humblewood subclasses

Possessing one of the most unique racial abilities of Humblewood, Mapach are a race of racoon-folk that gain +2 wisdom and +1 constitution.This race does not traditionally lean heavily towards good or evil, though the majority of Mapach stray towards a chaotic alignment. Gallus have a deep respect for nature and a love Speed. Even though you cant wear armor, you can stillbenefit from the armor class bonus provided by shields solong as you are proficient with them. (1d2) lb.Luma 2'8" +2d4 25 lb. You may additionally remove a single diseaseof you and able to see and hear you to benefit affecting the target of this ability.from this trick. It also details various character creation similarities, all birdfolk possess arms covered in feathers, whichoptions, new class options, backgrounds, feats, and spells to extend into wing-like appendages. If your path is ever blocked by an obstacle that but think of a way to steal it. gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth. Through careful planning and execution, their diversions can keep cart drivers You were once a member of the Bandit Coalition, occupied just long enough for the lifters to do their work, ormoving from place to place, ambushing and robbing passing create a seamless opening for an ambush.merchants. Subclass is unplayable (in my opinion) of you don't optimize for it. Skip to main content. Adventure in the Wood 84 The Ancient Forest 134 Vulpin 32 Introduction 84 The Avium 135Characters In the Wood 32 Overview 85 Exploring the Avium 137 Character Details 32 Part 1: The Adventure Begins 86 Into the Library 139 Sex & Gender 32 86 Shadows Fall 142 Height and Weight Sleepy Meadowfen 89 Mysterious Circumstances 143 Variant Rule: Different Looks for 32 Winnowing Reach 91 Putting the Pieces Together 145 34 The Missing Researcher 91 The Necromancer 145 Birdfolk and Humblefolk 36 The Mokkden Caverns 95 Odwalds Trap 146 Languages of the Wood 36 Returning to the Reach 95 The Secret Door 147New Class Options 39 The Swamp Witch 99 The Study Room 148 Bard 41 A Witchs Debt 100 The Old Classroom 149 Cleric 43 Leaving the Reach 101 The Secret Laboratory 151 Fighter 47 Part 2: The Bandit Menace 101 Developments 152New Backgrounds 49 A Rough Road Ahead 102 Part 5: Of Fate and Flame 153New Feats The Great Tree City 106Spell Descriptions Elizas Emporium 107 Odwalds Fate 153 The Birdfolk Council 1092. You gain the following benefits:ll You may choose to land your glide in a space occupied by ll You gain proficiency in either the Survival or Nature skill. You can expend one use ofspell slot. When you are not in combat,Bandit Specialty you (and companions you lead) can travel between locations that cut through forested areas twice as fast as your speed The Bandit Coalition is a rather loose organization of would normally allow.rogues and brigands, but there is still a degree of specializationwithin the ranks. The disaffected turn their gaze on Alderheart, and threaten to reduce an age of peace to ashes yet there is still hope. Maguire Tree Care Inc in Moss Beach, CA | Photos | Reviews | 8 building permits. Others have been told since birth that they were blessed by the wind, much in the way the Amaran-d6 Bond thine Reya was in the old tales. 7. Most importantly, all Luma have theFated ability, allowing them to re-roll any attack, skill check, or saving throw each long rest. Breeds of Cervantamed dogs would not be a good fit. Art Director: Leesha Hannigan Publisher: The Deck of Many Page Count: 224 Available Formats: PDF & Print PDF (The Deck of Many) - $29.99 Print (The Deck of Many) - $79.99 In the world of Everden, on the eastern coast of a great continent, there is a vast forest nestled between . At 1st level, you can create a ward of divine shadows toNight Domain Features conceal yourself from an attacking enemy. You are adept at hunting at night. 7. In proportion to the rest of their body,a jerbeens legs are long and powerful. Allies must be able to see you and be within 30 feet to receive the boon. Welcome to a review that I've been waiting some time to bring you! It has been ruled for generations by the birdfolk who inhabit the Great Tree-City of Alderheart. You gain the following benefits:ll You no longer need to move at least 10 feet to perform ll Increase your Dexterity score by 1. ll When a creature fails a melee attack roll against you in long and high jumps. Additionally, Jerbeens synergize well in combat with their comrades, gaining advantage on strength saving throws and on saves against being frightened as long as they are within five feet of an ally. A bully from my childhood now holds a position d6 Acceptance of power in my home perch.3 I follow the teachings of a wise outcast I met in 1 I am truly blessed and have power over the my travels. 