Are on-line courses acceptable? All applications to the University of Maryland School of Medicine must be initiated through the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS). If your school does not have a Premedical Advisory Committee, you should submit at least three letters of recommendation, and at least two of these should come from undergraduate and/or graduate school faculty whose courses you have taken. You will be contacted via email regarding an invitation to interview. This approach is advantageous because it will also allow you to obtain a composite letter of recommendation from the advisor, a requirement in the application process for most medical schools. The average ratio for our freshmen class is 75% Maryland residents and 25% non-residents. Students who have attended an LCME-accredited allopathic medical school in the United States or Canada are eligible to submit an application for admission to the third-year class only. The Committee on Admissions can make one of three decisions for each Early Decision applicant: Each applicant will be notified promptly of the decision of the Committee on Admissions so that those not accepted through this program can apply elsewhere. [4] Gene Hu . Interviews are required for acceptance and are conducted by invitation only. If so, we suggest that you select a four-year college in your area which has a dedicated pre-medical advisory system. You will find the address once you click on the link. Those Training School graduates are included in this database as derived from those sources, beginning with the Training School class of 1905. Every completed application is reviewed by the Committee. Interviews are conducted each week, on Mondays and Wednesdays, from September to early February. Those applicants who possess competitive academic records and the personal characteristics noted above may be invited to interview. Program. Can I request a waiver of any of the required premedical courses? To visit the University of Maryland School of Medicine profile on the AAMC Medical School Admissions Requirements (MSAR) site, please click here. SOM Home Quick Links Email Intranet MyUMB Directory Map Calendar About Us Departments Research Education Patient Care Faculty News Alumni & Donors Give Faculty Faculty Profiles Sync _ORCID Sync Faculty Profiles Department Chairs University of Maryland School of Medicine Center is One of 28 Recognized Nationally, Study Led to FDA Approval of Focused Ultrasound Device that Provides Novel Treatment Option Without Requiring Incision, Findings will direct researchers to risk genes in predisposed patients, Ronna Hertzano, MD, PhD, Will Direct Newly Established Neurotology Branch Focusing on Neurological and Genetic Conditions that Lead to Hearing Loss. All decisions regarding the selection process are made by a committee of current faculty and students. It is to your distinct advantage to do so. The application process is the same as if you are applying to the MD only program. Once they have received all required materials from you, they will verify your application and send it to the schools for which you have indicated an interest. An extension of the November 1st deadline WILL NOT be granted under any circumstances. They are fresh out of college and changing careers after10 years. The purpose of our listed curricular prerequisites is to provide guidance on strategies for academic preparation for medical school and to identify who will excel in achieving the AAMC core competencies and ultimately be successful in our rigorous academic program. Courses taken at the community college level will satisfy our pre-requisites. University of Maryland Medical Center -- Emergency Medicine. How will I be notified of an invitation to interview? This usually occurs in late April. It is strongly suggested also that you submit new or updated letters of recommendation. Hannah Bach, MD, MPH. MD M1 Class Profile Fall 2022 Applications 12,392 applications received 9,117 applications completed 668 applicants interviewed M1 Class 148 students in the first-year class 104 female 44 male 12 MD/PhD 17 MD/MPH 24.1 average age at matriculation 21-32 age range 68 different undergraduate institutions 15 traditional students (17%) What is the profile of your student body? The number of transfers accepted will be limited by the number of spaces available in the class. Do you consider Canadian citizens eligible for admission to the University of Maryland School of Medicine? Please email the Office of Admissions at or contact us by telephone at 410-706-7478. Our students come from urban, suburban and rural areas in Maryland, as well as from many other states. No one will be accepted without an interview. This goal will be achieved through a robust and flexible . Some applicants may hear sooner, some a bit later. This will allow them to make an informed decision regarding your suitability as a medical student and, eventually, as a practicing physician. The very competitive nature of the application process, and the limited number of interview spots, often makes it difficult for the Committee to render a final decision for some applicants until all applications have been reviewed. Applicants will have three weeks from the date of the letter of acceptance to respond to the School of Medicines offer of admission. Our students bring to the School of Medicine a richness of personal and academic accomplishments, creating a vibrant environment for their learning and individual growth. Yes, you may request a deferment of your matriculation for up to two years. At the end of 2018 cycle, 4,851 applications had been received for the 2018 entering class. University of Maryland School of Medicine, 655 W. Baltimore Street, Baltimore MD 21201, about Claire Fraser, PhD, To Step Down from Director of the Institute for Genome Sciences at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, about Baltimore PKD Research and Clinical Core Center Receives Prestigious Center of Excellence Designation from PKD Foundation, about Parkinsons Disease Patients Experience Significant Reduction in Symptoms with Non-Surgical Focused