to all the bm's that went to japan, i told you so. Plankowner USS John Young DD973 [3] Stump was also credited with the identification of a low flying plane whose inspection upon landing in the US accounted for the recovery of several hundred kilos of Cocaine. My first ship was USS TURNER JOY (DD 951), which was the last USN DD before the Spruances came along. Great boat. I wont go any farther than that. Command Master Chief, USS Monterey (CG 61) Captain AARON M. ANDERSON Commanding Officer, USS Carney (DDG 64) Cmdr. Specifically, FBE-H further developed NWDC's draft Access Concept entitled "Poseidon's Presence". It was named for Captain Jeremiah O'Brien and his five brothers: Gideon, John, William, Dennis and Joseph. Speaking of carriers, there was even some thought to making an aviation destroyer variant. hb```f``b`a`cb@ !F sK,":l$6iu R|@aEcHuf&H In drydock in New York during summer 1983. I did however find one mistake that you made. One is the USS Steniker in Mexico today. I generally regarded the Ingalls Shipyard as a bunch of rednecks with welding rods. Drunk at quarters, drunk after quarters, god i miss cg. SHAREM is a Chief of Naval Operations program established in 1969 to continuously improve the quality of undersea warfare. Would love to hear about a reunion, Plankowner on DD997 USS Hayler. 1940s complement for the Sumners as designed was 336 Officers and Enlisted while some wartime designs (such as DMs) were 363 . 1986 was significant for two reasons. Did you know Ray Harner, a DS from Pennsylvania? While I really liked the ship and its crewthe ship itself was a piece of crap! I felt my ship was too young. Yes, of course, the SPRUANCE hulls are the same as the TICOs, thus showing their retirement was early. Lived in Bremerton for many years and watched a set of 3-4 of them (I remember one was David R Ray) moored in the bay off of PSNS for years, just rotting away. I was the commissioning Navigator on the USS Harry W Hill (DD986) in 1979 out of Pascagoula. Went through GITMO reftra, Oct, 1985 and then on to the med cruise 1986. The distinguished naval career of Admiral Felix Stump is reflected in the ship's coat of arms. Served on USS FLETCHER DDDD992 from 91 to 95. Chief Electrician EMC(SW). Plankowner USS Spruance DD-963 First an Best. DD-974 Plankowner. Sure was ashame to see her sunk! worked on these boats in 1975, I find it hard to believe that they were decommissioned already!! I believe the spru-cans could have been refurbished to another decade or more. I always liked your XO approachfair and honest. If youre not a member ask to be added. Official U.S. USN 1162172. The DDG-51 Class was originally supposed to replace the OHP FFG-7 Class, USS Stump (DD-978) was a Spruance -class destroyer built by the Ingalls Shipbuilding Division of Litton Industries at Pascagoula, Mississippi. Stump Intercepts Large Cocaine Shipment Navy Newsstand. 2000 2001 Length: 529 feet . It was my first ship with the best memories and an amazing crew! I was on DD-981 John Hancock from 91-95, a great class ship. I was her first Navigator and XN Department Head. E-mail me so we can keep in touch. I was across the pier from you on the USS John Rodgers (DD-983). HEY YOU GUYS ITS GENTLEMAN JACK To replace these old boats, the Spruance class, a mighty 31 destroyers, were built between 1972-1983, all at Ingalls Shipbuilding in Pascagoula. Old ships simply dont have as many fans as new ones, and their billion dollar contracts, divided among 20 states or so. I have many pictures of her from over the years, some were taken by me and many others that were taken during the years after I moved on and later retired from the Navy. Navy Rate? Capt. A mainstay during this deployment, Stump remained underway for over eighty percent of the time she was in the Persian Gulf. Nice article mate! I was precom for USS John Hancock DD-981 in 1978 went TAD on the Peterson and Stump, sorry to see. USS Stump is the 16th SPRUANCE-class destroyer. SK2 Longtin I was on the John Rodgers. No less than 16 Spruance class destroyers are on the way. