Daughter, Kim, lives in Gerald, loving the farm life. The Chicago FBI SWAT Team conducts high risk search warrants, hostage rescue, active shooter response, and other tactical missions as required. We couldn't be more excited We can't wait to be able to spend even more time with them, especially our 3-1/2 year old grandson, Gavin. Although many restrictions apply, most restaurants remain open with masking. 1968 Pam Plagenz Ross - St Louis, MO - I'm serving my fourth year on the St Louis Community College Trustee Board. ALUM NEWS 2022. I also serve on the Board of my local education foundation. He was . celebrated its fiftieth anniversary. : Grandson a quarterback with Tampa Bay Bucs. Brentwood forensics is a member school of the Tennessee High School Speech and Debate Society and the National Forensic League. My daughter, Mary Catherine, works for EY, and my daughter, Elizabeth works for Royal Canin. Children close by in Northern Virginia - all 5 grandchildren out of college - 3 in graduate school. I purchased a house in a Del Webb community. Come see me! This group is designed to allow Brentwood High School students and alumni to remain in touch with fellow classmates. On we go! The nearest high school to St. Austin Catholic School is San Juan Diego Catholic High School (0.1 miles away) . SCR is a rescue for old, infirm and often Hospice dogs. 1961 Ellen Rockett O'Neilll - Peachtree, GA - I'm so happy Judi "found" me again, last year! I am always impressed by the accomplishments of our classmates. Named a National Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education in 2006 and . - I so enjoyed your August newsletter. - Became a member of the Brentwood Alumni Board. We have enjoyed another beautiful year with family, friends and puttering at home. My relatives,Moritz, LaGarce and Boshans, are always mentioned somewhere, which makes it fun and interesting. He played on the first football team and ran track. The schools response was that "God is in control" of politics. Taking one day, one week, one month at a time. But, I'm blessed that, so far, I'm healthy and feeling great. Will plan travel when this virus stuff makes it safer. 1966 Delyla Aulgur Uebel - Lampe, MO - I perform playing piano - both classical and theatre. Ihave moved to a new one-level townhouse that is near several children and grandchildren. Travel is not on my current agenda. - Taking his son, Chris, and family to Italy. 1967 Jeanne Brunner Cavender - Rolla, MO - I read the BHS newsletter from beginning to end. 1958 Karen Kelley Wright - Pingree Grove, IL - Recently left Naples, FL and moved to Illinois to be close to family - beginning a new chapter in my life. He speaks at area high schools about his experiences and says it is stressful to relive the memories, but it's important they understand the realities. Fred Abrams 1957-1961. Children close by in Northern Virginia - all 5 grandchildren out of college - 3 in graduate school. Iam checking off bucket list items such as a trip to Italy, traveling the US and enjoying my family and grandson. Two retirement goals included kayaking the navigable length of the Hudson River - 197 miles Completed this summer by reaching the Statue of Liberty by kayak in August! I'm retired. In July, we were in Scotland and England, returning home July 8. Four kids and seven grandkids, one great-grandchild. I kept the "homefires burning" and kept him fed by shipping the food boxes. Baseball Softball Track Volleyball. - After 29 short years, I continue to make the world safe for democracy while working at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. 1952 Norman Ramsey - N Ft Myers, FL - Florida took care to get both of us our Covid vaccine. I recently was part of protection detail for the United States Attorney General's visit to Zagreb, Croatia and the Direcor of the FBI visit to Paris, France. - Sorry that our '55-56 reunion was cancelled Have gone on several road trips through Arizona and Utah, visiting friends and gorgeous National Parks (always in a mask). 1971 Missy Reisenleiter - St Louis, MO - My husband successfully completed hiking the entire Appalachian Trail in December 2019. Don enjoys woodworking. Join / Login. Kudos to you and your staff. My new home is small, but perfect for me. My last exhibit was at the Drury Inn during the Brentwood Century Foundation Celebration last year. God has really blessed me. 1941 Maxine Gray Reisenleiter - Creve Coeur, MO - Iam now in Creve Coeur Assisted Living - 693 Decker Lane - Creve Coeur, MO 63141, Apt 433. 1959 Joyce Rinck Arneson - Apple Valley, MN, - 2021 - How can it be? If anyone comes through, let me know! 1944 LeRoy Amen - Chesterfield, MO - I was sorry to hear of the passing of my friend, Jay Luttrell. 