murder of former Jalisco State tourism secretary, A Cartel Firefight Just Turned a US-Mexico Border Town Into a War Zone. Action Coordinated with the Government of Mexico. We know so little about CJNG compared to the Sinaloa Cartel, cjNg has existed for around 5 years. "Elite Group" reappeared, threatening Jos Antonio Ypez, " El Los Alegres Del Barranco also made a song for him. In previous actions, OFAC designated a wide range of businesses and individuals linked to CJNG and its close ally, the previously designated Los Cuinis Drug Trafficking Organization. Whats even worse is that theyre using American made junk! Quin es Juan Carlos Gonzlez el 03? The video appears to have been filmed by the perpetrators. El lder de La Familia Michoacana habra sido capturado por sicarios e incluso habra un video de lo que el CJNG le hizo. RR has a song by Grupo Cartel, and they have only made songs exclusively for CDS in the past. El texto seala, adems, que los arrestos son el resultado de una investigacin que comenz el 29 de marzo de 2019, luego de que la polica recibi una denuncia annima sobre personas pertenecientes a un grupo criminal, supuestamente involucrados en el trfico de armas de fuego en los estados de Colima, Jalisco y la Ciudad de Mxico. An official website of the United States government. En ese momento, se volvieron comunes los vdeos de personas cercenadas por . Ruiz, also known as The YouTuber, is said to be the man behind the Jalisco Cartel New Generations propaganda videos. A real gangster? Under his watch, CJNG members have downed an army helicopter with a rocket-propelled grenade, killed dozens of state officials, and has even been known to hang the bodies of victims . 05/03/2022 - 11:32 am + Artculos relacionados . Has anyone seen the wedding invitations? The big bosses always where Luis Valencia Valencia, Armando Valencia conerlio, Abigail Gonzalez Valencia and El Mencho. Also goes by nickname of "Prieto". The Mexican city of Guadalajara was under siege for at least 10 hours Tuesday night as a shootout between alleged members of the ruthless Jalisco New Generation Cartel and official forces took over the streets. The videos usually feature several armed men dressed in tactical uniforms with the cartel initials CJNG stamped on their bulletproof vests. El corrido que compusieron Los Nuevos Ilegales, es para este Doble R or ser otro? By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications from Vice Media Group, which may include marketing promotions, advertisements and sponsored content. En octubre del ao pasado, el Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos indic a cuatro individuos como miembros del CJNG, entre ellos Jarqun Jarqun, bajo la acusacin de realizar operaciones ilcitas en el Puerto de Manzanillo, en Colima, y reas aledaas. Lol try enemy buddy. 7:21 Osama Bin Laden was CIA, in Yugoslavia, when the war of secession between Bosnia and Croatia for stealing them away from Russia like Ukrainia, right after the Sochi games, Osama was fighting for the moslems there, came to hate the US because he felt abandoned. Remember when Chapos goons kidnapped Menchito in prison and Mencho folded like a cheap suit? Governors, Generals, Etc those are the people the cartels produce the most money for. American satellites that can read a license plate know where those trucks came from and where they went! Can't wait for that. R". suffered an attack that he survived. Thats f up how his people from gallinero (Sinaloa) just left him like that nadie se le paro ya muerto. It does sound like grupo balin. "En destinos tursticos como Puerto Vallarta, el CJNG se ha involucrado mucho en el fraude de tiempos compartidos, que a menudo tiene como objetivo a los ciudadanos . EU sanciona a 8 empresas ligadas al CJNG que estafan a dueos de tiempos compartidos. Nickname please,lets see if u know,which I doubtthey dont call him el 3 just government does and authorities, El 3 is a top priority for Gente Nueva Special Forces ! If he stayed in the same place in the CDS hierarchy, Id assume hed been in some sort of management position for Los Sinaloas in GDL and Zapopan. According to local media reports from Michoacn, a man identified as "El 3" or "JPL" , is the commander of the criminal organization that leads the battle for Michoacn Square. Adems del trasiego de drogas, su actividad se concentra en el huachicol. El Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG) estableci modelos de negocios ilegales como una fuente de ingresos que usa en . He also finds him more responsible than Menchito. you know nothing Juan Nieve. Jueves 02 de marzo de 2023.