asteria was the mother of Heracles by Zeus, the Phoenicians sacrifice quails to the hero because when he went into Libya and was killed by Typhon, Iolaus brought a quail to him, and having put it close to him, he smelt it and came to life again.[18]. She and her twin brother Apollo are known as the "Twin Archers." Artemis drives the moon chariot across the sky at night, a role she received when Selene, the original moon deity, faded. +2. Leto was the famous mother of Artemis and Apollo in Greek mythology, but how much do you know about her sister. 'of the stars, starry one') is a daughter of the Titans Coeus (Polus) and Phoebe and the sister of Leto. All the others spurned her and received her not; but Asteria called her by name as she was passing by Asteria that evil scum of the sea; thou knowest it thyself, As you might imagine, Hera was furious and continues her condemnation against Leto for going to such extreme and, in her eyes, disgraceful measures to give birth to Zeuss child. There are arguments about who her parents are. During the Golden Age she dwelt upon the earth with mankind but was driven away by the increasing lawlessness of the subsequent Bronze Age. The Titan goddess of nocturnal oracles and falling stars, Asteria flung herself into the Aegean Sea in the form of a quail in order to escape the advances of Zeus. Online version at the Perseus Digital Library. Asteria This could have been through astrology or oneiromancy, the interpretation of oracles sent through dreams. Either that or Letos arrival upon Delos was simply a stroke of coincidence and irony. Asteria (labelled) taking part in the Gigantomachy. I am the owner and chief researcher at this site. Aura (Greek) - Titan of the breeze . ", ASTERIA (Asteria), a daughter of the Titan Coeus (according to Hygin. While the island was often called by her name, she was also identified with Ortygia, which translates as Quail Island. A few stories, however, claimed that there was more to the story. In Greek mythology, Asteria was one of the younger Titanesses. Wonder Woman 1984Wonder Woman 3 (unreleased)[1] What powers does Asteria have? Yet, she does not blame asteria and even goes as far as to empathize with what was once a woman who had incurred her husbands interest. When Astraea left and abandoned humanity, she reportedly ascended to the heavens and became the constellation Virgo. Before Zeus spotted Leto, he was enamoured with her younger sister. Its no stretch to say that Asteria was a courageous and heroic Titan. Leto and her son Apollo being associated with the prophetic oracular powers of light and heaven, whereas Asteria and her daughter Hekate presided over the powers of the night, astrology through the stars, chthonian darkness and the ghosts of the dead. Learn all about Asteria, the Greek Titan goddess of the stars, shooting stars, and astrology. She transformed into a quail and flew away from the lofty home of the gods. She represented all that was good in the world. When Zeus created Themyscira, Asteria, alone, stayed behind holding back the attacking waves of man so her sisters in arms could flee to the safety of what would become their permanent home. During this time, the Golden Race of humanity lived. She was essentially urban and civilized, the antithesis in many respects of Artemis, goddess of the outdoors. Zeus and Hera were married shortly after he took power, but it did not stop the new king of the gods from noticing the other goddesses of Olympus. The New Book of Goddesses and Heroines, "Astraea". Phoebe was one of the 12 original Titans born to the primordial deities Uranus (the personification of the sky) and his wife Gaia (the goddess of the Earth). To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Hesiod tells us in the Theogony that Asteria was also the wife of Persesa titan who would come to be known as a god of destruction and whom she would bear her daughter Hecate to. [8] In order to escape the amorous advances of the god, who in the form of an eagle pursued her,[9] she transformed herself into a quail (ortux) and flung herself into the Aegean Sea. In the madness of his passion, he hunted the chaste goddess to and fro in the sea, riding restless before the changing wind and thus she transformed herself into the desert island of Delos with the help of her nephew Apollo who rooted her in the waves immovable. There it was that she gave birth to and beheld her blessed offspring., For a foretime, that isle was tossed on the waves by all manner of whirling winds; but when Leto, the daughter of Koios (Coeus), in the frenzy of her imminent pangs of travail, set foot on her, then it was that four lofty pillars rose from the roots of the earth, and on their capitals held up the rock with their adamantine bases. Sandys), Pseudo-Apollodorus Bibliotheca (trans. She became the constellation Virgo, so all forms of this name would be especially appropriate for a child born in late August or early September. Patient and hopeful, Astraea was the last of the immortals to leave, but finally even She was forced . Astraea is a minor but important goddess from Greek mythology. The other daughter Leto had relations with Zeus, for which she was hounded by Hera all over the earth. