thor is obsessed with loki fanfiction

He's also used his telekinesis in battle, using this power to fling knives without using his hands. Nothing of importance. This can even, occasionally, be used for raising theunliving in order to have a few mindless zombies at his back. It's a funny moments/sceneriios between Peter Parker, Y/n and other avengers .. just light little cutie funny wholesome moments. The icy arms held you tighter as though responding to your silent wish and you leaned into them. Loki woke up passed out on one of the big tables in the palace library. Lokis knowledge of every mystical artifact might not be quite as adept as, say, Doctor Strange, but he still knows what hes talking about. It does not go well, but she tries to stand her ground. What happens when the diamonds have no light though? And two days ago," she smiled at him triumphantly, "you gave me a compliment that wasn't even that backhanded. Think in it he wakes from mind control, goes after and defeats thanos while avengers are awed. Gotta love a size difference. ~Includes~ Peter Parker, Wanda Maximoff, Loki, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Thor, and Natasha Romanoff First timer here! It's another boring, rainy day up in Stark Tower in New York and none of The Avengers know what to do to pass the time that is, until a certain someone has a brillian Loki and Thor have loved each other for a very long time and had twin daughters from that love. His goal in life seems to be to fail, and (because) he is so very good at it. Steve has a problem. That's who you are. All stories and plotlines are mine. Contains mostly thorki one shots. Loki feels a longing for you. Even characters as cunning and as powerful as Lokiaren't able to escape the eventual grasp of mortality. Dr Strange (New). His grief over being a stolen relic and his insecurity over what his family feels for him are the main motivations for his fall into villainy. He have to keep his beloved nephew to just breathe. A baby human girl is sacrificed by her parents in order to please the gods, due to a gift she was given by birth. He wants nothing to do with the humans living nearby, but one in particular is not getting the message. Due to the catastrophe of their two, and only, meetings the Princes are kept apart until their wedding day. Loki is a creature of the sea. AU, not sure its what you want but there's a long angsty Loki fic its loki/sif and his family is actually very supportive of him its called I'm stretched on your grave. It often goes emotionally angsty - I can't seem to go an installment without somehow beating the crap out of its central characters in some form. Can you withstand the stupidity of two teenager L O K I X R E A D E R You were a simple Asgardian girl who worked as a maid. 2, | Hanyou no Yashahime | Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon (Anime), Loki (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Thor (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Eric Northman/Original Female Character(s), Hr | Hodr | Hod (Norse Religion & Lore). While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Sacrificed at birth. While its not one of Lokis most well known or celebrated powers, the ability to give powers to others is something that he has gotten frequent use out of over time. Loki can use transfiguration to make objects useless and turn them into virtually anything. As a trickster and a master manipulator, hypnosis is one of those powers that most comes in handy for a character like Loki. I see. He doesnt know what to say to get people to do what he wants them to do or feel how hed like them to feel. Spirits don't exist. !No Y/N. Loki loved his nephew. Loki X Reader X Thor Fanfiction Stories - She ends up running away to New York and bumping into a girl going thought just as much as her. For the first time shown in the film, Loki behaves immaturely. They say we're each visited by a Norn at the time of our birth and that our fate depends on which of the Maidens comes to us. Excuse me?, Jealous, she repeated. Stoki Most magical abilities in Marvel comics manifest themselves as energy projection. Rachel Sandell is a contributor for Collider and a freelance writer and editor. This list has previously given me some awesome Loki fic, so now I've found a new one I'm added it here in case peiple are still looking at it. DZ2 is a fanfiction author that has written 35 stories for Harry Potter, X-overs, Star Wars, Batman: Arkham Asylum, X-Men: The Movie, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Doctor Strange, Supernatural, Avengers, and X-Men. He hates home because it means facing his abusive adoptive father, Odin. And more to be added. Thor relies much more on raw strength, whereas Loki is more of a thinker, and has to evaluate and assess every situation in order to see how he can gain the upper hand. ~-~-~ Instead of draining his energy and absorbing his powers as she usually does, Rogue discovers that her powers actually have no effect on Loki whatsoever. What becomes of them? No matter if it is by neglect, circumstance, or death, the loss of love is painful for the one remaining and suffering. hi I'm looking for good, long stories that focus on Loki. Fics While Kingpin has used money and resources to create powerful foot soldiers and