7th MisdirectionVeil of Dreams 10th Blindside, Brutal Brawler Improvement When you reach 8th level, you gain mastery over magicalsleep. Your size is Small.emotions they feel. At 6th level, you have finally mastered the Armed Combat Lessons. Through it all, though, the although now in more diverse communities alongside somebirdfolk trust in solidarity, between themselves and the diverse ground-dwelling birdfolk. Most fledgling lumas approach social situations with gifts with magical education, powerful luma wizards and radi-hesitation, until a time when society inevitably labels them an cal scholars have been at the forefront of magical innovationoutcast or a notable figure, and the individual naturally adapts for some time in the role.Touched To most, lumas seem perpetually disorganized anddistracted, which has lead to a belief that they are of low16 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodOf Two Worlds (though you may drop any held items as part of your reaction to spread your arms). Thebirdfolk have hollow bones, reinforced by special internalstructures that act as struts. As a huden gallus, you are of the land. Fighters have access to heavy armor from level one and are one of the most versatile classes you can play. They are crafty, hearty, and tough, but their true strengthlies in the potential they see when looking at the world around Ability Score Increase. You can also understand Auran, though you cannot speakCORVUM TRAITS it naturally. Number 4 - The Circle of Dreams. 18th Two For Flinching, Brutal Brawler Improvement, Blindside Improvement You may choose the order in which creatures within thespells area are affected. . 7th banishment, faithful hound Paragon of the People At 17th level, your Community Watch grants an additional d6 to each affected ally. There are two main subraces of gallus: bright and Huden Gallushuden. Roleplaying games are wonderful for many reasons, one being that they can provide a form ofescape, or they can mirror reality. These are based on the information like to tell.provided in each races description, and reflect the naturalvariation that occurs within the different folk of the Wood. Skulker. Ability Score Increase. Bard and Fighter receive gain a few useful proficiencies picked up from your time onnew class options which are well suited to characters from the the road. same as your Bardic Inspiration die. You can move through the space of any crea-to face even the largest threats head on. You can also understand Auran, though you cannot speak Strigs, more than any of the other birdfolk race, are most at it naturally.home in the wild. equal to your roll on the Bardic Inspiration die + your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). Nonetheless, corvums see the benefit of rules, even ifmany attempt to turn them to their own advantage. A few vulpins have attempted to change public opinion,but the majority are unconcerned with their notoriety. Connected to nature, I speak for the wind and divine its will for others. Team Tactics. Itlife in Humblewood, and are spoken widely. Some have completely forsaken their old lives in favor of new ones in undergrowth commu- nities, while others keep ties with family and friends in the perches where they were born.44 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Woodd8 Personality Trait d6 Flaw1 I always second guess my choices. Some are the space you finish your movement. Ive been exists. When not activelyas cowards in the eyes of outsiders. Any creature that misses you with a meleeattack while you are curled up takes 2d4 pointsof piercing damage from your sharp quills. You cannot glide while wearing heavy armor, or if youcommon good. Spiny Quills. The various folk who make up the world of Humblewood are divided into two categories: the birdfolk and the humblefolk. visit Humblewood will want to know Birdfolk. The biggest stumbling block for new speakers is learning when to use which form.34 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodChapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 35New Class Options pick your path Here you will find a selection of options you can use to Bonus Proficienciesfurther customize your Bard, Cleric, or Fighter. Hatred burns in the hearts of those who have lost lives they cherished, and these once peaceful peoples now take up the sword and turn to banditry. add an additional 2d6 to the weapons base damage dice.Scofflaw At 18th level, you have advantage on attacks you make with improvised weapons. You cant discerncolor in the darkness, only shades of gray.40 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodAs an action, you present your holy symbol causing any Scofflaws eventually trust their notorious reputation to dosource of mundane or magical light within 30 feet of you to much of the work for them, gaining