Loose Lips We never found ourselves in a situation that we couldn't handle physically. Apologies if this isnt relevant, but every time I see FBI and Mauras name in the same sentence I think back to right after the accident and our efforts to get the FBI involved being actively rejected and its still disappointing to this day. Denying a FOIA request for something that was public seems strange to me. It happened to Maura. We walked Rt 112 on foot heading east and did not see any foot prints in the snow between the rd and river. I called Maura and her best friend to see if she was okay. I talked to them about anything and everything that we/they could think of to try and help. There was an error and we couldn't process your subscription. But on her way back in the wee hours of the next morning, she crashed her fathers car into a guardrail. Although that mindset is possible, there are other explanations that may be revealing. The cop who wrote up the report said, Evidence at the scene indicated the vehicle had been eastbound and had gone off the roadway, struck some trees, spun around and come to rest facing the wrong way in the eastbound lane.. The vehicle was locked and the airbags had been deployed. There was no note [that I am aware of]; however, there was an email. Maura Murray was a strong student and track athlete before her disappearance. Maura Murray - billrausch.net By that point, she had also used the internet to look up directions to Burlington, Vermont. Kate was Mauras closest friend at UMass. We didnt walk on it Altho had we seen footprints we prob would have. General facts and characteristics about Maura. I did believe it to be a woman (again watch the ID ep). Maura Murray - Bill Rausch and The Fbi (Mindshock True Crime Podcast I dont recall how they took it into evidence. (commenting on a picture posted) I remember how much everyone adored her from the moment they met her for the first time. A few months prior, someone shoved her down the long Metro escalator on her way to work. Have you heard the story of her winning a free throw competition at Boston Garden? I remember us doing over that area over and over and over again on foot. It is clear that he builds up soldiers around him, as narcissists do, people who will believe in him, that need to protect their self image, is very important to a narcissist. during the days/weeks after Mauras disappearance we made a significant effort to have the FBI take over the case and the NHSP would not entertain the idea. Maura Murray came up a lot. Much like Maura Murrays mugshot, this image has been widely described as unsettling. His friends and his family he calls, in a ballistic frency. After the afternoon of February 9th, he does not call Maura's dorm room again, only her cell phone. We did not independently verify this, altho I wish we had given the issues/problems with the police investigation we later discovered (LE not interviewing witnesses, not calling phone numbers Maura called the day she disappeared, refusing help from the FBI, etc). She could legit ball. Her time there appeared normal for the most part, but there were some problems. I believe the unaccounted for backpack was one she had from West Point. She would literally jump from a tree top into the Saco river one day (thats a great story btw), and the next day be the most radiant woman at any formal event. I dont recall if she flagged it down bc it was a truck or it just happened to be one. Maura Murray is Missing reports he attempted to call the police, but he did not have any cell phone coverage. After work on St. Patricks Day 2011, Pattison and some of her co-workers at Ray Group left work a little early for happy hour. Rob McDonald and his wife Christine knew me and knew Maura. But since she had told no one of her plans and left without making a confirmed reservation, it remains unclear where she was actually going. It would be a dent in that carefully crafted image he spent years working on publicly, that he was also destroying at the same time behind the scenes. This was one of many things that Murrays father Fred who was only informed about his missing daughter 24 hours after the crash would criticize about how the police handled the search. Almost 20 years later, Murray's case has turned cold, and her disappearance continues to be a mystery. Maura was an above average athlete. Looking back, I dont know if it was Maura, altho I believed it to be at the time. The Most Debated Mystery Of Our Time: The Disappearance Of Maura Murray There was a broad passion she had for hiking that included a goal of hiking all the 4,000 ft mountains in NH. There are Reddit threads, podcasts, and entire blogs dedicated to Murrays caseone of which is run by author andreporterJames Renner. I have thoughts on what they should have but I would be speculating to say they def have the recording. Around 3:15 p.m., Murray drove to an off-campus ATM and withdrew $280. Fred spoke with the police everyday and it was not until years later when he sued the state for answers that the direct conversations stopped. Someone broke her fall, and she says she looked up and saw Rausch turning the corner at the top. In mid July I collected and organized his answers. Dr. . While I'm unsure exactly who believes Maura's disappearance was a DUI walk away, that theory was far from my mind after speaking with Fred the evening of February 10th. Personal feelings aside, some of the items that Murray had packed in her car such as birth control pills, tooth whitener, and college textbooks have led many to believe that she was not intending to die that day. I not recall if it was on her desk or perhaps on top of boxes beside her desk. Freelancers Guide Maura was an above average athlete. All the evidence you need of this can be found in Bill's call records. We can see clearly from this case, that he does not handle rejection very well at all. He told me Maura's car was found on the side of the road in New Hampshire and Maura was nowhere to be found. We were laser focused on finding Maura and nothing could knock us off track, if that makes sense? If anyone here is a basketball fan think of Kevin Durant or Tim Duncan. [On 116/112] It doesnt have a road number on it but yeah that looks right. A black Saturn appeared to