Configuring Authentication Table 10-1 Default Authentication Parameters (continued) Parameter Description Default Value macauthentication Globally enables or disables MAC authentication on a device. Guest networking allows an administrator to specify a set of credentials that will, by default, appear on the PWA login page of an end station when a user attempts to access the network. Figure 10-2 Authenticating Multiple Users With Different Methods on a Single Port Authentication Method 802. Use the no command to reset the IGMP last member query interval to the default value of 1 second. Note: When configuring any string or name parameter input for any command, do not use any letters with diacritical marks (an ancillary glyph added to a letter). If it is not, then the sending device proceeds no further. C5(rw)->set linkflap portstate disable ge.1.1-12 Link Flap Detection Display Commands Table 8-3 lists link flap detection show commands. The [state] option is valid only for S-Series and Matrix N-Series devices. Enabling IGMP globally on the device and on the VLANs. Thisexampleshowshowtodisplay802.1Xstatus: Thisexampleshowshowtodisplayauthenticationdiagnosticsinformationforge.1.1: Thisexampleshowshowtodisplayauthenticationstatisticsforge.1.1: ThisexampleshowshowtodisplayMACauthenticationinformationforge.2.1through8: Tabl e 263providesanexplanationofthecommandoutput. All routers with the same VRID should be configured with the same advertisement interval. Managing Switch Configuration and Files Managing Files Table 6-1 lists the tasks and commands used to manage files. set sflow receiver index ip ipaddr 3. sFlow Table 18-7 lists the commands to display sFlow information and statistics. To clear the MultiAuth authentication mode. Configuring PIM-SM Table 19-8 DVMRP Show Commands Task Command Display DVMRP routing information, neighbor information, or DVMRP enable status. Graft messages are sent upstream hop-by-hop until the multicast tree is reached. Saving the Configuration and Connecting Devices C5(su)->show ssh SSH Server status: Enabled 2. Precaucin: Contiene informacin esencial para prevenir daar el equipo. Additional Configuration Tasks Setting User Accounts and Passwords Enterasys switches are shipped with three default user accounts: A super-user access account with a username of admin and no password A read-write access account with a username of rw and no password A read-only access account with a username of ro and no password Enterasys recommends that, for security purposes, you set up one or more unique user accounts with passwords and disable the default login accounts. The alternate ports are blocking. In global configuration mode, configure an IPv6 static route. System Priority Value used to build a LAG ID, which determines aggregation precedence. Additionally, a received BPDU will be treated as any multicast packet and flooded out all ports. The stackable fixed switch and standalone fixed switch devices support MAC-based authentication. Use the clear port broadcast command to return broadcast threshold settings to the default of 14881 packets per second. The process described in this section would be repeated on every device that is connected in the network to ensure that each device has a secure management VLAN. sFlow sFlow Agent Functionality Packet flow sampling and counter sampling are performed by sFlow Instances associated with individual Data Sources within the sFlow Agent. Example PoE Configuration A PoE-compliant G-Series device is configured as follows: One 400W power supply is installed. Ctrl+D Delete a character. Bridges A, B, E and F participate in VLAN 20. Switch# Switch#conf t Enterasys Switch: List of Devices # Model Type of Document; 1: Enterasys I3H252: Enterasys Switch I3H252 Hardware installation manual (78 pages) 2: Enterasys I Series: TACACS+ Procedure 26-4 TACACS+ Configuration (continued) Step Task Command(s) 8. TACACS+ Configuring the Source Address You can configure the source IP address used by the TACACS+ application on the switch when generating packets for management purposes. Port Mirroring Configuring SMON MIB Port Mirroring SMON port mirroring support allows you to redirect traffic on ports remotely using SMON MIBs. Table 3-1 lists some commonly used commands. MultiAuth idle-timeout Specifies the period length for which no traffic is received before a MultiAuth session is set to idle. ARP requests are flooded in