1941 Bette Strong Pickrel - Gladstone, MO - I have been truly blessed and in September, I will be 99. Looking forward to more travel in 2022 and beyond. Lovin' and livin' life. I do odd jobs around Brentwood. 1954 Marian Hounsom Lewis - New York - NY - Travel restrictions for 2 years kept me close to home - New York City. 1948 Herbert W Hitchings - Sedona, AZ - My brother, Dave Hitchings '50, was All-District in basketball in 1950. But I never forgot my dear friends at Brentwood schools. 1952 Charles Combs - Ballwin, MO - Just trying to stay healthy. I will carry those memories forever, on to my next chapter! - My daughter, Kyerstyn and her family, just bought the house across the street from us. I have a wonderful, caring family who keeps in touch with me. Ihave a whole group of new friends - and I love the milder weather. Prior to the Bravo Team Leader position, I was the Chicago FBISniper Team leader in charge of 12 snipers. The Brentwood alumni list on this page come from a variety of sources. I am taking my 21 year old granddaughter to Spain, Portugal and North Africa in May. All is well. Wishing everyone good health. 1950 Shirley Callaway Holman - Daytona Beach, FL - I moved to Daytona Beach on October 3, 2018; bought a home 1 block from the ocean and 1 block from the river. JS . Looking forward to more travel in 2022 and beyond. 1952 Shirley Russell Drake - Katy, TX - Can't do much safely now, so I am reading until my eyes can't take any more Also, taking my dog for lots of short trips around the circle where live - can't be outside long down here in the summer!! Still smiling! The Brentwood High School Hall of Fame (HOF) was established in the spring of 2000. Iam still supervising athletic events and mentoring students. We enjoy our family, the beautiful mountains, and are refreshed by many daily sit-down pauses, though I'm busy with family, church service, home, and humanities Iam thankful for so much joy in my life! Every two months, gals from my Brentwood class meet for lunch, usually at Farotto's. Classes planning reunions for 2023 so far are. Call me at (314) 351-8418 and leave a message and phone number and I will get back to you. My family is a blessing to me. The high school first started in 1925 in the basement of the existing Elroy Elementary School and only taught the ninth grade. 1962 Bob Wulff - Washington, DC - Retired twice - Once from the real estate development business and now from directing a real estate program at George Mason University. 1981 Karl E Heger - Brookfield, WI - I just hit 25 years as a Special Agent in the FBI. Brentwood High School Alumni Association. 1954 Marian Hounsom Lewis - New York - NY. ALUMNI. - We are moving to sunny Sarasota, FL. Ienjoy swimming and walking. Life is good. Hope you all are too!!! When time permitted, I dusted. Wish she were alive to be a part of this reunion. I'm having a new assignment now with Lutheran Social Services. Books, Jigsw puzzles and eating kept me really busy. At home, books, jigsaw puzzles, and eating kept me really busy. I retired on July 1, 2021. Shape a future with meaning. I served on the Brentwood School Board for 6 years. Sending the best to all. I'm having a new assignment now with Lutheran Social Services. We had such fun, parading to Tilles Park for the last day of school picnics. Stay safe. At 80 and 86, we are careful, but doing well. - In 2020 I was promoted from Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police to Executive Director of Public Safety and Facilities/Chief of Police at St Charles Community College. 1949 Marlene Scharf Hanks - St Petersburg, FL - Participating in church activities. I do odd jobs around Brentwood. I retird as an editor of the Connecticut Law Journal and now do freelance editing. He is the English teacher who once manned an M-60 machine gun as a corporal in the Marines, and now pastes Marine Corps . 1960 Walter Henkel - St Louis, MO - Some of the recollections of various alumni of the 3 trolley lines that served Brentwood are erroneous. I am assigned to the FBI Chicago Regional Training Facility where I have the responsibility of training all Chicago FBI Agents in Firearms, Defensive Tactics and Arrest Tactics. I consider myself very fortunate to still be doing something I love. I also retired from officiating wrestling for 36 years. ORE Carolyn Puricelli Rhodes - Eureka, MO - Retired after 32 years of service to the Brentwood community in 2019. Alumni Announcements Boosters Directions Featured . To filter results, select a Brentwood, NY high school using the links to the right. Had a grandson, Mike Brunworth, born in March 2020. 