This website is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast. You would think green, the colour of lands and ramping, would have more infinite mana available to it. Join the Conversation. On your first reading, this may seem kind of bad, but lets think about this slightly differently. Posted on : 11/19/2020. Ashaya, Soul of the Wild Wizards of the Coast Unfortunately, Wood Elemental isn't a Legendary creature and so we can't run it as our Commander. I have many good things to say about these commander decks and personally think theyre the best to ever see print. Our second return trip to Zendikar is here and with it comes the launch of a brand set of commander decks. Against removal: Mana abilities that don't include the symbol and instead say "Tap an untapped creature you control" or similar won't cause Leyline of Abundance's second ability to trigger. Joraga Treespeaker Login or Register to hide these ads. Heres the really easy way to go infinite. 2 Comments Before starting Magic, Dr. Peace has been an active player of various card games as long as he can remember. Budget cuts are also easily made, especially to the power-base: Ashaya, Combo-Queen of the Peasants [less $$]. Commander / EDH Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. With everything gaining all creature types you can really leverage his landfall ability with Obuun to get a total of 5 +1/+1 counters per land. 7. With Ashaya, Soul of the Wild turning each creature into a land, you tap Magus Lucea Kane for two colorless mana. ]), Made possible by our patrons, phpBB, Scryfall, and Others. We do not monitor or necessarily agree with any personal opinions or other expressions published in any such content. Instead, I chose the Zendikar Rising legendary. The downside is that most people know a combo is afoot the second Isochron Scepter is played. Crazy Ashaya Deck! The above articles are sponsored content. Now, like most things green these days, Obuun is already being considered by many to be a strict upgrade to a similar commander who is near and dear to my heart: Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper. Quirion Ranger is a core piece of our deck since it goes infinite with a large amount of the cards in the deck. RELATED: Magic the Gathering: Best Equipment Cards Ever, Ranked. First, have Tidewater Minion, Illusionist's Bracers, and mana sources that produce the colours you want out on the battlefield. In the brewing phase, I was initially considering using a combination of Mirror Entity and Griffin Canyon to make an infinitely large land creature to attack with. Attention! The pump effects for Obuun work just about as well with other creatures and cards like Omnath, Locus of Rage or Field of the Dead can put a ton of tokens on board to attack with. Noxious Revival Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Blossom Dryad + Illusionist's Bracers Combo result Infinite colored mana. In your hand, you need Dockside Extortionist and another creature, as cheap as you can get. Return Dockside Extortionist to your hand, and then use two of the Treasure tokens you made to re-cast it and make a boatload of Treasures. Please add some cards to the deck to see card suggestions. Neutral on mana. Now you can do it again, floating an infinite amount of mana from the lands you control. 2023. lands matter - Omnath, Locus of the Roil, Ashaya, Soul of the Wild, Eternal Witness, Illuna, Apex of Wishes, Retreat to Coralhelm, . Updated May 11, 2022 by Joe Parlock: Commander is a massive format, and new combos are being found all the time. This creates the loop that lets you play and re-play Dockside Extortionist as many times as you want. 0. Then, pay to activate its other ability and untap it. Wizards of the Coast LLC. Incredibly simple and straight-forward, it tends to be one of the first combos anyone getting into Magic learns about. Animating these in advance will give us a giant double striking land or flying infector. Privacy Policy. First, 3 colour commander decks are generally going to be stronger than 2 colour decks. Greenweaver Druid This will then trigger Cloudstone Curio again, letting you return the second creature to your hand and re-cast it. Commander Deck Tech: Ashaya, Soul of the Wild You don't see monogreen combo decks every day, but Ashaya, Soul of the Wild is here to change that! It turns all of your noncreature tokens into land creatures, letting them tap for mana. Eternal Witness By putting it on to Tidewater Minion, who taps to untap a target permanent, we can untap any mana sources we like as many times as we need. This site 2023, LLC With inspiration from Ashaya, Soul of the Wild - mean green land machine :). Reveillark's death trigger will activate again, you can repeat the whole loop as many times as you want: use Reveillark to bring Karmic Guide back, use Karmic Guide to bring Reveillark back, sacrifice them both to Phyrexian Altar. Here are some suggestions for cards you could add to your deck, based on decks that other players have built with this Commander. Casting Finale of Devastation with X= A LOT usually ends the game too. Shaman of Forgotten Ways is also a consideration since it does work to generate infinite mana for creatures only. So it's