Trapped Entry Each player loses 1 life. 0000037234 00000 n For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Investigation of the town confirmed that Nashkel was indeed empty, and there was evidence of violence. Success! They then watch in horror as his body is sucked into the chest and the chest is dropped into the water. A bas-relief carving of a green devil's face adorned the wall at the T-shaped intersection; the devil's open mouth was a well of darkness. She said that Desatysso had used the Dreamer's Amulet to get them out of the tomb, that he had broken it into three pieces. Gatherer is the Magic Card Database. Noticing that the area of the mouth is obscured by magical darkness, the adventurers dispel it, releasing a shadow demon. By clicking OK, I agree, you consent to optional cookies. Through its bars, the adventurers can see muddy water flowing slowly past. Story consulting by the award-winning creator of Adventure Time, Pendleton Ward. Before descending any further, the adventurers decide to finish exploring the upper level. To the north, the adventurers discover a slab of worked stone, whose edges are marked by relief carvings of skulls. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. Everyone was eager to continue on, but Finn warned about the possibility of further traps. 0000028877 00000 n Only 8 left in stock - order soon. Support my channel via Patreon! "Can I cast Tashas Laughter on myself to cheer myself up?". Here Billie poked his head into the jaws of a giant stone skull at the end of the hallway to look into the next room, where he saw a stone sarcophagus, with a crystal box and humanoid skull inside of it. HWNH}W[NwvK$d5a#B [U@Bmw]N0_Vpx8>|AYjj|7L8(\as*XyG9h^a}trIgy} I8y\$UpK:O_tR]\~B$uUh@J$eYq,K While I think the rest of ToA is pretty garbage for a large part of it, so far the Tomb itself has given us some of the best roleplay opportunities and events. After encountering Mr. Withers, aka the Dungeon Concierge, the party explores most of the first level of the Tomb of the Nine Gods (the Rotten Halls), performing admirably except for one magical fountain they just couldnt resist. Eventually, the characters realize that the stone slab they heard falling was the secret door they discovered in the chamber with the bronze disk covered in eyes. Each time they would die, and each time someone would heal or stabilize them, all while the others frantically rearranged the cubes, trying in vain to solve the puzzle, when waiting it out was the only option. Koopa, inside the first chest, suffered an immense blast of force damage; Grunther had all of his non-magical metal items decay into dust; and Gresh endured a burst of cold damage, which he was fine with, being a silver dragonborn as he was. Khaless tried to Sleight of Hand a faux drink, but Mannixs superior Perception saw through it. The talk of the streets and taverns has all been about the so-called death curse: a wasting disease afflicting everyone whos ever been raised from the dead. Finally Mannix agreed to drink but only if Khaless drank first, and only if she received the positive effects that Orvex did. [SBLOCK=Save or Die List]LEVEL ONE 9. Dak and Koopa gave chase, cornering it in the room north of the knight statue room. The puzzle cubes flashed and then disappeared and the stone door began to open slowly. After Koopa and Dak returned to the rest of the party, they explored down the eastern hallway. Instead of breaking through the window, George and Therin lifted up the nearby iron grate, and the party began dropping down into the claustrophobic water tunnel below. Mannix whipped out a hammer and pitons to nail into the side of the wall to help, though near the end the magnet-statue pulled the hammer out of his hand, nearly striking Gillian and Khaless, and disintegrating when it hit the statue. A stone balcony winds around the walls to connect four archways. Yeah, this isn't really a great adventure for players who want a forgiving environment! The companions, who already thought it strange that they hadn't met any travelers or traders along the road thus far, were quite alarmed now. 1993-2023 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved. He felt its nervousness gradually seep into his own personality. I heard a voice. The keys turn on the inside only. Wiz Kids Chief Yorb - Tomb of Annihilation Box Set 1 - Icons of The Realms - D&D - Dungeons and Dragons - Medium 1" Base Painted Plastic Miniature. Dak retrieved its triangle-shaped skull. When the three keys inside the chests