Ultrasound Treatment, about The Molecular Mechanism Behind Abdominal Aneurysms, about University of Maryland School of Medicine Professor Appointed Chief of New Branch at NIH, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Department of Medical and Research Technology, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Department of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, Program for Aging, Trauma, and Emergency Care (PATEC), Program for Personalized and Genomic Medicine, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Center for Biomolecular Therapeutics (CBT), Center for Epigenetic Research in Child Health & Brain Development, Maryland Psychiatric Research Center (MPRC), Center for Shock, Trauma and Anesthesiology Research, Center for Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine, Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health (CVD), Center for Vascular & Inflammatory Diseases, Center for Advanced Research Training & Innovation (CARTI), Institute for Neuroscience Discovery (UM-MIND), Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science, Center for Shock Trauma and Anesthesiology Research, Center for Advanced Research Training & Innovation (CARTI), Center for Innovative Biomedical Resources, Medical Education Leadership Academy (MELA), Medical Education Leadership Academy (MELA) Home, Pass and Susel Academy of Educational Excellence, Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME), Program in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Program in Molecular Microbiology & Immunology, Program in Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science, Cellular and Molecular Biomedical Science MS Program, Master's in Genetic Counseling Training Program (MGC), UM Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center, UM Rehabilitation & Orthopaedic Institute, Faculty Affairs and Professional Development, MD/PhD (Medical Scientist Training Program), Program for Aging, Trauma, & Emergency Care (PATEC), Program in Health Equity and Population Health, Center for Shock, Trauma and Anesthesiology Research (STAR), Center for Vascular & Inflammatory Diseases (CVID), Translational Laboratory Shared Services(TLSS), Biostatistics and Informatics Core (UMGCCBIOSTATS), Center for Health-Related Informatics and Bioimaging (CHIB), Clinical and Translational Research Informatics Center (CTRIC), Pathology Biorepository Shared Services (PBSS), Translational Genomics Laboratory(TGL) *CLIA, Center for Nanomedicine and Cellular Delivery, Industrial Pharmaceutics & GMP Manufacturing Lab, Center for Translational Research in Imaging (CTRIM), BIORESCO(Biomedical Research Supply Core), Institute for Clinical & Translational Research (ICTR), Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development, Office of Research Career Development (RCD), Health Sciences and Human Services Library. If I am an unsuccessful applicant? In situations where the secondary application is sent to an applicant after the December 1 deadline, the applicant will have two weeks to return the application to the School of Medicine. Again, we do not have a pre-medical advisor in our office or the staff to handle these inquires. Please be proactive and make these changes in your spam filter settings. Through innovative identification, recruitment and development programs, the School of Medicine has become recognized for the rich diversity of its student body. Academic excellence is expected. With 43 academic departments, program, centers and institutes, the School is regarded as one of the leading biomedical research institutions in the U.S. with top-tier faculty and programs in cancer, brain science, surgery and transplantation, trauma and emergency medicine, vaccine development and human genomics, among other centers of excellence. Where do students receive clinical exposure? Those applicants invited to interview will receive, in writing, one of three decisions from the Committee on Admissions: Students may write to the Office of Admissions at any time during the application process if there are significant concerns or questions regarding the status of their application. Persons who already hold the degree of Doctor of Medicine cannot be admitted to the medical school as candidates for that degree from this University. University of Maryland School of Medicine -- Emergency Medicine. What is your policy regarding Visiting Students interested in Elective Rotations? They are athletes and student government leaders. Third year clerkships that may have some component of off-site training include Medicine, OB/GYN, Surgery and Family Medicine. We ask though that inquiries be kept to a minimum to allow our staff the time to complete the daunting task of processing the thousands of applications that will be submitted this year. Interviewers are trained to specifically evaluate an applicant's maturity, adequacy of support systems, level of confidence in their abilities, intellectual curiosity, communication skills, motivation for medicine, depth of involvement in extracurricular activities, and professional bearing during the interview, among other factors. Is there anyway I can know my position on the Waiting List more precisely than upper or lower half? Students with a weak undergraduate GPA often have done a MS with a strong GPA. When is my file being reviewed? The Committee on Admissions expects all applicants to complete the prerequisite courses as listed in the School of Medicine Office of Admissions website, including those courses with a required laboratory component. Maryland, MA, New Jersey 9 Massachusetts 8 Ohio 7 . Primarily it is an effort to help you "connect" with each other, especially during this first week of medical school when everything is new - exciting but clearly daunting. Do you consider Canadian citizens eligible for admission to the University of Maryland School of Medicine? These core concepts include: Ability to clearly demonstrate knowledge of basic physical principles and their applications to the study and understanding of living systems is required.
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