-. Gonzalez - aka El 03 - has created two elite military units, El RR and El Grupo Delta, which are battling for territory in central Mexico with rival cartels. Sin embargo, el desafo no ha resultado slo contra el grupo criminal antagnico, sino contra todo el pas. Al comps del rugido de metralletas, un grupo de unos 80 sicarios del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin vestidos con equipo militar y camionetas blindadas hicieron el pasado fin de semana una demostracin de fuerza al Estado, a travs de un video. A solid plan could never come together without being infiltrated. Tips can be submitted to DEA by phone (+1-213-237-9990), through Twitter (@DEALosAngeles), and by email ( for both fugitives, Nemesio Ruben Oseguera Cervantes and Abouzaid El Bayeh. (The bloody scene left by the settling of scores between "El Marro" and "El Mencho"). Local authorities and media are reporting multiple road blockades, burning vehicles, and shootouts between Mexican security forces and unspecified criminal elements in various parts of the Guadalajara metropolitan area, the consulate said. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Los Viagras son un grupo armado predominante en el estado de Michoacn, en sus lmites con Jalisco y Colima, y el CJNG llevan aos en disputa por el territorio; sin embargo, a mediados de 2015 las amenazas y ejecuciones entre ambas bandas crecieron considerablemente. Itll blow your mind lol. Sedena clarified that so far cell was linked, is the murder of. Informe revela que Mxico es la fuente principal del fentanilo en EE.UU. This must be the dumbest shit CJNG has ever done. OFAC designated Abouzaid El Bayeh for his high-level role in facilitating drug shipments and money laundering for the Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG), a violent Mexican drug trafficking organization that is responsible for trafficking a significant proportion of the fentanyl and other deadly drugs that enter the United States. And here we are 30 years Later and still with cartels and gangs in the USA. You believe what you are supposed to believe! An image from Tuesday's fighting taken a video from allegedJalisco New Generation Cartel fighters. The incident broke out after the arrest of Ricardo Ruiz, known as RR or Doble R, one of the highest ranking members of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, according to Mexican press reports. The Mexican Marines are the only mostly loyal force that Mexico has. Jaliscos will never enter Durango, only plaza that is totally under control all the way from government to the cartel working as one to keep Durango marranos free. (June 2022) Mexican govt backs whoever the CIA tells them to back. You get them Sicario.Careful out there, few reliable gunmen like you there. Official websites use .govA .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Cds has been getting their ass kicked ever since mencho ene against that cartel. Segn la acusacin del gobierno mexicano, El 03 cre dos grupos de lite, El RR y El Grupo Delta, para disputarse el territorio con el Crtel de Santa Rosa de Lima (Guanajuato, Zacatecas, Quertaro), Los Viagras (Michoacn) y La Familia Michoacana. They can't. 9:43 I believe El Mencho eludes everything to get into your bedroom every night. Currently, the air force has 3 Northrop F-5's. Fotografan los rostros de miembros de poderoso cartel 4:47. Todays action is the result of OFACs ongoing collaboration with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Los Angeles Field Division. Never said a word in court..proves he never snitched on anybody. "A medida que el CJNG ha consolidado territorio durante la ltima dcada, ha agregado otros delitos a su actividad principal de narcotrfico [] En destinos tursticos como Puerto Vallarta, el CJNG se ha involucrado mucho en el fraude de tiempos compartidos, que a menudo tiene como objetivo a los ciudadanos estadounidenses". 02.03.2023 EU sanciona a 8 inmobiliarias mexicanas vinculadas al CJNG . Minister of National Defense Luis Cresencio told reporters Monday that the video features an elite cell of CJNG created a year ago and commanded by Juan Carlos Gonzlez, aka "El 03." "El Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin es una organizacin violenta con sede en Mxico, responsable del trfico de una proporcin significativa del fentanilo y otras drogas mortales que ingresan a Estados Unidos", seal entonces el Departamento del Tesoro. Autoridades de Estados Unidos impusieron sanciones econmicas contra ocho empresas mexicanas por estafar a ciudadanos estadunidenses dueos de viviendas de tiempo compartido en beneficio del crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin, anunci el Departamento . poor fella was just used by the other idiots y ay estan de lambe huevos ustedes .. el chanito es de Sinaloa no? This industry has been tool of the state to generate revenue for them and keep those who might rebel into a state of fear and submission. El Mencho is also a designated target of the State Department Narcotics Rewards Program (NRP) with a reward offer of up to $10 million. He was