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Alive It was when things became unfixable that she fled and never returned. They appear in the form of rainbow colors comprising white, red, hot pink, pink lavender, and purple. In Greek mythology, there are a myriad of gods and goddesses. Known for his advances on the ladies and his, shall we say, tenacious pursuit of them, it would not be beyond Zeus to try his luck with a Titaness. In the Greek stories, Asteria is portrayed as the daughter of the Titans, Coeus and Phoebe. Some people identify her with a local goddess referred to as Ino-Pasiphae. She became the "quail island" of Ortygia. Asteria may have been a goddess not only of prophecy, but of magic in general. To this, Leto agrees. p. 392; Hygin. CHBRPW Character Powers Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Others include the four Anemoi winds, Boreas, Notus, Eurus, and Zephyrus. Along with her sisters, she flung herself into the sea and was transformed into a kingfisher . After Apollo and Artemis were born on her, the island received the name of Delos, and Apollo fixed it in place, making it his sacred land. In Greek mythology, Leto was the mother of Apollo and Artemis. In order to escape him and his advances, she transformed herself into a bird and then a wandering island. This brought her to the attention of Hera. Astraea served as inspiration for many films, including a recent 2015 sci-fi picture by Kristjan Thor. She was the sister of Leto, and, according to Hesiod (Theog. Please like and share this article if you found it useful. Greek goddess of beauty, splendor, glory, magnificence and adornment. Disgusted by how much the human race had fallen. Still, her sister Leto was not so lucky. Furthermore, she proves to be a goddess who is not afraid of making hard choices, whether this is diving into the ocean, sacrificing her form in favour of an island or defying the more powerful gods and goddesses for what she believed was right. But as far as the more accepted mythology goes, she had caught Zeuss eye after the Titanomachy, and perhaps, after her husband had been cast into Tartarus, Zeus had fallen in love with her. 409), the wife of Perses, by whom she became the mother of Hecate. Hymn. Mythology associated Asteria with an island, but her name shows historians her true function. One such figure was Astraea. To escape from his unyielding embrace, she changed into the quail and fled. The ancient writer Hesiod called upon them across the world as the nine muses: Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhymnia . Still, her role as the island of Delos would give rise to one of Apollos most popular and most worshipped deities. She was called the Queen of ghosts. Zeus pursued her, but Asteria instead turned into a quail and fell into the Aegean to escape. When the Titans fell to the Olympian Gods and Goddesses, Asteria and her sister Leto were allowed to remain on Mount Olympus. Asteria was a Titan goddess and the daughter of Coeus and Phoebe and sister of Leto. [1] It may be the case that she adopted this ability from her father, the titan Coeus. Comments Off on About Asteria Titan Goddess of the Stars. She was born into the Golden Age when the Titans ruled the cosmos under the reign of Cronos. Her origin is that she is one of the Horae's three sisters from Greek Mythology. Lesser . Cabin: The cabin itself looks like a hybrid of a cabin and an observatory, with an adjustable telescope sticking out of the roof. Asteria was the Goddess of oracles and prophecies of the night, such as prophetic dreams, astrology and necromancy (communication with the dead). This would provide some notion that despite being an island, the Titaness still had consciousness and perceived the world around her. She was a goddess of prophecy and a protector of oceans and sailor's journeys. Guided by the winds, Leto reached the floating island of Delos and found sanctuary there. Though she does express her concerns about Apollo resenting her, the environment in which he will be born will be an island devoid of life. Delos had a major worship center dedicated to Asteria. Like Asteria, Ino leapt into the sea and became an island and Pasiphae was associated with the night sky. Upon Asterias transformation into a quail, he did catch herbut instead threw her into the sea himself. There was no agriculture on Delos as it was mostly barren, but it became wealthy and was celebrated as Apollos birth place, with a temple built on the island to the God. In response to Letos request, Delos rejoices and promises to provide a safe haven for her nephews birth. References This item ships free. Often referred to as the Star Goddess or Star Maiden, Astraea was a beloved deity. She was, briefly, the bride of Chaetus. Some legends say that the Titan Cronus presided over the Golden Age. The daughters of Zeus and Mnemosine, they were the romantic companions of Apollo's entourage of gods. Asteria, also known as Asterie, was Greek Titan goddess, who was the daughter of Coeus and Phoebe. According to the poems of Orpheus, Nyx occupies a cave like her daughter Hekate, in which she gives oracles. Asteria Astraeus Atlas Clymene Coeus Crius Cronus Dione Eos Epimetheus . As the island of Delos, Asterias story would continue. Literature. In