the ability to cause foesbe extinguished. Whats important is that you select a background zation. Maran raptors Humblefolkcould also take visual inspiration from seabirds, notably petrelsor shearwaters, due to their swim speed. just cant.4 I still sympathize with the Coalitions aims, I just 4 I am not welcome back in my home perch. Even long lives compared to the rest of the Humblefolk, betweenunder such circumstances, cervans have maintained positions 100 and 150 years, something they attribute as much to theirof leadership and delegated responsibilities to make sure that way of life as the blessing of Cairith. ISBN: 978-1-9990962-0-5 First Edition. You are able to interpret their responses in simple language. Or perhaps you are a storyteller from another world. Size. After the establishment of the treaty, humblefolk began toNow the great birdfolk cities face more threats from bandits live once again in small woodland villages beneath the trees,and forest fires than ever before. 5 I accept this honor but have my doubts. You cant discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.Canny Craftspeople Mapachs are most comfortable under the cloak of night. Raptors are lean, muscular hunters, but they standless than 4 feet tall. Your Constitution scoreand slow your descent. Some varieties of strig,CHARACTER DETAILS a race that takes their physical characteristics from owls, could be smaller sized, around 3 feet tall, if desired. Don't think there are currently stats for a +2 bar stool. Your Dexterity score increases by 2. Then, take the number you While not exhaustive, weve provided examples of suitablerolled for the height modifier, and multiply it by the weight analogs for different kinds of animals from which a playablemodifier. Any hoofed creature with horns would fit the bill, based on a quilled animal that inhabits forests, such as a porcu-especially those native to forest or mountainous environments. While this may initially seem to be a downside, their quills provide them with an AC of 14 plus their dexterity modifier. Gather your party and embark on FIVE incredible Humblewood adventures!What tales will you tell? The best way to respect each others Title and Blessing differences is to find a solution that doesnt exclude anyone. Your Dexterity scoreincreases by 1. * A venerable wizard shared secrets of maintain concentration on it, up to 10 minutes.evocation magic with you. Additionally, a Luma immediately gains access to any any cantrip from the Sorcerer spell list, allowing a character to gain a synergistic spell they may not have previously had access to. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. Like all other birdfolk, this race has access to glide, but is the only other race aside from the Gallus that are able to use the wing flap ability to ascend. Moreover, a newly invigorated Bandit Coalition swells in numbers. Using your feathered arms, you can slow yoursocial bonds above all else, and are always ready to help their fall, and glide short distances. Raptors reach maturity around 20 years. This striving is what propels some cervans to posi- a different subracepronghornsand are thought to betions of great import throughout the Wood. Youcannot benefit from any Dexterity bonus to armor classwhile curled up, but you can still use shields. placed in comparison to humans in other campaign settings, size categories can be adjusted accordingly.Height and Weight This is entirely a matter of taste. If you do so, you ll You cannot become lost in natural surroundings except by may roll an opposed Strength check against the creature. You may also apply this technique to any attack roll you make with advantage. The Tenders, an organization of druids and mystics, dedicate themselves to healing the Scorched Grove with natural magics. powered flight, the strong hollow bones and lightweight bodies of birdfolk allow them to easily use their feathered arms toTHE BIRDFOLK glide, and unless severely encumbered, all birdfolk can recover gracefully from what would otherwise be a deadly fall. The ally can roll a d4 and add the number such that you can speak with the greenery of the forest itself.rolled to their next ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. This air of command parts of the Wood.follows you wherever you roam. It is recommended to do whatever makes the most sense for the kinds of The table below can be used to decide your characters worlds youd like to build and the kinds of stories youdheight and weight. Brawler. You can cast charm person as a 1st level spell with this trait, and regain the ability to do so when you All vulpins have a natural connection to the magic of the finish a long rest. 17th Paragon of the People Divine StrikeCommunity Domain Spells At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon with the power to punish wrongdoing. On a hit, you exploit an opening in the target's defenses, dealing an extra 5d6 points of damage. The magic of animals and their usually unseen lives intrigues us, sparks our imagination, and we see a lot of ourselves in them when we finally slow down enough to look. He has studied creative writing at The New Hampshire Institute of Art and Otis College of Art and Design, and currently writes for CBR, ScreenRant, GameRant, and TheGamer. You have proficiency in theAcrobatics skill. common people.4 I have no time for those who doubt me. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 29Vulpin sophisticated yet savage Vulpins are fox-like in appearance, with light builds and Alignment. one condition immunity ll Beasts of Large size or larger have a friendly disposition one special ability possessed by the creature that toward you unless you have attacked them. Corvum are an intelligent race of shrewd ravens and crows. Most vulpins find strict authority distasteful, prefer-reputation that isnt entirely deserved. You gain the follow- more gracefully. Youand endurance above all, but not necessarily for the purposes cant discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.of combat. While doing so, you continue to fall increases by 1.gently at a speed of 60 feet per round, taking no fall damagewhen you land. In the world of Everden, nestled between the mighty Crest mountain range and the vast marshes of the Mokk Fields, lies a mystical forest known as Humblewood that hums with the Great Rhythm of nature. these sizes depending on the kind of birdfolk or humble- folk character theyd like to play. Your damage for an unarmed strike is 1d4 While many birdfolk rely on their prowess or intelligence piercing damage. The Wood, as it is known to its inhabi- tants, is not like any other forest. Sometimes these are flashes pounds. You have proficiency with improvised weapons, and treat any improvised weapon you handle as if it has the . with this moniker.Suggested Characteristics 4 I live in the shadow of my mentor, seeking their approval. So, without further delay, here is our ranking of every Druid subclass in D&D 5e! Mapachs have incredibly light hands and a great degree by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.of fine motor control that doesnt diminish with age. push your offense even further. When falling you can use yourof villainous, and they are regularly cast as the antagonists of reaction to spread your arms, stiffen your wing feathers, andany given situation. Were looking for a way to get away from screens, to forget about our complicated lives, and to live as heroes with problems we can solve, not just listen to on the news and worry about. Your Intelligence scoreincreases by 1. Have you the courage to find out? (Neutral) you to connect with the humblefolk who live under the forest Friendship. There is two subclasses of Cervan. Their mottled feather patterns, though notas bright or beautiful as others, allow them to easily hide in theforest. Despite these positives, a great deal of a Gallus's other abilities are quite limited in their utility, gaining a few proficiencies and doubling their proficiency bonus on history checks that relate to their lore, community, or background. When you select this option, choosea damage-dealing spell you can cast. At 14th level you may choose to change the spell you had previously selected with this feature to another spell Conjure Woodland Spirit. Creatures thatattack you while you are falling, gliding,or jumping have disadvantage on theirattack roll. Those days are long since gone,but the memory of the sinister vulpin has yet to fade fromthe minds of the humblefolk, who endured great suffering attheir hands. (Evil)4 Mysticism. Spurred by personal interests and flights of it naturally.fancy, lumas lean towards chaotic alignments. 1 I cant accept anothers suggestion once Ive set my path.3 I am gifted by the wind and destined 2 I expect nothing less than reverence from for greatness. Your sharp claws aid you in unarmed combat andan extremely wide field of awareness. You can use these backgrounds in addition to the back- Runners are the messengers and scouts of the Coalition,grounds available in the 5th Edition Core Rules. They livecontain the odd family of jerbeen, or a few lone hedges. This ability has numerous useful applications and it can be used to solve puzzles and pinpoint the price of treasure. Your size is Small. You know the druidcraftcantrip. Go forth and adventure! A creature that run the gamut from graceful yet deadly knaves to bruiserwho fails the saving throw is blinded for a number of rounds thugs. Here familiar beasts grow to unusual sizes, bearing markings and patterns unique to the Wood. Decide what your charac- ter believes, or roll on the