I'm fairly handy with DIY plumbing, but not and expert and I know when I am out of my league. . Remove the front cover of the water heater. T = the water cooling, normally 5 C determined at the farthest consumption point [C]. 2 Types Of Hot Water Recirculation Pumps Used In Homes, Type 2: Recirculating Home Pump Comfort System, Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hot Water Recirculation Pumps, How Much Do Hot Water Circulation Pumps Cost + Installation Cost + Running Cost? This serves two functions: You save water. Ask Your Own HVAC Question b55db6.jpeg 6a7761.jpeg ee4ed0.jpeg cc7ba2.jpeg 8ec6a3.jpeg 32aa59.jpeg It's unfortunate he's not around to explain all this to you. You must log in or register to reply here. You can set it to run in the morning before work, and in the evening. I have the newest version pcb since I just bought the tankless. Call Navien and explain if yours is older. Prevention of Modern Slavery Progress Reports. It can take anywhere from 10 seconds to 1 minute for the hot water to reach the faucet. Those are quite significant savings. How Much Does 500 Watts Cost Per Hour? If required, replace the thermistor. We do all the time-consuming research and testing for you. All done in software. Let's hop in! I kind of feel like he is trying to get away with something that wasnt installed properly but hopefully I am wrong. Examine the thermistors condition and pump wiring connectors. Thanks for confirming and letting me know about the potential damage to the circulating pump as that hadn't occurred to me. Patrick. Way too many variables to even begin to diagnose online IMO. The main sign of motherboard or control board failure is intermittent switching off and on. What parts does a home water recirculation pump include, and where to install it. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. In large systems, however, it may be advantageous to use controlled pumps to enable adjustment of the flow when starting up the system and to be able to apply temperature control. The cold water pipe coming from the wall goes into the domestic water inlet on the tankless heater, as it should. The temperature sensor, on the other hand, makes sure you dont needlessly use too much energy to heat the water. Navien NPE-240s with external recirculating pump. He has a good standing reputation for superior skills in heating, air conditioning, hot water tanks, and indoor air quality systems. How? This issue is more common in older heater models. Circulation pumps can wreck havoc on your lines if you run them constantly due to friction at bends causing pinhole leaks. Thanks for contributing an answer to Home Improvement Stack Exchange! Once the display stops flashing, the temperature setting is stored. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Hi Mike, we think about water as hot vs. cold. Nobody really likes waiting for the hot water to start flowing under the shower or doing the dishes, for example. Do not advertise or try to compare pricing. The operations manuals above cover all Navien NPE-A and NPE-S series condensing tankless water heaters. To calculate the size of the heater, you will need to add up the amount of water required at a particular time. but you stopped short for me. You can isolate the pump from the vibration in two ways. Any tips on where to verify if I have a dedicated return line? I am guessing that he only returned the HOT line, hence the delayed time in "INSTANT HOT", as the Naviens are sold as well as there 96% efficiency!! What is more, you can, by these estimates, reduce the future water bill considerably and actually profit nicely just by not needlessly waiting for water when youre waiting for the hot water to kick in. Actually the only real issue is the lack of isolation valve on the recirculation connection, resulting in the constant water supply to the water heater. Is this a common drawback with the under-sink crossover valves, for the heater to turn on when a cold water faucet is turn on? How To Fix Navien Tankless Water Heater Code E003? To remedy the issue, consider increasing the gas supply to the heater. You need to run white vinegar through the system, to descale the water heater. If the problem persists, call a technician to fix the unit. Thats all for today. Your article ended saying All in all, its important to understand that recirculation pumps are worth the money. Make sure the major electrical cord is grounded correctly. The Navien is smart enough to stop recirculation when it recognises hot water has made the entire loop. We get it, but (1) terrylove.com can't live without ads, and (2) ad blockers can cause issues with videos and comments. This is because the motherboard or control board is the units brain responsible for receiving and transmitting information in the heater. We always take the pros vs. cons approach because nothing is perfect. Navien Recirculation Pump Noise [4 Easy Solutions], 02. The heater turns off automatically when the flue pipe surpasses 149 degrees Fahrenheit. link to Why Does My RV Carbon Monoxide Detector Keep Going Off? and our Then what are we waiting for? Then re-insert the filter and screw it back in place. Contents show It should come out of the hot water port. How Does A Hot Water Recirculation Pump Work? Hello Lucy, in most cases, you have that option. The answer is that leftover water in the pipes has cooled over time. It is propelled only by water pressure. https://www.ebay.com/itm/12V-DC-MOMONTROL-RM11-/350575987090?hash=item519ff50992, Navien NPE-240A2 External circulation question, Navien NPE-240A and HotButton - DIP switches and parameters, Flushing Navien 240A set up for external bypass, Navien NPE External Recirculation Confusion. Just locate the air bleeder valve on top of the recirculation system. Purchasing a timer will also fix the problem. Years of experience in the HVAC field have taught him many lessons, not the least of which is that the value of quality and knowledge far exceeds any promised initial savings. Without the need for extra piping, this type of hot water circulation pump system also comes at a much lower cost. That means that the cold water is not actually cold; it will usually be slightly warm (at room temperature). Question: How much does it cost to buy a water recirculating