maricopa county superior court exhibit submission

GalicianGeorgian ALPHA NorwegianPersian The Internal Filing Depository Boxes are located: Downtown Phoenix |Map (Do not deposit cash payments). Super.Ct.Local Prac.Rules, Maricopa County, Rule 2.8. If you have questions or concerns, please contact AOC Support at 602-452-3519 or at Read More . Any documents that need to be returned to the customer or runner will be ready for pick-up at or by noon at the appropriate file counter. Address: 620 West Jackson Street Phoenix, AZ 85003, Created By Granicus - Connecting People and Government. To ensure fairness, clerks do not give legal advice. Azerbaijani ALPHABasque ALPHA Added June 12, 2013, effective July 1, 2013. The Mesa External Filing Depository Box is located at the south entrance . Audio and video files may be submitted as an exhibit on a flash drive or CD/DVD and taken directly to the division. . Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Little Colorado River Case Information & Docket, 620 West Jackson Street Phoenix, AZ 85003. You can also make a file counter appointment for filing family case documents at either of the following facility locations. <> Any other planned system downtime or problems will be noted below. Latin ALPHALatvian x}rG;lS{YYbQu?$$`a[G}9 dUyHGxr5yoi~>~4?~>&{G:Sy2lG?'>=G_`SY+~:>1El?NOOzi^muu9O\\] ~+v_Ggc)F '9Qzya~Zb!ps:4_P/4m-5C0uI-3OXh~Ile]I6V_}Sq:`+By-5GZC 3wN-u)AzP_e!O4-\? Place the package in the Depository Filing Box Slot. Any other planned system downtime or Joint Pretrial Statements are required. Amended March 21, 1989, effective May 1, 1989; June 12, 2013, effective July 1, 2013. Attach the filing fee, if required, to the original document; (Either a money order with signature and address or *business check made payable to the Clerk of Court. The Mesa External Filing Depository Box is located at the south entrance of the Southeast Court Complex, 222 E. Javelina. UkrainianUrdu ALPHA 4. These are available during normal business hours. Exhibits attached to a pleading or other filed paper shall be of comparable size and format to the main document to permit either fastening into the court file or scanning and imaging with the pleading as a single document. Any and all information contained within the Superior Court's database is recorded with In lieu of filing a motion to compel or a motion for protective order, Other Pre-trial Practice Guidelines or Comments. Please note: Clerks are committed to assisting you in Superior Court. These forms may be used by persons made eligible by applicable statutes - ARS 11-483, 11-484, 12-290, 16-153 and 28-454 - to request restriction on public access to home address and phone numbers in records maintained by the County Recorder, Assessor, Treasurer and the Arizona Motor Vehicle Division . to use this Internet service. To obtain copies of public records by phone, please call (602) 37-CLERK, or (602) 372-5375. Joint Pre-Trial Memo and/or Conference; Exhibits and Objections. Complete your submission and wait for the filing to be accepted. 4 0 obj The parties should submit a written document, signed by both parties (or their counsel) that, at a minimum, states that the parties have settled and what upcoming court events can be vacated as a result of the settlement. Motion Practice Currently, e-filing is not available in probate and mental health cases. Email: [for Adult case types] [for Juvenile case types] Phone and email support for users of eFiling Online is available during the hours stated above. Arizona Local Rules of Practice Superior Court, Rule 2.9 - Briefs, Instructions and Interrogatories to Juries. Case Information; Subpoenas Online (Attorneys) Court Forms; Division of Child Support . In addition, if the parties have not yet documented the terms of their settlement in a formal settlement agreement and proposed form of order, they should inform the Court of when they expect to file such agreement and lodge such order. 2#Iy2$"c%l#>K/d8'Gy=!}pJ%*H W > | /xD7^D5?Ke3I{9pKU#gJ|HOdk8fCbg8fw|`u7gIz\33p ~&|cKnf_Fd?g6JdW8f!/. VietnameseWelsh Commission on Judicial Conduct HTjhIVHs`w#7nchC&$ Get Family Court Case Information: Availability: Due to auditing that occurs up to 24 hours after information is added to the docket, some entry modifications may occur. A Parenting Plan is a document that establishes when a child will be with each parent as well as how legal decisions regarding the child will be made. Additionally the document has to be sent to the clerk of the county within an envelope addressed to the clerk. Absent such information, I likely will either order the parties and counsel to appear in person to put the agreement on the record or hold a brief telephonic conference with counsel. f0us6j6XKRP>$;ScsqF);gO^hG%Uk`C9uHwU@2G+U a7',AK8F=tL-LD_'mF=U|//Q$Xl`NDL KW_-Fn#{^E~'MNkM9fF-K%'G v DIcwST1;4io7g"Q=[fJD~ X`Q{p;Q$I,>3[f+lxc{7AA2m4E5~u (^8R ^*$p v E>*\F3$r:>sCU -H'@\RzrAK?ZLu9/XZP3"[R The Judicial Branch of Arizona In Maricopa County -2023. 3 0 obj Using This Site . any loss of profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of your use or inability Also, be aware that inter-office mail is very slow. Filing Information. with the list of exhibits. He was elected to the position by voters of Maricopa County in November 2018 and he is the 11th person to serve as the Clerk. 