the VLAN. VLAN Support on Enterasys Switches If a unicast untagged frame is received on Port 5, it would be classified for VLAN 50. (Not applicable for super user accounts. RMON Users You can display information about the active console port or Telnet session(s) logged in to the switch. Thisexampleshowshowtodisplayinformationaboutallswitchunitsinthestack: Thisexampleshowshowtodisplayinformationaboutswitchunit1inthestack: Thisexampleshowshowtodisplaystatusinformationforswitchunit1inthestack: Usethiscommandtodisplayinformationaboutsupportedswitchtypesinthestack. Configuring VLANs the device. TACACS+ You can also configure TACACS+ to use a single TCP connection for all TACACS+ client requests to a given TACACS+ server. Understanding How VLANs Operate Forwarding Decisions VLAN forwarding decisions for transmitting frames is determined by whether or not the traffic being classified is or is not in the VLANs forwarding database as follows: Unlearned traffic: When a frames destination MAC address is not in the VLANs forwarding database (FDB), it will be forwarded out of every port on the VLANs egress list with the frame format that is specified. User Authentication Overview password configured on the switch to the authentication server. The PIM specifications define several modes or methods by which a PIM router can build the distribution tree. Configuring ACLs Port-string ----------ge.1.29 Access-list ----------121 Configuring ACLs This section provides procedures and examples for configuring IPv4, IPv6, and MAC ACLs. SEVERABILITY. Periodically, say every second, the sFlow Agent examines the list of counter sources and sends any counters that need to be sent to meet the sampling interval requirement. User Account Overview The emergency access user is still subject to the system lockout interval even on the console port. Two PoE modules are installed. Use the ipv6 nd ns-interval command to configure the interval between Neighbor Solicitation messages sent on an interface. DHCPv6 Configuration Relay Remote ID Option Flags Procedure 25-7 on page 25-17 describes the tasks to configure a Fixed Switch interface as a DHCPv6 server. Packet Forwarding DAI forwards valid ARP packets whose destination MAC address is not local. sFlow Procedure Procedure 18-2 on page 18-14 provides the steps and commands to configure sFlow. 9 Configuring VLANs This chapter describes how to configure VLANs on Enterasys fixed stackable and standalone switches. . Configuring PIM-SM Figure 19-6 PIM-SM Configuration VLAN 9 172.2.2/24 Router R2 VLAN 3 VLAN 5 VLAN 7 VLAN 2 172.2.4/24 VLAN 8 172.1.2/24 Router R1 172.1.1/24 Router R4 172.4.4/24 172.3.4/24 172.1.3/24 VLAN 4 VLAN 6 Router R3 172.3.3/24 VLAN 10 Routers R1 and R4 Configuration On Router R1, at the switch level, IGMP snooping is enabled globally and on the ports connected to hosts. Table 15-5 on page 15-19 defines the characteristics of each MSTI. routing interface A VLAN or loopback interface configured for IP routing. STP Operation STP Operation Enterasys switch devices support the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP), and Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) as defined in the following standards and described in IEEE 802.1Q: IEEE 802.1D (Spanning Tree Protocol) IEEE 802.1w (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol) IEEE 802.1s (Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol) IEEE 802.1t (Update to 802. Then, it looks to see if the tag list (v3TrapTag) specified in the notification entry exists. Thisexampleshowshowtodisplayswitchtypeinformationaboutallswitchesinthestack: switchindex (Optional)Specifiestheswitchindex(SID)oftheswitchtypetodisplay. It provides the performance and reliability you expect from the data center, but optimized for office environments, with physical security and whisper-quiet operation. By enabling the link flap detection feature on your Enterasys switch, you can monitor and act upon link flapping to avoid these recalculations. Configuration parameters and stacking information can also be cleared on the master unit only by selecting the restore configuration to factory defaults option from the boot menu on switch startup. This configuration requires a charging circuit to charge the DC capacitors of the modules in a controlled way. Find out what model of switch you are upgrading and what is current version of firmware running on the switch. The sources DR