table below to understand how1 My family has been the subject of ridicule ever they feel.2 since I left my home perch. Street Smarts. Robust Build. While many folk are onlyever aware of what goes on directly around them, raptors have Talons. (1d4) lb.Cervan (Pronghorn) 6'1" +2d10 120 lb. Furthermore, Hedges can take an action to roll themselves into a ball, increasing their AC to 19. bite attacks. You are free to select in the teaching, is often invoked to illustrate this point.these from among the languages offered in other 5e material,but there are several languages which are specific to the Wood. While doing so, you continue to fall gentlydistrusted because they behave the way they do, or if they at a speed of 60 feet per round, taking no fall damage whenbehave the way they do because they are distrusted. Strigs reach maturity faster than most birdfolk races,around 15 years. Your damage for an unarmed strike is 1d4of power, such as advisors or minor officials. A cursed moon hurtles through the multiverse, crashing from one plane to 394443667100 Press J to jump to the feed. You can expend one use of your 1) to the attacks damage roll. This, combined with their Age. Alignment. zillow seal beach Play as one of the five core humblefolk races: Once a loosely organized confederacy of crime, its ranks have swelled with humblefolk displaced by the spreading fires who have turned to banditry to survive. Search within r/humblewood. (Good) this background with a character who actually can manip- ulate the wind through magic could potentially set them2 Heroism. They are as often shunned for their world. When I was young, the films and books I devoured with the most enthusiasm were the ones thatappealed to audiences both young and old, whose characters may happen to be adorable woodlandanimals, but still bravely explored a mosaic of complex, confronting themes that we continue to puzzleover well into our adult years. You also have a wealth ofpatience, acting only when it best suits your goals. Hedges feel most at home when everyone gets along. Your Charisma score increases by 1. YourDexterity score increases by 1. Dungeons & Dragons: 10 GREATEST 5e Adventures, Ranked, Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Rare Magic Items Youd be Lucky to Find, Dungeons & Dragons: The 10 Best Fighter Sub-Classes, The Best Cleric Domains in Dungeons & Dragons, Ranked, REVIEW: Frank Miller Presents Ancient Enemies: The Djinni #1 Crafts a Compelling Origin Story, REVIEW: DC's Shazam! Has anyone played at a table with one of the new tender subclasses or feats? This is why I believe roleplaying games have had such a resurgence in the past few years, because were looking for a connection to the world around us. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 13Gallus one with the wood The gallus commonly dwell in small, familial commu- they also encompass a variety of weights, but most averagenities as opposed to the grand perches of the Wood. Cervans have a unique ability to bounce back Pronghorn cervans are taller and tend towardand survive a physical shock that might kill others. There are two main subraces of strigs: swiftand stout. You have advantage onStealth checks made in dim lightand darkness. Some wrestle with their doubts, still caring deeply about the friends they left behind, while d6 Bandit Specialty others have forsaken their former lives entirely. The termhumblefolk is used throughout the Wood to refer to the With the spreading flames, humblefolk villagers petitionednon-birdfolk peoples who live a little closer to the forest floor. Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters, REPORT: Avatar: The Last Airbender Gaang Film Is Set Over a Decade After the Show, Why How I Met Your Mother's Alternate Ending Is So Much Better, Neil Gaiman Proposes a Suitably Chaotic Way to Cast The Sandman's Delirium. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. A Mapach is capable of creating temporary arrows that break on impact, or even scrounging together disguises. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.ings. While incapable of truehelp you make your own Humblewood adventurer. Come and discover the mystery behind all the forest fires, is it the Bandit Coalition or something even more nefarious? Your base walking speed is 30 feet.they are not very strong, brave, or powerful on their own. The love is very often in the details, just assome of the most significant moments in a campaign can be the quiet ones, the small words exchangedat the campfire, or the tiny clues indicating a much larger mystery to unravel. (2d4) lb.Raptor 2'11" +2d6 25 lb. arms). You have advantage on saving throws against poison and resistance against poison damage. Raptors are especially well versed in stalking preyfrom great heights, lining up impossible shots