. . [I]t appears that Joseph Smith Jessop and his first wife also passed on the rare genetic disorder fumarase deficiency. "John Ortell Kingston was the first Kingston to experiment with incest, marrying and bearing children with two half-sisters and two nieces, according to numerous ex-members of the clan. . "The children afflicted with fumarase deficiency from these three marriages include the grandchildren of Dan Barlow and his brother, the late Louis Barlow, and Merill Jessop, a top aide to fugitive prophet Warren Jeffs. ", "C250 - Senate Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Justice Committee", "DCCS Self-Sustaining Policy, Contributions to the Community", "The Polygamist Accused of Scamming the U.S. Out of $500 Million", "Former WRE CEO testifies about money paid to DCCS Entities", "Jury Finds Los Angeles Businessman Guilty in $1 Billion Biodiesel Tax Fraud Scheme", "Polygamists Admit $512 Million Fraud for U.S. Fuel-Tax Credits", "CEO And CFO Of Utah Biodiesel Company And California Businessman Charged In $500 Million Fuel Tax Credit Scheme", "WRE Defendants arrested and awaiting trial", "Trial postponed for last defendant in fraud case involving members of the Kingston polygamous family", "Complaint and Jury Demand, Grant, et al. "The clan's other numerous incestuous couplings among consenting adults . Men rise in prominence by being obedient and pure of blood and by having large families that can produce a lot of money and workers for the group, the suit continues. "Genetics of Incest: Pre-eclampsia is a condition that can be traced genetically from one generation to the next and is prevalent among some Kingstons, Rugg says. They maintain a secretive but powerful presence in Utah's Salt Lake Valley, and their estimated 7,500. "[2], According to a 2011 document prepared by the attorneys general of the states of Utah and Arizona, the church describes itself as emphasizing family values, education, self-sufficiency, and the belief that every child is a priceless blessing. [7], Plural marriage is practiced by some members of the LDCJC and members make their own choice in who they marry. "The Kingstons are among a small number of family groups in the world who marry closer than first cousins on a regular basis. "The rate at which Kingstons marry each other is 'frightening,' she says. This is why those laws need to be enforced. Thanks for signing up! The Kingston Group is not affiliated withthe Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS) based on the Utah-Arizona line that is run by imprisoned leader Warren Jeffs, who is serving a life sentence in Texas for sexually assaulting girls he considered brides. I hate to talk like this about my own genealogy,' Wyler says, 'but, literally, they are keeping all the breeding stock--the women, the [strictly faithful] men--and weeding out the disobedient men. . When asked to name his offspring by plural wife Mattingly Foster, Kingston came up with about five names before faltering, saying he was very nervous. After viewing a list of the children, he then attempted to name them but once more fell shortprompting the judge to supply the final child's name for him. . ". Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Lesser known children hidden in families sympathetic to polygamists might remain ignorant of their genetic kinship. The Prophet Josephs priorities of missionary work, temple ordinances, proxy work for the dead, and feeding the poor appear to have been lost somewhere. One outspoken Mormon matriarch who attended the same Sunday meeting for 50 years commented about the health of the polygamous descendants versus the monogamous descendants, 'You see it in the obituaries. Or was it true no one knew the answers, because they could not be known, because no one wanted to know? . Re: Polygamy's Patriarchy-Poisoned Bloodline: The Genetic Catastrophe That Has Sprung from Joseph Smith's "Divine" Breeding Program of Mormon Mutation . While they affirm that they now carry the torch first lit by Joseph Smith, their agenda focuses only on plural marriage and their own brand of united order. WRE has since become defunct. The Doctrine and Covenants admonishes the Saints to look to the poor and the needy, and administer to their relief that they shall not suffer (D&C 38:35). "'All my life, my family told me I had to marry a Kingston,' says Rugg. In recent years, former members have lobbied for law enforcement to take action against the sect. "Parents who share a common ancestor are consanguineous. . . "[We] 'hierarchy children are from the 'elite' first families of Mormonism and these families started polygamy in America. . . . "Farm Roots of Incest: Marriages in the Kingston clan must be sanctioned by [the] current head of the church . Second, that prophet organizes his followers into missionary forces that dispense the truth to all the world, utilizing the priesthood to perform saving ordinances. . Childbirth would be fraught with despair and guilt for me and for many family members. Moore-Emmett suggests that the heavily Mormon Utah government is unduly tolerant of polygamy and reluctant to acknowledge the abuses of many polygamous families. "If both parents are descendants of polygamy, the children may be at even greater risk. After all, polygamy is illegal in the US. . People in plural marriages and held above those aren't. People who are members of the Kingston family by blood are held up higher than members of the Clan who are not also blood members of the Kingston family. [9][34], Active members and a recent independent research article by a professor from Santa Clara University have attributed the practice to "endogamous preference and the small size of the groups population". _____. . Once a baby is born with the condition, Aleck says, 'You really can't treat the underlying disorder.' "The only long-term solution to the health crisis is for Barlows and Jessops to have children with spouses from outside the polygamist community. on the history of the fundamentalist community. ", -Apostle George A Smith, "Journal of Discourses," vol. 