1941 Bette Strong Pickrel - Gladstone, MO. - Still around. Basketball Swimming. Books, Jigsw puzzles and eating kept me really busy. - In spite of Covid, I keep busy buying and selling preowned treasures. Call me at (314) 351-8418 and leave a message and phone number and I will get back to you. The holidays are a great time to reflect on years past so share those photos so all of our . Mitch Spaulding. 1958 Barb Higginbotham Novotny - Valley Park, MO. If you see your name among the Ross Senior High School graduates, someone is looking for you! His brother, Sean, graduated in 2012 and his grandfather, Forrest Zinn, graduated in 1947. - Awarded Trailblazer Award at Anthony Portation's 25th Senate District Women in Business Event. 1964 Scott Marshall - St Louis, MO - Moved May, 2020. They are good about getting us to concerts and plays. Think critically and creatively. Brentwood High School Hall of Fame of Pittsburgh, PA has recognized alumni that have contributed to American society and abroad. - I'm still working as an equity analyst at Edward Jones following stocks in the communication services and tech sectors. I consider myself very fortunate to still be doing something I love. I remember when my dad's class at Perryvlle H.S. MMany Paths to Explore. Brentwood High School Alumni in Brentwood, Missouri MO Connect with Alumni, Plan a reunion, Reunions, Classmates, Alumni, Alumni Reunion, Photos, Brentwood High School Alumni Class St. Austin Catholic School in Austin, Texas serves 212 students in grades Prekindergarten-8. Life is good. Have 8 grandchildren in the Atlanta area. Register for Free to see all Brentwood High School alumni! God has really blessed me. Recently retired, she spends a lot of time with husband, Blair Smith, at their Elsah General Store in Elsah, Illinois. Tom/Ziggy, 1972 David Giacopelli - Rock Hill, MO - "Retired" Police Captain. 1956 Carol Kottmeier Cooper - Pomona, CA - Sorry that our '55/'56 reunion in St. Louis had to be cancelled. 1967 Linda Schirmann Creech - Dallas, TX - Said "Good Bye" to my amazing 50 year airline career, as I retired August 01, 2020. I have fond memories of my first grade through sixth grade classmates and teachers at Brentwood No 1. David continues to enjoy swimming as his favorite exercise. We are now moving north of Dallas to Plano, TX. Hope everyone is enjoying ife as I am. My son, Chris, is VP of the St Louis Sports Commission. - Could not be at the 50th reunion, but enjoyed the pictures. I am stepping down as Director of the Brentwood Christian Childcare Center and promoted Tammy Gahr Johnson '87 as the new Director. Tell us more about your notable alumni. Read about school announcements, academic and athletic accomplishments, yearbook information, and so much more! To find a family member, enter information such as their First Name, Last Name, and where they lived . We have been getting a lot of requests for more yearbook and reunion photos! 1958 Karen Kelley Wright - Pingree Grove, IL. We were so fortunate to have them. I retired on July 1, 2021. Pete Agnew 1945-1949. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2023 at 4 pm. I'm also still active in dog sports. - Travels took me to doctor's appointments, grocery store and Home Depot. William Boswell 1982-1986. Started my "bucket list" early and it was a fabulous journey. (631) 434-2204. A Brentwood High parent who said he disapproved of Soto's lecture provided The Tennessee Star with an audio recording of her lecture.. Before Soto spoke, Keidel delivered a lecture of his own. Attended Sunday School and church for many years there. Best decision I ever made! Doing pretty well for an old gal. I now share a house with my son's family and am enjoying the company, the pool and the beautiful weather. If anyone is interested, I can supply the right story. - Still alive and wishing I could make it to the 60th class reunion, but Covid and travel restrictions make it impossible! Hall of Fame Announces Recent Inductees Join us on Facebook! Welcome to BHS. Anthony Alaimo 1979-1983. I also volunteer at Circle of Concern food pantry as a shopper/helper and case worker. Now planning my next trip. Gardening and landscaping are passions. Still serving on the Board through 2022. I was 80 in October and am amazed to have lived this long! WOW! My team and my supervisor gave me a send-off for the ages, sharing their love and support. I retired iin July 1, 2021. - I retired in December 2019 from Edward Jones after a 38-year career there. Register as an alumni from Brentwood High School and reunite with old friends and classmates. Im still quite active in several not-for-profit