understandable that infinite mana is incredibly powerful, especially in Commander. but the Mind Flayarrrs precon from Commander Legends 2 comes . Discord Server | Come check out this draft of what an Ashaya EDH deck could look like. If you'd like your own deck considered for a future Fishbowl Thursday leave a link in the comments or you can email me at by Gwathnar 2 years ago. Privacy statement | Infinite mana + Ezuri, Renegade Leader = infinite pump and trample damage, Wins w/o Infinite Mana (They're still affected by summoning sickness.) It won't win the game on its own, but infinite mana will almost definitely put you far ahead of the rest of the table. This web site is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Wizards of the Coast LLC. Kenrith's Transformation (creatures only), Recursion (if things go wrong): Utility Artifacts. Help | Cast any spell you want with these infinite mana combos for Magic: The Gathering. Nonland removal Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Force of Nature The only things you need to note: Ashaya must be in play for every infinite mana play line, the creature tapping for two mana cannot be summoning sick, Ashaya makes creatures "Forest lands." For 1RGW, were getting ourselves a 3/3 with 2 abilities. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Lastly if youre struggling to close out games you can always include more finishers and tutors as Naya has plenty. As you are attacking, you will build up your Claw Gauge, and then, at any point, you are able to do a Claw Plunge, which will embed your claw into the Kemono.This makes the camera focus on where you have the connection and allows for a whole new set of attacks. are property of Wizards of the Coast. Card View. This annoying message will go away once you do. Table View. The buttons above will open in a new window. [[Shaman of Forgotten Ways]] can also do some shenanigans, being both a combo piece . This web site may use the trademarks and other intellectual property of Wizards of the Coast LLC, which is permitted under Wizards' Fan Site Policy. On the battlefield, you need Cloustone Curio. Obuun synergises well with extra combat steps as we can turn additional spare lands into creatures to attack with, so I chucked in an Aggravated Assault for good measure. You can listen to most all The 99 Episodes via Anchor \u0026 Spotify (link provided through Anchor): @The99MTGInstagram: @The99MTGDiscord: us via: In a Bant (green/white/blue) deck with a different commander, though, they fit together nicely. Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Bootleggers' Stash + Battered Golem Combo result Infinite Treasure tokens. Though colourless mana isn't quite as useful as coloured, a two-card infinite combo that can slot into any deck is well worth it. Wizards hit it out the park with these pre-constructed decks and I hope to see more follow this trend in the future. Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Quirion Ranger + Lotus Cobra = infinite mana and infinite casts/ETB. You can feed all this mana into generic mana costs, X-spell costs, or, with Chromatic Orrery out, use it to cast whatever you like. The deck is pretty enjoyable to play as well and really fits right within the sweet spot of what I think a commander should be. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Neyith of the Dire Hunt will double his power, force a block and usually result in a card draw to boot. There are a few perks that come along with it too, just visit here to find out more: you can support The 99 when buying your next singles, packs and supplies through TCGplayer! Finally we have Obuuns synergy with land creatures. (2020-09-25) As long as Ashaya is on the battlefield, it's affected by its second ability and thus its first ability counts itself. This site is unaffiliated. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. Lastly, red provides access to some additional pump effects and extra combat steps. Heroic Intervention Just flicker Peregrine Drake as many times as you need, tapping five lands every time, and you'll have a profit of at least two mana per loop. Notes and Rules Information for Ashaya, Soul of the Wild : The ability that defines Ashaya's power and toughness applies in all zones, not just the battlefield. The go-to source for comic and superhero movie fans. Illusionist's Bracers is an incredibly powerful artifact that copies the activated abilities of the creature it's equipped to. and our Terms of use | Privacy | Sitemap | Contact, Tevesh/Jeska & Obosh: Just Dont Click This Please. If you need more damage than is reasonable, try combining them with Blackblade Reforged! These are the all the revisions of this deck. To get started, you need Phyrexian Altar on the battlefield, Reveillark in your hand, and Karmic Guide in your graveyard (which is easy enough to do with its Evoke ability). Top Cards. Since Obuun mostly focuses on the combat step, Marisi, Breaker of the Coil or Basandra, Battle Seraph are some solid choices if you need to keep your opponents interactive spells off of your land creatures. For this list, we're skipping over combos that are too similar to each other in favour of having combos that can work in more colour