10/5/2022 9:49 PM. 4.19.2-044, To keep the connection alive, please click on the "Continue" button below or the stream will stop. Event Details:What: Rally with , American Majority-Action which has had an active chapter here in Wisconsin since 2010-is recruiting people to make phone calls and knock on doors over the world the next 4 weeks here in the state. The Regular Joe Show Green Bay, Wisconsin, US Your home for consistent conservatism without apology! The Schroeder Show - WTAQ 97.5FM 1360AM Advertisement The Schroeder Show Program Guide A current, consistent and unapologetic conservative view of our country and our challenges. Get caught up! WTAQ 1360 AM - 97.5 FM Mon - Fri 8:45 - 11 pm Central Time MANAMA (Reuters) - Formula One stewards exempted Lewis Hamilton from a jewellery ban at the season-opening Bahrain Grand Prix on Friday after accepting he risked disfigurement if a nose piercing was removed. He demonstrated that by simply inserting a name and DOB into the MyVoteWI.com web sight he could get an Absentee Ballot for that person and , Show your support for Adam Steen, write-in candidate running in the 63rd Assembly District. Sports. Reasoned, mature and in-depth, host Joe Giganti digs deep to expose the facts about whats really going on and how to be a force for truth, justice, and, yes, the American way. Regular Joe Show LIVE! We will dismantle the mainstream media propaganda and give you the facts. Cost is $40/person Tickets available here! Joe and his wife, Kristin, are the proud parents of five children. Monday, February 27doors open at 6:00 p.m.movie starts at 6:30 p.m.well finish about 8:00 p.m.De Pere Cinema, 417 George St, De Pere, WI 54115 Its roughly 70 minutes of information AND entertainment! . Patrick FlynnRepresentative Elijah Behnkeand others EVENT DETAILS:WHO: Regular Joe, Kyle Yudes, Dr. Patrick Flynn, Representative Elijah Behnke, and othersWHAT:Fundraiser for Kyle Yudes, Candidate for Lt. When the lights came back on, I was very confused. Please share this invite with your friends, family and co-workers. Politics, culture, sports, entertainmentthere are no safe spaces in this discussion! The Regular Joe Show Follow podcast Your home for consistent conservatism without apology! Patriots Present The Real Story of January 6 at the De Pere Cinema, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17th: Republican Party of Langlade County Present Election Inspector Peter Bernegger, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7th, 6:30 PM: Fox Valley Initiative Presents The Real Story of January 6, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 6:15 pm: Rally with Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin & Tim Michels at Badger State Brewing Company, PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: AMERICAN MAJORITY-ACTION HIRING CAMPAIGN WORKERS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28th, 6:00 pm: Country Singer Trey Taylor Hosts a Concert Fundraiser for Candidate Adam Steen at the Integrity Celebration Center in Burlington, WI, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 9:00 am 1:00 pm: Regular Joe will be speaking at the American First Election Observer & Vulnerable Voter Training at the Rock Garden, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8th, Noon: Freedom Flotilla, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 10:00 am: Regular Joe will be the keynote speaker at the Turning Point Super Saturday Rally at the Fond Du Lac Fairgrounds, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5th, 6:00-9:00 pm: Physicians for Freedom Health Freedom Forum, Regular Joes Recommended October Events in Northeast WI, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7th, 2:00 pm: Pre-Trial for Harry Wait at the Racine County Courthouse, *UPDATE* Event Postponed** FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7th, 5:00-9:00: Country Singer Trey Taylor Hosts a Concert Fundraiser for Candidate Adam Steen at the Integrity Celebration Center in Burlington, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th, 1:00-3:00: Regular Joe will be speaking and showing his support for Dean Neuberts write in campaign, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th: Join Turning Point Action for a Unite & Win Rally featuring Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis, Senator Ron Johnson, & WI Governor Candidate Tim Michels, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th: Regular Joe will Emcee a Fundraiser for Andr Jacque for State Senate, Regular Joes Recommended Upcoming Local Events in the Green Bay Area, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th, 10:00 am 5:00 pm: The All-American Patriot Ride in Remembrance of 9/11, FRIDAY, SEPT. 9th: Regular Joe Speaking & Emceeing the Republican Party of Outagamie Countys Constitution Day Dinner, MONDAY, JULY 11TH: Regular Joe Speaks at Lt. WTAQ 1360 . These 60-second vignettes take a look back at the