To give you a better idea we've put together an overview of the different style personalities for women below. While Manina is a Gamine, Rachel is a Dramatic and Ilka is a Dramatic and a Classic. She performed the wild La Dance Savage practically mocking Parisians and their preoccupations with African exoticism. Thus I am a Classic/Diva however contradictory that sounds . Now that Ive had my colors done and my style personality, I have all the info I need to go shopping! Gamines are usually petite and not necessarily in terms of height (a few extra inches can provide enough Yang in their Yin-Yang balance, but they won't be extremely tall anyway). Soft Gamine - Miss Kitty in Color I have also received many compliments, gifts and new opportunities! More Style Type Systems. NATURAL style type. Lots of straight, sharp, short narrow tapered hemlines. Consequently, individuals with the gamine style essence tend to create an overall visual impression of rebelliousness and playful boldness. One thing that REALLY helped me is you coming to terms with a different silhouette and breaking through myths about your body and how you should wear clothes. The Gamine Cute, sharp, neat and funky. I have always been a gamine style even before I knew what it was called. Thanks! Find out with our fun style personality quiz and get ideas on how to dress for your unique style! It referred to a relatively boyish, youthful, playful, charming, and adorable way of dressing. Gamine Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster As far as work appropriate dressing is concerned, you need to be careful you dont under dress or look as if you havent bothered, so a smart pair of trousers in a simple style and a shirt would be good. Think Audrey Hepburn, Emma Watson, Carey Mulligan, Audrey Tatou. I gave all the coatigans to my 59 daughter and they look wonderful on her. Slim cropped and ankle-length pants. We all need to use what works for us and disregard the rest. This blog has helped me realize that my personal style is best for me and I wanted to share my journey. I cover some Flamboyant Gamine Style Foundations in this blog post. Gamine is originally a French word that means waif or playful child. Everything under the rainbow C. Soft and gentle D. Navy and cream E. Browns and blues 2. But I keep forgetting that I can wear navy with black the all black, all the time aesthetic is so deeply ingrained! I agree with Robyn that the new silhouette is very flattering, though I also liked your dramatic dusters. Think Emma Stone, Natalie Portman, Naomi Watts, Amanda Seyfried. Each section is golden nugget after golden nugget. 1. a neglected girl who is left to run about the streets. Celebrity examples:Ellen deGeneres, Carey Mulligan, Judy Dench, Emma Watson and Audrey Hepburn. Just my opinion! Such as shorts, cropped, fitted pants, jackets and cardigans, mini or knee-length skirts. I like what you said about these being tools, not rules. Some of us need a visual reference, as in using maps rather than directions. But since the time of Audrey Hepburn (the original gamine), it has been used to describe a slim, boyish, doe eyed girl with mischievous and innocent childlike appeal. Thank you, Greetje my style isnt on the list either:-). Ayesha is a graduate of Yale University and a former television journalist. I find from working with my personal style and wardrobe clients that with style insight they suddenly realize why certain things in their closet just dont work for them. I too love black, although it love me less and less as time goes on. And I can see I thought I was bigger than petite because of how clothes fit me, boots too tight in calves, my bottom pulled the pants funny, and tops hung, because of a small bust , but grabbed my forearms tight. I became annoyed by the work I had to do in between and rescheduled everything else. Now, all of these are tools, not rules. Im adapting some of the Gamine style guidelines for our lifestyle, which is mostly casual, and for our locale (Southern California) where being too done up feels out of place. Gamine definicin y significado | Diccionario Ingls Collins They have a lithe frame that tends to show off some toned musculature. Earthy, but glamorous at the same time. It is second nature to them. Make way for Audrey Tautou: French gamine channels Coco Chanel, patron Your hairstyle can be very short, very long, blunt or asymmetrical. And, of course, adapting to this middle-aged body, which means things that used to look good no longer do! She will have to recognize the cycles of transformation, something we explore in the Maiden Masterclass, in order to recognize her opportunities to evolve into the highest level of her archetype. Those of us with a gamine style personality don't like fussy clothes, preferring slim fitting styles. Hoop earrings and solid circles work best with my facial features, no chunky jewelry. Neatness in your clothing rather than fulness is best for you. So much of it rang true, and Im so grateful to have found it at my age. Think Audrey Hepburn, Emma Watson, Carey Mulligan, Ellen DeGeneres. Education and input are so valuable. Typically, physical or psychological loss will force the maiden womanto face herself and fully mature. 