registers (that is, encapsulates) and sends multicast data from the source directly to the RP via a unicast routing protocol (number 1 in figure). . Advanced Configuration Overview Table 4-3 Advanced Configuration (continued) Task Refer to Configure the Telnet client and server. Achtung: Verweit auf wichtige Informationen zum Schutz gegen Beschdigungen. RMON There are only three Filter Entries available, and a user can associate all three Filter Entries with the Channel Entry. With cloud management, thousands of switch ports can be configured and monitored instantly over the web. Ports assigned to a new port group cannot belong to another non-default port group entry and must be comprised of the same port type as defined by the port group you are associating it with. February 23rd, 2018 - View and Download Enterasys N Standalone NSA Series configuration manual online Enterasys Networks Switch Configuration Guide N Standalone NSA Series Switch pdf manual download An Open Letter to Non Natives in Headdresses April 28th, 2018 - my name is tara and I come from an indian back ground as well my grand father was . set snmp community community_name 2. Terms and Definitions 9-16 Configuring VLANs. Diffserv Disabled. Upon receipt, the RADIUS client software will calculate its own authenticator response using the information that was passed in the MS-CHAP2-Response attribute and the user's passed clear text password. Service ACLs Restricting Management Access to the Console Port You can restrict access to system management to the switchs serial port only. set sntp poll-retry retry 5. Table 25-3 lists the tasks and commands. Configuring CLI Properties Table 3-2 CLI Properties Configuration Commands (continued) Task Command Set the time (in minutes) an idle console or Telnet set logout timeout CLI session will remain connected before timing out. A value of 0x06 indicates that the tunneling medium pertains to 802 media (including Ethernet) Tunnel-Private-Group-ID attribute indicates the group ID for a particular tunneled session. If the running stack uses a ring stack topology, break the ring and make the stack cable connections to the new unit to close the ring. 16 Configuring Policy This chapter provides an overview of Enterasys policy operation, describes policy terminology, and explains how to configure policy on Fixed Switch platforms using the CLI. Configuring Link Aggregation This section provides details for the configuration of link aggregation on the N-Series, S-Series, stackable, and standalone switch products. set system login username {readwrite|read-only} enable (All other parameters are optional.) SSH Overview on page 4-24 Configure the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server. Determines if the keys for trap doors do exist. Basic OSPF Topology Configuration Router 1(su)->router(Config-if(Vlan 2))#no shutdown Router 1(su)->router(Config-if(Vlan 2))#exit Router 1(su)->router(Config)#interface loopback 0 Router 1(su)->router(Config-if(Lpbk 0))#ip address Router 1(su)->router(Config-if(Lpbk 0))#no shutdown Router 1(su)->router(Config-if(Lpbk 0))#exit Router 1(su)->router(Config)#router id 10.10.10. Port Traffic Rate Limiting You can mix WRR and SP by assigning SP to the higher numbered queues and assigning WRR to the lower numbered queues, making sure that the values assigned to the WRR queues totals 100 percent. Table 19-5 Layer 2 IGMP Show Commands Task Command Display IGMP snooping information. MAC lock traps Specifies whether SNMP traps associated with MAC locking will be sent. Neighbor Discovery Overview Figure 13-3 Frame Format IEEE 802.3 LLDP frame format LLDP Ethertype Data + pad MAC address 88-CC LLDPDU FCS 6 octets 2 octets 1500 octets 4 octets DA SA LLDP_Multicast address 6 octets LLDPDU format Chassis ID TLV Port ID TLV (M) (M) Time to Live TLV (M) Optional TLV Configuring LLDP Maximum Frame Size Advertises the maximum supported 802.3 frame size of the sending station. Configuring SNMP enterasys(su)->set snmp view viewname RW subtree 0.0 enterasys(su)->set snmp view viewname RW subtree excluded enterasys(su)->set snmp targetparams TVv1public user public security-model v1 message processing v1 enterasys(su)->set snmp targetaddr TVTrap param TVv1public taglist TVTrapTag enterasys(su)->set snmp notify TVTrap tag TVTrapTag Adding to or Modifying the Default Configuration By default, SNMPv1 is configured on Enterasys switches. 