2 More Topics. any restrictions/policies?) - might not separate me from all, but does from some x[kobKE|r$;IZn@OF! . Dont leave the response hanging on a bad or negative experience always turn it into a positive one.. How did you handle it? American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) - an international association of clinical pharmacists dedicated to optimizing drug therapy outcomes in patients by promoting excellence and innovation in clinical pharmacy practice, research, and education. But, Im so glad I kept an open mind because I ended up ranking some of my programs in a very different order than I thought I would. What excites you most about the future of the profession of pharmacy? Tell us about a time when you had to take initiative. I'm having a hard time judging a residency program because my interview left me unsure of whether it was just rushed and badly set up or if it raises serious questions about the program's values and culture. F recount the entire plot of the novel o I think pharmacy has a huge role to play in delivering safe, effective, and most importantly, stewardly pharmaceutical care DO set yourself up in a well-lit room free of distractions with a clean, neat background. What was the last journal article you read? is there a shortage? Welcome to Hot Topics in Pharmacy Practice which features a variety of episodes covering emerging trends, key topics and areas across medicine. If you discovered a co-worker was stealing property from the pharmacy, what course of action would you take? Why? Schedule interviews. How would you describe the relationship between the pharmacy residents and staff pharmacists? If you could opt out of the staffing component of this residency, would you? He said that they may be taught in the philosophy department. Professional engagement Just make sure you trim it down so it fits within the requested timeframe. How would you describe the relationship between the pharmacy service and other services such as nursing and medicine? Characteristics of the ideal clinical pharmacy residency candidate: A survey of . Describe a piece of positive feedback that you received from a preceptor. How did you work to improve the situation? Do you feel your academic record accurately reflects your abilities and skills? Contact, Timothy P. Gauthier, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCIDP. When communication breaks down, team dynamics are compromised 2. But, what you should MAINLY prepare for is getting a lot of sleep the night before, and coming into the interview with energy and a clear mind! My tips for these are very similar to the clinical questions. The interview process consists of two 45-minute panel interviews, and a personal interview with the Residency Program Director. To prep for something like that I would run through a few cases with diff common scenarios like PNA, UTI, diabetes, etc. I would say review PNA, HTN, CHF, DM. Why? What are some issues you perceive in doing a residency here? What attracts you to this organization/setting/position? I appreciated that when a few students sent me thank you emails after ACCP/Midyear residency showcase this year. %PDF-1.3 A place to share about interviews during the first part of the year, discuss projects, or anything else pharmacy residency. . Didactic/Training AND I ended up ranking a program that I considered to be somewhat of a back-up in my top few choices. Its a common question, so think in advance about how you will answer it, he suggests. Tell us about a time when you failed. Are there opportunities to have non-pharmacist preceptors? If you do not get a residency spot this year, what is your plan for next year? What is your role in your current rotation? o Specialize Tell me about a time when you failed to meet a deadline. February: Attend your interviews: Breathe relax, be yourself. Tell us about a time when you failed. Tell me about a time you had to choose something else over doing a good job. 2009 Apr 26; Orlando, FL. How did you do it? Lwf! Presumably there would be an indicative salary in the advert if not, ring up to find out in advance of the interview. He says: Avoid coming out with a specific figure try to find out from them first., As an independent pharmacy owner, Brown believes asking this question is a must. What are the key skills needed to succeed in this residency program? ACCP ESCP International Congress on Clinical Pharmacy. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. If you could be a drug, which drug would you be? The purpose is to kind of simulate if you were asked clinical questions on rounds, by nurses, preceptors, etc. What can I do for you as a resident? hXmo6+Q$",6fk 5~w'd'uHw8.gK&,Kj\a"BX3%, DO be respectful, and genuinely try to listen to and engage with the other applicants, DONT interrupt, cut others off, or answer every question first. This easy-to-read text addresses skills that facilitate interprofessional interactions in the workplace and increase safety in pharmacies by improving communication. Also, never hurts to throw in a classic teach back at the end! Do you consider yourself good at managing stress? PGY1 Pharmacy Residency Interviews 2023: Thursday, January 26, 2023 Summary - Pharmacy Manager. It is easy to list several positive traits but the question does not elicit examples or evidence from the experience of the individual., Chief pharmacist Gurjinder Bhella emphasises that he would rather candidates did not guess if they did not know the answer to a question, Lauder agrees, noting that, with preparation, anyone should be able to give the correct response. CAP, sepsis, heart failure, afib, copd exacerbation, etc. If you saw a peer cheating on a test, what course of action would you take? Authored By: Timothy P. Gauthier, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCIDP Last updated: 2 February 2022 In the pharmacy profession the start of a new calendar year means the start of pharmacy residency interview season. What skills do you perceive to be important towards succeeding as a pharmacy resident? She had several jobs and in each one she got an extra qualification and then left not long after they had trained her, she remembers. You already know how to do it, so just be prepared to do it out loud. %PDF-1.5 % What was your favorite clinical rotation and why? +5v)?,'l T|d 1m=b >.COpv__RE7a}N!hK)2k(`$7R%ixHVtGQ_@MD,I| DO think about how you would work up and present a patient, and be prepared to do this out loud. Can you describe a time when you made a substantial impact on a patient's care? Or worked at already? Adaptability 2. On your own time? I've had time to work up my patient cases with access to resources. What question did you prepare to answer, but were not asked today? but I often hear about those who achieve a clinical position quickly without a residency. What qualities do you expect from your preceptors? What would you do if you thought one of your co-workers was being harassed by another staff member? Transparency and good communication are essential to leadership Behavioral 3. Digital scheduling makes it much easier, I even schedule out naps on my Outlook. Tell me about a time your workload was very heavy. I would also say think from an operational standpoint (eg, are these products on formulary? While apixaban is approved for the treatment of acute VTE, limited data support its use in cancer patients. If you do not match to a residency program during phase I of the match, would you plan to enter into phase II of the match? Tell me about a time when you made a mistake. What do you perceive to be the role of the pharmacist? . But, I sincerely doubt programs are like checking to make sure their applicants sent thank you emails. Not getting enough hands-on clinical education during residency . What makes you the most nervous about the future of the profession of pharmacy? Why was it meaningful to you? Current PGY1 Pharmacy Residents. This might be asked to see how the interviewee reacts to an off-the-wall question, according to Lauder. There can be so many different components to a pharmacy residency interview, as every program has their own unique format, requirements, types of interviewers, etc. 2 links: UCSF https://career.ucsf.edu/sites/g/files/tkssra2771/f/PDF/Pharmacyresidencyinterviewquestions.pdf, https://pharmacy.ucsd.edu/sites/pharmacy.ucsd.edu/files/docs/current/archives/Residency_Interview_Prep_Suggestions_Dr_Juan_Toledo_Nov_2013.pdf, CAD, HTN, AFib, warfarin/DOACs, calculate CrCl (from memory) to renally dose, PNA, IBW calculations, lots of NAPLEX stuff. Strengths finder --> intellection --> self-aware and self-directed Although some questions are asked in almost every interview, knowing how to answer them honestly while showcasing the traits that employers are looking for can still be a challenge. Describe how you organized the project, beginning with when you first received the assignment. How did you respond, and why would you consider yourself successful or unsuccessful? March: Obtain match results phase 1 Teamwork is a huge part of residency & healthcare- programs probably want to see that you can work well with others! What differentiates you from your peers as a candidate for this position? Make sure you have 12 "practice" interviews before that (programs lower on your list). Who do you admire the most of all your preceptors? What are you looking for in a resident candidate? Natural light will do MUCH better things for ya. Describe a situation where you weren't satisfied with your job. endstream endobj 880 0 obj <>/Metadata 50 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 875 0 R/StructTreeRoot 74 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 881 0 obj <>/Font<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 882 0 obj <>stream How did you work to improve the situation? Questions for Residents. Id also encourage you to jot down notes after each interview too about what you liked and didnt like from your day- this will also be super helpful. Passionate DONT say I dont have any questions! This is the place you may be working at for the whole next