Hairline split in barrel caused by one of the nail tapped in to hold the metal collar ring. SIGNED ON THE BARREL BY MIKE McLEMORE. (ylz) SOLD, Yentzen or Scotch Goose Call. This is the earliest box of Ken's I have ever seen. (ddl) SOLD It is the smallest one I have ever had and one of the smallest ones I have ever seen. Very early calls. Original Price $75.00 Made in 1994 for Ed Abernathy by Ken from more walnut Ed must have given Ken. Mint. World logo in correct World Logo box. I still use an wingbone turkey call he made for me. I am sorry for the digresision.) Pretty call. It measures 5 3/4 inches around the lanyard ring. $17, TO SEE ALL OUR SHOTSHELL BOXES, GO BACK TO HOME PAGE AND SCROLL DOWN TO THE LINK FOR SHOTSHELL BOXES, Glynn Scobey Duck Call. (It was a different matter in Call shows at show in the mid-West where Time wore the home colors.) When Hal Sorenson of Burlington, Iowa published a magazine called "The Decoy Collector's Guide," everything started to change. Olt Duck Call Model No. (dnt) SOLD, Thompson Wildlife Calls T-350 All Purpose Predator Call. SOLD, Grady White Arkansas Mallard Duck Call. Parsons was a trick shooter and well known for his "palm swell" stocks on his shotguns. Trademark #348205. Condition and rarity make this collection a stand out. 374 people follow this. How embarrassing, the inserts got mixed up on this and the goose call for the photo shoot. They are tiger maple calls with cocobolo inserts. Mint in box. Olt L-22 Regular Goose Call In Excellent Condition!Sold by drawslowlettheg5fly in Mechanicsburg, Vintage P.s. Red And Brown Swirls Is The Color. Remnants of original decal remain. This is one he made soon after moving to Olive Branch. Many of you know of the relationship between Johnny and Larry, where Johnny allowed Larry to continue to making calls using the Johnny Marsh name, signing them with the small R in a circle. It is nice to have them both to compare. The circle is what is left of the World Logo, dating this call to 1956-1959. Near Mint. Very Nice Goose Call made by Donald Steffonson (1939-2019) of Cedar Rapids, IA. There will be a vintage call contest with multiple categories and a cook off contest. Mint in Exc+ box with instruction sheet for all Olt calls included. (yy) SOLD, P. S. Olt Model 77 Goose Call. $40, Elam Fisher or Red Duck Type Duck Call. Tiny edge of decal raised, but all there. Checking around for comp pricing, the only one I found was for $295 and it was marked sold! This is a really tough maker to find and they are seldom in this condition, which is EXC. Glynn Scobey Goose Call. This is a Walnut Duck call made by Bill Dowdle (1920-2000) of Memphis, TN. I show it here again so you can compare it to the call that followed it in the Sears lineup. Another Magnum, later innards but still the conventional barrel. Mint. Could use a cleaning, but condition is Exc. Sold only as a pair. Pretty hard to find. Joe made calls out of bottles, or made wooden calls made to look like bottles. It was sold with a gummed label, most of which didn't last long. With over 12,000 active users in our global mailing list, catalog distribution of nearly 2,000 per auction, and the best decoy-dedicated website, we ensure exposure of your collection to all interested potential collectors. VG+ $59, Curtis Breland Carved Duck Call. (ux) SOLD, Thomas Game Calls, Model 156-D Multi-Reed Duck Call. I never really knew him. I have always loved how easy Ken's duck calls were to use and the sounds they make. Olt Model 77 Goose Call. Art won the World Duck Calling Championsip About 1955. Anyone who wants a really scarce, Mint in box crow call should not hesitate to jump on this one. Thurman McCann Laminated Duck Call. Has 3 hand painted ducks and carved in duck hunting scenes all around the barrel. This and the following call are also in the forth photo down. I believe it is one of his earlier goose calls. SOLD (dnl), P. S. Olt A-50 Flute Goose Call. (See calls elsewhere on this page showing the label, stating they were scarce to rare.) This one retains the granules, which is fairly rare. Old Silver label, which predates almost all of the current offerings elsewhere, shinny and bright and perfect. I don't know if these were offered in this camo pattern before Olt closed up. Osage orange. I visited Tom Dennison's shop on several occasions and it was always fun. $11.95, WANT TO RESTORE THE FINISH ON YOUR OLD DUCK CALLS WITHOUT RUINING THEIR World Logo with correct World Logo box. Nr Mint. This one is Mint. $35, Mike McLemore Duck Call. Pekin, Illinois, Reg Trade Markno. (det) SOLD, Yentzen Double Reed Duck Call. Book is very fine. ISO of older duck & goose calls Foiles Big Guys RNT Duck Commander Unknowns. That