were turned, three buttons magically appeared on the sarcophagus. You should check them out. As they are looking, they can see a skeletal figure with a curious, metal cap protruding from its skull. Mannix produced a 25-ft wooden ladder from his Vest of Useful Items, and George helped prop it up to the other side of the room, creating a side-ways bridge. After a long debate about a single-file marching order (Chidi, Andor, Vigrid, Ohgram, Chenin, Belethor, Billie) the heroes investigated the area: Here the statues were opposite each other in these alcoves and when the cubes were brought in, the oil basins beneath them lit up. Mannix called out another of the clues from the obelisk, Don the Mask or Be Seen! Therin swiped the mask from the corpse in front of him before stepping into the room. 0000001693 00000 n I have sugested such things as growing hair everyewhere, and if drunk again losing all your hair. Into darkness descend. Now they could fully investigate the room: Through some trial and error, the heroes learned that someone had to get into each of the three chests to turn the interior key. You should check them out. While Koopa ripped up the grate, Finn looked through a glass window at the end of the hall into the next room, but it was dark and he couldn't make out much more than a sarcophagus in the center of the room. On the wall behind the sarcophagus, two It briefly grabbed Chidi but the heroes were able to slay the creature. Lifting the lid, the adventurers find a staff inside. If the effect occurs, Id talk to the player in question separately, explain their current situation, and ask them if they are ok with it. Is he looking for me?. He took a drink, and the water turned to acid in his mouth, spitting it out (making the CON save) but still taking 26 damage! Whats happening? Green smoke billows from the staff, coiling around you like a serpent. And then the dungeon turned into a window shopping adventure, where the heroes just looked around at a bunch of rooms but never went in any of them. Gillian, level 9 Triton Bard of Whispers Secret doors were found to the north and to the south. To the east, the characters discover an alcove running the length of a narrow tunnel, each featuring a bestial statue standing or squatting above a basin of oil. Therin turned a corner and went deeper down the southern end of the water tunnel to find a large chest suspended above a pool of water via chains embedded in the ceiling. He laid bleeding out on the other side of the fan where Billie had to go back, heal him, and get him through. Click here to edit contents of this page. Since that has no bearing on health, stats, or really anything other than RP, it really just seems to be in there as a gag (I'm aware that a similar feature exists in one of the portals in the Tomb of Horrors). hb``e``e```[ Immediately, all of the eyes on the bronze disk turn to them and the corpses on the thrones begin to rise. Apparently there was a gas pocket in the next room. 0000001527 00000 n The dead abhor sunlight. Koopa drank water from the fountain, and felt pretty ill afterward. It yelped when it noticed them, turn and ran into a giant skull head in the wall. Meanwhile Gillian opened the secret door and saw they had made it around to the other side of the tomb within a tomb, which Orvex identified as one of the former gods of Omu Obolaka, judging by the bear statues gripping the eyeball disk. Calmer heads prevails and the heroes decided to take a short rest after acquiring the Triangle-head from the skeleton nearby. Finn used his slippers of spider climbing to reach the stone door. Bottom line, like for most good D&D questions, is: talk to your players about it. Koopa went back, grabbed the iron grate, brought it in here, and thew it at the statue, which turned the grate instantly to dust. 0000015845 00000 n Chidi became Chidia. A rusted iron grate was set in the middle of the floor halfway down the hall. Khaless sneaked closer down the stairs, descending a full floor to find what looked like a half dozen corpse-like dwarves wearing green devil face masks working on traps and other implements of pain and torture. Players unaware that this is possible are in for a rude awakening. George impressively rolled a 20 when searching the room, finding another secret door opposite their own, leading to a northern hallway. hbbbd`b`` 6 endstream endobj 53 0 obj <>/Metadata 3 0 R/Pages 2 0 R/StructTreeRoot 5 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 54 0 obj >/PageTransformationMatrixList<0[1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -297.0 -391.5]>>/PageUIDList<0 82778>>/PageWidthList<0 594.