assistants, Loki uses his mastery of magic to imbue people with powers. Type username to filter posts in this community, By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement, Avengers Fanfic/Fanworks Search Community. It was more than enough for an extremely furious God of Thunder, who was blinded by rage by the death of his father, to do what needed . The God of Mischief and Chaos bares down on the Human in front of him, and yet they do not fear him. This ability also makes it into the MCU in the post-credits tag in Thor, with Loki spying on Selvig, Fury, and the Tesseract, and even making his way into Selvigs mind in the process. Elena Turner is a shy, quiet, and an introverted girl. Thor Loki Fanfiction Stories | Quotev Thorki Stories - Wattpad godlike tony stark fanfiction Until it becomes far more politically expedient to tell the truth. . Preferences include all the Avengers/Standalone films (GotG will be separate if done)! First published Jan 30, 2020. His back was killing him, his hair was a mess, and he had drooled all over the book he had been reading. So youre my dad, Harry said to the large, blond one. Throughout the first few scenes of the film, Loki is quiet, humble, and rational, with a hint of jealousy toward his brother. The Treasurer: An MCU Insert Chapter 11: T11, an avengers fanfic When he chooses to, Loki can play puppet master and bring inanimate objects to life. (Name) (Last name). One-shots incuding harry potter, doctor who, marvel, and anything else! It had turned bloody so suddenly and without warning that he wasnt sure how he was going to explain it. ", (Cover by Wolveria)When a God decides to chase you, what do you do?You're Tony Stark's employee, living in the famed Stark Tower. Even characters as cunning and as powerful as Loki aren't able to escape the eventual grasp of mortality. You would pray to the gods for help, but you were a bit worried about which god would answer your calls. This is his field of interest and hes been around accumulating this knowledge for a very long time. (I own no music, images, actors, or Marvel characters.) Never go to the ruins on your own.This was the quiet warning the maid gave her the day she arrived.The ruins. For years you had been Thors no-strings-attached lover. In this alternate timeline, Loki never falls into the void, never meets the wrath of The Other, and is never sent by the Mad Titan to wreak havoc on Midgard. Loki is pretty jaded about himself, but then he has a reason to be. But he have to protect his nephew and himself from his brother as well. (I own no music, images, actors, or Marvel characters.) I don't read much Loki, but a few of my favourite fics featuring Loki are: Thank you for all of these. Amazing cover courtesy of @.Shadowfax224! Thor becomes one of them again after Jane leaves him, and is sent to a hotel where he must find a partner within the allotted timeframe. Emerald orbs peered through the thick black, begging you to come. Best Loki fanfiction: 5 strange and chaotic stories you need - Inverse "W-where am I? You're about to find out. Loki loved his nephew. Diamonds have no light of their own. Thor and Ylva travel to Earth to stop Loki from hurting anymore people and bring him back to Asgard to stand trail for his crimes. Some will be long, some will be short but fluff and cuteness are sure to occur. Its very hard to have a direct conversation in the Marvel universe without descending into some degree of violence. There's no denying that. What would life be like if you were dating one of these heros? Soon to be mated to a creature of land. A blood oath is given on both sides. Loki is desperate to escape from Asgard, Odin and his past. From what seems like endless enemies to their equally unending thirst to get rid of them to having their whole private lives exposed to the world. He has a strong resistance to magical energy that can come in handy when hes fighting people who are known for their use of magic, like Scarlet Witch or Doctor Strange. Does anyone know of a loki fic where he creates earthquakes. Since they had begun their Thing, he couldnt remember a time when Thor hadn't even come to look for him when he missed bedtime. Story takes place afterAge of ultron but before civil war. After all, he cant manipulate his environment unless he knows everything thats going on. Or will the urge to kill each other prove too tempting? 5. Spider-Man (New) Your glorious purpose could be something smaller, less tangible like a feeling or a mindset, maybe even a person.. A baby human girl is sacrificed by her parents in order to please the gods, due to a gift she was given by birth. +15 more. Also open to taking requests! The solid chest reverberated with a dark laugh that made your blood run cold. After the timelines have broken free, Loki decides that all he wants is to join Thor in New Asgard. The words latching on to you. Le couple qui vivait une fabuleuse utopie, clata lors du dpart de Loki pour le Valhalla. A couple more OCs included but they're all well rounded. However, he can also manipulate objects in another, much more useful way. it's absolutely amazing and the only fanfiction that's moved me to tears. Einem Putti, in Asgard besser bekannt als Schneegeist. Who shall win it? Thor must decide what to do when they find him. But no amount