pa game commission releases mountain lions

The facts are: 1) Any kind of lion eats a lot of meat, and thus costs Today's population descends from elk released by the Pennsylvania Game Commission between 1913 and 1926. They are certainly more rare than wild mountain lions. The only cats still hunting in Pennsylvania are bobcats, according to the state game commission. Bradford County: Sunday, Oct. 6, 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. (rain or shine), State Game Lands 12. Some biologists thinks it's time to bring them back to help manage deer populations. I've worked with students of all ages and backgrounds, and I love helping them unlock their full potential. meeting in his office with the PGC. Cougars were extirpated from Pennsylvania before the 1900s and exterminated from the entire East Coast by the 1930s (aside from the Florida panther). Cougars were officially declared extinct east of the Mississippi in the 1930s. Bobcats tend to be darker brown, with lighter belly fur and spots while mountain lions tend to be more uniform brown, tawny color. ______________________________________________________ According to the Pennsylvania Game Commission, the last Pennsylvania mountain lion was killed in the late 1800s. February 02, 2023 Reintroducing cougars to Pennsylvania would better control its deer population, some scientists say The game commission wants to leave that job in the hands of the hunters. community, into a false sense of security about mountain lions in Pennsylvania. Home Haller Motorworx & Farm Equipment Magazine, AR 479 969-6464 Thanks for reading! mountain lion, because "there are no wild mountain lions in Pennsylvania." For more information, contact the Game Commission Northcentral Region Office at 570-398-4744. Local Resident Researching Bigfoot Phenomena. Do not run from a lion. I had a mountain lion in the field across from my house a couple years ago. The one pictured is in a New York zoo. In North America, however, hunting has reduced their range to isolated areas in Mexico, western U.S. wilderness areas, southern Florida and southwestern Canada, according to the Smithsonian National Zoological Park. DALLAS There are no mountain lions in the Back Mountain or surrounding region, according to Pennsylvania Game Commission Officer Bill Williams. They are found throughout Central and South America. It (the report) is not likely, Williams said noting mountain lions were present in northeast Pennsylvania in the 1870s, but no new credible evidence to support the big cats residency has been found. In 2011, the U.S. If you're hiking, stay on the path and don't venture into the woods. Their conclusion: "Sir, you don't have a mountain lion.". Pennsylvania hunt alone. The mountain lion came and went. Williams also dispelled the rumor that the Pennsylvania Game Commission released cougars into the region 15 years ago to control the deer population. . Many people believed the large feline was a mountain lion a species that hasn't existed in the wild in Pennsylvania for more than 100 years. The state Fish and Game Commission on Thursday set the stage for a fierce environmental battle by granting temporary endangered species . Hard evidence that wild, free-ranging mountain lions are living in the state they did not. They came out and investigated. Coyoteseat wildlife including mice, voles, deer, rabbits and woodchucks. I work near Hazleton, Pa. A 100-year survey of cougar attacks in the U.S. and Canada found only 10 deaths and 48 injuries. The Pennsylvania Game Commission is your state wildlife agency and we want to help clarify and simplify some timely and commonly asked hunting- and wildlife-related questions. Most reports have been sightings in neighborhoods within city limits. Can I shoot a mountain lion in self defense? I'm Cary Hardy, an education expert and consultant. People outside of Pennsylvania may not know that a large percentage of because "there are no mountain lions in Pennsylvania". I have seen a large cat on several occasions driving home at night from work. Biology. No person has ever been attacked by one in PA, and no mountain lions There haven't been any cougars in Tennessee since the early 1900s. Downloaded information persists into areas of poor internet connectivity for your convenience. And it appears the case of mistaken identity is nothing new. Ok, so they may have been extinct for some time, but if people are sighting them, has anyone considered migration? Looked just like the Nittany Lion except it was alive and running! Ablack widow bite is rarely fatal except in the young or elderly, according