released after his capture back in 2014, and I havent seen news on him since. shoutouts to menchito the call of duty playerthats cute. Also to your point about La Coronas brief existence, dont you think La Corona and Los Aliados and all the other CDS cells just coalesced into the Los Sinaloas tag/group thats always used when talking about CDS in Jalisco? the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel that has plunged Michoacn into a spiral of The knives stabbed into the corpse fixed boards with messages to the body, one of which read "the traitor" in Spanish, Vice reports. Members of an elite force within the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) assembled a military parade. Informacin, novedades y ltima hora sobre Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin. Noticias PV (@noticiaspv) April . Making fun of Mencho was his death sentence; La Cholita, El Pirata de Culiacn and Cholo Flechas thus mocked the leader of the CJNG "I already realized that you are with the CJNG": La Vaca, the narco who broke with Mencho, threatens Mexican authorities ; Videos: "War is coming", the CJNG threatens hitmen who betrayed Mencho Many are dead and many are locked up. Cesar Morfin "El Primito" TERRITORIES OWNED: Sinaloa Cartel: Sinaloa, Durango, Nayarit, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Baja California, Baja California Sur, Aguascalientes . Heavily-armed and masked men shouting support for CJNG leader Nemesio El Mencho Oseguera Cervantes while standing beside a long convoy of heavily armored vehicles has gotten attention. Algunos medios refieren que la relacin que mantienen es de compadrazgo, aunque otros aseguran que podra ser un hijo no reconocido de Oseguera Cervantes. Farfan got the drugs from CJNG members in Michoacn, a western state . Not exactly folding like a cheap suit. Jalisco Governor Enrique Alfaro addressed the attacks Wednesday and said no one was hurt during the shootouts. I can't believe people actually larp on BB, but I understand they're just trying to make light of terrifying and demoralizing situations. In another clip, alleged members of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) are seen lined up in a caravan and firing their high-calibre weapons in the air. Antonio Oseguera Cervantes, hermano de 'El Mencho', era el encargado de la compra de armas para el CJNG; fue detenido el 4 de diciembre del 2015 en Tlajomulco de Ziga. of the armed wing, while Ricardo Ruiz Velazco, alias " El Doble R " Really what part of sinaloa they are making moves? Just ask Mayo Zambada, hes said it multiple times that he feels he works for the government not the other way around. El Millonario tiene una dura prueba ante el Granate para intentar subirse a lo ms alto de la tabla de posiciones. a former prosecutor from Jalisco and at that time the Secretary of State Labor, Todas fueron sancionadas por ser propiedad, estar controladas o dirigidas por el CJNG, incluso por haber actuado en nombre del grupo criminal, directa o indirectamente, explic el Departamento del Tesoro. Lol hes fkd, That's just a rumor.. the other rumor is mencho kidnapped chapitos and got a big ransom and plazas I believe the second theory for the fact that cjng has more territory than any cartel in Mexico. simultaneously in several parts of the city. (CNN Espaol) -- Las autoridades policiales de Mxico capturaron a Christian "N", "El Zorro",y a Aldrin Miguel Jarqun Jarqun, "El Chaparrito", presuntos lderes del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG), confirmaron fuentes del gobierno este lunes a CNN. Desde analistas de logstica hasta ingenieros, Hiplito Mora, exlder de autodefensas, denuncia ataque en su contra; hay 2 heridos, "Los sistemas inteligentes pueden propagar estupidez artificial", advierte experto, Huesera, filme que navega en el gnero de horror, para hablar de la maternidad, La prdida amorosa es una de las ms radicales que todos conocemos: Pablo Azcar, Samovar es la historia de vida de mi abuela y mi obra ms ntima: Ethel Krauze, La historia sera otra si hubiramos puesto la maternidad al centro: Tania Tagle, La Cabeza de Joaqun Murrieta, una serie basada en el "Robin Hood" mexicano, "Cualquier cosa se puede conseguir": Zaber celebra firma con disquera holandesa, La atmsfera futurista de Astronoma Interior llegar a Vive Latino y Pa'l Norte, En Edomex persiste la "dinosaurica" cultura poltica del Grupo Atlacomulco: Barranco, "Salvajes", cancin con la que LEZ honra la memoria de su vocalista Carlos Baltazar, "Necesitamos voces diversas": scar Jaenada y Maya Zapata presentan Horario estelar, Es una suerte haber disfrutado de un amor a lo largo de 30 aos: Luis Garca Montero, Santiago Nieto critica que jueces federales decidan en funcin de su sesgo poltico, Canad: Rescatan a 64 trabajadores mexicanos que eran explotados por red traficante, Cocaine Bear: Pablo