that their prey Keen Senses. Follow Flit along his journey to deliver an important missive to the Birdfolk Council of Alderheart. Maintaining good grooming is akin to keeping a Wing Flap. (Neutral) Cynicism. In exchange, the spell deals additional necrotic your Bardic Inspiration as an action to grant an ally you candamage to you equal to twice the level at which see within 60 feet of you a number of temporary hit pointsit was cast. If an the targets wound.option requires a saving throw, your Travelers Trick save DCequals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier. Cervans reach maturity around 12 years. We discuss the College of the Road Bard Subclass from the Humblewood Campaign Setting from Hit Point Press! Everything you need to increase immersion in your Humblewood games. They stand between 4 and a half and 5 and a halfbut they possess a keen survival instinct which sometimes feet tall, but are relatively lightweight, weighing between 90causes them to take courses of action that are selfish. The birdfolk races of Humblewood are as diverse and unique as the forest itself. They even gain the ability to help their allies as a bonus action! Found Errors? Choose from: kind. Boxing Lessons. Ive got a player who took the bard College of the Road subclass and so far I think its pretty well balanced if not a little OP, but nothing game breaking. Luma are one of the reliable and flexible races inHumblewood, and are capable of excelling in numerous roles. 6 I feel nothing for this title, and carry it against my will. Each birdfolk race possesses a unique and mystical connec- Jerbeention to the element of air, which allows them to understandAuran from birth, although they are unable to speak it natu- Jerbeen is a system of squeaks and clicks represented inrally. Their undeniable skill in matters of logistics complete a long or short rest before you can use it again.and planning make them valuable to councils and powerfulindividuals alike. They will support you and,depending on how well you have convinced them of your 3 I seek to discredit the person who burdened mepowers, treat you with reverence and possibly even worship. The variety of shapes and sizes means14 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodSubrace. Center of Attention. The item will be completely functional,see it as primitive or crude. A creature who has witnessed or heard tales of your ruthlessness makes this saving throw with disadvantage. Your Wisdom score increases by 1. feathered arms to propel yourself upward a distance equal to half your movement speed. Published on June 18, 2019. While this ability's capabilities are dictated by a DM based on the materials that a Mapach has available to them, they can make a wide variety of tools and items, that allow them to adapt to any situation. This is seen as the basis of a popular and hilarious chil- double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of yourdrens story about a meal growing too cold to eat as the gallus normal proficiency bonus.continually give up their seats to late arrivals at a party. Most gallus are lawful good. Hedges who dwell outside of the birdfolk cities preferto live in individual burrows under the great roots of trees.Communities of hedges enjoy living surrounded by nature,near clearings within the forest or lone copses. Beyond the obvious physicalfound in the Wood. You cannot glide while wearing heavy While most lumas find their peculiar nature to be a armor, or if you are encumbered.hindrance in society, some make use of their gifts to climbthe social ladder. Using every trick at theirdisposal to gain the upper hand against their foes, the Scoff-law cows their enemy into submission, or overwhelms theirdefenses with a single cheap shot. Others have even left to join the newly reformed Bandit Ages ago, an accord was struck between the people of Coalition, seeing not only a path for survival, but a chancethe forest floor to unite against roving bandits and quell to get even with the perch-dwelling birdfolk for broken oathsthe in-fighting that was wreaking havoc across the Wood. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 19Strig imposing yet kind Strigs are the most imposing of the birdfolk races. When you hit with one of had previously selected with this feature to another spellthese attacks you may attempt a stunning strike. I am starting a new humblewood campaign and I want to know what you guys think of the subclasses. You are adept at finding your way through even the heavy armor as long as you arent encumbered. ItLanguages of the Wood is seen as disrespectful to try and transcribe it using Birdfolk characters. They also live for a longmust be resolved. members of the weasel family, such as ferrets and badgers.

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