to the Penn State Cooperative Extension. I also saw a mountain lion recently crossing road next to creek in Canadensis PA. The northeastern U.S. population is thought to have disappeared in the 1930s. lion, along with several other people on his remote farm, during a large Tennessee. their opinion about the Jacobs photos? Joe Fischer, left, and Nick Sebasovich and dog Stella, discuss pheasant hunting Dec. 30, 2021, at State Game Lands 93 in Somerset County. that the Jacob's creature is nothing more than a skinny mangy bear, and own pet mountain lions and some of those pet mountain lions escape their He was told by the PGC that there were It's a special hunting tradition that's continuing across the state through Feb. 28. in the summer. The last documented sighting of an eastern cougar was one killed in Maine in 1938. A human standing does not resemble a mountain lion's natural prey. The PGC's historical approach to mountain lion sightings is relevant to Which College Is Ranked 1 On The 20 Best College Campuses List? But, according to zoologist and science writer Dr. Karl Shuker, the Yana Puma (Black Puma) exists in neighboring South and Central America historical records. All three are pit vipers, which means you can identify them by "facial pits." DALLAS There are no mountain lions in the Back Mountain or surrounding region, according to Pennsylvania Game Commission Officer Bill Williams. would have also blamed the PGC for leading him, and everyone else in his These indentations on their cheeks help them sense heat and find prey. And people want to see them. Officials have closed a Santa Clarita park after a young boy was attacked by a mountain lion. Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs. Photos of the cat, which were taken in South Abington Township, Lackawanna County, were posted to Facebook by WNEPs Kurt Aaron, setting off rampant speculation. Too many families elsewhere on this continent have learned that lesson, While mountain lion attacks are rare, they do happen. Are Pennsylvanians OK with these changes? The Game Commission has since tested more than 118,000 wild, free-ranging whitetails and more than 1,700 elk for CWD. The last wild cougar in Pennsylvania was killed in 1871 and the last cougar born on the East Coast was killed in 1938 in Maine. to communicate what needed to be communicated to any citizen down The nearest breeding populations of cougars are 1,000 miles or more from Pennsylvania. After gathering more information on local sightings he called a For many decades, cougars confined themselves to prowling the wooded and mountainous areas of the western U.S., Just posted if looked like this size She tried to tell me it was a Maine Coon Cat. FAIRFIELD, Pa. An instinct coiled way down in the human brain knows the difference between a bobcat and a mountain lion. My neighbor had one (maybe the same one) in her backyard. Little is known of the wolf in Pennsylvania, or if indeed the same animal now called the Eastern coyote in fact might have been similar to the wolf of the past. Do not approach a lion. How would mountain lions impact the entire trophic scale underneath them? Do everything you can to fight it off. Subscribers enjoy a distraction-free reading experience. A friend sent this to me. Williams said Pennsylvania Game Commission officers never found mountain lion tracks, carcasses or waste droppings in the Back Mountain region. Can You Pay Penn State Tuition With A Credit Card. But even that little guy isn't prowling the Poconos yet. PGC's photo (shown above) looked distinctly unlike the Jacobs creature Predominantly staying out of sight, when it is seen the bobcat is sometimes mistaken for the common housecat or a mountain lion. Although the chances of being attacked by an animal are slim, and even slimmer that you could die from an attack by a creature, there are indeed animals capable of wreaking havoc on humans. Once hunted to extinction, Pennsylvanias resurgent elk herd now numbers 1,400. According to the Pennsylvania Game Commission, the last Pennsylvania mountain lion was killed in the late 1800s. Learn how to improve your health and lifestyle by using Lets Healthify the incredible and informative health website. What is the fascination in Pennsylvania that they always want to kill a mountain line if they find one theyre indigenous they belong there just leave the damn things alone. These projects protected or enhanced 27,399 acres of . I went to the rocky site and did not find the cat. Some reports include sightings of lions during daylight hours, which is not typical behavior . The very sad news: there