pump? Thanks. I've bled the system top and bottom and even removed the return line then switched to internal pump yet it still makes this noise. Air in the line: If there has been a power outage or air has gotten into the line for another reason, the pump can make a lot of noise. They are not without upfront costs or disadvantages. So, saving water is the main reason for calling a recirculation pump eco-friendly. Does anyone know the logic behind how Navien controls their internal recirculation pump when it is circulating with an external loop? Place a bucket underneath it to catch any water that drains when you remove the filter. . This is known as recirculating home pump comfort system (Type #2) and its the most popular way to get hot water quickly. Set the pump in the bucket and plug it in. For example, if you have a person showering and another individual shaving. The second method seems to suggest the cold water at sinks will most likely have been run through the hot water tank. Turns out that it was the temperature of the return water was high enough to stop the recirculation. House generators are quite expensive. We hope we were able to help you out with our guide. A hot water recirculation pump can be sized for a given system using the following formulas: Water flow qc = /T x 4200 Do you want to know the details? Is the cable harness compatible? Eventually, they pay for themselves by reducing the water bills. A while ago we had a plumber/friend install a Navien tankless water heater. It sounds awful and not like any other recirculating pump I've ever heard. my understanding of the Navien with internal recirc pump is that they work with either an external dedicated return pipe or an internal bypass loop located within the water heater cabinet. If we dont use it, we waste a lot of water. If you fail to stop the noise after trying all the steps I mentioned, I bet there is a complex problem with the unit. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Hello Irving, Trutankless is an Arizona-based brand of tankless water heaters with built-in recirculation pumps. By installing a hot water circulation pump, you will have a hot shower right away. Using a corrosion-free flow sensor made of stainless steel is a better option. This on-demand water heater has a lower carbon footprint, is energy efficient, and has a longer lifespan. Difficulties with estimation of epsilon-delta limit proof. Navien tankless water heater recirculation March 31, 2016 At the push of a button, Navien 's HotButton accessory activates the internal recirculation pump and gas-fired burner to heat up the water in the supply lines. Remove the inlet filter and wash it under the running water with the help of a brush. House was built in late 1990s and is 2 story, built on a slab foundation. The recirculation timer is set to operate ever 15 minutes, even though we are often not at the property. If you'd like to support the site, please allow ads. The cold water pipe coming from the wall goes into the domestic water inlet on the tankless heater, as it should. if your water heater has 4 connections (CW in; HW out; condensate; gas) then the recirculation occurs within the water heater - IMO don't see the benefit in this setup as the water in the HW distribution system doesn't see flow . ($0.05 $0.22/h), How Much Does 1000 Watts Cost Per Hour? Turn off the recirculation when the house is not occupied, in order to save even more energy. if your water heater has 5 connections ( CW in; HW out; Recirc in; condensate ; gas) then the recirculation is coming backing to the water heater. Inspect the water feeder valve, water pressure, and water pressure relief valve. On top of that, the recirculating pumps also return the cold water in the pipes back to the heater. To select a recirculation mode, you must set the DIP switches on the front panel, and set the position of the 2-way valve inside the water heater. Lets look at the individual parts that make up the recirculation pump for hot water: If you want to install a recirculation pump, you start by getting the whole recirculating pump kit. FREE Returns . To reduce that time significantly (and stop needlessly wasting water), we can install hot water recirculating pump. Turn off the device for half an hour and confirm everything is working correctly. Tankless Water Heater Wire Size Calculator: What Gauge Wire (AWG)? Here is the final install. So, there is such a thing. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Also, make sure you get the 1- pipe for the horizontal manifold, which will help even out the flow of the recirculators. Correcting Navien Tankless Hot Water Heater Installation, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Tankless water heater - not consistent hot water output, Plumbing Manifold Use With a Tankless Hot Water Heater, No hot water if hot water recirculator pump is shut off, warm water only when we replaced the hot water heater with a tankless heater. Find applications from Grundfos related to this subject. Just like everything with these three characteristics, it is time-consuming and challenging. Having a tankless water heater is an energy-efficient way of getting hot water. I bought the. I got a Navien NPE 240A2 installed in my home with dedicated recirculating line (hopefully I got the lingo right!) There is a circulator pump, but it still takes a long time for hot water to reach the upstairs bathrooms. Get it as soon as Wednesday, Mar 1. It has a timer that turns on the pump at regular intervals, mostly during peak usage times. Therefore, the only task you can attempt on this list is the gasket replacement for the leaking water connection. Allow it to dry for some time before fixing it again. When the water is sufficiently hot, the temperature sensor will shut off the power to the recirculation pump to conserve energy. Quite surprisingly for most homeowners, the biggest problem with this type of recirculation pump is getting cold water. Then, use the arrows to set the desired temperature. The issue is most likely, the flow sensor inside the unit is not spinning correctly. We might be able to do something about it. Allow it to dry and then fix it back. Navien Flow Sensor. I noticed my apartment building installed one and at that time the whole water pressure