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 594.0 783.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 55 0 obj <> endobj 56 0 obj <> endobj 57 0 obj <> endobj 58 0 obj <> endobj 59 0 obj <> endobj 60 0 obj <>stream There were two secret doors in this room. When they arrive at the top of the stairs again, they can see on the ceiling above them a skeletal figure similar to the one they saw before peering down at them from the ceiling. JavaScript is currently disabled. Zorbo. See pages that link to and include this page. . Dungeon cards are nontraditional Magic cards that begin outside the game. 0000026898 00000 n Find out what you can do. Trying to remove the keys, the adventurers discover they are clamped in place. 10. This means if they die inside the tomb, they can never leave. The chest on the left is carved of black onxy, the middle of rusty iron, and the one on the right is cast of silver and glistening with frost. Thanks for all the ideas so far. Beyond the pit, three treasure chests sit on stone daises. They could see all the way down through four floors, three of which had winding staircases with balconies. At the end of underground stream they came to a giant sinkhole where the water plunged into the darkness. One of the failings of ToA is that there's insufficient foreshadowing of the Tomb, the traps within, its magical conditions, its creator, the atropal, and Acererak. Your email address will not be published. They spotted that triangle-head skeleton here. 0000004102 00000 n Yellow Musk Zombie. Wellmost of him. They easily destroyed the skeleton. Peeking in they could see a room with a sarcophagus, a large bronze disk with glaring eyes, and half a dozen corpses slumped in chairs around the room, wearing feathery masks. He disabled these traps by stuffing empty bottles into the holes where poison darts would have shot out from. 0000288158 00000 n Now that they were done in this room, the heroes headed back through the fan to get back to the others. I've decided to just take that feature out. The group just entered the tomb last session, so this could come up as soon as next week. Roll con save, gets a natural 3+2. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Lets Play Ori and the Will of the Wisps #3, DMs Guild Review Scourge of the Nightingale Part 1: A Song of Love. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. JavaScript is disabled. I think it was the spirit of Moa. Meanwhile, inside the chest, Yareck casts dispel magic, dispelling the magic powering the magical trap on the chest, thus freeing himself. Mannix re-cast Detect Magic, and the party went around the corner to enter the Grand Staircase they had seen from the beginning of the session. Chapter 2 [New] Mad Monkey Fever (pg. They might, however, really appreciate other players (or themselves) roleplaying the gender dysphoria (or joy) that the change brings. This happened really early into the session. Placing the cubes in just as before, with Unkh in the center this time, the door opens. Adventure design by Christopher Perkins, Will Doyle, and Steve Winter, with additional design by Adam Lee. The heroes quickly exited and took an short rest. Terms of Service - what you can, what you should not etc. On their floor, stairs led down, and three other archways led to different hallways, including the west leading back to the original green devil face intersection. Billie also acquired the Staff of the Serpent here. After defeating the flesh golem, Dak, Nori, and Finn pushed all three buttons on the sarcophagus. It is difficult to explain.. $3.99 delivery Jan 20 - 24. They found a chamber with a deep pit that contained another sarcophagus at the bottom. 0000211347 00000 n Since Grunther couldn't remember much more, and the details he did remember were quite vague, he offered to bring the companions with him to meet Sather, the "nice lady" who had also accompanied them into the tomb. Trying to open it, Yareck sticks his finger in the keyhole. A Guide to Tomb of Annihilation (pay what you want), World Timeline Through the Events of the Adventure, List of Magic Items and their locations in ToA, Overview of plots and sub-plots in the adventure, All handouts for the adventure, courtesy of WoTC, All freely available maps from the adventure, Cellar of Death (module designed to begin the adventure), Printable Puzzle Cubes OR Puzzle Cubes v2, 3D-printable Puzzle Cubes from