was a PGC ear tag on it. Each sighting involved cougars that are not native to New York. Stay calm. Most states have designated hunting seasons for mountain lions, and killing one without a tag is a violation, unless the hunter can prove self defense. They're common in the rural areas of the Lehigh Valley but are moving into more populated areas as evidenced by a600-pound specimen (pictured) that was tranquilized in March after neighbors in Forks Township and Easton's College Hill section called authorities. Published: Feb. 28, 2023 at 11:23 AM PST. Isolated juvenile males have been found as far east as Michigans Upper Peninsula and northern Wisconsin. I told her I knew what a Maine Coon cat looked like and this was BIG, had short hair and LONG tail. 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I saw a mountain lion crossing a state highway,the Oklahoma-Salem FRoad near DuBois PA about 4:30 pm. No wild cougars have been found in Pennsylvania since their extirpation in 1871. Quick movements, such as running or bicycling, which make humans resemble prey, sometimes lead to cougar attacks. 90: November 5, 2021: Reynolds: Photo of mountain lion taken by game camera. At least one made it to Chicago;another wound up inConnecticut. The primary goal is to remove the bears food source, Williams said. I stopped while i was driving, and as i approached it SLOWLY as not to scare it, it glared at my truck walked towards it,then sat. Image credit: Wikimedia Commons. In October 2007 the spokesman for the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC), what was said, but it must have been a proud moment for U.S. federalism, Always interesting to see the pompous asses state unequivocally that hundreds of their citizens are blind, on drugs, or lying because they have not seen one! Predators have an effect on their prey without actually killing them.". The mountain lionalso known as the cougar, puma, panther, or catamountis a large cat species native to the Americas. Rudy Miller may be reached at his own grandchild, had been killed or mauled by a mountain lion at his We heard the fox screaming multiple times before we saw it. Williams agreed, adding the region does have a big bobcat population and is also home to fishers, fox, coyotes and black bear. Fish and Wildlife Service recently announced it is removing the mountain lion subspecies native to the region from its list of threatened and endangered animals because of a long known technicality its extinct. Friends in the area reported having a large long tailed mountain lion run across a road just in front of their truck. Stay Alert! Rarely seen but surprisingly numerous, the bobcat (Lynx rufus) prowls most of Pennsylvanias woods throughout much of the state. The state classed mountain lions as endangered in 1972 and banned all hunting of them. News, Sports, Events and Classifieds from the Back Mountain, PA Game Commission: Mountain lions are not lurking in Back Mountain. Their conclusion: Sir, you dont have a mountain lion. A week later the farmer shot the mountain lion. The push of the meeting in Madigan's office was apparently to force the About the year 1967 I drove my corvair in a meadow and two red cats about a year old came across the road behind me south of Hancock PA. because the USFWS afterward announced that there "needs of the PGC's long-standing practice of whitewashing any sighting reports Was running and had very long stride, at least 6 foot. The USFWS now asks Pennsylvanians to send sighting reports of mountain Biology. Its scientific name is Lynx rufus. announces Halloween events for community, National Federation of Independent Business names Baker a Guardian of Small Business, Consultant: Luzerne County Council has flexibility on awards, Committee aiming to recommend Luzerne County manager finalists by end of April, Greg Griffin announces run for Luzerne County Council. Home Haller Motorworx & Farm Equipment Magazine, AR 479 969-6464. Department of Education. Usually, the sightings are house cats that were spotted at a deceiving angle or in certain light conditions to make them appear larger. Game wardens conducted a full investigation and concluded that Alyssa did indeed act in self defense. State Game Lands 26, Bedford County, noon to 3 p.m. - The public is invited to tour State Game Lands 26, a 12,000-acre tract situated in Blue Knob, Pa. enough to justify federal intervention so should the media defer to The Pennsylvania Game Commission this week reported results from the 2021-22 deer seasons, which ended in January. Seriously, no mountain lions in Pa? They're responsible for80 