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Could it be that her lack of blinking stems from a clumsy attempt to emulate her idol? Those were literally herwords. The Theranos commercials directed by Errol Morris were, um, interesting. Hmmmm. Holmes was known for having lots of powerful men on her side, including Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State George Shultz (whose grandson Tyler famously blew the whistle on Theranoss shady practices) and Secretary of Defense James Mattis, all of whom served on Theranoss board. It started, inevitably, with the turtleneck. Just after she was convicted of conspiracy and fraud last January, Elizabeth Holmes allegedly bought a one-way ticket to Mexico in an effort to flee the country . Between the intense eye makeup and the fact that Holmes hardly ever blinks, you've got a woman who pretty clearly wants to grab your attention and keep it. The woman had a stillbirth in 2021 in South Carolina, which explicitly criminalizes self-managed abortion. ), but the pieces still sit oddly on Ms. Seyfried. Holmes testified that she had owned 51 percent of Theranos and was able to remove or fire anyone she wished, including Balwani, lab directors and board members, effectively placing her in control . Everything We Know About the University of Idaho Murders. Maybe it's press training. But actually seeing the footage of these ads is another story entirely. And no one thought it was weird at the time. 3. [Its] my uniform. The dog is a Husky and like most dogs of that breed has a tiny trace of wolf in him. How the costume and makeup teams for The Dropout, a new Hulu series, transformed Amanda Seyfried into the disgraced Theranos founder. Her wardrobe is filled with ill-fitting and unflattering secondhand pieces that Ms. Parkinson, who was nominated for two Emmys for her work on The Politician, sourced from eBay, Etsy, Depop, Poshmark and costume warehouses in Los Angeles, where she and her wife live part-time. THE . Alex Gibneys new documentary The Inventor: Out for Blood In Silicon Valley, which premiered on HBO on Monday night, aims to provide more nuance to the familiar story by featuring never-before-seen leaked footage, as well as by trying to depict Holmes not as a turtleneck-wearing, Gru-esque villain, but as a well-intentioned mogul whose dreams of changing the world far outpaced her ability to actually do so. In Holmes' case, that means black turtlenecks, dyed blonde hair, and a French manicure and, perhaps most notably, eyes ringed with thick black eyeliner and dark eyeshadow. AmyLamareis a Los Angeles based freelance writer covering entertainment, pop culture, beauty, fashion, fitness, technology, and the intersection of technology, business, and philanthropy. Editors picks How did she reel so many big names like Henry Kissinger into her web of lies? It started, inevitably, with the turtleneck. Holmes had both children with her current partner, William Billy Evans. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. I still wonder about that co-worker, and I expect I will for the rest of my life. ), In the new Theranos HBO documentary, The Inventor, Holmes baritone is on full, strange display. You grow., Im Sick of Being the Bad Guy in Relationships. But their nonverbal behavior is often so convincing and distracting that people dont recognize theyre being deceitful. (Holmess family recently denied these claims to TMZ, insisting her voice is naturally low, just like her grandmothers. But its equally possible that this was just one of the many, many things about Holmes that was just, well, kind of weird. This email will be used to sign into all New York sites. Get all your true crime news from Oxygen. When she came to me she didnt have a low voice," Dr. Phyllis Gardner, a professor of medicine at Stanford who workedwith Holmes during her freshman year of college, told Rebecca Jarvis on"The Dropout" podcast. Such details were essential to the construction of Ms. Holmess identity in Silicon Valley, from her initial investor meetings to her fraud trial, where she showed up with beach waves and a diaper bag. Terms of Service apply. When The Dropout began shooting in June 2021, Ms. Parkinson had spent more than a year mulling the inner life and outer appearance of Ms. Holmes. Traci Brown, the author of How to Detect Lies, Fraud and Identity Theft, notices (even though it is extremely subtle) that in this deposition video in which she is questioned sentence by sentence about a Fortune article that includes verbatim claims she made about her companys achievements she nods yes even though she says I dont know exactly to most of the sentences in question or I dont believe that is correct. Very tricky. I was always like: Why is she wearing that? They were all befuddling choices. But one image struck her as looking the most natural: Ms. Holmes at Burning Man, wearing a bulky coat with a furry collar and oversize pink sunglasses. W hen it comes to learning about Elizabeth Holmes and her now-defunct company Theranos, there is no shortage of source material. When someone is dominating the news cycle to the extent that