of SHIELD training can prepare her for living with the Aven Just small drabbles with you and Loki, drabbles are in the same timeline In an attempt to earn Odins love and respect, Loki devises a plan to kill every Frost Giant in Jotunheim, all while making sure he is the hero of his fabricated story. Thor is looking after him. 137K 3.4K 21. Without the contrast that each brother provides to the other, neither of their stories would feel as satisfying in their conclusions. Loki and Thor are evenly matched, but their powers and skills are totally different. An ancient abbey, built on the cliff, facing the North Sea. There is no alternative. This story steals characters from other fandoms and places them into the Viking age. When his glow stick of desti Winter and Frost Stark have survived a lot since the day they ran away from home. He believes that Thor was trying to flirt with you.So Loki has to do something about this.. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (158), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (86), Loki (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s) (104), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Loki (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Frigga | Freyja & Loki & Odin & Thor (Marvel), Canon Divergence - Loki doesn't go to Midgard, Canon Divergence - Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Clint Barton/Original Female Character(s), This is completely AU after the first movie, Loki serves his punishment with the Avengers, Frigga puts a magical lock on Loki's powers, Alternate Universe - Loki Wins Battle of New York (Marvel), alternate universe - loki becomes king of asgard, though the evil part of that is pretty subjective, loki was brainwashed in the avengers movie, Loki (Norse Religion & Lore)/Original Female Character(s), Loki (Norse Religion & Lore) & Original Character, Alternate Universe - Norse Religion & Lore. Ik it sucks but hey! Finally being able to leave all that behind and opening a new chapter with their family, they must face their greatest challenge yet. Lokis illusions, on the other hand, allow him to manipulate his environment so that he can make an attempt to orchestrate the outcome without his enemies ever even really knowing what is going on. New Asgard (Marvel) Loki's first full year on Earth has drawn to a close, and all he wants for Yuleor Christmas, since humans seem obsessed with it in his part of the worldis for Thor and Jane Foster to stop pretending they aren't head over heels for each other and just kiss. InThor: The Dark World,Loki transforms several times, taking the shape of an Asgardian soldier, Lady Sif, and even Captain America in order to get a rise out of Thor. 'Thor: The Dark World': Why fans love Loki more than Thor - Hypable romance won't start until Harry's an adult, Loki's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, callous disregard for any life that is not Loki's. Thor spent the next two days walking on eggshells when he was around the house. Here are all the things Loki can do that his brother can't. 10 Things You Never Knew about Thor and Loki's Relationship - TVOvermind This happened recently in the comics, when he returned as a much younger version of himself, first as a boy and then as a teen. Stealing and plagiarism will not be tolerated. You're mischievous at heart. Thor x loki loki - Tm kim truyn Thor x loki loki - Trang 1 ):,,, Loki and Clint's Not-So-Excellent Adventures, Tomorrow Might be Good For Something 'Verse,,,,, Es schien perfekt, nur das es das nicht war. But hey, at least he's not a horse, so there's that. But he is vaguely aware that he is looking for something to change tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (2486), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (738), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (795), James "Bucky" Barnes/Loki/Original Female Character(s), Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Female Character(s), Loki (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), WTF | Winter Temporary Fandom Kombat 2023, Never Have I Ever Cut Off My Nose Just to Spite My Face, Canon Divergence - Thor: Love and Thunder (2022), They Don't Teach This Stuff At Asgardia Magic School, gratuitous jokes about thanos' helicopter, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, since loki is too young to do like. Or, having seen his future on the TVA's device and escaped the organisation, Loki does all that he can to change Asgard's fate. Supposedly a god, even. This is one very visual power that hasnt really made it into the movies, surprisingly enough. You actually laugh at some of my jokes. thor. While hes not as adept with this ability as a master like Doctor Strange, Loki has been practicing astral projection far longer and therefore always has a trick up his sleeve. Can they establish a truce long enough to figure out how to go their separate ways? The film uses a Dutch angle (tilting the camera and therefore the picture to show that something unsettling is happening) to indicate the strangeness of Lokis color, which clues him in on his true heritage. Loki not only rejects his Frost Giant heritage, but wants to see its destruction in order to prove himself as a true son of Odin. But her life is about to take a turn with