percent of the pollination of the fruit, legume and vegetable plants we need to eat. By Rudy Miller | For Revenue A mountain lion is a wild cat ranging from two to three feet tall, with females weighing up to 120lbs and males up to 200lbs, making it the fourth largest cat in the world. Early access permits available for some Game and Fish Commission lands in the Dubois area . Which College Is Ranked At 1 On The 50 Safest Colleges In America What State Is This School Located In? Union and Huntingdon , Pa. .. One doesn't think about big cats being in this eastern part of the . Seventy to 80 percent of victims develop a rash. But the Pennsylvania Game Commission says the . Once hunted to extinction, Pennsylvanias resurgent elk herd now numbers 1,400. The northeastern U.S. population is thought to have disappeared in the 1930s. None of the previously mentioned animals are more deadly than hornets, wasps and bees in Pennsylvania. Heres how The Express-Times reported the unusual story on Sept. 26, 1996. With this release, all information has also been updated for the 2022-2023 hunting year, including the Hunting Digest PDF. LCRT confirmed using photos and location of the sighting in close proximity with Report 96. Let us know. reports trappers kill more than 40,000 of them in Pennsylvania every year. Several years ago when he was a district officer patrolling Sullivan County, a large cat ran across the road just before dark. Jerry Feaser, was quoted by various newspapers regarding the Jacobs photos. Symptoms include nausea, chills, slight fever, rise in blood pressure, fatigue, motor disturbances, breathing difficulty, constipation, and muscle aches, particularly in the abdomen. Need to Sell? Heres how The Express-Times reported the unusual story on Sept. 26, 1996. In Pennsylvania, elk inhabit portions of Elk, Cameron, Clinton, Clearfield and Potter counties. Crews help rescue bulldog from Hellertown underground tank, Pa. among 13 states hit by illness linked to pet turtles. SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) Puerto Rico is closing the U.S. territory's only zoo following years of suspected negligence, a lack of resources and . APPLY NOW for PA's 2023-24 elk hunting seasons for just $11.97 per season or $35.91 for all three. Other sightings have been reported in Forks Township. This is only hearsay, however, since Im only going on their stories. They wanted to hear from anyone who saw a mountain lion or signs of one, like tracks or scats. party on his farm. New episode every Wednesday. In the first photo, the cat does have the tawny color of a mountain lion but lacks the long tail. 2023 WWB Holdings, LLC. Williams confirmation debunks rumors of a mountain lion shot behind JJ Bankos Seafood in Nanticoke recently and a second sighting a month ago near B&E Motors in Hunlock Township. the lion's share of its funding from the sale of hunting licenses in Pennsylvania. Most states have designated hunting seasons for mountain lions, and killing one without a tag is a violation, unless the hunter can prove self defense. A young mountain lion that was part of a cougar population in Nebraska embarked on a multi-state journey this year, officials said. The very sad news: there was a PGC ear tag on it. Passed 10 feet in front of us. and the study should be conducted directly by the USFWS. This was hit by a truck on Mill Creek Road . They came out and investigated. Most are about three feet long. The report says 58 people suffered allergic reactions and died from stings in Pennsylvania between 2001-13. Should any hunter come across a cougar in Pennsylvania, they are advised to leave it alone as hunting them in the state is illegal. The game commission maintains that these sightings are of "released" or "escaped" exotic pets, or rare wanderers from more normal habitats. people inside Pennsylvania say the PGC is not trustworthy, because the Last year, the commission recommended reintroducing the pine marten, a much smaller and cuter omnivore once native to Pennsylvania. Despite yearly reports of cougar sightings in Pennsylvania, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service website. Read health related articles and topics and request topics you are interested in! PFBC instructional videos: Fishing. I had called the Pa Game Commission and they told me the no mountain lions in Pa story but then said my report was like # 15 in Napier township. As they grow bolder in the presence of man, they are becoming athreat to livestock and pets. Cougars had long been targeted by early American settlers paranoid over livestock losses, the agency found, with some states going so far as to offer bounties for dead cougars. Black widows are native to the state. That agency was But the Pennsylvania Game Commission says the photos are of a bobcat, not a mountain lion. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Plus, you can set alarms on timers to make sure they go off at certain times of the day when youve spotted cougars coming onto your property. The northeastern U.S. population is thought to have disappeared in the 1930s. An Amish farmer along 944 in Cumberland County complained to the PGC a mountain lion was killing his sheep. Williams said his office receives a couple of dozen reports each year about suspected mountain lion sightings. The bobcat, also known as the bay Iynx, wildcat, red lynx and swamp tiger, is the states only feline predator. If you have never purchased a hunting or fishing license in the state of Pennsylvania, please create an account. Follow him on Twitter @RudyMillerLV. Can you get sick from eating mountain lion? British Columbia (Canada) 23-Jul-2009. Is Penn State Greater Allegheny A 4 Year College? Feb 1. Feaser urged the editor to write a follow-up story with a retraction stating A couple of sightings involved captive mountain lions that escaped . People have thousands of trail cameras in the woods today and there are hunters pursuing coyotes during the winter, so you would think a cat would turn up if they were out there., Reach Tom Venesky at 570-991-6395 or on Twitter @TomVenesky. As biologists are quick to stress, cougars rarely attack humans. The red face of a mountain lion came out of the top of the mountain then dropped down. One couple in Palmer Townshipreported a coyote attack on their dog in 2016. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). What do you do when you run into a mountain lion? Most spiders have fangs to deliver venom, but only two in Pennsylvania have bites withserious medical implications for humans: the black widow (pictured) and the brown recluse. "Cougars are hunting deer year-round. UPDATE: Well, you cant believe everything you read on the internetturns out this was not in PA: It didn't need to be trumpeted on television news. The mountain lionalso known as the cougar, puma, panther, or catamountis a large cat species native to the Americas. Someone takes a picture of a mountain lion from somewhere else, it gets sent around as being seen in Pennsylvania, Williams said. The United . Photo of a mountain lion taken by a game camera. Only a few confirmed sightings of mountain lions have occurred in Tennessee in recent years. State Senator Roger Madigan. 89: September 27, 2021: Butler: Photo of mountain lion taken by game camera. In the Dec. 22, 1967, issue of the Titusville Herald, outdoor writer Steve Szalewicz, reported that in the late afternoon of Oct. 28 in Venango Township, Crawford County, local hunters John . Their bodies are mainly covered in tawny-beige fur, except for the whitish-gray belly and chest. The facts are: 1) Any kind of lion eats a lot of meat, and thus costs a lot of money to keep alive, and 2) wild mountain lion cubs quickly become very undesrieable as family pets, and 3) captive mountain lions were more common in the past than now, but they weren't very common back then either, and 3) outside of zoos, captive mountain lions are . Fish and Game staff . Despite yearly reports of cougar sightings in Pennsylvania, the U.S. I saw the way it bounded across the road and the size, and my brain just filled in the blanks that I just saw a mountain lion, recalled Williams. I have seen Bobcats. Contact: Debra Chase, CEO, Mountain Lion Foundation 916-442-2666 ext. Applications can be purchased online at or any in-store hunting license vendor. Below is a news release from the Pennsylvania Game Commission. Make sure you remove or cover up any bear food source, including garbage or bird feeders at your home. Lion sightings they got. June 8, 2022 I am not a confirmed believer that they do travel Penns woods, however I would NOT rule it out either. What Is The Greatest Rivalry In College Sports? Trichinosis occurs throughout the United States, but it usually is . a case of mistaken identity, as Feaser urged them to do. lions in wild. played a game of piquet with his countryman, and left him, charmed with his . By Ken Maurer For The Daily Item. Do not crouch down or bend over. A mountain lion in winter. Beware predator takeover in Pennsylvania. Founded in 1986, the Mountain Lion Foundation is a national nonprofit organization with a mission to ensure that America .

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