Holmes is right now, it's hard not to take a closer look at the way they style themselves for public consumption. Morin also wrote that psychopaths, speak slowly and quietly. The twosome also face some new indictments and could go to prison for 20 years if they lose. All rights reserved. Towardthe end of Theranos, Holmes was caughtin several lies about her business dealings but in an article exploring Holmes' life in the wake of Theranos' dissolution, Vanity Fair writer Nick Bilton stumbled upon a peculiarfactoid about a lie Holmes told about her dog, Balto. As Rogets runs out of synonyms for liar and scammer, the media has dug deep into its extensive psychoanalytical training to diagnose Holmes as a sociopath, psychopath or merely a Machiavellian Mephistopheles. Elizabeth Holmes is known for many things: A now-defunct blood testing company once valued at $9 billion, a possibly faked deep voice, and a signature look of bleached-blonde hair, Kohl-rimmed . But theres gotta be a more-than-zero possibility that her infrequent blinking isnt something she was born with. Although Holmes presented herself as affable and enthusiastic, reports from Carreyrou's book indicate that in reality she was deeply paranoid. At Paris Fashion Week, Different Takes on Glamour. She held staff meetings at the same time Jobs did. She is thought to have been holed up in the Green Gables Estate in Woodside since at least last March. Even as her voice deepens and her posture straightens out, Hulus Elizabeth Holmes looks consistently awkward and maladroit. To be nonpartisan, notice that Werewolf Blitzer hasnt said much, if anything, about Holmes and Theranos? The sentence imposed by U.S. District Judge Edward Davila was shorter than the 15-year penalty requested by federal prosecutors but . And although Holmes and Balwani made an effort to at least pretend like they had built a solid corporate culture, after Gibbons death, Rochelle says she never heard from Theranos again except when the company reached out to her to ask her to return some proprietary documents related to the company. Margaret Thatcher took elocution lessons and became the Prime Minister of England. Elizabeth Holmes believed that Theranos,the company she helmed, would change the world until her shady business practices caught up with her. There are some crazy theories and rumors floating around about her. Why was a word I kept asking myself, Ms. Parkinson said of her time researching Ms. Holmes. Only Owens has the power to demolish our notions of dress. She appears to have broken off her engagement and is spending a lot of time with Tyga. Things that are super-feminine and flowery are big no-nos. Strange stories about Holmes' sartorial inclinations have since emerged as well. She lulled us, she calmed us. Tennessee Bans Drag Shows in Public Places. From an allegedly faked baritone voice to bizarrestories about her dog, here are the most interesting stories about Holmes' eccentric quirks. A number of former Theranosemployees spoke toABC Newsand said they thought shepurposely changed her voice, adding that she would sometimes slip up and speak in a higher pitch, especiallywhen she'd been drinking. You know, in a very forceful way., 6. 5. ", What Elizabeth Holmes Bloodshot, Non-Blinking Eyes Mean, This story includes sexually explicit language. She changed her voice to come off as more powerful as studies have shown that a lower voice is perceived as more authoritative. So far, this has only been demonstrated in isolated body part movement, The Royal Society explainedin a media release. You ask her the date, she says 'I don't know, I'm married to Theranos.' Many have interpreted Holmes decision to constantly wear black turtlenecks as an homage to her hero, Steve Jobs, whom she frequently quoted in interviews and board meetings. Or perhaps all these rolled into one clinically hot mess of evil bad. "She wore Jobs'black turtleneck, she had her picture taken with a slimminglens to make her neck look thinner, she had staff meetings at the same time as Jobs did, she imitated his body language pullingthe nanotainer[where Theranoswould store the drop of a patient's blood it claimed it would test] out of her pocket the same way Jobs did with the iPhone," Fuisztold Inc.com. Scleral. Shes completely happy and in her own world., https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/01/style/elizabeth-holmes-dropout-amanda-seyfried.html. (Best to check the mirror before we jaccuse the media.). This Season, Another Magic Show. Sebasstian (@gokustom), Who Was Ian Gibbons? A Pullet Surprise-winning writer who always appreciates free chicken. John Brandon of Inc.wrote of this talk: She used plenty of interesting factoids. Much of what we know about Holmes' allegedly odd behavior also comes from Carreyrou's book "Bad Blood," which explored Theranos' shadiness. Learning to speak slower or removing umms and likes from your daily dialogue, especially if you are in a role that requires speaking to more than one person is one thing, but to completely change oneself to appear to be a completely different person that is doing anything to become