2. The QoS CLI Command Flow The QoS CLI Command Flow Procedure 17-1 provides a CLI flow summary of each step in the configuration flow along with the show commands to verify the configuration. The information about Power over Ethernet (PoE) applies only to fixed switching platforms that provide PoE support. Configuring RMON This section provides details for the configuration of RMON on the Fixed Switch products. Enterasys Fixed Switching Configuration Guide Firmware 6.61. show snmp counters Display SNMP engine properties. (Optional) Verify the new settings. Configuring IGMP Table 19-4 Layer 3 IGMP Configuration Commands Task Command Set the maximum response time being inserted into group-specific queries sent in response to leave group messages. VLAN Static Membership by Port VLAN Port Configuration Software troubleshooting . show ipsec 2. The ARP Table This example shows output from a successful ping to IP address C5(su)->router#ping is alive Use the traceroute command to display a hop-by-hop path through an IP network from the device to a specific destination host. PDF - Complete Book (4.39 MB) PDF - This Chapter (170.0 KB) View with Adobe Reader on a variety of devices . Terms and Definitions 15-38 Configuring Spanning Tree. Configuring PoE Procedure 7-2 PoE Configuration for Stackable B5 and C5 Devices (continued) Step Task Command(s) 6. interface vlan vlan-id 2. set port vlan port-string vlan-id no shutdown ip address ip-addr ip-mask 3. Configuration of normal port mirroring source ports and one destination port on all switches, as described above. ThiscommanddisplaysIPv6NeighborCacheinformation. Using PuTTY, TeraTerm, or another terminal emulator, connect to the switch using the serial port connection. . If two supplies are installed in redundant mode, system power redundancy is guaranteed if one supply fails. Using Multicast in Your Network A new dependent downstream device appears on a pruned branch. Enable or disable Telnet services, inbound, outbound, or all. Create a new read-write or read-only user login account and enable it. Configuring Authentication Note: User + IP Phone authentication is not supported on the I-Series With User + IP Phone authentication, the policy role for the IP phone is statically mapped using a policy admin rule which assigns any frames received with a VLAN tag set to a specific VID (for example, Voice VLAN) to a specified policy role (for example, IP Phone policy role). Screen Hierarchy The contents of this chapter are arranged following the structure shown in Figure 3-1. Port Configuration Overview maximum number of packets which can be received per second with the set port broadcast command: Maximum packet per second values are: 148810 for Fast Ethernet ports 1488100 for 1-Gigabit ports. 1.2 IP phone ge. 0 advertisement address IP destination address for advertisements. set port duplex port-string full 5. sFlow Configuring Poller and Sampler Instances A poller instance performs counter sampling on the data source to which it is configured. A DHCP server manages a user-configured pool of IP addresses from which it can make assignments upon client requests. Disable the default super-user account, admin set system login admin super-user disable This example creates a new super-user account named usersu and enables it. Though it is possible to configure policy from the CLI, CLI policy configuration in even a small network can be prohibitively complex from an operational point of view. ThisexampleshowshowtodisplaystatisticsforVLAN80. Review and define edge port status as follows: 1. See The RADIUS Filter-ID on page 8 for RADIUS Filter-ID information. Thisexampleillustratestheoutputofthiscommandusingtheadvrouterparameter. 8 Port Configuration This chapter describes the basic port parameters and how to configure them. Configuring IRDP The following code example enables IRDP on VLAN 10, leaving all default values, and then shows the IRDP configuration on that VLAN. Configuring VRRP then advertisements are sent every advertising interval to let other VRRP routers in this VRID know the router is still acting as master of the VRID. Enterasys Networks, Inc. Firmware License Agreement BEFORE OPENING OR UTILIZING THE ENCLOSED PRODUCT, CAREFULLY READ THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. Terms and Definitions Table 15-11 lists terms and definitions used in Spanning Tree configuration. Be sure that your serial connection is set properly: Baud rate: 115200 bps (for 5420, 5520, X435, X465, X590, X690, X695, and X870 models) Baud rate: 9600 bps (for other models) Data bits: 8 Stop bit: 1 Parity: none Flow control: none Assign the new super-user account as the emergency access account. Autodidacte dans de multiples domaines informatique, je suis passionn par la scurit informatique.