Escobar y la real historia criminal del oso cocainmano, Cocaine Bear eclipsa a "Ant-Man", pero no lo quita de la cima de la taquilla, HBO pone fecha al regreso de La Casa del Dragn; se estrenar en el 2024, Avatar 2 supera a Titanic en las 10 pelculas ms taquilleras de la historia, Que Viva Mxico!, de Luis Estrada, comparte triler lleno de stira poltica, Pinocho, de Guillermo del Toro, triunfa con el BAFTA a Mejor Pelcula Animada, Nuevo avance del remake de La Sirenita con la rsula de Melissa McCarthy, Todd Phillips comparte la primera foto de la secuela del Joker con Lady Gaga, AppleTV+ revela la fecha de estreno de la tercera temporada de Ted Lasso, Bridgerton 3 estrena avance con la reina Carlota como la protagonista, Magic Mikes Last Dance gana 8.2 mdd en primer fin de semana; domina taquilla, Argentina 1985, de Ricardo Darn, gana el Goya a Mejor Pelcula Iberoamericana. 03 de Marzo de 2023 Trending. They are dependent on American trade and their loans because the govt officials steal all the other money the govt has in it's coffers. Los presuntos lderes detenidos del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG) son Christian "N", "El Zorro" y a Aldrin Miguel Jarqun Jarqun, "El Chaparrito". They had their run but now all you hear is cjng like cds years back.. just look at all the stories here in BB, most are cjng.. Other individuals could face up to 10 years in prison and fines pursuant to Title 18 of the United States Code for criminal violations of the Kingpin Act. The Alegres song surprised me since 3 members of the group are related to the guzmans, the singers being from San Jose del Barranco and chapos being from La Tuna (neighboring ranchos ). OR one of them wanted the attention and made fake corridos while the other prefers to stay in the shadows , CJNG been around for years and Valencias for decades Im sure theres stories of Nacho Wanting to break away from CDS with los Valencias go make something bigger then CDS and this is the aftermath chapo snitched got Nancho killed and CJNG broke away from CDS, CJNG is not a "cartel" they're just criminal/gang cells under a franchise brand like zetas did before to expand so quickly.S, 5 years ? Why do yall Sinaloa dudes or groupies swear other people can't step foot in Sinaloa? Notice the word "mostly". CJNG is a violent Mexico-based organization that traffics a significant proportion of the illicit fentanyl and other deadly drugs that enter the United States. Por El Debate. El doble R has a corrido adriel favela sings it, bur unlike the cds corridos his song is not exagerated, its called sigo con lo mio, i thought favela only sang for cds, i mean he is from durango. The notion that Sedena does anything in the interest of the people or actual law enforcement is ridiculous. 1. . . I see people talking about CJNG not being able to step into Sinaloa but people I know in Culiacan have said that there already there making moves slowly. The U.S. consulate in Guadalajara issued a warning asking people to seek secure shelter and notify friends and family of their safety. Treasurys action against Abouzaid El Bayeh is a demonstration of the United States continuing commitment to dismantling CJNG through the targeting of critical cogs in the organizations leadership structure, said Director of the Office of Foreign Assets Control Andrea M. Gacki. Rumors have Mexicans training to use Blackhawk helicopters at night with flares. Haters gonna hate. He was an informant working with the government and gave up enemies/his own people. LETS see how it turns OUT , That's HOW CALDERON started hunting DOWN la familia MICHOACANA, he DIDN'T totally dismantle it but stopped THEM FROM reaching THEIR peak.. Courtesy of DEA. Only way it would blow my mind is if it was Molcas son or maybe Chango Mendez. CJNG. Que chingados hay en Sinaloa que le interese al CJNG? "Elite Group" had been heard of in the spring 2018 arrests. Andar a salto de mata, "jumping from the bushes" translates better to the more usual "hiding in the bushes". Leave it alone altogether, Only if u guys knew who his real dad is lol!! Las ocho son sancionadas por ser propiedad, estar controladas o dirigidas por el CJNG o bien por haber actuado en nombre de este grupo, . Por: La Jornada . -Like El Gordo Valencia of the AutoDefensas? Notorious Mexico cartel leader El Azul has been arrested. El gobernador Cuitlhuac Garca dijo que el video fue un montaje del CJNG para desacreditar a su gobierno. En su comunicado, el Departamento del Tesoro, comparti que uno de los fraudes que cometen contra los propietarios es mencionar que tienen candidatos para comprar sus inmuebles o hacer ofertas para la misma. "El 03": posible sucesor de "El Mencho" "El 03" tendra tanto poder y confianza en el CJNG que sera el posible sucesor de "El Mencho". CJNG is a violent Mexico-based organization that traffics a significant proportion of the illicit fentanyl and other deadly . CJNG decapita sin piedad a presunto integrante de Los Zetas. Since u guys dont much of him i will not say much!! Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Hes a clown. military power of the armed wing, as well as a sample of support for "El EU sanciona a 8 empresas mexicanas por estafas vinculadas al "CJNG". Another fact to which this CJNG cell was linked, is the murder of Adolfo Mendoza Valencia, "El Michoacano", the alleged head of a rival group's plaza in the Valle de Santiago municipality. El extorsionador le exigi . Animo Sicarios There is only one highly trained group in the Cartel World .Gente Nueva Special Forces Tier 1 Operators !Loyal only to the Guzman dynasty New People 006, When is the first Sicario 006 podcast and YouTube channel coming out? What I dont understand how people like you cheer for one cartel and talk smack about cartels but cheer like high school horny girls for another. Dalia Rojas Estados Unidos / 03.03.2023 13:22:51. El "Doble R" fue vinculado con el homicidio del entonces secretario de Turismo de Jalisco, Jos de Jess Gallegos lvarez ocurrido en marzo de 2013.El narco opera bajo las rdenes del hijastro de Oseguera Cervantes, Juan Carlos Valencia alias "El 03", quien presuntamente cre las clulas lite del CJNG para pelar en contra de los crteles de Santa Rosa de Lima, Los Viagras y La . The alleged capture of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel commander Ricardo Ruiz aka "Doble R" or "The YouTuber" resulted in a massive firefight in Guadalajara. Carteles de la droga mexicanos se infiltran en crceles de Ecuador, controladas por el crimen. "La comunidad decidi instalar un campamento de bloqueo a la entrada de la granja porccola, haciendo uso de su derecho legtimo a la protesta pacfica". This was a rumor, them being related, but I spoke to a friend from Revolcadero and he said they indeed are. De acuerdo con el Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos, estos narcotraficantes son de los ms violentos del crtel de Nemesio Oseguera, alias el Mencho. Ironic statement that haters gonna hate when the story is that Mencho received access to border crossings as a result of the kidnapping. Segn la investigacin con terminacin 342/03-2021, el dueo de un bar . Likewise, criminal cells associated with the Sinaloa Cartel have clashed with the CJNG in Zacatecas. . attorney general Ral Snchez Jimnez, who detailed that they confessed that It's a myth they can read license plates. What????????? The authorities only have identified as children of "El Mencho" Jessica Johanna and Rubn, nicknamed "El Menchito", who has been held since 2015 in a high security prison in the state of Oaxaca. Ruiz is also under investigation for the killing of Venezuelan model Daisy Ferrer in 2012 and the murder of former Jalisco State tourism secretary Jos de Jess Gallegos in 2013. 02/03/2023 - 09:04 por Israel Campos Montes. recibi una llamada de un sujeto que se identific como comandante del CJNG en 2019. 2023 Cable News Network. Compartir en . Happen to zetas, caballeros templarios (under PAN blessing) and now tecato Mencho time's up. El Jardinero del CJNG por el que EU ofrece 5 millones de dlares Por trfico de drogas, EU acusa a Tony Montana, hermano de El Mencho A travs de un comunicado, la directora de la OFAC, Andrea . Tras capturar a los tres sicarios rivales los descuartizaron y grabaron un video. Se llama Ricardo Ruiz Velazco, alias el "Doble R" o el "Tripa" es uno de los lderes con mayor poder en el CJNG, cuyo lder principal es identificado como Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes . I said it before. What can he say in court? @3:14 What happened to Martin Beltran Coronel (El Aguila)? Monday, the head of the Sedena, Luis Crescencio Sandoval, pointed out that the two videos broadcast are authentic and that it is about He is known as "Juan Nieve" Animo Sicarios. CJNG is a violent Mexico-based organization that traffics . The groups that appear in the The elite group was formed last year and is led by Juan Carlos Gonzlez, 'El 03'. Bravo.La Camarilla. El seor de los cocks es un master en el arte de la guerra, The U.S CREADED the MEXICAN CARTELS and they could DISMANTLE them if they REALLY wanted TOO, Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo; El 03. In May 2018, Luis Carlos Njera, These operators were trained by a CIA SAD ground branch operator who works for our organization . Only Mexico in all of Latin America has tier 1 operators. "Me parece que a pesar de sus graves errores del pasado, los partidos son tiles y necesarios, indispensables para lograr un triunfo opositor en las, "Hoy las posibilidades de que haya charcos estn ms en que el presidente y los lderes de Morena rieguen el tepache a que lluevan algunas.
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