TinkerCad User SteveyB, The Tortle Package - official AL-legal playable race and a side adventure, The Ruins of Mezro - An entire campaign with support up to level 20, Google Spreadsheet For Generating A Lot Of Stuff, Karnivs-Treasures-of-Chult-50-New-Magical-Items, Raiders-of-the-Lost-Tomb-Chult-Adventurers-Guide, 35-Magical-Items-for-Tomb-of-Annihilation, Drax-Deadly-Plants-of-Chult-50-deadly-jungle-plants. At this point the party went crazy trying to figure out what was going on, and the DM, dear reader, was ecstatic. Exploring the area further, the adventurers eventually discover another, secret entrance to the west. The sage continues in Dungeon of Deception. Pulling aside the heavy undergrowth, they see a similar entrance to the one they just found with old bones littering its threshold. The companions didn't explore much further that way because they had no desire to go swimming, for indeed this passage led to the underground river. Here they looked in through a thick window and saw a stone sarcophagus with six corpses sitting in thrones, as well as a skeleton with a triangle-shaped thing on its head. The jaws opened and both eyes were alight once more. If the goal is to have an effect that would make them drink twice then it kind of has to affect some sort of binary status of the player so that they see it as a switch that they can flip back by drinking again. They were being watched. He had to get in on this weird action. Adventure for Levels 1-11. 0000069534 00000 n Astone sarcophagus rests on a stepped dais in the mid-Any creature that drinks from the fountain experiences dle ofthe floor. 0000115463 00000 n Khaless filled her newly found mug, changing its sad face to happy, and aggressively poured the water down poor Orvexs throat. The dead seemed to outnumber the living these days. As it does so, swarms of spiders appear from the cracks in the walls. Check out how this page has evolved in the past. Below where the grate had been was a sluggish underground river. Each corpse wears a black mask made of papier-mache and feathers. Mannix, level 9 Yuan-ti Inquisitive Rogue/Divination Wizard Obolaka is nervous and paranoid, but also lets their host attune to an additional magic item, which immediately allowed Therin to attune to the Ring of Protection (hes also attuned to the Staff of Thorns, Animated Shield, and Necklace of Prayer Beads). 0000005477 00000 n Then rolled another 2 for the silence effect again. The middle of the room held a sarcophagus with a serpent on the lid, but his eyes were drawn to a glass box containing a floating, flaming skull. Following a passage to the east, the adventurers discover a grand chamber, fifty feet across that plunges into darkness below. After dealing with the skull lord in the sarcophagus, the party considered resting in this room, but worried that they'd be harassed by more tomb guardians. Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page (if possible). Then they headed down to the 2nd level. 0000069972 00000 n She nailed a nat 20 on the Thieves Tools roll, opening the chest and gaining a hefty sum of cash, a magic smiley-face mug, and some 3rd level spell scrolls, two of which I randomly rolled as bonus loot. Inside the room, George could see a network of tiny tunnels all along the walls, with hundreds of spiders crawling within. Undeterred by this, Chidi drank from it as well. Magic Fountain Result of a 1 - DC 12 or CON 44 (8d10) Necrotic - Disintegrates at 0 HP 16. A second later, swarms of undead spiders poured out from the walls! You could run it as a gag, but I dont think youd have to. Those who dare enter take heed: The enemies oppose. Dozens of eyes suddenly opened all over the disk, all of them fixated on him. He recalled that his company traveled far away, to "the place of smelly mud," until they finally entered a place "under the ground, a bad place," and it was here that a "black mouth" ate his left hand. Billie investigated the sarcophagus and grabbed a staff lying on top. Discovering a pair of secret doors to the north and south, the characters decide to explore the passage to the north. 0000069273 00000 n Groups who really don't like wilderness exploration (hex crawl) and puzzles. They all tried to pressure each other into drinking to witness more of these effects. 52 49 The creature looks up at them with disinterest and continues walking through the muddy water. For Dungeon Masters, build and manage your campaigns with DM tools. Previously on Tomb of Annihilation Tomb of Annihilation Session 71: The Rotten Halls p1 Starring: /- ~<0=p%KS>}D When they finally succumb, they cant be raisedand neither can anyone else, regardless of whether theyve ever received that miracle in the past. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Something innocuous that will pique their curiosity enough to drink again, and maybe encourage multiple players to drink at once. Why cant I see?, Realizing the voice is coming from the skull, the adventurers try to calm it. This vaulted tomb is overgrown with moss and creepers. Nori was especially curious about this carving. Next they focused their attention on the sarcophagus, which they correctly assumed was the zorbo Obolaka. Tomb of Annihilation centers around the Deathcurse, a wasting disease that slowly kills anyone who's ever been raised from the dead and prevents anyone who has died from being raised, and the Soulmonger artifact that caused the disease. Temples and scholars of divine magic are at a loss to explain a curse that has affected the entire region, and possibly the entire world. The cause is a necromantic artifact called the Soulmonger . Bow as the dead god intoned. A rusted iron grate is set into the corridor floor. Starring: Plus, sign up for the newsletter in order to get the latest info on Dungeons & Dragons products, events, and special offersand help stay informed! It really did appear the magic water had healed him, but when Gillian drank, she suddenly lost the ability to speak! Tomb of Annihilation Session 71 Recap Date: March 21, 2020 Author: roguewatson 2 Comments Live streamed and uploaded every week on YouTube. Oh god, what do I do. Tomb of Annihilation # Mini Rarity Size; Acererak (No Rarity) Medium : Acererak (Invisible) Very Rare : Medium : Acererak (Demilich) Skull . Carefully traversing the hallway, the characters manage to avoid several poison dart traps as they approach the devil face. The cause is a necromantic artifact called the Soulmonger, which is located somewhere in Chult, a mysterious peninsula far to the south, ringed with mountains and choked with rainforests. However, I am different. This was our second session in it, and they decided to do Obo'lakas tomb after one of them accidentally triggered the 6 wights by himself in the previous session, so they were already somewhat weakened. It looked smaller than an adults skull, however. Mannixs Detect Magic revealed Transmutation Magic around the fountain, but the party was desperately curious. My current thought: The creature's physical ability Change the name (also URL address, possibly the category) of the page. 2023 Wizards. Magic The Gathering Arena of the Planeswalkers Board Game Complete. Thus, it's up to the DM to (1st) understand the Tomb and how the traps work, then (2nd) find opportunities to foreshadow that information for the players. "You guys watch as the cleric turns to dust." As he does so, the other adventurers hear what sounds like a stone slab slamming into place. A large fountain dominated the center of the room, with three marble maidens holding pitchers out of which the water flowed. In this case, Id start with your trans player. Yuan-ti Broodguard. JavaScript is currently disabled. Here Billie carefully placed the nine puzzle cubes in opposite sides with the neutral one going into the center. Another five days of travel saw the companions at the edge of the Snakewood. The adventurers stop to examine the corridor as the skeleton scrambles past the propeller. Behind that stood a marble pedestal with an ornate crystal box atop it. George, was curious. They also discover a chest dangling from chains above the water. The Magic Fountain (chapter 5) Hey everyone. Therin wanted to converse with the spirit, who was less than helpful, but did want to defeat Acererak. Once the tunnel is sealed, caustic gas billows out from the mouths of the relief-carved skulls. My group also had a run in with the fountain, nearly killing the dragon born paladin (who later fell to the trap in wongo's tomb). If they dont like the possibility of sexes getting changed, then scrap the idea and replace it with something more neutrally enjoyable. It had this message around the lock: Billie calmly shrugged his shoulders and cast Knock and easily opened the chest, and found some treasure. Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0, TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History, Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News, Tomb of Annihilation NPC name source/generator, Too Many NPCs! Dak and Gresh watched the skulls on the walls uncomfortably. 