year- take advantage of the time to ask questions! What was the outcome? And don't over think it. - not doing this because I need a job Deep clinical questions could be a little unfair if you havent had a rotation that looked at that topic. Im not an RPD (residency program director) and have zero experience evaluating candidates during interviews. What would you do if one of you witnessed one of your co-residents treating a patient unfairlydue to the patientsreligion, sexual orientation, or race? education and PGY1 pharmacy . In my PGY1 interviews 7 programs did cases, I would say in general know vanco, warfarin, and AFIB/ HF those were topics that I was asked about for general opinions and thought process, definitely agree on the PNA. If you do not get a residency this year, would you consider trying to re-apply next year? ?X={[N6n_D;6 3OS !{d At your retirement party, what would you want your colleagues to remember about you? They work hard, are dependable, and you could not do without them. Who do you admire and why? Also learned a lot about the workings of inpt pharmacy, which is an important aspect of residency and something clinical pharm need to know. You may have to engage in a fake patient counseling scenario, particularly if you are interviewing for community or ambulatory care-focused scenarios (I had to do one of these last year). What was it and what did you do to correct it? Prepare a list of questions in advance that you can ask current residents. , 87. Do you have any insights on the chances for future residents seeking internal employment after successfully finishing the program. Doing a presentation. When theyre speaking, try to genuinely listen to what theyre saying (instead of sitting there blank-faced trying to come up with your own answer). Thirdly, explain what the results and outcomes were, so that the interviewer can understand the impact of the behaviours on the situation.. Major bleeding occurred in 0% of 145 patients receiving apixaban, compared with 1.4% of 142 patients receiving dalteparin [P = .138; hazard ratio (HR) not estimable because of 0 bleeding event in apixaban group]. If you were a drug, which drug would you be and why? How Long Does It Take to Be an Immunologist? What changes do you anticipate for the residency program from this year to the next year? Decisions to interview or not interview despite a relatively high or low score were made through discussions between the reviewers who screened the applicants, the residency interview team, pharmacist preceptors, pharmacy management, and the residency program director. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, . He believes that candidates should give a brief summary of what led to the inquiry, including a few highlights that caused such a public reaction. %%EOF I made a couple edits based on what I can remember from going through the process last year (but honestly they all blur together and I really dont remember many specific questions). Discussion with Current Residents. Secondary outcomes included VTE recurrence and a composite of major plus clinically relevant non-major bleeding (CRNMB). I never felt more *engaged with my residency* than when I was on my oncology rotation How can residents contribute to the pharmacy departments strategic objectives? Men- wear a suit jacket with a tie. So this is really not as applicable this year, due to interviews being virtual. How did you solve the problem? If they ask you about other topics and you dont know the answer, intent is more about how you approach clinical questions vs assessing baseline knowledge, other stuff that I explained where Id find the info. What did you do? I know there are some webcam ring lights out there (check this one out from Amazon) that could be helpful if your desk isnt near any natural light. What are 3 areas in which you could improve? Clinical questions are going to most likely be related to the residency program core rotations and your CV/LOI . True story- I ended up ranking a program last that I thought was going to be in my top few choices. Describe a situation where you used clinical guidelines to complete a task for a patient. References. Why should we choose you over your peers? Are there opportunities to work with pharmacy students? I need people who are calm and can build relationships with my GP colleagues so that, if faced with a difficult conversation, it can be done in a supportive and friendly yet assertive manner.. Red Flags vs Poor Interview. PcS|6|:yS;.N"OiC*E uY]9cl0ht40Jt400vt I8W; @d3$@P C~ Brown says she would be more likely to ask candidates to tell her about a situation with staff or customers where something unexpected took place and explain how they handled it. If you discovered a co-worker was stealing property from the pharmacy, what course of action would you take? No its not a deal breaker, so long as it is not obvious things that you should know (i.e.