identities, or use fewer cards. Pretty much the rest of the deck is ramp and protection. Craterhoof Behemoth and friends are always there in a pinch if need be. For this combo, you need Ashaya, Argothian Elder, and at least one other land on the battlefield. This combo is so famous that it has its own name in the Magic community: "Isorev". Combo Breakdown: Ashaya, Soul of the Wild | Zendikar Rising Combo Explained | MTG EDH Landfall Combo King of Jank 3.46K subscribers Dislike Share 8,866 views Sep 22, 2020 Previous Episode:. With Rings of Breathearth and Basalt Monolith on the battlefield, tap Basalt Monolith to make three colourless mana. Sylvan Safekeeper, Against hate pieces: Copied to clipboard. Commander Spellbook is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the You now have three colourless mana floating, and can do it again: tap Basalt Monolith to make three more colourless mana, pay three to untap it, copy the ability using two colourless and Rings of Brighthearth, untap Basalt Monolith once, tap it to make three more colourless, and then untap it with the copied ability. Cookie Notice Attention! The 99 - A Better Ashaya, Soul of the Wild | Mono-Green Infinite Combo King | MTG EDH CEDH Deck Tech Primer September 20, 2020 by Community Spotlight If you enjoy the content provided on The 99 and have wanted to help support the Channel directly, you can do so by becoming a Patron! If you have another creature with power two or less with an enter ability you want looping, Reveillark's ability allows it to return up to two creatures. Contact | by Outcryqq 2 years ago, Post Finale of Devastation. There's always room for more infinite mana, and so the list has been updated with two more popular ways to get all the mana you need. Turns out, it doesn't like the unnatural feeling of building an endless mana source, making it actually one of the least common colours to have a combo like this. Slap this aura on top and then target the land with Obuun at the beginning of combat. Tap a land for mana, and then tap Argothian Elder for its ability to untap two lands. Due to the rider on Magus Lucea Kane's ability, this ability is copied, and you may choose any lands as targets. When Reveillark's death trigger activates, target Karmic Guide and return it to the battlefield. Commander Spellbook utilizes icons provided by Mono-Green. Second, our land creature is less vulnerable to creature removal, only being animated from our combat step to the end step. For more information about Wizards of the Coast or any of Wizards' trademarks or other intellectual property, please visit their website at ( RELATED: The Best Infinite Turns Combos In Magic The Gathering. Unfortunately, we could not detect a Commander in this deck. Kessig Wolf Run allows us to sink mana into a temporary pump, Xenagos, God of Revels will grant him haste and double up his current power. Tap all five lands to produce at least five mana, use three of it to activate Emiel on the Peregrine Drake again, and the combo is ready to go. Dryad Equipped with Bracers. Combine that with Emiel the Blessed, a legendary creature who can pay three mana to flicker something, and the combo is already in place. First, play Dockside Extortionist and make all those Treasure tokens, and then use some of those treasures to cast your second creature. You want to combo off as fast as possible and we have many lines that do so. Ashaya, Soul of the Wild As Commander As Card Average Deck Decks Combos Combos Used In Ashaya, Soul of the Wild (251 Combos) Submit your own combos and corrections to Commander Spellbook. Tags: infinite-damage infinite-etb infinite-power. Discord Server | Reclamation Sage Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. Fyndhorn Elder Use hope tender's second ability on itself and ashaya or another creature to get infinite mana, which is infinite counters on all your creatures with leyline. Mono-Green, Move over, Yisan! For this combo, you need Ashaya, Argothian Elder, and at least one other land on the battlefield. It's so easy to pull off and is in mono-blue, hugely opening up which decks it fits into. Any infinite combo that uses a potential commander is great, and Ashaya, Soul of the Wild is a fantastic commander. Please choose it here to view card suggestions. How can Ashaya, Soul of the Wild allow for an infinite lifegain, card draw and removal combo in Historic? For example, you could pull all your basic Plains out of your deck with an Ambitious Farmhand, or make infinite 1/1 white Spirit tokens with Emissary of the Sleepless. Happy deck building! Font Awesome This still works with the Glimpse of Nature/Beast Whisperer line, but not with Ezuri, Renegade Leader or Nylea, Keen-Eyed. DMCA requests | Combo Results: * Infinite green mana * Infinite ETB * Infinite LTB * Infinite storm count * Infinite landfall triggers Previous Episode: Spy Kit: combo list: Playlist: you like the video, then SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, COMMENT and ring Youtube's bell!Follow on Twitter: sounds/music taken from Apple's Garage Band, Youtube Audio Library, and Bensound: http://www.bensound.comClips from YouTube:\"Combo Breakdown\": I don't claim to own any of the original clips/sounds added into