playoff runs of Green Bay's professional football teams with comments from those who played the game. Joe is a founding board member of the N.E.W. Your home for consistent conservatism without apology! Your home for consistent conservatism without apology! The Regular Joe Show Follow podcast Your home for consistent conservatism without apology! (Reuters) - Manchester United's Marcus Rashford has a "mix of everything" and can score goals in numerous ways, Liverpool manager Juergen Klopp said as he called on his side to work as a unit to contain the England forward in Sunday's Premier League game at Anfield. Sponsorships are Available for The Regular Joe Shows Great American Birthday Bash! Regular Joe New shows Wednesday at 9 pm Replays on: Thursdays 5 - 7 pm Mondays 1 - 3 pm About Us Our Programming The Regular Joe Show is a weekly radio program that brings out the best in Rock, Metal, Prog, EVERYTHING that Rocks! The stream was stopped (connection time out occurred). Joe has worked in virtually every facet of the media, marketing and communications world, including roles in executive leadership, broadcasting, public relations, crisis management and political strategy and campaigns. The network consists of its flagship station, WTAQ (AM 1360 & 97.5 FM), Green Bay, WI, where the show airs from 8:40 . Jan 27, 2020 - NOW on the AIR SATURDAYS! Additionally, Joe provides messaging consulting through his media mojoe brand. Culture Institute and co-founder of Verum Vitae 365, Inc. (PRO: Veer-um Vee-tay), which means Truth of Life. The Regular Joe Show Your home for consistent conservatism without apology! ALL LETS GO BRANDON MERCHANDISE ON SALE: Use Code LGB25 now until 2/28/23 and get 25% off your order! Join the world's top companies using Zoominfo . SGT James Murphy James Murphy And if you dont toss , Stop in and visit our Regular Joe Show booth in hanger C. 180,000 Square Feet of Everything Camping, Boating and more! Top finds of the Week: If you do not want to pay online, please RSVP via email to district6event@yahoo.com. Continue. Get your tickets now via the link below for this , Andr Jacque for State Senate Fundraiser with special guest Fond du Lac County District Attorney/GOP Attorney General Nominee Eric Toney Thursday, September 15, 2022-6:00-8:00 pmChatterhouse 2016614 George St.De Pere, WIRSVP: andre.jacque@gmail.com All contributions greatly appreciatedChecks mailed to:Jacque for Senate1615 Lost Dauphin Rd.De Pere, WI 54115http://www.jacque4senate.com/donate.html, Tuesday, September 20th from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m.: The Republican Party of Brown County Election Integrity Chairwoman Sandy Juno will hold a meeting at the Brown County headquarters at 1780 Allouez Avenue. I also got to know and even once sing with The Drifters. Speakers:Dean NeubertState Senator Andre JacqueMatt Sande-Pro-Life WisconsinJohn Jacobs-Green Valley Farms EVENT DETAILS:WHO: Dean Neubert, Regular Joe, State Senator Andre Jacque, Matt Sande-Pro-Life Wisconsin, John Jacobs-Green Valley FarmsWHAT:Fundraiser for Dean Neubert, Candidate for 6th AssemblyWHEN:Sunday, September 25, 2022 | 1:00-3:00 pm WHERE: Shawano , Turning Point Action is proud to announce its upcoming Unite and Win rally in Wisconsin on September 18th, featuring one of Americas most popular political leaders, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, in support of key Republican candidates in one of this election cycles most consequential elections. Tickets can be purchased here! From the October 21, 2020, edition of WTAQ's The Regular Joe Show Dan O'Donnell, another host in Milwaukee, took a similar approach, claiming on October 19 that "the number of cases is . Tickets can be purchased here! Green Bays home of 5th Quarter with Mark Daniels, Packers, Brewers. EVENT DETAILSWhat: 42nd Pro-Life Chili Dinner & RaffleWhen: Sunday, March 26th, 9:30 am-2:00 pmWhere: Sacred Hearts Parish | 222761 County Road S | Marathon, WICost: Adults: $8.00 | Children 6-12: $4.00 | Children 5 & Under: Free Tickets are available at the door. wtaq 1360 am 97.5 fm News. from CNN: Hillary came back on the line to close the lec Does censorship destroy the search for truth in science? Posted on Oct 10, 2020. shows-regular-joe-show. A native of Washington, DC, Joe has an intimate understanding of the interaction between non-profits, think tanks and government. The Regular Joe Show on Apple Podcasts 100 episodes Your home for consistent conservatism without apology! Phone Email. Share; Embed; Facebook; Twitter; WhatsApp; Email; Download; Play from 00:00. Your home for consistent conservatism without apology! Joe Giganti Conservative Talk Show Host! We have a lot of merry band of Regulars that drive truck, are snowbirds , Stop in and visit our Regular Joe Show booth in hanger C. 180,000 Square Feet of Everything Camping, Boating and more! Listen to the podcast. Get his analysis and opinions on news breaking legal topics, issues