was low. Advantages and disadvantages of hot water circulation pumps. All in all, its important to understand that recirculation pumps are worth the money. I recently had a 240A2 installed. You mentioned that in the summer months your can turn off the recirculation pump. But, you can buy a new recirculating pump for $200-400. Here we will cover all the important parts of hot water recirculations pumps, including: You will get an overall look at how you can use increased water pressure by a circulation pump for almost instantaneous hot water access. This made me suspicious that water was coming from the mains. What video game is Charlie playing in Poker Face S01E07? It sounds almost like cavitation or a magnet rubbing against the casing as the recirculating pump winds down. Navien NaviCirc Recirculation Valve Description How it works Specifications Dimensions Press the reset button to reset your device. This depends on how long you leave it on and how often you use it. You can crack open the manual for your tankless heater and check if it comes with that option. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It usually occurs due to an open or shorted sensor. Make sure to follow our instructions properly for the right application. Yes, you can turn it off by yourself. Not sure I am understanding. If any particular ad is your REASON for blocking ads, please let us know. It tells you about the abnormality of the external tank thermistor. This breaks down the scale and flushes out the sediment. Rather than using the hard wired door bell style push button that comes with the kit, I bought this remote control unit (. Should I keep my 5-year-old electric tank heater as a storage unit if I am about to install a new gas tankless heater? Turn the unit off. Question: Can a recirculating pump last for 10-15 years?Answer: If you use it properly, it should last at least 10-15 years. You can adjust the temperature while the display is flashing. (With Water Savings Analysis), Note On Tankless Water Heater Hot Water Recirculation Pumps (Double Trouble), How Much Electricity Does A Tankless Water Heater Use? Solutions like- unplugging it, using a timer and using wifi sockets are convenient. This unit doesnt have dip switches as far as I undersrand. Also, as I'm taking a closer look at it, I'm concerned that some key things may be amiss. Its clearly not always running as I can see it says standby on the display most of the time. I can figure out occupied or not from a home automation or alarm system. A hot water recirculation pump can be sized for a given system using the following formulas: Water flow qc = /T x 4200 Its really an easy task to do. Step 1 Remove the plug from the socket on the end of the wire that connects to your circulator pump. If it does, you could trigger the operation to save money whenever your system detected 'away' or however you've got it programmed. The short answer is no, your water will still be pure. You certainly dont want that, do you? If youre using this pump and cant fix it yourself, you can call a professional mechanic to fix it. Hopefully its clear which is which when Im down there. I don't hear the heater "fire up" right away when the tap is opened and can't tell if the recirculation pump is running. Turn off the device for 30 minutes and then restart it. However, if it generates annoying or buzzing noise, there is something wrong with the system. Make sure there are no loose connections. Wash it under the water with a brush, let it dry, and then place it back. Hi Christopher, not really. Make sure to follow the required instructions before and after you've turned it off for your safety. Minimising the environmental effects of my dyson brain. Fortunately, Navien water heaters recycle hot water and always provide hot water. some homes require multiple recirc lines in order for all fixture group to benefit. Make sure to follow the required instructions before and after youve turned it off for your safety. However, whenever I turn on the cold water at the kitchen sink for a few seconds the tankless unit starts to run (heat water) even though I dont want heated water. If you have come back from a vacation, first turn on the main water valve. Depending on the age of your Navien NPE-A model, he did you a favor. However, the plumber branched this off into the circulation water inlet. If you add a powerful hot water circulation pump at the heater (not under the sink), the hot water will reach the faucet much faster. Then descale a flush the heater following the steps listed below. Thats why most homeowners prefer installing the recirculation pump without the extra pipe. Since pumps cost about $200 each, the recirculating pump will pay for itself in 3-4 years. Note on tankless hot water heater recirculation pumps (double trouble solved). Grundfos small circulators are perfect as hot water recirculation pumps for commercial and domestic hot water applications. However, the plumber branched this off into the circulation water inlet. We have some suggestions for you if you want to buy the best wifi sockets. We trusted him and thought everything was just fine as we were getting hot water throughout the house. Did you mount the contact switch next to the Navien? Navien ComfortFlow is the first and only system that incorporates a built-in insulated buffer tank and recirculation pump. Also, did you wire the PB from the Hot Button kit or only use the remote? Full Recirculation Pump System - Going this route adds additional piping to your system, allowing for a "hot water loop" to be created, ensuring the water doesn't end up sitting and going cold in your pipes and instead is recirculated, ready for the next time you turn on the tap. Hi. I bought the remote PB you referenced above and the specs on it say it uses 12 VDC, but I couldn't find anywhere whether the 12 V supplied by the Navien board is either AC or DC. - If there is not the fore mentioned set up he probably did the best he could do without re plumbing your house with double hot (returns to your Navien! Also, check the filters to see if they are clean. Sold by HVAC Pros and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. Why isn't my Navien tankless water heater performing as it should?
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