Another organization called the, There Is No Limit Foundation seeks a world free of poverty, inequality, and violence, where independent, networked individuals leverage their knowledge, skills and connections to uplift and provide for themselves, their families and communities. No, it is just one of those mornings where I am just in awe with life and miracles. Caris tragic death compelled her mother, Candy Lightner, to found the organization, which would grow into one of the countrys most influential non-profit organizations. Photo: Instagram. Weve all been there. Our show is dedicated to helping women in the pageant industry find and develop a strong platform, one that can be used when they exit the pageant industry. If you are a pageant gal who has a soft spot for our furry, finned or feathered friends, a platform that is focused on animals is a fun and motivating way to help the creatures that we share the planet with. MADD was formed when 13-year-old Cari Lightner was walking along a quiet road on her way to a church carnival when a car swerved out of control, striking and killing her. Most likely you do not. Today she travels the country as a motivational speaker, continuing to encourage others to not be limited by their diagnosis. The business world is ripe with platform ideas, especially if your career goals or line of work coincide in some way with your cause. So, dont be too quick to pass up world peace if you believe that your purpose is tied to this type of service work. And once you figure all that out, how do you promote your pageant platform? From crushing a child's self-esteem after losing a pageant, to poor diets and lack or rest. A public eating contest of any kind: pie eating, hot dog eating, pizza eating and so on. It serves as a way to communicate who you are, what you care about, what your values are and it is a part of your overall brand. Their mission is to empower individuals and families in the poorest communities to reach their fullest potential and enhanced sense of dignity through economic opportunities and the eradication of barriers including poverty, inequality, and violence. A lot of contestants think theyve got a great platform, and they have tons of ideas about volunteering or serving in some way in support of that platform. Mental health has historically suffered from a lack of meaningful measurement, which is critical to driving better health outcomes. Kendra Hale has been involved in pageants for many years and most recently held the title of 2018-2019 National American Miss. But, nobody ever told them that they need to have a solid marketing plan as a part of that platform. You could still talk about dyslexia if you wanted to, and this type of a platform would give you so many volunteering and community service options. If youre having a hard time getting started then go talk to your parents, friends, relatives, teachers and anyone who knows you well and that you trust. It is primarily a social opportunity. There are so many ways that you can earn money if you are fluent in a language. As mentioned in the previous section, you may be spending years with your cause, therefore, you must choose to champion something thats vital to who you are as a person. When asked who her role models were growing into womanhood, she explains why she was able to avoid some of the pitfalls social media offers. Create a concise announcement about your platform, your goals and what you would like to do with your platform in the future. The answer to each question becomes a paragraph in your essay. It was a brilliant marketing and public relations move, and the visual impact across social media was incredibly memorable. Nia spoke throughout her reign about the positive impact that the sport has had on her life and she credits taekwondo with much of her success, gifting her with discipline and self-control. If you bring out your inner creativity and try to market your platform in a way you have never seen others do it before, then you are well on your way to a great platform. by . It truly is endless! When you take these ways of thinking into consideration, it becomes easier to create a platform that speaks to you! Mental health. The main part of the pageant for her was to use the experience as a platform to promote her mental health-based project. But, we suggest that if you do adopt this subject as your pageant platform, that you really think through what you want to do with it, and make sure that you have a solid connection to the topic. Many pageant systems have dedicated their organization and the work of their titleholders to enriching the lives of people affected by various diseases. During the three nights that she was hospitalized she had 80 well-wishers visit her, 100 some international newspapers covering her collapse, and thousands of emails from around the globe. In contrast, pageants seem to instill messages like "I should be flawless," "I have to be thin . EXTREME MIND. Her pageant platform was, Celebrating Diversity Through Cultural Competency, and her motto was, Celebrate diversity and adopt a mutt., Miss America 2014 Nina Davuluri. Like the majority of pageant girls, Kendra Hale has been involved with a lot of service organizations throughout her time in pageantry. 6. The pageant accepts that a simple beauty pageant may not be able to remove hate and violence totally, but they are determined to decrease negativity by promoting peace, love and understanding. Once it comes time for your pageant, youll be able to speak about your platform and incorporate yourself into the conversation with ease! She shows up because she believes that she can make a difference. She is an active advocate for people with disabilities and her platform The Ability Beyond Disability is concentrated on autism and other disabilities. We've created a list of 107 Pageant Platform Ideas (with a few organizations to partner with) just for you! There are never enough volunteers or advocates for these types of organizations, and there are countless children who are desperately in need of a loving home. You can also start a youtube channel if your platform is something that would fit this genre. Youre on the right track, but you need to customize your concept. 