my video. Not only is this an infinite coloured mana combo, but it's also an infinite enters-the-battlefield combo. Illusionist's Bracers will trigger, copying that untap ability, and you can use the copy to untap a tapped mana source instead. Then you can take all that mana and dump it into big spells or activated abilities. by darrenhabib 2 years ago, Post It costs you nothing extra and goes a long way to help the content you enjoy here: along with the primer here: haven't had your fill of content? Or if you want to go really big, try slamming a Colossification or Eldrazi Conscription onto Obuun and really go to town. While Ill never give up on Noyan, I can see the advantages that Obuun brings to the table here. Beast Within To make sure this deck is analyzed properly in the future, please. Get the best commander content straight to your inbox! Obuun will power up our land creature based on his own power stat, so anything that really buffs him up before or at the beginning of combat will lead to a ton of additional damage potential. It requires a little bit of stack finesse, but each loop will net you one colourless mana, and the last time you do it will get you three instead. Prerequisites All permanents on the battlefield, an additional land. Dockside Extortionist is one of the hottest cards in Commander right now, thanks to its ability to make a massive amount of treasure tokens for just two mana. Lands, artifacts, mana dorks, it doesn't matter; as long as you can make at least three mana per loop, you'll have infinite mana in any colour you can normally produce. Ashaya, Soul Of The Wild - Infinite Combos Commander / EDH Combo Mono-Green BackBurner90 Creature (27) 1x Arbor Elf 1x Archetype of Endurance 1x Argothian Elder 1x Beast Whisperer 1x Birds of Paradise 1x Collector Ouphe 1x Dosan the Falling Leaf 1x Elder Gargaroth 1x Farhaven Elf 1x Fierce Empath 1x Gaea's Herald 1x Garruk's Packleader Ashaya has the potential to combo with explosive force, so pull the trigger when you choose. Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Quirion Ranger / Scryb Ranger + any 2+ (3+ with Scryb) mana dork = infinite mana and infinite casts/ETB. This website is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast.. When Peregrine Drake enters the battlefield, its ability will trigger and will untap five of your lands. DMCA requests | Also, if youre looking to build any of these new commanders, or just need a few new cards, consider using our TCGPlayer affiliate link! If you do choose to go down that route, consider adding Phylath, World Sculptor. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. If you feel you want some more protection beyond what Ive included, you can never go wrong with Lightning Greaves or Swiftfoot Boots. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. His favourite Pokemon is Porygon, and his favourite Commander is Kwain, Itinerant Meddler! History Unlike other elementals, Ashaya did not return to the land after a battle. . It is a fragment of Zendikar's worldsoul . Guest-only advertisements. Its a great way to support us here at the Command Beacon and we really appreciate it. Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Quirion Ranger + Altar of the Brood = infinite ETB and mills. Copyright 2023 Command Beacon, All rights reserved. Please select the columns you would like to see: For forums and blogs please select one of the BB-Code options. Pay three generic mana to activate Emiel's ability, target the Drake, and flicker it. Complete Comment Tutorial! Commander / EDH Les ditions physiques de mes Mugen pour Nintendo Switch sera vendu exclusivement via Play-Asia, et les prcommandes Land decks are very flexible, so you can include a ton of local-meta and preference related tech. Now with both Karmic Guide and Reveillark on the battlefield, sacrifice Karmic Guide to Phyrexian Altar to produce another coloured mana, and then sacrifice Reveillark. Shield of the Oversoul also works, buffing and granting indestructible. In this case, we have 2 lands we care about, Needle Spires & Inkmoth Nexus. When you have logged in, click the Refresh Session button and then try again. Suggestions welcomed but I really want to stick to being a combo deck, with just a few efficient beatdown outs (Natural Order + Craterhoof and Sylvan Advocate + Ashaya). Rarity: M #: 179 Card Type: Legendary Creature Elemental P / T: * / * Condition Price 3/2/23 LP 1 With trample and haste of course! The main mana sinks I opted for in this build are Radha, Heart of Keld, Crawling Barrens and Kessig Wolf Run. Font Awesome License. For more information, please see our Text View. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. As long as your opponents have at least three more artifacts or enchantments than the mana cost of your second creature, each loop will give you a profit of at least one Treasure token. Peregrine Drake is one of the game's most popular flicker targets, thanks to its enter-the-battlefield trigger of untapping five of your lands. Pay three generic mana to equip the Tidewater Minion with the Illusionist's Bracers, and then tap the TIdewater Minion for its activated ability, targeting the Tidewater Minion itself. Your opponents also need a number of artifacts or enchantments: at least three more than the mana cost of your second creature. Combo Instructions: You may upvote () and downvote () combos If this combo works with other cards you can quickly create it by clicking on 'Extend this combo' Quirion Ranger + Retreat to Hagra + Ashaya, Soul of the Wild Purchase combo at: Estimated combo price: $7.70 $0.35 $0.39 $6.96 Tags: infinite-damage infinite-life infinite-etb 0 With that ability trigger on the stack, use Rings of Brighthearth and pay two generic to copy it, and resolve everything but that second untap ability. For example, MAGIC: THE GATHERING(r) is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast. and our This goes off so easily! New Cards (5) New Cards. This ties in nicely with his other ability to, at the beginning of combat on our turn, turn one of our lands into an X/X elemental with trample and haste, where X is Obuuns power. Beyond Elf commanders, Vitalize is a fine addition to Ashaya, Soul of the Wild and Seton, Krosan Protector. Purchase combo at: Estimated combo price: $20.17. Responsibility for comments, forum posts, messages and any other user-generated content lies with their respective authors. Never fear! All Rights Reserved. This is an interesting design that wont warp the format or lead to miserable games and it brings access to Naya lands to anyone who isnt able to get a copy of Hazezon Tamar or doesnt want to go all in on the tokens theme. Ashaya, Soul of the Wild makes all your nontoken creatures into a Forest, so you can get a mana dork from every creature in your deck as well their normal versatility. A few cards that aren't obvious or stock includes: Ashaya, Combo-Queen of the Peasants [less $$], Ashaya, Soul of the Wild - mean green land machine. Although we try to present current and accurate information, we cannot make any guarantees of any kind. RELATED: Magic: The Gathering's Showcase Alternate Card Frames, Ranked. Then theres Moraug, Fury of Akoum. When you have logged in, click the. In theory, its possible to get infinite combat steps using Aggravated Assault with any combination of ridiculously large amounts of mana and extra combats provided by Moraug. Cast Isochron Scepter, and when it enters the battlefield, exile Dramatic Reversal to imprint it. Fresh from Zendikar Rising, Ashaya can combo you out or beat you down, but, either way, it makes for an awesome commander. Infinite mana + Glimpse of Nature / Beast Whisperer / Nylea, Keen-Eyed = draw the whole deck + play Craterhoof Behemoth for the win Infinite mana + Ezuri, Renegade Leader = infinite pump and trample damage Wins w/o Infinite Mana Elemental Bond is a three-mana green enchantment that allows you to draw a card whenever a creature with power three or greater enters the battlefield under your control. The Ferocious line of text has possible fringe uses. $6.96. They're also infinite sacrifice triggers for commanders like Juri, Master of the Revue. A Better Ashaya, Soul of the Wild | Mono-Green Infinite Combo King | MTG EDH CEDH Deck Tech Primer 15,907 views Sep 20, 2020 480 Dislike Share Save The 99 21.9K subscribers If you enjoy the. [[Magus of the Candlelabra]] is an excellent choice. according to the Not only are infinite Treasures infinite mana, but they're also infinite artifacts for stuff like affinity, improvise, or animation spells like Rise and Shine. Follow along for deck breakdowns, gameplay and more surrounding your favorite Commander decks!-----Don't have time to sit and watch the full Episode? For websites and forums that support HTML (e.g. This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. All you need to do is have both Emiel and Peregrine Drake out on the battlefield. Patrons help maintain an ad-light experience, and are never shown ads. The main benefit to this combo is that its really, really funny. Jokes aside, any strategy involving lands is always going to have some powerful synergies because you a rewarded for putting additional mana sources onto the battlefield thanks to mechanics such as landfall. 6% of 1601 decks -2% synergy. Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Arbor Elf + Darksteel Garrison = infinite +1/+1 on a creature. OK, were going to try to pump up Obuun, Mul Daya Ancestor and throw him and the elemental-land he brings along at our opponents life totals. Infinite mana is about as un-white as you can imagine, and yet it does have a pretty great combo available to it. Then resolve that copied untap. Being able to play whatever you want without worrying about the cost, or plumbing all that mana into an obscenely massive X-cost spell, can devastate the board. Infinite mana + Glimpse of Nature / Beast Whisperer / Nylea, Keen-Eyed = draw the whole deck + play Craterhoof Behemoth for the win All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Now, his time is spent brewing stranger and stranger decks while aiming to stay in line with the true spirit of the format. TappedOut.js Blog Widget. Cookie Notice To vastly oversimplify here, Obuuns ability will reset their power and toughness if they were already a creature, but they will retain keyword abilities while gaining trample and haste.
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