1. When the dominant maiden archetype is developed, and your lover archetype is active, you display an unselfconscious sensuality and lightness that enthralls. innocent and provocative? Your email address will not be published. The final major spot on the Yin/Yang scale is the combination of opposites that represents the Gamine. The gamine style is sweet, childlike, gentle, innocent and adorably charming. I can see now, the fashion du jour can have a lasting effect on our views of ourselves, no wonder we new help! Style advice for flamboyant gamine and soft gamine overlaps quite a bit. So heres a bit more detail about the style guidelines, and how Im incorporating them. She lowers defenses, possibly with with humor, precociousness, or intrigue, and she elevates our moods, naturally drawing out the paternal aspects in a mans personality. Mary, I agree. Also make sure that your eyebrows are well groomed and use eyebrow pencil to give them shape if you need to. Physically, you are Yin in size (petite) and shape (curvy flesh, rounded features), and slightly Yang in your bone structure (angular). ENQUIRE TODAY Colour Consultation (London) We spend 3 hours together learning which are your most flattering range of colours. Elizabeth, Oh my. I had an initial exchange with the Red Leopard Ladies and didnt resonate with their suggestion of classic. I just wanted to write to say thank you for your amazing work. After my personality quiz and measurements, Ally categorized me as Natural Dramatic (I was really close with Snappy Casual! Your work is beyond magnificent! ETHEREAL style type. Hair is last. There are subtle variations to all these archetypes and most people are a combination of at least two. I have followed you for years. You can view your wishlist by creating account or logging-in an existing account. What's Your Clothing Style? Personality Quiz - ProProfs Quiz And your examples of mature gamine are of interest to me. These keep the body looking slender. Thanks Susan for all your work in trying to help us understand the style types. I may not be alone in appreciating your use of the personalities as examples. I'm excited to start with Soft Gamine, which is my body type. Maybe in her younger years but she definitely skewed Classic in her later years. For jewellery choose beads or stones that will go with many of your clothes. It was used in English from about the mid-19th century (for example, by William Makepeace Thackeray in 1840 in one of his Parisian sketches), but in the 20th century . Here are the other Style Personality Profiles that Red Leopard uses. DISCLOSURE: This website uses affiliate links, which may generate commissions based on purchases at no additional cost to you. I personally believe that we dont necessarily fall into just one of these categories but are often a combination of two or even three style personalities. The Two Types of Flamboyant Gamines | Style Syntax The only issue I have is with Audrey Hepburn being called upon to be the iconic gamine. Ive been retiring my heavier earrings anyway, so this works for me. Thank you so much, I think you saved my soul with your videos. You didnt write this wrong, but your reader definitely interpreted your words in a negative light. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a2b79d3d27767f1c5afdda1e4b1fdbdf" );document.getElementById("c5b6cb7268").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. I recall many years ago when Joan Collins was still in Dynasty that she said she was always expected to look super glam like her character but that her personal style was much more casual . I wasnt sure what was bothering me about the wording, but youve nailed it. Get an original copy of the Metamorphasis Book. Clothing in various personality - Gamines like clothes but not anything fussy instead choosing slim fitting styles. Loved this post! achieved in these long years : clarity in what I'm going through and why. The Gamine is equal parts Yin and Yang, always maintaining a natural . Its down to our style or wardrobe personality, usually classified as Classic, Natural, Romantic, Dramatic and Gamine. (Rather like your navy maybe thats also a gamine thing? Style personality quiz - What is your style personlity? Find out! Textures and Prints: too much texture overwhelms me, so big chunky sweaters are a no-go. Gamine Style is a boyish, childlike look. When Ive tried I just become boring/get bored . She is best known as a featured panelist on "The Grapevine". I love this post! Just like the Archetype