end of the box is not there, o/w complete. I usually take off lanyards, but this little string showed how guys secured their calls before comercial lanyards were around. Well, that does it for the duck calls. Walnut barrel with cedar insert. Duck Calls: An Enduring American Folk Art (1988) was the first book that I wrote about duck calls. Other than that the call is Mint and Brand New. $49, P. S. Olt E-1 Crow Call. It is a magic formula Ray invented in his kitchen, I believe, to coat his traps without odor. Most of the plating is worn off the brass barrel, but the barrel itself is still perfectly round. $89. He did and I bought some from him about sometime in the 1990s. $65, Glynn Scobey Metal Reed Duck Call. You will be the first owner, it has never been sold retail. The Barrel is Walnut & the Stopper is. As is the reed is too long. Manufactured By P. S. Olt, Llc A Game Call Company That Started In 1904. Guyette & Deeter, Inc. | 1210 S. Talbot St, Unit A | PO Box 1170 | St. Michaels, Maryland 21663, Tel: 410-745-0485 | Fax: 410-745-0487 | Email:, Click here to receive our email newsletters. (ee) SOLD, P. S. Olt 66 Duck Call. The Sunrise Turkey Call George D. Grazier, Mfr. All wood, Cocobolo with Cocobolo insert and original red reed. $225, Glynn Scobey MAGNUM Goose Call. It feels like quality and precision. Just Minor Wear. Hard to find Olt call for good reason. (dex) SOLD, Ken Martin Duck Call. MIB with papers. Scarce. All the boxes had price stickers that have been removed. That's right, a complete set. It seems to be a close colpy of a Johnny Marsh call. Click here to see where our trucks will be next if you would like us to pick up your decoys. Back to the left and down a row: #39 is on the next row down a littlee left of middle. Ca early 1990s. He told me he went to the plastic inserts about 1985. YOU GUYS ARE TOO NICE. Olt Pekin, Ills. I wood 1913 - Week-McLean Law, Stopped commercial market hunting, 1942 - Call Maker Richard Vanderveen - Born, 1951 - Call Maker Benjamin H. Tyler III - Born, 1992 - Call Maker Walter Wagoner - Passed Away, 2015 - Call Maker David Welsh - Passed Away. Once again, thank you to all who took the time to lend their expertise to my request for same. Walnut barrel has moderate burl shimmering stripes everywhere except where he put the painting and his signature, as was his practice. VG+ (cl) SOLD, Ken Martin Small Letter Lemont with Box and Papers Goose Call. Metal reed Reelfoot style. VG. Yellow seems to be a popular color with collectors who just want an Olt that is not black for their Olt collection. Glynn often left a barrel with pretty wood grain unpainted so we could enjoy the beauty of nature in that call. Ash trees were the tree I grew up with, and were some of my favorite trees to climb as a kid back in rural NJ. Click Buy it now or Add to cart and proceed to checkout. Anyone have any for sale or more info on them, please call me, 740-698-5060 or email, CCAA Members, Getting ready to kick off the annual Callapaloozaevent put on by RNT Calls in Stuttgart, AR. Then other areas of the box also got the green and the entire boxtop is a light green. This is a Duck Call made by Robert Spragg. I believe I could list the catalong alone with my books and get $15 for it alone. This type of data sharing may be considered a sale of information under California privacy laws. While there, consider ordering a custom made, just for you, Grulla side by side shotgun. What makes this call special is the rare cedar insert. Mint in like box. (dyl) SOLD, Yentzen Duck Call. (el) SOLD, Glynn Scobey Duck Call. If you are a Glynn Scobey collector, read the descriptions closely, study the photos, and consider them seriously. (Remember those aweful things you had to get wet and try to get it placed before is wrinkled, dried out or tore?) Some one cleaverly wrote "Duck Call" in large blue letters. $79, Harlan, Howard and Andrews, Crew. (llx) SOLD, Glynn Scobey Duck Call. Ken Martin Goose Call. Mint. Vintage P.s. It may not be pretty, but it is interesting and it does blow loudly. Nr Mint. Small, fine signature. Mint as made. Some erstwhile gentleman took it into his head to remove Glynn's signature. I have several. Melancon, he actually bought out Tom Turpin in 1956, so these calls were original blanks from Turpin, I got them Directly from J.L. (dyl) SOLD, Glynn Scobey MAGNUM Goose Call. Mint. I answer all emails. Glynn said he went to these early brown inserts about 1967-9. Wooden insert dates it to pre 1985. Light handling marks and two paint loss spots on wing. Nice wood, notice the grain making a nice v or u 4 times below the label. Wood looks like oak to me. Yes! The two pics above show the front and back of two calls. Try