Lisa melts her SNOWman. - Free Online Library - }, 1000); }); name:, const getBundleById = function (id) { ecommerce: { window.loadGTM = function () { if ( === 'fp-tog-anch-2') { subscriptionStatus: '', SNOW Patrol singer Gary Lightbody has had his heart melted by fellow singer Lisa Hannigan. Some user-contributed text on this page is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. if (welcomeBanner) { ? [53][54][55], Hannigan performs using "broken-down, wheezy old instruments". eventLabel = 'saturday'; const virtualPageViewData = { In 2014, Hannigan provided vocals along with John Smith for the Steven Price conducted soundtrack for the Brad Pitt blockbuster Fury. } In 2004, Hannigan credited on soundtrack for Closer (song: "Cold Water", arranged and performed by Damien Rice and Lisa Hannigan, featuring Vyvienne Long). window.dataLayer.push({ [2][16] The single "Lille" was released in August 2008 on Irish and American radio stations. } } code: "", successful_upgrade_redirect_url: '', fn(); premium_content_by_id: "flip-pay", const getCookie = key => { subscriptionStatus: cookieData.subscriptionStatus, } const grantedBy = Object.keys(purchase).filter(function (key) { eventCategory: 'content_link', } }); template_coupon_code_price: "
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", if (! selectedPrice.placeholder_prices According to a close friend of the couple, they have been "dating for months". Running to Stand Still: Lisa Hannigan, Gary Lightbody and - Blogger add: { list: getListName(), event: '_trackEvent', } return 1; if (returnURL) { setSubscribeButtonColour(node); Listen to "Some Surprise" from the album The Cake Sale, available from Yep Roc Records. const isShopFront = false; window.dataLayer[0].article.userWall = 'meter - pay limit'; }, callback: function (user) { vars.user.subscriptionStartDate = subscriberCookie.subscriptionStartDate || ''; }, const fireCheckoutEvent = function () { coupon_applied: price.coupon_applied, 0 : 1; [33] Hannigan's song "An Ocean and a Rock" was used in a 2009 Irish video supporting same-sex marriage entitled "Sinad's Hand". [23][24][25], That year, Hannigan appeared on the American television shows The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and The Colbert Report. if (! value: priceID, } didomi.getUserConsentStatusForPurpose('cookies')) { if (badges.indexOf('featured') > -1) { const flipPayEl = document.getElementById('flip-pay'); Wednesday 12 January 2022. Please try again
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', eventCallback: function () { } } evt.which : evt.keyCode; The evening also included performances from Duke Special, Elbow, Jetplane Landing, James Walsh from Starsailor, Burning Codes and The Fools. } if (window.Didomi) { As of 2016, Hannigan planned to return to Dublin with her London-based husband following her At Swim tour of Europe and the US. flipPayConfig = Object.assign(flipPayConfig, { badgeToFilterBy = urlHash; badgeToFilterBy = 'monthly'; const selectedTabId = selectTab[flipPayConfig.filter_prices_by_badge]; } else { if (Object.keys(event.detail.object.badge || {}).indexOf('premium') > -1 && ! var badgeToUse = ''; selectedPrice = getBundleById(subscribeLink.dataset['price_id']); const faq = document.querySelector('[data-faq="' + hash + '"]') } I wanted to feel unnerved', "irish music feed .Music News: Is Lisa Hannigan To Drop New LP This", "irish music feed - .Music News: Lisa Hannigan Presents 'At Swim', "At Swim by Lisa Hannigan on Apple Music", "Lisa Hannigan: At Swim review come on in, the water's lovely", "Lisa Hannigan - At Swim review: 'new-found accessibility', "Lisa Hannigan's beautiful At Swim is an album to drown in review", "Irish Women in Harmony record Cranberries song in aid of Safe Ireland", "Meteor Music Awards folks wake up and shut down website", "BBC - Mercury Prize 2009 - Lisa Hannigan", "Lisa Hannigan MUSIC MONTH by Risn Meets | Free Listening on SoundCloud", "Damien Rice: hits, heartbreak and an eight-year silence", "Lisa Hannigan on being dumped by Damien Rice and going solo - The Igloo", "Lisa Hannigan And Damien Rice Part Ways", "Lisa Hannigan: 'I started to really lose sight of what the point of me was', "Lisa Hannigan tells Lucy White how she's spending isolation - including performing a virtual gig for Other Voices", "Barclaycard Mercury Prize 2009: Nominees announced", "Mercury Nominations Who's Been Overlooked", Hannigan setlist from 14 September 2014 performance at the Roundhouse for the iTunes Concert Series,, This page was last edited on 7 January 2023, at 05:28. } gigyaID: getCookie('guid'), window.dataLayer[0].article.wallVisible = 'false'; } virtualPageViewData.eventData.article = { return; try { } eventCategory: 'upgrade_flow', } }) const plans = node.querySelectorAll('.c-box1'); } if (Object.keys(event.detail.object.badge || {}).indexOf('home-delivery') > -1) { badgeToUse = badge; labelText = ''; } badgeTextEl) { } else if (accessObject.hasOwnProperty('metered_paywall_items_used') && accessObject.hasOwnProperty('metered_paywall_items_limit') && accessObject.metered_paywall_items_used === accessObject.metered_paywall_items_limit) { flipPayConfig = Object.assign(flipPayConfig, { updateMeterStatsCookie(window.Didomi, accessObject); }) 0. el.classList.add('-bestvalue'); [63], Hannigan's second album, Passenger, was nominated for the Choice Music Prize in January 2012 and she also lost out to Jape that year. var text = document.createTextNode(labelText); But the highlight was his duet with Hannigan. } const getListName = function () { !selectedPrice.badges && selectedPrice.badges !== Object(selectedPrice.badges)) { She began her musical career as a member of Damien Rice's band. event: '_trackEvent', } google_widget_url:'', const stripeInputStyle = { if (node.classList && node.classList.contains('c-box1')) { = 'block'; } const showPremiumBadge = function (el) { var badges = Object.keys(selectedPrice.badges); const scripts = document.querySelectorAll("script"); checkout: { break; position: 0, show_fadeout: false, }); const hash = document.location.hash } else { let premiumArticleViews, meteredResetDate;