addition to the material provided on this website, you may find theRecommended Reading List >>click here<< a useful resources for learning more about this fascinating Goddess. She appears in Hesiods Theogony as Asteria of happy name, whom Perses once led to his great house to be called his dear wife. She was the daughter of Coeus and Phoibe, and the sister of Leto. To honor Asteria, one can look up to the night sky and spend time connecting to its beauty and power. All the others spurned her and received her not; but Asteria called her by name as she was passing by Asteria that evil scum of the sea; thou knowest it thyselfCallimachus, Honoured Hera, of goddesses most excellent far Leto is undoing her girdle within an island. Asteria is a Titan goddess of the falling stars and divination that are typically done at night, such as dream divinations (oneiromancy), scrying and astrology, but some sources also say that she is the goddess of the magick of the night including necromancy and can be requested to send people prophetic dreams. In Hesiod's Theogony, she is described as the "gentlest in all Olympus", being always gentle and mild towards others, both gods and men. But it was believed by the ancient Greeks that Asteria echoed much of her daughters exploits in her own sorcery, such as appearing to men in dreams or spelling messages for them in the stars. He was the god of the northern axis of heaven, that which all the constellations revolved around. Who Were the Residents of Mount Olympus in Greek Mythology. It might be said that this resulted from the urgency in which asteria transformed into the island and that the barren land was a representation of the circumstances that forced her to make such a decision. We are told, Though Jove [Zeus] loved Asterie (Asteria), daughter of Titan [Koios (Coeus)], she scorned him. Asteria was an inhabitant of Olympus, and like her sister Leto was beloved by Zeus. There are some sources that say that she could have also been worshipped as the Goddess of dream oracles as Brizo on the Island of Delos. Astraea is always associated with the Greek Goddess of justice, Dike, who used to live on Earth but left, sickened by human greed. Cross, cross over Leto, unto me., But we are also told here that Iris, the messenger goddess reported to Hera and told her of what Asteria had done, telling her,Honoured Hera, of goddesses most excellent far Leto is undoing her girdle within an island. Yet, Asteriaas Deloshas sympathy for Leto as we are told, Asteria, lover of song, didst, come down from Euboia (Euboea) to visit the round Kyklades (Cyclades)not long ago, but still behind thee trailed the sea-weed Geraistos since their heart was kindled, seeing the unhappy lady in grievous pangs of birth said, Hera, do to me what thou wilt. She became married to the Titan god Perses and became the mother of Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft. What goddess is associated with stars? But according to the genuine and more general tradition, she was an inhabitant of Olympus, and beloved by Zeus. The people of Sparta claimed that Ares had been nursed by a nymph called Thero. Source: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. 16) makes her the mother of the fourth Heracles by Zeus. So she was momentarily free before catching the eye of Poseidon. Asteria was a Titan goddess of Greek mythology. Astraeas dedication to justice even inspired modern-day non-profit organizations. She eventually stashed it in a secret room in her home in Washington, D.C..[3][2] She eventually wore the armor to fight off Cheetah and Max Lord. Not much is known about Asteria, but she was loyal and brave enough to potentially sacrifice herself for the sake of her sisters, choosing to be left behind to increase their chance of survival, never to see them again. Alternative spellings of Astraea's name include "Astria" and "Astrea." The spelling of "Astraia" is common in Romanized Greek. Children of Asteria have the limited power of necromancy, or the power to summon, communicate with, and control dead things. Asteria was another goddess whose main role in the stories that were written was as a love interest for Zeus. Asteria was an inhabitant of Olympus, and like her sister, Leto was beloved by Zeus. One day, to escape Zeuss advances, Asteria transformed into a quail and flew off into the sky. Asteria is the daughter of the Titans, Coeus and Phoebe and the sister of Leto. Diana later used it to fight Cheetah and Max Lord. O heaven-built isle, most lovely scion of the children of bright-haired Leto, O daughter of the sea, thou unmoved marvel of the spacious earth, by mortal men called Delos, but by the blessed gods of Olympus known as the far-seen star of the dark-blue earth.. When she does, they hope shell usher in a new Golden Age for humanity. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Asteria was the Titan goddess of falling stars and night-time divinations such as oneiromancy (by dreams) and astrology (by stars). Unlike the usual accounts, the rejections do not fuel him to try harder. 53; Callimach. 