- what covers MRSA/Psuedomonas, dvt treatment/prophylaxis and when to renally adjust, HTN, diabetes, HLD), AND so long as you are able to explain that you dont know the answer but here are my considerations & why, what guidelines you would seek to find answer, etc. What areas of pharmacy most interest you? The official journal of The Royal Pharmaceutical Society, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research. Tell me about a time you had to collaborate with a coworker who was tough to please. Passing the first test: how to impress on the residency interview. With match day coming up, it has me second guessing myself. Describe one of your professional mentors. 86. o Utility as a pharmacist Stage 3: Conducting the Interview. Sorry that didn't read clearly, but the 20 minute straightforward case did have access to resources. Cross out each incorrect verb or pronoun form, and write the correct form in the space above the error. What skills do you perceive to be important towards succeeding as a pharmacy resident? In what ways did you put out extra effort to get the job done? Just make sure you are up to date on guidelines and therapies pertinent to the program (depending on if it's hospital, amb care, etc). Before the interview, I thought this program was my top choice based on their profile: they're an AMC with . Just make sure you are up to date on guidelines and therapies pertinent to the program (depending on if its hospital, amb care, etc). hb```rVvf``0pt8@Xsk?50f7!a o&s:+f8T2 Can you tell us about a time when you were working in a group and had to take up a leadership role? 3 This ebook consists of two parts: - Part I: Top 101 pharmacy interview questions and answers (pdf, free download) - Part II: Top 12 tips to prepare for pharmacy interview 4. Do residents have an opportunity to participate in decisions regarding which projects are assigned for the year? The narrator says, "There is within me a knot of cruelty borne by the stream of love." Practice. Why dont you want to explore a different setting from the one youve done rotations with already? With features published by media such as Business Week and Fox News, Stephanie Dube Dwilson is an accomplished writer with a law degree and a master's in science and technology journalism. What is your teaching style? OBJECTIVESThe primary outcome was major bleeding. Some of the questions may definitely sound similar or are asking the exact same thing in a different way. Oath of a pharmacist: It is of the utmost importance to be rested. What was your second most favorite rotation? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Also wouldnt hurt to have some scratch paper and pens near you so you can jot down notes if you need. Describe an innovative practice model or unique precepting style that you have witnessed. The best thing to do in this case is to legitimately write out separate questions for each interviewer- thats what I did and I had my padfolio right in front of me to reference those if I needed. What do you expect to get out of doing this pharmacy residency? However, pt case presentations were great way to exercise clinical knowledge and presentation. How did you handle the situation? What could have made it better? What do you perceive to be the greatest strengths of this residency program? What is one thing you learned in the last year that has impacted how you live your life? How did you reach it? But, seriously try to not stress too much about this! There can be so many different components to a pharmacy residency interview, as every program has their own unique format, requirements, types of interviewers, etc. Being interviewed for a new job can be intimidating at any stage of a pharmacists career. Remember- all of this only comes from my experience and what I think worked well for ME last year. How did you adjust?*. Press J to jump to the feed. Lauder highlights that the more senior the post the candidate is applying for, the more complex the example situation that would be expected. If a program doesnt send you an itinerary, thats okay too! What makes you a better applicant than others? Supportive What did you do? What was the last pharmacy related article that you read recently? Tell me about a time when you made a mistake. What Are the Qualifications for a Dermatologist. It is definitely no small feat, and you should feel so proud if you were selected for an interview (no matter how many- getting 1 interview is incredible). *Cancer doesn't discriminate*, its patients are vulnerable, and I want to help BCOP - Indications. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. o They say that pain if the fifth vital sign. Give me an example of when you had to bend the rules and how you handled the situation. Not impulsive enough; over analytical If your interviewer springs a case on you, it may involve giving a case that you only have 30 minutes to complete a write-up about. 879 0 obj <> endobj Applicants are asked to prepare in advance a 10-minute presentation on a topic of their choice (not related to pharmacy or healthcare). How would you describe your teaching philosophy? Describe a situation where you had to make a good impression on a patient.