52 0 obj <> endobj xref To the north, a stone staircase descends to the lower levels. Dare to defy death in this adventure for the worlds greatest roleplaying game. Koopa noticed a small skull floating inside the crystal box, and then a female child's voice spoke to him: "What's happening? Whats happening indeed well find out next time! Wipe your feet, enjoy your stay, please die horribly, etc. Koopa drank water from the fountain, and felt pretty ill afterward. View and manage file attachments for this page. Nori examined the sarcophagus, and Koopa approached the crystal box. Koopa shoved one of the huge black stones aside, revealing a dusty passageway beyond. You can help our automatic cover photo selection by reporting an unsuitable photo. If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. A second, smaller tunnel burrows into the base of the cliff to the east. 0000015956 00000 n Another one can be growing a foot tall or foot shorter. General documentation and help section. Tomb of Annihilation. D&D Compendium is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Wizards of the Coast LLC. Click to enlarge. %PDF-1.4 % A snarling monkey-like creature decorates the lid. Yellow Musk Creeper. Communities, Guides, and Extra Content for the Tomb of Annihilation module from Wizards of the Coast. Ohgram found a secret door in this room that led north to the underground stream again. A Guide to Tomb of Annihilation (pay what you want) Tomb of Annihilation Companion SlyFlourish Guide DMs Workshop Guides Using Adventurer's League Modules Adventurer's League Official Modules World Timeline Through the Events of the Adventure List of Magic Items and their locations in ToA Recommended Materials Preparation Therin noted a buildup of gas around the corner, but Gillian fired off a Gust of Wind using her Triton mastery over air and water to disperse it, ran up the nearby stairs, and spotted the secret door right away. At one point George suggested ripping the eyeball disk free and using it on the dwarves, despite not knowing what it actually does. While Dak threw a rope down to Koopa and helped the tortle out of the pit, Finn reset the trap, jammed the pit closed, and opened the stone door. Inside, they discover three keys, one in each of the chests. In the meantime, Belethor, Chenin, and Vigrid leveled up. A skeleton with a square-shaped skull wandered around in that next room. They followed the map's directions straight to a low, flat-topped hill; the top of the hill was covered with large black stones that were arranged in such a way that, when Dak and Nori viewed them from atop the hill, resembled the eye sockets, nose holes, and teeth of a human skull. After some deliberation, the characters decide that they must place the puzzle cubes they collected from the city in each of the niches, leaving Unkh out. Speak no truth to the doomed child. Drinking from the fountain, Yareck finds himself magically transformed into a woman. The changes appear in recent printings of the book. Although the lead up to the Tomb is not so deadly of course. Manifesting within the realm as a terrible plague, it is a slow, withering rot that takes hold of any soul who has been restored by divine intervention. 0000003556 00000 n I promise to be good.. The cleric took a drink and was silenced for 8 hours, and decided to drink more in order to try to undo it. Following the passage back to the T-intersection with the green devil face, the companions explored the balcony and stairway. Through great use of the Wand of Fear the heroes were able to narrow down the wight attackers and whittle them down one at a time. Blocking the passage near its northern end is a large adamantine propeller with five sharp blades. But while he was investigating the next room, Ohgram decided to try himself. This is the first official adventure I ran (thus the insane amount of resources on this page). It ran away as soon as it saw them. I would even add that youve informed the trans player beforehand, just to make sure the right expectations are set. How did I get here? This would have a similar effect as originally intended, having it be a possibly funny moment when a massive firbolg suddenly becomes a tiny gnome or a proud dwarf become an elf. Once that was opened, Billie found and grabbed a gold pendant shaped like an eye. Plus there's a human who would then become a variant human, throwing most his stats out of whack and granting him a feat suddenly. View wiki source for this page without editing.