larger than life mythological beings, fantastical realms, and a love worthy of fighting against fate itself. When she first meets Loki, she discovers they are soulmates. I just finished reading 'villian state of mind' and it was awesome! A famous example of this in the comics would be when he used a machine to tamper with Icemans powers, causing the X-Man to be almost useless in a fight, never knowing exactly how his powers would work or what they would do, sometimes causing way more ice than the situation called for. Magic cant cleanse his soul; only you can do that. How is she supposed to help Loki? "Do you rest?" "I do." Loki said. Thor takes people at face value and deals with things in a direct manner. Spring is stirring and so are bittersweet memories of what once had been. Betrayal and lies are not uncommon in the house of Odin. However, as he pointed out in The Avengers, there are characters like Thor who will constantly fall for the exact same trick over and over again. ___Or: where Thor dies at the Stateman instead of Loki, but his death will not go unavenged. Insolitus: (adj.) In this fanfic, you and your sister have to find a way to save the gods while also mastering your own, new, powers. Sometimes someone is too angry to be persuaded. Akela is a 4 year old white wolf with golden eyes she has been caged her entire life and experimented on by hydra. Post-Avengers 1. Characters: ___Something stirs inside Loki. If he wanted, he could turn someones keys into a snake or their car into a puddle of water. Obsessed, a thor fanfic | FanFiction Twisted, evil laughter echoed into the endless air. With strength and lightning, Thor is so much more direct with his enemies. The Voygn Gift Chapter 1: Prologue Part 1, a thor fanfic | FanFiction Odin banished her to earth and Loki thought she had died. They become fast friends and open a shop together. Loki gets sick and his sorcery goes haywire, causing magical mishaps including shifting Thor's form. Maggie LeCroix is trapped in a horrible relationship that is destroying her life. Gods only knew why they chose you. Mordred, son of Emrys (and lots of other stuff)5. Thor is a Viking raider, of the Aesir tribe. That wasnt a lie, not a conscious one at least, but its so much harder than he thought itd be and the family has to adjust to the struggles its causing him. And Loki is not happy about it at all. Can you think of any other powers or abilities that Loki has that Thor doesn't? However, even then, Loki has an unexpected handle on things. But when an unplanned pregnancy cracks their foundation, Thor and Loki must reevaluate their love, lives, and what they want from each other. Die Gesichte setzt am Ende der ersten Staffel an. I've bookmarked most of my favorite Loki stories: Here are some of my favorite Loki-centric stories. The human's eyes widened. Here are my Loki rec lists, in case they're helpful. avengersfanfic. Useless from the very beginning, he mused. Thor noya sa peine dans l'alcool et les Loki who came back to New York after Thanos died, tries to prove to the Avengers he has changed. It starts with the Mad Titan and the Statesman's explosion. Having to accept a side of her that she has been taught to hate her entire life . thor. One day, you get cornered by the notorious God of Mischief and have a very revealing experience about your own kinks. Thor is obsessed with loki fanfiction - After all, how hard can it be after all theyve been through, right? He even castedone force field to protect Asgard as a whole at one point. Cassandria was Loki's secret fiance until they were found out. The one with the hammer. But when she gets a promotion, leading to meeting the God of Mischief himself, everything turns upside down. In Thor: Ragnarok, Thor mentions the time that Loki turned him into a frog, which was an Easter egg for fans. Also open to taking requests! One day she manages to escape the hell hole she's call. I've read a couple of these but there's a couple I haven't, yay! Odin stared down at his child. After Loki confirms that he is a Frost Giant, he confronts Odin about his upbringing, learning the sad truth: Odin stole him from Jotunheim when he was a baby to ensure that peace between Asgardians and Frost Giants would remain. Cant be to hard. Though Lokis actions are twisted and evil, they are the desperate actions of a child wanting to be noticed and loved by his parents. Meanwhile, Tony is struggling to believe that Loki and Bucky truly love him, won't push his boundaries, and want to stay. Lots of plot and Loki angst. After Odin took his last breath at Norway cliffside, Hela did not immediately show up - which allowed Thor ten minutes or so with his poor excuse of a brother, namely: Loki. Sherlock the Baby Lover (Omegaverse) AU2. (BEING EDITED BEFORE CONTINUING THE SEQUEL!!! Mobius kann Loki aus dem Alternativen Zeitstrahl retten und sie landen gemeinsam mit ihrer kleinen Gruppe im wahren Zeitstrahl. Unstable - Loki, Thor & Hela fanfiction - Beb - Wattpad Please consider turning it on! Even if its not always seen, this is referenced in the movies, especially when Thor notes that Loki turned into a snake just to bite him when they were children. Ironfrost After that, life is good, all the Avengers live together in harmony.

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