more powerful is psychopathic. (Ms. Holmes was found guilty on one count of conspiracy and three counts of wire fraud, and will be sentenced in September. Researchers suspect they craft a calm demeanor intentionally because it helps them gain more control in their personal interactions., She used plenty of interesting factoids. She always looks shocked and yet, there isn't anything behind her eyes. It wasn't all that long ago that Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes was the youngest female self-made billionaire in the world. Elizabeth Holmes was born on Friday February 3rd 1984, in Washington, District of Columbia, United States. A 2017 piece from Inc. Magazine even called Jobss penchant for deep eye contact the one body language habit that made Steve Jobs really successful. Surely a woman who thought dressing like Steve Jobs was the best route up the corporate ladder would probably study his mannerisms as well. While the overall look of the production is unflashy and heavy on earth tones, Ms. Parkinson let the surrounding cast stand in chic contrast to the central figure. The documents unsealed may include Holmes' psychological evaluation . New Details About The Theranos President (And Elizabeth Holmes' Boyfriend) From The Netlfix Documentary, Inside The Rumors That Pedro Pascal Is Queer & Why He Does Nothing To Shut Them Down, 19 Pictures Of Kim Kardashian 'Before Plastic Surgery', Man Says All You Need To Test If Your Partner Is Cheating On You Is A Used Water Bottle, A post shared by Elizabeth Holmes (@therealelizabethholmes). tend to mimic the body language of the person were lying to. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. . I wouldnt call them attorneys. My hair is definitely not br, Bonjour, mon amies! Parties with Guerlain, Margiela, and more. You\'ll receive the next newsletter in your inbox. The story of Theranos has been adapted into a book (John Carreyrous Bad Blood), a podcast (ABC News The Dropout), and is even set to be adapted for the big screen (Jennifer Lawrence is reportedly playing Holmes, natch.). Meanwhile, Givenchy and Chlo fell short. would someone do this. There are seemingly fewer scenarios in which a higher voice is beneficial, though women with higher voices are perceived as more fertile, feminine, and diminutive than their lower-voiced peers, which may partly explain the babygirl whisper Paris Hilton perfected on The Simple Life. Reviews of Theranos from Glassdoor confirm at least some of the details presented by Carreyrou, with former employees describing the environment of the company as cult-like. But dont worryyou can still pop on a turtleneck and some thick eyeliner when youre in the mood to gaslight and gatekeep with the best of em. They reportedly tied the knot in 2019 and first met at a party back in 2017. Password must be at least 8 characters and contain: As part of your account, youll receive occasional updates and offers from New York, which you can opt out of anytime. The cameraman then asks her to do Yodas voice, and for a moment, I held my breath. 8 Weird Things We Learned from the HBO Elizabeth Holmes Documentary, People Are Getting Pregnant on TikToks Trendy On-Demand Birth Control, Netflixs Perfect Match Is Horny, Utterly Ridiculous Fun, She Built a Following as Taylor Swifts Doppelgnger. Have You Tried Eating an Orange in the Shower? To tide us over, here are eight new, jaw-dropping revelations about Holmes from reliable internet sources that wish to remain anonymous: Why didnt Holmes just go with the vampire look? Not that I want to. Coordination can take place both on a conscious and a more unconscious or automatic level. OConnor says the research backs the effort behind Holmess baritone, too: Some of the research weve worked on shows that when men and women deliberately lower their voices, its actually successful, she says. We have to start with it as it hits you right in the face the moment she opens her mouth. Sanders says. "That being said, it certainly is very 'listen to me, hear me' makeup.". They are also pointing to Holmes' unblemished record while she has been free on bail during the four-and-half years since her criminal indictment as evidence that she isn't a flight risk or a danger to the community. Wild animal. The disgraced CEO is famous for her intense unbroken eye contact with everyone (including potential jurors). This, of course, only makes me more interested. It soared in valuation after the company claimed to have revolutionized blood testing by developing methods that could use surprisingly small volumes of . Although she currently faces several fraud charges, she continues to maintain her innocence. In 2003, Holmes founded and was the chief executive officer (CEO) of Theranos, a now-defunct health technology company. Still, Holmes might believe that her unbroken gaze makes her more powerful and more convincing, in the style of Jobs or other renowned non-blinkers. She never really said anything about the science.. 