'If you cross a Barlow and Jessop, you stand a high risk of getting this condition,' Tarby says. "Tarby believes the recessive gene was introduced by one of the community's polygamist founders. "With no other options available, more FLDS families will be faced with the difficult burden of caring for children suffering with fumarase deficiency. Same family, second child, same period of life, a different fatal disease; was there a connection? This is the equivalent of a religious rationalization for the practice of incest. . "'Those boys are the most moral, upstanding and wonderful people I know,' she said, clutching a grandchild to her thin hip. Your IP: . He was kicking people out, too, who weren't obedient. This means all other covenants were of no effect through which source they can. "'My guess is this man had used some of these inbreeding practices in his herd so he was probably in the camp that believed superior genetics could be propagated in a particular line,' Green says. "'The kids that I have seen have terrible seizure disorders and developmental delays,' says Dr. Aleck. Not one defect, but many. All went bareheaded and barefoot. . . The brother missionaries have been in the habit of picking out the prettiest women for themselves before they get here, and bringing on the ugly ones for us; hereafter you have to bring them all here before taking any of them, and let us all have a fair shake. Her subject at the convention was mormon child sexual abuse. [4] Andrea Moore-Emmett, Gods Brothel (San Francisco: Pince-Nez, 2004), 88. "In polygamy . [21] Over the past 25 years, many members have become college-educated and live in middle-to-upper-middle-class homes throughout their communities. Because the Lord introduced it to his servants in a revelation given to Joseph Smith, and the Lord's servants have always practiced it. People are always trying to find people who are inferior and brand them as such.' . He did not consider this lack of sons might be his genetic inheritance, not his multiple wives. [39] The 2022 complaint was filed by attorney, Roger Hoole,[39] an attorney known for representing ex-members of the polygamous Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. . . . . I'd never heard of them, a polygamist, fundie cult where even 14 year olds could . 'They are functioning way below their chronological age.'. 'Most of what you print is lies, lies, lies.' "Then, as generations of polygamous Kingston children have been taught, they demurred to questions about their father. [13][verification needed], The Latter Day Church of Christ is based in Salt Lake City, Utah, with a presence in Bountiful, Utah. "Ex-members' claims of incest are bolstered by court records claiming John Ortell 'failed either to support or acknowledge' three children by his niece, (Susan) Mary Gustafson. . "The disease is not widely known about even in Colorado City, a place where even normally public events such as marriages are conducted in secret. "All of these men have or had multiple wives and scores of children. . Since the natural male-to-female ratio is roughly 50-50, the ratio must be manipulated so that there are more females than males for polygamy to work. The Ku Klux Klan is the oldest American hate group, and while the number of active KKK chapters declined in 2016, members of the Klan are trying to regain ground. Most populations outbreed and so these lethal genes rarely match to cause any serious diseases. joined the Mormons in Zion, the new Promised Land, trading a life of mining for religious hope. "'One lady I know, she just cannot physically pick [her son] up anymore to get him into the bathtub,' Wyler says. . Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a302ff8194befb0 "Frequent and powerful seizures are among the most disturbing characteristics of the disease. Consanguinity causes aggregate clusters of deleterious genes to collect in families, which then express themselves as rare recessive disorders like nephritis, cystic fibrosis, biliary artesia, albinism, short stature and many others. The girl's father and mother, Susan Nelson (one of John Daniel's many wives) are half-sister and brother. "'People don't like to talk about their fumarase babies for obvious reasons,' Wyler says. . "Fast-forward . ", (Greg Burton, "When Incest Becomes a Religious Tenet: Practice sets 1,000-member Kingston clan apart from other Utah polygamous groups," in "The Salt Lake Tribune," 25 April 1999, at: http://www.rickross.com/reference/polygamy/polygamy25.html . , says he has firsthand knowledge of multiple fumarase deficiency children in each of the three families. Among the participants was Charles W. Kingston. Reportedly, Paul and his brother each have dozens of wives and hundreds of children. Satan will try to stop the power of the Lord and that power is where the Lord has given his covenant of consecration and that is: to the Davis County Co-op of Bountiful, Utah. [31][32][33] During this time, some non-members and ex-members began claiming the practice stemmed from theories of genetic purification held by past leaders. Interview with the owner of Desert Tech: The son of Paul's sister Rachel herself a daughter of Ortell and LaDonna Kingston [Nick] Young was the only current member of the Kingston clan, out of the many contacted for this story, who consented to a live, on-the-record interview. 