5. Do you see how finding your niche makes your platform come alive? Depending on what your platform is and what your goals are with regard to it, you can communicate about it in other ways too. If you are competing in a pageant system that has a progressive competition structure where the winner goes on to compete at a state competition, then the national pageant and finally at the international level, then you want to keep in mind that your platform has to be something that can be leveled up.This also applies if you are in a position where you are going to be competing as an at large contestant representing your state, and you will be going directly to a national pageant competition. Best for boosting your mood: Happify. Having a pageant platform is also the perfect way to increase your marketability to the judges to ensure that you stand out amongst the dozens of contestants. Its surprising how often contestants choose a platform just because it seems interesting or is something that shows up in their lives, and they impulsively act on it. Demi-Leight was inspired to launch Unbreakable after her own violent carjacking experience in June 2017. Contact any person that you think might be interested in talking about your platform, either formally or informally. We cover other topics such as interview techniques, fashion, beauty and modeling. Two titleholders who have had intimate knowledge of depression and the resulting feelings of pain and isolation are Miss Black USA 2018 Kelsi Horn and Miss Global 2018 Sophia Ng. Passion is contagious, and when you are passionate about a cause or charity, you can get other people fired up too. Or, perhaps you feel compelled to help children who are experiencing some kind of abuse. This Beauty Queen Uses Her Platform to Ease Mental Health Stigma in Asian American Community. Another great idea would be to offer to take videos of pageant girls doing mock interviews, especially since you are so comfortable talking to people and you have a natural affinity for journalism. Your love of animals is also highly marketable, whether you realize it or not. With the recent deaths of beloved pageant competitors, many within the community are reeling and wanting to shed light on the larger, global mental health crisis.. Jennifer Lloyd, who is well . Lauren Forbes is the first crowned Miss Pageant Planet, 2018 Miss Massachusetts East Coast USA Photogenic Supremeand "Spirit Award" recipient of Miss Massachusetts USA 2018. Who is going to solve this? Now, the opportunity is in your hands to make that change! The stark reality is that 1 in 3 women experience sexual assault or domestic violence at some point in their lives, so its time that our society comes to terms with the damage of this epidemic and that we start aggressively seeking a solution. It is also a martial art that teaches self-defense techniques, and that point was a major one for Nia, as she believes that women should have the skills to defend themselves. The best essays are written when it feels like the contestant is actually speaking to the judge in a polite manner with her personality all on the table; just like in an interview. That's why so many contestants have a pageant platform, or a cause that a contestant or titleholder dedicates their time to working on or giving back to. When we talk about promoting your platform, were not talking about renting a vehicle with a speaker on the top, and driving throughout your neighborhood yelling at people to give canned goods to their local food bank. Rachel Barcellona is a beautiful and inspiring pageant girl with autism. Like every essay, your conclusion should touch upon everything you mentioned throughout your essay. She stressed that the central taekwondo tenet of perseverance equipped her with the determination to overcome defeat throughout her life. When Kira was a young college student, she experienced an abusive relationship with her then, boyfriend. But, if you are pretty skilled, you could probably make some money taking photos of families, children or even pets. But, its nothing to get worked up about. Shree is a facial burns survivor and a heart patient, and has had a pacemaker since she was 12 years old. Now a mental health worker and living in Surrey, she said the bullying led to depression in adulthood. Just get yourself out there! While stopped at a traffic light in her native South Africa, her car was surrounded by armed men. I want to encourage them to be aware of their mental health and to realize there is no shame in going to talk to someone. Lilys title is CEO. Becoming a contestant or a titleholder for a pageant gives you a stage to stand on to bring a certain cause or issue to light. Sophia Ng started competing in pageants to raise awareness around mental health, especially among the Asian American and Pacific Islander community. I had strong women around me that I could look to for guidance and leadership, she says. Photo: Smile Train. You have to know who you are, what your values are and what it is that you want to change in this world. Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Best Buddies and the Boys & Girls Clubs of America are always on the lookout for people to come hang out with their clients. She is a member of the International Thespian Honor Society and is an honor student and vocalist who loves to sing opera. child advocacy. Every contestant out there needs to be doing mock interviews, yet so many girls dont do it because either they dont know what to do, they dont have anyone to ask them questions or they dont feel comfortable filming themselves. Although the pageant essay is not imperative for some systems, like Miss Earth USA or Miss USA, it is imperative for systems such as Miss America and Miss Teen, creating an essay is a great exercise for all contestants to ensure that they know the direction that they want to go in for their platform. Now, that weve got that cleared up. I want to create a pageant platform. PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- On Monday, people were remembering a former Miss USA and spotlighting the importance of mental health. Having this in mind will help you to answer your interview questions easier as well as give you the proper mindset of why you embarked upon your platform. For example, if you have a family member that has suffered with autism, you may want to create a platform about autism awareness in their honor. You can achieve this in multiple different ways that involve the previous sections. Platforms are a particular cause or program you choose to promote as part of your volunteer work through the pageant. It is based on the idea that colleagues can help build . Her worldwide campaign was designed to empower women with the information they need to be mentally and physically prepared in the event of a violent attack. I was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease at the age of 56,in Jan of this year. Kryst died of suicide Sunday in New York. Hard pageant questions range from current events, political, and environmental questions, to Miss and Teen interview questions. If that is the case, then make sure that you think through how exactly you want to assist them. In a livestream on the Miss Universe YouTube channel, Catriona Gray addressed issues affecting mental health in the pageant world and called on fans, delegates, and international organizations to do their part to make the space safer and more positive for everyone. Maybe you would prefer to get involved with children in a way that is not quite so serious, but you still want to make a major impact in a childs life. The Miss America organization is no longer considered a pageant, but they still offer contestants the opportunity to earn scholarship awards to fund their education. How do you get ideas for a pageant platform? Any proud pet owner would be over the moon to be able to purchase a custom made outfit for their furry friend. What a valuable thing that would be! Are you good at public speaking, photography, baking, playing chess, doing research, dancing, teaching children, applying makeup, speaking another language, reading out loud, cleaning and organizing? Also, by notifying all of the people on your networking brainstorming form that you are available for appearances and to volunteer, you just might get recruited to do things by people that you dont even know! Unfortunately, there are a plethora of diseases and illnesses that afflict human beings. And, because there are so many types of pro-animal causes, you can find one that fits exactly what you want to do. Ker's exposure to pageants began at the age of 10, through a mentorship program known as the Fleur de Lis . For example, you may want to help children who are growing up in poverty, like our current Miss Universe 2018, Catriona Gray does. She used her research and a $1,500 grant from the Honors College to design and construct a line of evening gowns for women with varying body types. Best for quitting alcohol: I Am . For the price of a coffee, you will be getting a huge list of . To prepare for a pageant, you must have a wardrobe selected, a talent practiced, be mentally prepared to answer your on-stage questions and on top of . Let us mentor you! Furious, Lightner decided to take action against what she later called the only socially accepted form of homicide. MADD was the result. And, what do they do?. What classes have you really enjoyed when you were in school? Barrett Stinson. The first step in behavior change is to become educated about the need to change our behaviors. Send a press release to your local newspapers, news stations, online news sites or any organization that is in any way related to your platform and tell them about your projects and plans and any upcoming appearances. You want to be able to speak about your platform for days on end to as many people as possible and not risk exhaustion because you love your platform just that much. You could start a campaign to create a neighborhood book borrowing service throughout your town. When you dig down deep and think about all the different skills, abilities and talents that you have, you are a treasure trove of money making ideas just waiting to happen! Cheslies obviously enamored the judges at Miss USA, and she consistently demonstrates that todays pageant queen can be a titleholder who is relevant and relatable, while still being a whole bunch of fun! She offers places where people can get washed up, get themselves some warm coats or clothing and select books, all for free. Whats that? They provide prevention and care services to men, women and families that are living with, or affected by HIV/AIDS in New York City. Your focus should be learning the ropes of pageantry, finding a platform that you can really get excited about and finding a way to volunteer in your community or express that platform in some way. Her Platform: Mental health awareness Crystal is passionate . There is nothing wrong with having an anti-bullying platform, if that is what you feel drawn to. Just because a pageant labels itself "natural" doesn't necessarily mean no makeup; and casual wear does not mean jeans and a T-shirt. Photo: Pinterest. My pageant has a pageant platform essay. Women are still continually fighting for equal rights and opportunities in the business arena, and who better to embrace and understand that fight than someone who is in the trenches day after day? Just by taking a quick glance through your life and your own personal struggles, familial struggles, or the struggles of your neighborhood, you can find so much inspiration for creating the perfect pageant platform. She is still part of CASAs Speakers Bureau and serves as a National CASA Ambassador. Knowing just how powerful this woman is, we have no doubt that she will do just that! If the person that you contacted cannot help you, they just might know someone who can. Being able to speak about someone that you love facing a medical dilemma can be the inspiration for many passionate