5 min read. Elizabeth Holmes was the founder and former CEO of Theranos, a health technology company that marketed a new mode of blood testing. In Amanda Seyfrieds first fitting for her role as Elizabeth Holmes in The Dropout, Claire Parkinson, the shows costume designer, focused on the disgraced Theranos founders trademark top: a black Issey Miyake turtleneck pulled from the uniform of her idol Steve Jobs. Every single character had huge closets, Ms. Parkinson said. She was written aboutin and covered bydozens of media outlets. Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes is asking for a new trial after being convicted on fraud charges earlier this year, now claiming that a witness for the prosecution came forward expressing regret . Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes has been sentenced to 11 years behind bars as she awaits the birth of her second child, RadarOnline.com has learned. She was hired to work in the show in March 2020. Separately, Ms. Parkinson got married; bought an 1860s house in Litchfield County, Conn.; and dealt with a case of Covid-19 in March 2021, which forced her to pull out of a project that was shooting in Atlanta and send her sister, Lily Parkinson, also a costume designer and personal stylist, in her place. In Carreyrous book, he describes how Holmes would make unflinching (but probably somewhat disturbing) eye contact with her deep blue eyes when she was speaking with someone. Elizabeth Holmes, founder and former chief executive officer of Theranos Inc., center right, arrives with her legal team at U.S. federal court in San Jose, Calif., U.S., May 6, 2021. "The only thing in her refrigerator was bottled water. One former employee who worked there for six years said that he felt like he had been a victim ofgaslighting by Holmes. gaslighting by Holmes. "A person can stare at you with . The counsel for Theranos allegedly resorted to appalling strong-arm tactics to bury the Wall Street Journalstory. The media also might be just a little more respectfully fearful that Holmes actually could decide to bite and turn them into waxy, bloodless, evil shape-shifters such as Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and other Trump puppets on Fox. Bloomberg via . Theranos, a blood-testing company that hoped to democratize healthcare, was at one point valued by Forbes at $9 billion but when Wall Street Journal writer John Carreyrou exposed the chaos behind . FILE - Theranos founder and CEO Elizabeth Holmes, center, walks into federal court in San Jose, Calif., Nov. 18, 2022. Fluid collects in the small amount of space between the lens and cornea. Judge Edward Davila said he may unseal some documents in the Elizabeth Holmes trial related to her mental health records. Optometrists Grant Reid (who has a practice in Cornwall) and Judith Morris, director of the Institute of Optometry in London; Elizabeth Holmes, school teacher and veteran contact- lens wearer. Elizabeth Holmes arriving to . With Holmes on the stand the last of three witnesses called by the defense and an end to the long trial in sight, people began showing up as early as 2 a.m. or 3 a.m. local time to nab one . Might this just be fickle fandom, cheering Icarus on his flight to the sun then jeering his humbling crash to earth? The Inventor features multiple people testifying to the strong-arm tactics of Theranoss legal counsel as led by David Boies, the powerful attorney who was also on the board of Theranos. She talked about things we care about. This week Ladders News reported that the former golden-child Theranos CEO is under another federal investigation after allegedly destroying already-subpoenad evidence that is part of her investor fraud case. The first day on the job you start to become a victim of gaslighting," reads one review. She was also deeply paranoid. Holmes would occasionally fall out of her (allegedly) fake deep voice while drinking. The primary purpose of the blink reflex is for the protection of the surface of the eye, she told VICE. Elizabeth Holmes holds her husband's hand as she leaves the federal courthouse in San Jose on Sept. 8, 2021. In. Those who listened to The Dropout and/or read Bad Bloodknow that Theranos hired award-winning documentarian Errol Morris (Thin Blue Line) to produce some promo spots for the company. Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes arrives to attend her fraud trial at federal court in San Jose, California, U.S., December 16, 2021. According to George Shultz, the former Secretary of State and grandfather of Theranos whistleblower Tyler Shultz, Boies sent his team over to Shultzs house to use bullying and intimidation tactics to silence his grandson. Wearing a uniform as armor has long been a favored strategy of women seeking respect in the male-dominated preserve of Silicon Valley. Or maybe she's just insane. Theranos, a blood-testing company thathoped to democratize healthcare,was at one point valued by Forbes at $9 billion but when Wall Street Journal writerJohn Carreyrou exposedthe chaosbehind the scenes in 2015 (Theranos claimed it could gather medical data from a tiny blood sample, but that technology simply didn't exist), the brand was ultimately forced to dissolve.

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