and current events. Upcoming Events! This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Your home for consistent conservatism without apology! It's about the fun and commissary we all love about Fantasy Football. All Rights Reserved. Streaming service and player provided by Triton Digital. (Cheese, Beer, & Soda Provided) Candidates Invited to Participate:David KingWill MartinRoger RothPatrick Testin Cindy WernerJonathan WichmannDavid VarnumKyle Yudes When: Monday, June 6th, 6:30-8:30 pmWhere: Electric City Lanes 136 W. Wisconsin Avenue Kaukauna, WICost: Free Sponsored by the Republican Party , 2023 The Regular Joe Show | Powered by, FEBRUARY 24th-FEBRUARY 26th: RV & BOAT SHOW in OSHKOSH, WI, MONDAY, MARCH 6th, 6:30 PM: Fox Valley Initiative Monthly Meeting Featuring Regular Joe, SATURDAY, MARCH 11th, 8:30 am-11:00 am: BREAKFAST WITH REGULAR JOE AND CONGRESSMAN GROTHMAN IN SHEBOYGAN FALLS, WI, REGULAR JOES RECOMMENDED FEBRUARY EVENTS IN NORTHEAST WISCONSIN, SATURDAY, APRIL 1: Regular Joe to MC Waupaca County Republican Partys Lincoln-Reagan-Trump Dinner, SUNDAY, MARCH 26TH, 9:30 AM-2:00 PM: 42nd PRO-LIFE CHILI DINNER & RAFFLE, Regular Joes Recommended January Events in Northeast WI. Come enjoy a sunny Fall Saturday afternoon participating in the Freedom Flotilla Parade of boats on the Fox River or simply view from the shoreline. Listen to The Schroeder Show, on-demand, from anywhere! [ Regular Joe Show, WTAQ, 2/16/22] Rebecca Kleefisch "They're sitting over there on the other side of the political aisle cackling at what they hope will be a dumpster fire over in the Republican Party. 1360 AM | Green Bay, WI Your home for consistent conservatism without apology! See this is gonna be fantastic! EVENT DETAILS:WHO: Republican Party of Sheboygan CountyWHAT:Breakfast with Regular Joe and Congressman GrothmanWHEN:Saturday, March 11, 2023 | 8:30 am-11:00 , N.E.W. EVENT DETAILSWhat: 42nd Pro-Life Chili Dinner & RaffleWhen: Sunday, March 26th, 9:30 am-2:00 pmWhere: Sacred Hearts Parish | 222761 County Road S | Marathon, WICost: Adults: $8.00 | Children 6-12: $4.00 | Children 5 & Under: Free Tickets are available at the door. From there, I went on to work with some of the biggest syndicated talk radio shows of their time. The Regular Joe Show NOW on the AIR 5 Days a week! On the film front, Ive helped market and promote several culture-changing films, including Mel Gibsons The Passion of the Christ; The Nativity Story, Bella and The Stoning of Soraya M. Ive produced and directed several documentaries and biographical videos, including the award-winning pop-culture documentary, The Gates of Hell (2001) and Dead in the Water (2007), which debuted on international television. Reasoned, mature and in-depth, host Joe Giganti digs deep to expose the facts about whats really going on and how to be a force for truth, justice, and, yes, the American way. A former Secret Service Agent, NYPD Officer and New York Times best-selling author, Dan Bongino brings high energy and unique insight to his syndicated . Free shuttle service door to door from Talk radio host Joe Giganti announces he and Genesis Communications Network are partnering to nationally syndicate his "The Regular Joe Show." His program has been regionally syndicated throughout Wisconsin from his home base at Midwest Communications ' WTAQ, Green Bay since 2020. Wisconsin's news, talk, and weather radio station. FEBRUARY 24th-FEBRUARY 26th: RV & BOAT SHOW in OSHKOSH, WI, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21ST PLEASE VOTE HERE ARE MY SUGGESTIONS, FEBRUARY PRIMARY 2023 VOTER GUIDE: Regular Joes Picks for the February 21st Primary Election. Reasoned, mature and in-depth, host Joe Giganti digs deep to expose the facts about what's really going on and how to be a force for truth, justice, and, yes, the American way. Talk. 4.4/5 on G2 Crowd . Come and have some fun tossing bags with Regular Joe at the 12th annual bean bag tournament to raise funds for local soldiers through the Desert Veterans of Wisconsin Saturday, March 4th! Please contact our affiliate relations team @ Genesis Communications Network (GCN): Adam Miller (877) 996-4327 x148 amiller@gcnlive.com Joe Spara (727) 864-1125 Genesis Communications Network 190 Cobblestone Lane Burnsville, MN 55337 Regular Joe will be the keynote speaker and the message. The seven times world champion's Mercedes team had requested an exemption after Hamilton . Evening with U.S. Call Letters WTAQ Format News/Talk Listen Live Plus, WTAQ is your home for Milwaukee Brewers Baseball. If the guy we tell you to start puts up a 0 for the week, you didn't hear that from us. You and your family and friends will enjoy the usual , EVENT DETAILS:What: Republican Party of Langlade County Present Election Inspector Peter BerneggerWhen: Thursday, November 17th | 5:00 pm Social Hour | 6:00 pm MeetingWhere: North Star Lanes | 400 Prosser Place | Antigo, WI, On the eve of this lifetime important