'They have to outbreed,' Aleck says. . . 'He wanted to control his children and grandchildren through genetics. 'Children should not be victims of such programs.'. . . Only the FLDS prophet can arrange and perform polygamous marriages, and those marriages are taking place in a community in which almost everybody is related. [49] As part of the plea deal and restitution, the company forfeits rights to a number of assets including their bio-fuel plant in Plymouth, Utah. And, "We cannot and will not condone or support anyone found to be engaged in any fraudulent behaviors. "Marriages among first and second cousins have been common for decades in the community, where religious doctrine requires men to have at least three wives to gain eternal salvation. _____, --Petri Dishes of the Genetically-Destructive Effects of Mormon-Driven Polygamy: "Modern"-day Utah and Cross-Border Towns. . ("Doctrine & Covenants," Section 132, verses 55, 62-63), "Joseph Smith also testified an angel with a sword came to him many times and commanded him to practice polygamy or else he would lose his life. So many young people.'. Therefore, to keep the bloodline 'pure,' the Kingstons intermarry--half-brothers and sisters, uncles and nieces, aunts and nephews, and so forth. . . "While discussing health problems at a family gathering with some of my cousins wives, we discovered astonishingly that three out of four of us, all polygamy descendants, had borne a son with a clubfoot. "Throughout the world, most polygamy is exogamous, or breeding outside the group. . Various congenital and genital defects, dwarfism, fused limbs, fingernails lacking, mental illness and mental retardation, spina bifida, and microcephalous are some of the diseases and mutations. Naming a father could expose the truth, unveil secrets of paternity and subject the clan to further scrutiny from those who don't approve of incest. . SALT LAKE CITY A local non-profit with ties to the polygamous Kingston group is facing multiple questions and accusations regarding its taxes. . . died of multiple sclerosis, also leaving a family of small children behind. . Escaped members report some patriarchs believe it is their duty to give a daughter her first marriage lessons. . Because God loves that man, and because he honors his word. Re: Polygamy's Patriarchy-Poisoned Bloodline: The Genetic Catastrophe That Has Sprung from Joseph Smith's "Divine" Breeding Program of Mormon Mutation . ", (Aimee Larsen Stoddard, "Fundamentalist Latter-day Saints Genealogy and Polygamy Problems," 7 October 2010, under "Birth Defects in Mormon Fundamentalist Cult," posted by "halley, 20 February 2011, at: http://www.renewamerica.com/bb/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=13723) [32] He was arrested and pleaded "no contest" to the charge of child abuse and served seven months in jail. We specifically read that the law of consecration is designed to administer to the poor and the needy (D&C 42:35). [46], In July 2019, Jacob Kingston, Isaiah Kingston, and two others pled guilty to participating in a fraud scheme masterminded by Lev Derman, a non-member and Armenian national. "Tarby and a team of doctors from Barrow Neurological Institute at St. Joseph's Hospital in Phoenix and the University of Arizona College of Medicine in Tucson began researching the disease and soon discovered that fumarase deficiency was occurring in at least two other families living in the same isolated community that practiced an unusual custom. . Those unions fell within Utahs consanguinity restrictions and, if discovered, would be considered incestuous under the laws of the state. . "Another of Rugg's full sisters, Andrea Johnson, died in 1992 of complications of pre-eclampsia, a condition of pregnancy that was not treated until after the young girl, swollen with toxic fluid, was rushed to the emergency unit at University Hospital. 15, p. 227, -Kimball, "Journal of Discourses," vol. . And it is my purpose to provide for my saints, for all things are mine. Never miss a story. The records of the marriages sealed at the Nauvoo Temple before the general exodus to Utah in the 1840s, may be the most important ones of all; yet, these are . . If these couples are . They are Utah-based, unlike the FLDS where the escapes are mainly Arizona-based. "When ancestors are revered as prophets and kings, it is difficult to admit or examine the possibility of this legacy. [2] Also known as the LDCJC,[3] the Kingston Clan, and The Order,[4][5][6] it is a religious organization created by members of the Davis County Cooperative Society or DCCS in 1977. Eldens solo experience of receiving the priesthood keys and authority is truly singular and contrasts the pattern previously given by the Lord for important priesthood conferrals that require more than one witness. "In this isolated religious society north of the Grand Canyon, few secrets have been more closely guarded than the presence of fumarase deficiency. . FOX 13 spoke to the man who filed the IRS. Surely, there were too many deaths. ", ("Mormon Polygamy: Frequently Asked Questions," at: http://www.i4m.com/think/polygamy/polygamy_summary.htm). . "John and Charles' brother, Merlin Barnum Kingston, married and had children with four nieces and a half-sister, say ex-members, including one of his own daughters. Despite its on-going public relations effort to convince Americans that Mormons don't really support polygamy (and despite the belief of many devout Mormons that polygamy came from God as revealed church doctrine which will eventually be reinstated when Jesus returns to the Earth), a quarter of Americans surveyed also have expressed the opinion that most Mormons embrace the idea of plural marriage: "A . Jeremy Kingston was sentenced to a year in prison in 2004 for taking LuAnn Kingston, his cousin and aunt, as his fourth wife in 1994; their relationship began when he was 24 and she was 15. ". "Nearly everyone in Colorado City, Arizona, and the adjacent town of Hildale, Utah, was a member of a fundamentalist Mormon sect that practices polygamy and had long encouraged multiple marriages between close relatives. 'If you stop the sexual predation, you stop the genetic problem as well. Members of a powerful polygamous group in Utah claim they were forced into underage marriages with their relatives to keep their blood pure, were raped by their husbands and had to perform child labor, according to a bombshell lawsuit. . ozpoof . Faced with the forced marriage to an uncle, Rugg left the Kingstons. The Kingstons are members of the Davis County Cooperative Society or the Kingston Order, which practices polygamy. David Kingston was released from prison in 2003. . [7] Members of the Latter Day Church of Christ are also members of the Davis County Cooperative Society (a separate organization and legal entity) which practices the law of consecration and United Order. "For us parents the future health and happiness of ourselves, our children and grandchildren are at stake. . He prepared urine samples and sent them to the University of Colorado Science Center's Dr. Steve Goodman, a professor of pediatrics who runs a laboratory that detects rare genetic diseases. That apparently was John Ortell Kingston's intent, although most studies of first-cousin mating show their offspring test lower on IQ exams, Jorde says. . 'Maybe it will just self-destruct,' historian Bistline says of the fundamentalist church he quit 20 years ago because of a dispute over religious doctrine and property ownership. "He sent her to live in a coal yard with other polygamous wives and their many children in South Salt Lake, visiting her rarely and usually only to have sex, she testified. [47][48] The remainder of the transactions (over 94%) were to entities associated with Lev Derman, who prosecutors allege was the mastermind of the scheme. . Certainly the British and French education systems make it clear quite early on (13-14 yrs old). [The Lord] had to institute another New and Everlasting Covenant which he gave to another 25 year old boy on the highest mountain east of Bountiful on the first day of the year, 1935. . Eldens father related that Elden told him that was ordained by J. Leslie Broadbent (Lorin Woolleys successor) in 1934, although precisely what that ordination represented is unclear. Have you also noticed all the genetic and other debilitating defects, deformities and diseases that comes along with your poisoned patriarchal plurality-of-wives club? [Mormon] [h]istorian B. H. Roberts, notes an eugenic attitude regarding polygamy: "'It was in the name of a divinely-ordered species of eugenics that Latter-day Saints accepted the revelation which included a plurality of wives. Convinced they are breeding a pure white master race, they blame the mother if a deformed baby is born then preach she was unrighteous or unclean. Much of what we have reviewed appears frivolous and unfounded, Gustafson said in an emailed statement. And in 1999, David Ortell Kingston Jeremy Kingston's uncle was sentenced to the Utah State Prison for up to 10 years for committing incest with the 16-year-old niece who became his 15th wife. Outwardly, she appeared to have no sex organs. [27] It is not affiliated with the mainstream LDS Church. "While none of these can positively be linked to incest without DNA testing, geneticists say most of the conditions are exacerbated by incest. "'Incest as a policy or routine practice is rare,' says Melvin Williams, a professor of anthropology at the University of Michigan and a leading expert in the study of kinship systems. . From the "Phoenix New Timms" article, "Forbidden Fruit: Inbreeding Among Polygamists Along the Arizona-Utah Border is Producing a Caste of Severely Retarded and Deformed Children": "Colorado City resident Isaac Wyler says FLDS Prophet Warren Jeffs is trying to create the 'perfect race.'. We dont expect any of the claims to prevail in a court of law.. The man's response was, "Up here, we are all related," Tarby says. One recent morning [John Ortell's niece and third wife, Mary Gustafson] defended her complicity in arranging her daughters' marriages to their half-brothers, sons of John Ortell and LaDonna. Paul continued to practice his fathers ideas regarding intra-family marriages. 'All of a sudden [with] this one little baby, everything tightened up and she arched her back so hard her head was almost touching her toes,' Wyler says. . . Sally Kingston, a wife of one of the brothers, and. Thus this monogamic order of marriage, so esteemed by modern Christians as a holy sacrament and divine institution, is nothing but a system established by a set of robbers.