speeches and essays about how those battling the same dilemma can get through it. If you have decided to work with an organization, you could begin to volunteer your time with these organizations if it is not something that you already have a personal connection with. Mental health conditions . Were also not talking about going door-to-door, hanging outside of supermarkets or patrolling the mall, with a clipboard in your hand and handing out flyers to total strangers. Many girls who are titleholders only use their titles to achieve personal fame and establish a modeling career from having their titles. Miss Pageant Planet Lauren Forbes. BMI values were generally within the normal range (between 20-25) among contestants in the 1920s, but were below normal (less than 18.5) among more recent contestants. Childhood pageant participants scored higher on body dissatisfaction, interpersonal distrust, and impulse dysregulation than non-participants, and showed a trend toward . A friend urged Ng to get the help she needed and it was through the transformative power of therapy that she found a new sense of purpose. Originally aimed at helping hospital patients and their families, Kendra has now expanded her original vision to helping the lives of everyone she can. In this section of your essay, you should have at least three paragraphs, the first illustrating the backstory behind why you chose your platform. Miss Manatee River 2019 Rachel Barcellona. That is why we want to make sure that the platform you select fits you like a glass slipper! I bet you can! Click here to get started. You have so many options through these places, too. Acceptance into Tiffin University's MBA Program Lets start out by talking about, The foundation of networking. Miss Universe advocates for the group, Young Focus, a non-government organization working towards making education accessible to the children of Smokey Mountain dumpsite communities, which is a slum in Tondo, Manila. But, she is most impressive when she is breaking boards and doing her thing, notably being a fifth degree black belt in taekwondo, which she began practicing when she was just 8 years old. We want to nail down the things where you excel, that you also happen to like doing. As the winner of Miss America, she has been able to do just that. Peer Mentors Program: Making Peace with Bullying. Even if you are not the greatest writer, when you begin to write speeches about your work, the passion towards solving your platform goal will have the ink flowing out of your pen faster than you can say butt glue! Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. The category of health and disease related platforms is probably the largest and most diverse of all of the platform categories. In recent years, pageant platforms that promote the arts or art education in some form have become increasingly more popular. Public and private events and ideas that can help you raise money for your platform. Appearances are where you simply show up in your crown and sash and shake hands and take photos. She was also aligned with the National Child Advocacy Center's "It's My Body Campaign," and worked to initiate similar programs into community outreach organizations during her year of service as Mrs. International. "Standing onstage in front of loads of people on a national pageant platform is going to . They are most often affiliated with charities associated with medical issues, or are sponsored by them. In fact, there are entire pageant systems established around the idea of ending the war on violence, such as, Miss Grand International. With the goal of becoming a nursing professional, Tarnia is advocating for the platform "mental health". After being diagnosed with depression and anxiety in 2019, Kikanamada started an Instagram account called More for Myself , where she raises awareness for mental health issues. Competing in pageants is more than just being a beautiful face, its about being a representative for your community and having a platform can help you achieve just that. Boosted confidence. Other organizations, such as Miss USA or Queen Beauty USA, have their organizations be open-ended as to where a contestant can decide if shed like to pursue a larger cause or have her title be more career-oriented. Miss Universe 2017, Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters, created a personal platform that focused on self-defense, and she then made it her mission to empower women and keep them safe with her Unbreakable initiative, which she launched in 2017, while she was still Miss South Africa. As long as you keep in mind that your hard work is what will set you apart in all aspects of competition, you are good to go! The recent death of Miss USA 2019 Cheslie Kryst has prompted local beauty queens to speak out about mental health struggles and the weight of the crown. Well, suppose that you are competing in a pageant with 25 other girls and three of those girls are saying that, The Red Cross is their platform. Miss Montana 2012 Alexis Wineman, was the first woman ever with autism to compete in the Miss America pageant. Select the top 10 things that you enjoy doing the most that you are also good at, and that do not require a huge investment of time or money on your part. (Recognize, Engage, Accept, Lead, Inspire, and Teach Youth), to bring awareness to service . Its important to prioritize self-care. Were not talking about starting a new career here. In your introduction, you want to entice your judges by reading more. Kendras main focus with Healing Hearts is to use literacy as one of the mechanisms to achieve her goal of touching others. Miss America 2014 Nina Davuluri, adored animals, so she encouraged the public to adopt a cat or a dog instead of purchasing a pet from a breeder. And, if your platform is not the kind of cause that they can get involved with and expand on at a national or international level, then they likely will not choose you as their queen. Just think of what can come from your networking efforts!
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