2012_navajo_hopi_bill - Read book online for free. I am not adverse to the use of technology; however, my courtroom is not set up for technology. Rule 2.8. D*t(+q7)/D\I0 @e Use the buttons below to navigate to the appropriate resource page based on your specific case type. Initially started as petitions to the State Land Department to determine conflicting water rights for the Salt, Verde, Gila and San . The digital evidence portal provides convenient 24/7 online access to upload, review, and manage exhibits in a case to which a party has been invited. Filing hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 am- 5:00 pm. 17C A.R.S. I do not mind if counsel or parties need to look at electronic devices to check their calendars when we are scheduling future court events, but the sounds of electronic devices (e.g., the ringing of a cellphone) is disruptive to court proceedings. Pursuant to those rules, if a matter is pending and counsel has not obtained the clients written consent to counsels withdrawal, I will not rule on the motion to withdraw until the time for the filing of a response has passed. These documents should be filed througheFileOnline or at a Clerk of Court filing counter, and a copy submitted directly to the division. Upon execution of a receipt therefor, the attorney shall be responsible for the safety, security and integrity of the file, transcript or exhibits in that attorney's custody. Yiddish Consequently, lawyers and self-represented parties need to be sure that my division receives file-stamped copies of all petitions, motions, objections, responses, and similar documents that are filed with the clerk. )LD3qi:yR@Y;O3+I{H Wd22nK-#3KZp"XpfG%uij;_&fMVH Therefore, if you or your messenger delivers the division copy of a document to any court facility other the facility where my division is located (currently downtown), my division likely will not receive the document for several days. The instructions on how to use the Internal Filing Depository Boxes are as follows: The Clerks Office collects the documents each morning staff then process the paperwork. The fees are subject to change. PolishPortuguese For your convenience, we also offer alternative filing services for those customers who do not want to stand in line at the filing counter, or for . Super.Ct.Local Prac.Rules, Maricopa County, Rule 2.8. RomanianRussian Trial Schedule Hearings and Trials run from 9:00 a.m. to noon and/or 1:45 to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. The Clerk's Office was established by the State Constitution to serve the citizens, legal community, and the Superior Court. If your presentation will involve financial records or other data . B.On or around the Commencement Date, (i) nominees of New Tenant purchased from Landlord and Landlord sold to nominees of New Tenant certain individual properties, each identified on Exhibit_A-3 attached hereto (collectively, the "Sold Land"), and in exchange for the Sold Land, New Tenant conveyed to Landlord that certain property commonly known as the "Main Plant", located at 2023 St . The Internal Filing Depository Box is available for Superior Court Civil, Criminal, Family Court, Tax, and Probate filings. %PDF-1.7 The Clerk of the Superior Court makes no warranty of any kind with respect to data For Juvenile matters only: Please download and complete theJuvenile Cover Sheetand submit it with your exhibits. #U}e>V"@^03Zq,'S*! rpaQvWc#G Due to security concerns the Arizona Courts eFiling application will no longer be supporting Microsoft Internet Explorer. . ArabicArmenian ALPHA Toggle navigation. MalayMaltese . When filing a motion to withdraw as counsel of record, counsel must comply with Rule 5.3, Arizona Rules of Civil Procedure. State Bar of Arizona ,h(%@; b0fpap]r]c$0&;#TtKz_Hb,W)i%R55 !b ), and uploaded as separate exhibits. In the lobby, next to the file counters. 2021 - Present: Judge, Superior Court : 2014 - 2021: Commissioner, Superior Court in Maricopa County : 2006 - 2014: Attorney, Kutak Rock LLP : 2003 - 2005: Amended effective March 15, 2016. Career Opportunities In no event shall the Superior Court or the Clerk of the Court, be liable for damages of any nature, including Please have the following information available with your request: The case number; Any documents that need to be returned to the customer or runner will be ready for pick-up at or by noon at the appropriate file counter. an understanding that the information is true and correct in as far as all aspects of the documents physically filed If you have questions or concerns, please contact AOC Support at 602-452-3519 or at Read More . The Code of Judicial Administration is current with amendments received through February 1, 2023. "A)clG(PF2.Z+[GZY]9,GVFQKrc8VQ+-YJF"^n(Nix2^^ l\Yv|%&y4F}7njIO)k(5q3YB&{$-AZHSB_@\%9;)$' s_ Y`S/;t?:=uG%_OU`>H2! Please note: Clerks are committed to assisting you in Superior Court. 17C A. R. S. Super. In-Person. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Little Colorado River Case Information & Docket, 620 West Jackson Street Phoenix, AZ 85003. Each exhibit must be numbered (i.e., Exhibit 1, Exhibit 2, etc. _(E2Op"",T""e0%ACk8}&gb$D(f},HKf('6,(d13,c7`z!aB{3;2F70Q7@2/pgfr'5sI'bs#=*k*)2)9Q| )5$wOISX" 6c*R>wN[_l @yVR2y*7tO4ZXj% ij(+{ '2NaK!XFU,vKVVSf'=AKXw'G 2e-(IdiEvYMA2UabF}KAQjST:A#.dpjyVb0,R"_u&-`vcg 0h^~Bi8K q'*#>H7Q<5@ySSrL)E|Tt)aVVk'RN=sDp`FF-Y^ It is not available for any Juvenile filings or mandatory Civil eFiling filings.

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