<br>actuellement technicien et admin systme, j'envisage long terme une rorientation (via des formations o diplme scolaire) dans le domaine de l'audit et du pentest. ip igmp last-member-query-interval time Set the number of group-specific queries sent before assuming there are no local members. IP Broadcast Settings the clear arp command to delete a specific entry or all entries from the switch ARP table. The Filter-ID for that user is returned to the switch in the authentication response, and the authentication is validated for that user. The matching criteria available is determined based upon whether the ACL is a standard or extended IPv4 ACL, an IPv6 ACL, or a MAC ACL. Quality of Service (QoS) configuration on Enterasys switches is usually done via policies. On the S-Series, N-Series, and K-Series switches, you can also manually configure the maximum percentage of PoE power available to the chassis as a percentage of the total installed PoE power with the set inlinepower available command. Configuring VLANs Figure 9-3 Example of VLAN Propagation Using GVRP Switch 3 Switch 2 R 2D 1 3 1 D R Switch 1 1 R 2 End Station A D 3 D 1 R D Switch 4 1 R Switch 5 R = Port registered as a member of VLAN Blue = Port declaring VLAN Blue VLANpropagation GVMP Note: If a port is set to forbidden for the egress list of a VLAN, then the VLANs egress list will not be dynamically updated with that port. When enabled, this indicates that a port is on the edge of a bridged LAN. Understanding and Configuring Loop Protect Figure 15-15 Basic Loop Protect Scenario Figure 15-16 shows that, without Loop Protect, a failure could be as simple as someone accidentally disabling Spanning Tree on the port between Switch 2 and 3. System name Set to empty string. Create an SNMPv3 user and specify authentication, encryption, and security credentials. Refer to page Security Mode Configuration FIPS mode is disabled by default. 4. set multiauth mode multi 3. Disabled. Note: The v1 parameter in this example can be replaced with v2 for SNMPv2c configuration. (The ports are in the ConfigMismatch state.) The default setting is auto. RSTP is defined in the IEEE 802.1w standard. Port advertised ability Maximum ability advertised on all ports. Optionally, insert new or replace existing rules. However, it does provide a level of authentication for a device where otherwise none would be possible. then assign the ports you want in each vlan. Displaying Scrolling Screens If the CLI screen length has been set using the set length command, CLI output requiring more than one screen will display --More-- to indicate continuing screens. Enterasys Matrix N Standalone (NSA) Series Configuration Guide Firmware Version 5.41.xx P/N 9034073-08 Rev. For example: A4(su)->show boot system Current system image to boot: a4-series_06.61.00.0026 Use the set boot system command to set the firmware image to be loaded at startup. Downloading New Firmware or just want to verify the contents of the images directory, refer to Deleting a Backup Image File on page 1-5 for more information. CoS Hardware Resource Configuration 4 4 * * enabled 5 5 * * enabled 6 6 * * enabled 7 7 * * enabled Use the show cos port-resource flood-ctrl command to display the flood control unit and rate to flood control resource mapping: System(su)->show cos port-resource flood-ctrl 1.0 '?' @ # $ % ^ & * () ? Procedures Perform the following steps to configure and monitor port mirroring using SMON MIB objects. After the stack has been configured, you can use the show switch unit command to physically identify each unit. Optionally, save the configuration to a backup file named myconfig in the configs directory and copy the file to your computer using TFTP. Stateless autoconfiguration is part of Router Advertisement and the Enterasys Fixed Switches can support both stateless and stateful autoconfiguration of end nodes. Hosts on the link discover the addresses of their neighboring routers by listening for advertisements. BEFORE OPENING OR UTILIZING THE ENCLOSED PRODUCT, CAREFULLY READ THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. If so, this door is tagged or bound to the notification entry. The value of weighted fair queuing is in its assurance that no queue is starved for bandwidth. Table 12-2 SNMP Terms and Definitions Term Definition community A name string used to authenticate SNMPv1 and v2c users. Chapter 23, Configuring VRRP Configure IPv6 Chapter 25, Configuring and Managing IPv6 Security and General Management Configure Access Control Lists (ACLs). In this sense, QoS is the third step in a three step process. Dynamic ARP Inspection Basic Configuration Procedure 26-7 below lists the commands used to configure DAI. Usethiscommandtodisplayportwebauthenticationinformationforoneormoreports. For information on changing these default settings, refer to Chapter 5, User Account and Password Management. For an IPv6 ACLs, the following protocols can be specified in a rule: Any IPv6 protocol Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) User Datagram Protocol (UDP) IPv6 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) TCP and UDP rules can match specific source and destination ports. Understanding and Configuring SpanGuard How Does It Operate? Link Aggregation Overview Single Port Attached State Rules By default, a LAG must contain two or more actor and partner port pairs for the LAG to be initiated by this device. Configuring OSPF Areas The virtual-link is treated as if it were an unnumbered point-to-point network belonging to the backbone and joining the two ABRs. GVRP must be enabled to allow creation of dynamic VLANs. Telnet Enabled inbound and outbound. You need to know the index value associated with a single entity to enable, disable, initialize, or reauthenticate a single entity. Configuring SNMP Procedure 12-3 Configuring an EngineID (continued) Step Task Command(s) 4. Configuring OSPF Areas Configuring Area Virtual-Link Authentication An area virtual-link can be configured for simple authentication. PAGE 3. Hardware Installation Guide. The switch can enforce a system-wide default for password aging (set system password aging). Provides guest access to a limited number of the edge switch ports to be used specifically for internet only access. Configure an RMON filter entry. The terminology associated with CoS configuration is introduced in Table 17-1. It also assumes that the network has a TFTP or SFTP server to which you have access. -1 (request as many octets as possible) capture slice The RMON capture maximum number of octets from each packet to be saved to the buffer. SNMP Support on Enterasys Switches Table 12-1 SNMP Message Functions (continued) Operation Function get-response Replies to a get-request, get-next-request, and set-request sent by a management station. Refer to Licensing Advanced Features on page 4-8 for more information. Setting security access rights 3. Use the show spantree mstcfgid command to determine MSTI configuration identifier information, and whether or not there is a misconfiguration due to non-matching configuration identifier components: This example shows how to display MSTI configuration identifier information. Up to 5 TACACS+ servers can be configured, with the index value of 1 having the highest priority. Basic OSPF Topology Configuration OSPF Router Types OSPF router type is an attribute of an OSPF process. 159 Enterasys Switch Manuals and User Guides (392 Models) were found in All-Guides Database. An ABR keeps a separate copy of the link-state database for each area to which it is connected. sFlow requires very little memory or CPU usage. DHCPv6 Configuration DHCPv6 Configuration DHCP is generally used between clients (for example, hosts) and servers (for example, routers) for the purpose of assigning IP addresses, gateways, and other networking definitions such as DNS, NTP, and/or SIP parameters. The highest valid port number is dependent on the number of ports in the device and the port type. After authentication succeeds, the user or device gains access to the network based upon the policy information returned by the authentication server in the form of the RADIUS Filter-ID attribute, or the static configuration on the switch. Determine where DHCP clients will be connected and enable DHCP snooping on their VLANs. (8) When it no longer wants to receive the stream, Host 2 can do one of the following: - Send a leave message to Router 2.
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