midterm election we present the new documentary The Real Story of January 6. The January6 event has left many people scratching their heads. You can watch a brief trailer here: , Join Regular Joe on Saturday, April 1, 2023 for the Lincoln-Reagan-Trump Dinner. Joe Giganti is host of #1-rated The Regular Joe Show, a nationally syndicated talk program that originates from Green Bay, WI weekday mornings from 8:0011:00. Politics, culture, sports, entertainmentthere are no safe spaces in this discussion. The two families we are helping are right here in NE Wisconsin and they are facing really challenging times. * To share a story, email with SHOW PREP in the subject line, * To book Joe, email requests with BOOKING in the subject line, 2023 The Regular Joe Show | Powered by, FEBRUARY 24th-FEBRUARY 26th: RV & BOAT SHOW in OSHKOSH, WI, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21ST PLEASE VOTE HERE ARE MY SUGGESTIONS, FEBRUARY PRIMARY 2023 VOTER GUIDE: Regular Joes Picks for the February 21st Primary Election. 322 talking about this. Wisconsins news, talk, and weather radio station. Fantasy Football Zone is more than just "who should I start this week"and "should I trade for this guy". Your Retirement with Duell Financial Strategies. Event Details:What: Election Observer & Vulnerable Voter TrainingWhen: Saturday, October 22, 9:00 am 1:00 pmWhere: Rock Garden, 1951 Bond Street, Green Bay, WI 54303Cost: Free (includes lunch)-Register here! TICKETS ARE FREE BUT YOU MUST RSVP VIA EVENTBRITE TO ATTEND! WTAQ has a news-sharing agreement with Fox affiliate WLUK-TV (channel 11) (and airs their local weather forecasts) and radio stations WTMJ in Milwaukee, WHBL in Sheboygan, and WSAU in Wausau. Keynote address will be presented by Justice Michael Gableman. Type. Reasoned, mature and in-depth, host Joe Giganti digs deep to expose the facts about whats really going on and how to be a force for truth, justice, and, yes, the American way. Reasoned, mature and in-depth, host Joe Giganti digs deep to expose the facts about what's really going on and how to be a force for truth, justice, and, yes, the American way. Reasoned, mature and in-depth, host Joe Giganti digs deep to expose the facts about whats really going on and how to be a force for truth, justice, and, yes, the American way. The stream was stopped (connection time out occurred). A criminal complaint says. There's a strong feeling in my caucus that we need to vote her down," LeMahieu told WTAQ conservative talk show host Joe Giganti on the Regular Joe Show. He lights the matches and tosses them in because he hopes that is his only way inside." 1:01 GREEN BAY - Conservative radio talk show host Jerry Bader was let go by Midwest Communications on Thursday. What would you do if, God forbid, your loved one , When you support these great American companies it helps keep the show on the air and supports free speech: What if I told you, you could have peace of mind for $450? The Dan Bongino Show tackles the biggest political issues, debunking both liberal and conservative establishment rhetoric. The focus of the event is to get out the message Knock Doors, Win Elections! Event Details:When: Saturday, October 15th, 10:00 amWhat: Turning Point Action , Are you confused by mixed and ever-changing Covid advice? Reasoned, mature and in-depth, host Joe Giganti digs deep to expose the facts about what's really going on and how to be a force for truth, justice, and, yes, the American way. Joe Giganti Conservative Talk Show Host! More details to come but those who have also been invited , Come on out and show your support for Dean Neuberts write in campaign. His 35+ year career in broadcasting began at age 13, when he snuck out to meet the top-rated local DJ and ended up as a guest on the show. Family #1: A young woman with a husband and three , Monday, December 5th Fox Valley Initiative meetingat Freedom Project Academy,6:30 pm. segment 7. The REGULAR JOE Show! Candidates Participating: *He was invited but never responded to confirm his attendance. Updated on. We will dismantle the mainstream media propaganda and give you the facts. Earl Brooker is a Morning Traffic Anchor and Producer of The Jerry Bader Show at WTAQ based in Green Bay, Wisconsin. 0 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Regular Joe: Lots of #QotD's today: Why did der Fauci & company lie about COVID's origins and why are the continuing to do. Find more contacts. Never fear, Joe is here! This months meeting will be featuring Joe Giganti, host of the conservative radio talk show The Regular Joe Show. Topics may include:Parental and students rightsTrans issues and sex exploitation of our childrenElection integrityand much more! Come and have some fun tossing bags with Regular Joe at the 12th annual bean bag tournament to raise funds for local soldiers through the Desert Veterans of Wisconsin Saturday, March 4th!
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