Quiz, the Feminine Odyssey course was very thorough. (And Ive hung onto a few favorite pieces that arent quite Gamine until I can replace them with ones that are.). A Gamine needs small, sharp geometrics, Precision fitted and crisply tailored. Lots of straight, sharp, short narrow tapered hemlines. While there are some recommendations-peplums, bolero jackets, bouffant skirts-that can apply to both, a Soft Gamine does not need the ruffles and daintiness that an Ingenue does. I feel liberated now. Nothing too rugged or distressed. In particular Im thinking about tops: Im short waisted and now that Im almost 73 I have a bit of a belly. Monochromatic looks: I love wearing black head-to-toe, and I am also wanting a full pink outfit give me all the matching sets! One of the young men even said that although grandmeres sac was not for me, my grand-peres shoes were fabulous! The one thing I noticed when you had your colors and style analysis is you were wearing shorter silhouettes. Got it ( I think he was searching for a femme version of tomboy..)As I got older my style evolved, I grew my hair out and would have considered my self classic( a regular Kate Middleton! Gamines, I mean Soft Gamine and Flamboyant Gamine, have two key things in common: combination of opposites Yin and Yang, and generally delicate features. I get it thats its just for fun and to help figure out the style that suits one best, but the terminology is downright icky. I took the archetype quiz again after incorporating some of your recommendations. A far better choice is body acceptance, and clothing that makes us look our personal best at our size and shape. I was so fully satisfied after listening to Lover I didnt want to spoil my taste buds by listening to Maiden. There are several systems and most usually cover a version of the following style types: Dramatic (statement dressing, think Victoria Beckham), How to dress gamine style. Ill admit, that assessment both delighted and surprised me. ewwww. At the end of my style consultation, Ally created a personalized Pinterest board for my style. I too, am 54. Sign-up to our mailing list for Invaluable advice. If you have a classic style personality then you have probably noticed that you find it hard to dress down! Style Blog Style Syntax, a style blog dedicated to Kibbe and other systems of image analysis. I took no prisoners. The terminology we use is not an exact science in the same way that a colour consultation is. Much of it was confirmation of styles good & bad that Id figured out on my own. 12. You are truly a phenomenal woman. Leverage your natural charm and receptiveness to your advantage, Recognize the 9 Phases of Feminine Transformation-- and know where you are in that 'cycle', Eliminate the stumbling blocks that ruin your natural, seductive appeal, Ignite and express your raw, magnetic, 'lover' energy, Get unstuck-- and figure out your life path, Learn how other world-class Gamines leveraged their personality for success and love, Attract people and opportunity by being MORE of yourself, Understand the partners you naturally attract-- and, Start daily practices and make lifestyle choices that align you with your archetype, Leverage your archetype for wealth, opportunity and abundance. These women are also prone to persistent bouts of depression and codependent behavior. Shes traveled the world lecturing before a number of universities, and she pens a column for Zora Magazine that explores the intersection of love and power. If the dress code at a venue calls for casual, you will most likely be the best dressed person there. QUIZ Question True or false? After searching and taking different courses on self love, sexual liberation and feminine energy, that I later found out were surface level and not well thought out, I am glad that I invested in your work. Clean shapes and unfussy styles (no tiers, ruffles, big splashy prints), but with interesting small-scale details. When I think about how I want to be perceived, the words creative and put-together come to mind. Would like to someday do the Red Leopard thing because it seems more in-depth than some of the similar processes. Curious about your archetype? I dislike most of the loafer, brogues etc and prefer booties, ballet flats, suede boots have an enviable wardrobe of cashmere items. Gamine Definition & Meaning | A structured blazer and lipstick gives off a totally different vibe than a hoodie and a ponytail. Your hands and feet are moderate to small, and your arms and legs tend to belong. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Such as leather biker jackets, dark blue jeans, black denim; capris, ankle-length pants, military pants; dungarees; boy caps; boots etc. It's not just sex, roses, and pink diamonds. DRAMATIC style type. A Soft Gamine is a force to be reckoned with.
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