4,487 shop reviews Sort by: Most recent Purchased item: In canons of Greek Mythology, moral ambiguity colored many iconic figures in an interesting light. For the Goddess of Purity, see Astraea Asteria is originally the Titan goddess of oracles, constellations and falling or shooting stars in Greek Mythology, who later transformed into the island, Delos. Before falling in love with Leto, Zeus pursued Asteria. She was the mother of the goddess Hekate by Perses (the Destroyer). In order to escape the amorous advances of the god, who in the form of an eagle pursued her, she transformed herself into a quail (ortux) and flung . The power to possess or have traits of a Asteriai Nymph. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "coh-2018-20"; She promises Delos that Delos will become rich with cattle and plants and will be the home to many great visitors as a result of this agreement. We are told that Delos is delighted when Apollo is born, where she is sometimes described as being his nurse and the first to recognize his power as a god. Taurus: Aphrodite, Goddess Of Love And Beauty. Variation of Nymph Physiology and Stellar Deity. Poseidon took up the chase in the sea and she was transformed into an island to escape him. They lived on Olympus and her daughter Hecate was honored by Zeus as the goddess of magic. That would change with the arrival of her sister, Leto. There are no windows in the cabin. Astraea is the goddess of justice, innocence, purity, precision, and Libra. After the fall of the Titans, Asteria fled the advances of Zeus tricking him by turning herself into a quail. When her sister Leto, impregnated by Zeus, went into labour, Asteria was the only place on earth willing to receive her, defying Hera's orders that forbade Leto any shelter. They thought that Zeus had impregnated her before she drove into the sea and sacrificed quails in the heros memory. It could be said that Asteria and her sister Leto presided over the two main branches of prophecy, Leto and her son Apollo presided over the prophetic power of light and heaven, whereas Asteria and her daughter Hekate presided over the prophetic powers of night, chthonian darkness and the ghosts of the dead. It may have been as a goddess of dream divination that Asteria lived on. The name Asteria means Of the Stars, making it clear that Asteria was a goddess of the sky. Astera) is derived from the Greek word (astr) meaning "star". After Zeus had impregnated Leto, his attention was next captured by her sister Asteria. Before falling in love with Leto, Zeus pursued Asteria. Historians believe, therefore, that the cult of Ino-Pasiphae may have actually been one dedicated to Asteria. They are nymphs and minor goddesses associated and presiding over the stars, constellations and stellar energies. Fire And Ice. Asteria provided safety for her sister to give birth to her children, Artemis and Apollo. In Greek art, she is sometimes labeled with this name rather than her own. Magic Powers. However, Asteria can also be seen as quite heroic and honourable, for she outwits both of the Olympians and denies the pair of them of what they really wantsomething few others have ever gotten away with. Like much of her family, Asteria was also linked to magic. Instead, those stories said that she was the progeny of Zeus and Themis. Are the Greek Gods Real and alive? Asteria, Athenian red-figure amphora C5th B.C., Museum of Fine Arts Boston ASTERIA was the Titan goddess of falling stars and perhaps of nighttime divinations such as oneiromancy (by dreams) and astrology (by stars). Of course, the beautiful virgin goddess also appeared in paintings. As nightfall and daybreak, the two deities produce many children. Even still, some immortal beings were the personification of perfection! Evelyn-White). Leto, in return, promised that the island would be revered by many after the birth of her children. Yet, not all of the titans were condemned to such a fate, with such titans as Atlas being condemned to hold the heavens from the earth, an arduous job previously split between the Titan brothers as mentioned earlier. According to most versions of her story, when she hit the water she was turned into an island. [1] According to Hesiod, by the Titan Perses she had a single child, a daughter named Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Misery and wickedness rang throughout humanity, leaving the innocence of the former paradise a thing of the past. Ancient Greeks, and the many civilizations who retold Astraeas tale after that, believe that the goddess of innocence will return to Earth someday. It is interesting to note that Phoebe would also give birth to Leto, the sister of Asteria. There is little written about the physical appearance of the Goddess Asteria. The ancient Greek poet Pindar also tells us that after Asteria had become the island of Delos, the island was at the mercy of the elements and was victim to hostile winds and waves. Asteria is an Anglicized spelling of the Greek Astraea or Astraia, the goddess of justice and innocence. Her story grew into prominence during the European Rennaisance, representing the concepts of renewal. Asteria, the titan goddess of falling stars and in some cases, the night-time goddess of divinations, is perhaps known more for her birthing of the more famous goddess Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft.

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