organizations including STAGES St Louis and Washington University, and enjoy spending time with our 3 grandchilden and traveling the world. Expecting my 5th great-grandcihld and they also live here. 1959 Gloria Morgan Roseman - Imperial, MO - Hi Everybody - Living the good life. Will go back to volunteer shifts at Circle of Concern Food Pantry Febriuary 2022. Brad is still living, and we often go to Illinois to see him and our daughter, Liz, who is Co-director of a STEM school at Aurora University. Rushmore, a rodeo in Cody, WY, Yellowstone Park and the Grand Tetons. It can be seen on the USGS 1:24K topographic map Oak Hill, TN . Yearbooks. Law School Alumni Search; Legal Library Search; COVID-19 Legal Articles; Bar Associations Search; . Brentwood High School is the 2nd largest public high school in New York and the 22nd largest nationally. Brentwood High School is a secondary school in Brentwood, New York, United States. 1962 Dick Dunham - Greensboro, GA - Heading to Norway for a holiday with wife, Jean (Fischer '64). - I am enjoying my 30th year of retirement, 26 years with my loving wife, Carole. I have fond memories of my first grade through sixth grade classmates and teachers at Brentwood No 1. At 80 and 86, we are careful, but doing well. - So far, so good. 1953 Ann Hysmith Reckelhoff - Brentwood, MO. We feel very blessed that they even wanted to go with us, given they are all teenagers. - After 43 years of living on my farm in the heart of Fenton, Ihave moved to a subdivision. Miss an occasional phone call with my buddy, 1957 Mary Ann Wenger Graves - Berkeley, CA -, 1957 Jacqueline Schuster Thursby - Provo, UT. 1971 Deborah Henne Clary - Springfield, MO - After spending the last 27 years in the classroom teaching, I retired in 2020. Weather is great! Now, to slow it down a bit by spending time on our ranch and in my home in Dallas. Readjusting to a new life-style. Home . We traveled over 300,000 miles in our motor home. Alumni Website Brentwood High School Alumni. Founded in 1856, St. Paul's School is a fully residential independent high school located in Concord, N.H. Time at home has provided opportunity to concentrate on my writing. Are you a Brentwood Eagle who played a sport in college or after? I will carry those memories forever, on to my next chapter! 1967 Jacque Prade Ehrlich - Sky Valley, GA - Imoved from Hendersonville, NC to the mountains of Sky Valley, GA (NE Goergia) to be closer to my daughter in Florida and be cooler at the same time. 1963 Elaine Henson Lentz - Ballwin, MO - My husband passed away on 1/9/19 and I am busy going through papers and getting ready for 2 eye surgeries. I am doing more traveling with the order of the Eastern Star and enjoying the trips as long as my health and the money don't run out. Kudos to the alumni responsible. n plan to go back to the faculty. 1969 Steve Moritsugu - Riverside, CA - I'm still living in southern California doing ITsupport. - I currently live outside of Boston with my husband, Tom, and 3 childrlen. 1957 Janet Slater Darwin - Lake Elsinore, CA - Just moved back to California after retiring from teaching and spending 16 years in Las Vegas. Family are scattered around the country and world - only 1 child here. Also, around 100 Brentwood residents (1%) are the average age for high school seniors (18-19). (I taught Spanish for 25 years). We were so fortunate to have them. The Brentwood Union Free School District is committed to help empower each and every student to realize his/her full potential while acquiring knowledge and attitudes to become healthy, productive, and responsible citizens and life-long learners, in an ever-changing and diverse society. - After graduation, I worked 2 years at Cupples Manufacturing, then went in Navy, 3 years in Presidential Honor Guard, 1 year on a Destroyer, then 37 years of oPostal Service. - Spent 3 months of 2020 in the hospital, focusing on health problems and family. I want to go do some things I want to do. My mom, Joyce Henne, a former BHSHome Econonics teacher moved in to live with me in 2020 at the age of 92. 1961 Ann Biggs Zuvekas - Falls Church, VA. - Completed 10 years of service as a member of the Fairfax County (VA) Health Care Advisory Board. Iam checking off bucket list items such as a trip to Italy, traveling the US and enjoying my family and grandson. My team and my supervisor gave me a send \-off for the ages, sharing their love and support. If anyone is interested, I can supply the right story. I retired in 2016 after working as an RN for 42 years. Then the pandemic set in and we are under strict quarantine rules, but no cases!
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