be stuck in a ditch near her home. Re Maura leaving West Point thats something Ill be taking a deep dive into given thats how we met and I can provide personal and professional insight into the situation. Maura Murray with Bill Rausch child? Recent sighting? - YouTube Three people who Pattison told about the attack soon afterward have confirmed her account to City Paper. I will attempt to keep updating this. To confirm your assumption, she was familiar with North Conway. She then went to a liquor store and purchased about $40 worth of alcohol, including Baileys, Kahla, and boxed wine. Its that simple. I am sure that this man has bamboozled a great number of people, including his own mother, into standing behind him. Work Here But there are people who are gullible enough to believe they are 'good'. Maura Murray MissingThe disappearance of Maura Murray has remained a mystery since she went missing in 2004. That said, I remember taking my phone off the x-ray machine belt with my bag, belt, etc at the airport and seeing the notification I had a VM and then listening to it for the first time moments later. Silly even! Its my understanding that Sara was not as close to Kate or Maura. It could be a generational thing with the older officers considering a printed out email a note. I believe we know nothing about her Sunday because it's critical to this case. That was the first time I had been on campus in 2004. Most recently, in September 2021, New Hampshire State Police (NHSP) announced that human bone fragments had been found just 25 miles away from North Haverhill in the Loon Mountain area. When we would stop one day and return the next we could see where we searched/walked the day(s) before. I could also see red liquid on the drivers side door and ceiling of the car. In addition, the cop discovered a Coke bottle that contained a red liquid with a strong alcoholic odor. And there were also printed MapQuest directions to Burlington, Vermont. My mother and I provided Mauras phone records (and mine) in full to the NHSP, Helena Murray, producers at 20/20 and others. Police also believed that Murray may have been trying to kill herself, and even put out a press release two days after she first went missing that she was possibly suicidal. Her father has denied this suggestion: She was in good spirits and had no worries or reason to run away from her life.. The Disappearance of Maura Murray - Journalism, by James Renner As a reminder, we encourage all users to read the subreddit rules and keep all discussion civil and respectful. What are the chances that your boyfriend or girlfriend will go missing without a trace? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. He said that he went car-shopping with his daughter and went to dinner with her before he went back to his motel. Being 1,000 miles away when she disappeared, for one. Murray emailed her professors to say that she would be taking a week off due to a death in the family. Im familiar with the type of conditions you describe from growing up with winters in Ohio and my time at West Point. Interestingly enough, a contractor who had been passing by on Route 112 that night later reported seeing a young person moving eastbound on foot a few miles away from the scene of the accident around 8 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Looking back, I dont know if it was Maura, altho I believed it to be at the time. In doing so, perhaps it can draw more awareness to the case and possibly help Julie [or anyone] find Maura and bring her home. What we've learned about Maura and her disappearance from Bill Rausch (Her relatives later said there was no death.) She was one of a kind. Thats how we got up to Canada and down to mass. MAURA MURRAY - BILL RAUSCH'S SAAB STORY - YouTube But for all the theories, were no closer to finding out what happened to Maura Murray today than we were nearly two decades ago. Maura placed great value on kindness in others. The youngest daughter of Fred and Laurie Murray, she saw her parents separate when she was just six years old. Maura Murray had four siblings Fred Jr., Kathleen, Julie, and Kurtis and she was often described as an overachiever from a young age. Seems something specifically happened to set him off to make him call her incessantly like that, and also something that would make Maura ignore every one of his calls. Working together I believe we will find Maura. Basketball The disappearance of Maura Murray has remained a mystery since she went missing in 2004. "The court will learn that [Bill's] abuse of [the victim] began within days after they started dating and that [the victim] endured years of emotional and physical violence." Im unsure if folks here understand how bold and independent she was. Maura was missing. I agree that everyone seems to be at a loss for why she left UMASS. Access to Mauras VM was gained after and bc she disappeared. Bottom line: she was not kicked out and most likely would not have been had she wanted to stay. Bryan Kohberger Probably Cause AffidavitMap. On Feb. 9, 2004, University of Massachusetts student Maura Murray crashed her car on Route 112, an icy road in Haverhill, New Hampshire. This may be tangential but was she worried that "someone" may be able to track her location by hacking into credit card payment details if she paid for anything l a card? Something other folks are also passionate about: http://4000footers.com/nh.shtml. Much like Maura Murrays mugshot, this image has been widely described as unsettling. I know I played it for them on speaker several times at the station. Terms & Conditions Many a reference to both of those in old letters as well. There are numerous podcasts, websites, and docuseries dedicated to finding the truth. In some cases you will see I have pasted multiple responses to the same question. Time under the code and severity of the offense are two key factors in determining the outcome of a cadet who violates the Honor Code. Her light heartedness made her assertiveness that much more appealing to me and many others. It was her home away from home. That said, Im not suggesting they are bad folks bc I dont know their reasons. I dont recall if it had a garage (there may have been one).
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