it. All are Mint. Remind me what I am to do with it at the sale. Mike didn't make very many acrylic calls. You can see the information and decoration on them. That is the way it was made. Light and small, why not have one in your calling outfit? (det) SOLD, P. S. Olt J-15 Junior Duck Call. This one sounds like it has been modified. Scribed in the greenish part of the call, insert, is "Snow & Blue" on one line, "Speck" on second line, "T. G. S." on a third line and Tim Grounds' signature below that. Original Price $26.00 That is a tiny number. KEYHOLE, all hard rubber with Registered trade mark insert. Back to the Spaulded Maple, I have been to a good wood graded can tell which maples will have spaulded timber while the tree is still on the stump. It has his usual name, and Henry, Ill. stamped lightly in bottom section of the call below the lanyard ring. Mint (ddx) SOLD, KumDuck Duck Call. None of these has seen the light of day in a long, long time. The vintage and antique objects have a higher value than they had before, and the same applies to the 1945 penny, also known as the 1945 Wheat penny.napoleon fireplace remote w660 manual most reliable tdi engine; brunch stillwater ok 28th sunday in ordinary time year c images; used dog treadmills for sale craigslist who does felix end up with . Call is 5 3/4" and signed on the barrel Nice Laminated Duck call by Ed Glenn of Boardman, OR. Note the call is walnut and well polished. Dj is wavy and has a tiny hole at spine edge. It is also hand signed by Ken on the collar.The goose call has the same inscription, date and signature. He told me he did that on purpose so as to not dimish the sight of the best parts. No doubt some of those calls have been lost, used, mutilated, so the number is likey much lower than 100 individual calls so only those remaining can be used to make complete sets. Its also home to a whole host of one-of-a-kind items made with love and extraordinary care. The black pair is part of the set and has the Tri County name and goose flying over Illinois just like the other eight sets. . Sanded and polished so that is feels silky smooth, like warm marble. Gold paint in the lettering is very strong. Exc+ (del) SOLD. When the colonists first arrived in North America, they found that the natives were using mud, bulrushes, fowl carcasses, and other materials to create imitations of ducks and other fowl. I have a new email address, New updates coming as time permits! Won At A Ducks Unlimited Banquet In The 1980s. His early small letter callbarrels seem to be slightly smaller than later ones. Mint in box with papers (dtl) SOLD, Royal Duck Call. Scarce. (yt) SOLD, P. S. Olt 800 Goose Call. This is also a very early Scobey goose call with 3 geese painted by him on it. Until I got these, I had only seen one other Johnson call, a duck call I sold a few years ago. Only Chick's name is on the label. To date, I have compiled over 1,400+ duck/goose call and 1,175 + Turkey Call makers from the United States and Canada. Much scarcer than the Regular or E-1 crow calls, I once sold one the Jim Olt for his son's collection! There are lots of good guns out there that wish they had walnut like this. (yx) SOLD, Thomas Standard Arkansas Duck Call. $99, P. S. Olt Model A-50 "Honker" Goose Call. A few paint loss spots on wing and back of body near the tail, otherwise only light handling marks. Plastic reed, SIGNED of course, and EXC+. Or any other call made in Illinois before 1963? This Duck Call was made by Doug Rice (1942-2021) of Strasburg, MO. Exc- because of the chrome loss, but would still bring in ducks if you want to use it. May have been going to be a Magnum when that endevor was scrapped and it just passed thru as a plain 66. (15% off), Sale Price CHF33.37 The guts were all handmade by Glynn himself. reference books and internet links that are available. Call is 6" and Arkansas style. They are fresh to the market, none of them has ever been sold retail. Call retains the entire banner, although much of the wording has disolved. 38 - 46. I put both of them here for easier comparison. Mint as made. Pluses: Made from the "end of the day" plastics where all left oer plastics were mixed giving each barrel a truly unique swirlled look, and it sports the World Logo, meaning it was produced in the late 1950s. Hard to find today. (zul) SOLD, Olt Wooden Duck, Model 99M. $49, P. S. Olt P-17 Squirrel Call. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One varnish drip above right side of label. Compare your signature today with yours 20 or 30 years ago. (lt) SOLD, Elam Fisher or Red Duck Duck Call. document.write(" Zelle Unable To Process Payment,
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