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); There are 695 crew members registered for the USS Stump (DD 978). Jennifer Brokaw, USS Stump Public Affairs She is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and a Fellow of the American College of Physicians. In July 1994, STUMP again deployed to South America for UNITAS XXXV serving as the Flagship for Commander U.S. South Atlantic Force. I was a plank owner of USS Arthur W. Radford DD-968.She was a great shipfirst ship to fire a Harpoon missile in the Mediterranian SeaHad a great mentor on boardFTG1 Joe Puls (eventually MCPO)left the Radford as Fox division LPO.Loved that ship and all my shipmatesSaw her stripped down before sinkingwhat a host of memories!!!!. Photo by Malcom Muir, January 1 1988. When ours blew, I remember the tedious process of flipping this very heavy unit between two dollies in the radar room vestibule to get it out onto the main passageway, then wheeling it through the hangar and out to the flight deck, where a pier-based crane took it away while my chief (ETC Ronald Pyle) looked on. Did that Spy thing and looking for Gun Runners on the USS Coontz DDG-40 in 81/82. Writing about whatever interests me, and maybe you. Was at Leehelm for my GQ station when Stump fired Tomahawks into Iraq just after the end of the first Gulf Warquite an experience! As a result of her outstanding performance, STUMP was awarded the "Hookem Award" for USW excellence by the Commander U.S. Sixth Fleet. A hundred surface ships cant be everywhere at once. Just seems wasteful. Available for both RF and RM licensing. someplace, too. 2003 now. Today, Constitution 's commanders change every two years. What state was he from? Both were fine ships. Picked her up in Panama City just as she was deploying for her NSA ops in Gulf of Fonseca for the NSA. In November 1992, Stump deployed to the Persian Gulf and Northern Red Sea as part of MEF (193) to serve as a ready strike platform. He faces charges of negligent homicide, hazarding a vessel and dereliction of duty. One of the repairs that was being done was welding up a large crack that had formed between the masts on the O3 level. Make equipment that makes the other side say Hey guys Ill pass!. I never had more challenges than getting through the Light Off Exam and the Operational Readiness Exam. But retrofitting with Aegis I wouldnt think excessively cost prohibitive unless Lockheed and others wanted the good old arm and leg they like to charge. 2 tours onboard the Stump 87-91 and 95-98 loved that ship and I know the Russians hated the 53C sonar that popped tall outta the water one time and pissed off the Admiral incharge of the med when we busted his sub before she found us damn the bad luck. Email for details, or visit website at Great ships!! After his retirement, he was appointed to the position of Vice Chairman of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Served on three of these hulls DD, DDG, and CG.Fletcher, Callaghan, and Thomas S Gates and enjoyed each one. The Navy said Nordeen is being reassigned to Commander, Naval Force Atlantic, while Capt. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I served aboard the USS John Rodgers DD983 from 1983-1986. They have passed the torch to a younger and more formidable group of ships. USS Heerman (DD-532) and a destroyer escort lay a smoke screen to protect Taffy 3 from attacking Japanese surface ships at the beginning . I am medically retired now, and love life. Thats an even 100-ships, or a reduction by about 58% from the late 1980s. STUMP conducted Black Sea operations, port visits and extensive USW operations. Even the Sink-ex ships took a pounding before going down. What a platform. Now they cancel the Line of Zumwalt Class bringing the Price up to 2.2 Billion per ship and only 2 in the Planning. Koji Miyazaki, commanding officer the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force ship destroyer JS Ise (DDH 182), during a tour of America. Master Chief Petty Officer Perkins is a native of Gastonia, NC, and enlisted in the United States Navy in 1985. Stump provided safe passage back to Norfolk, Virginia. A close ET school friend was aboard Briscoe91-93. A real shooter with aim. Only once in three years did we ever experience water hours when our evaporators failed. They installed the CIWS, the helo recovery tracking system, ungraded the radars and expanded the helo hangar for extra sonar buoy storage. What have you been doing for the last 30 years? Commanded Cruiser Scouting Wing in 1928-1929 and served on the Staff of Commander Cruisers, Scouting Fleet in 1930-1931. Further, the 51s are tasked increasingly with fleet air defense and (now) with ABM missions. The U.S. Army Distinguished Service Medal, received for exceptionally meritorious services as commander of a combined operations center during the early part of the war, is represented by the colors scarlet, white and blue, the colors of the suspension ribbon of the medal. USS Gambier Bay (CVE-73) and two destroyer escorts making smoke at the start of the battle off Samar, 25 October 1944. 1992 1993 <3 AND, I MISS SOME OF YOU GUYS LOL. You wonder what our planners are thinking?? Identifying the Best Training, Tools, and Tactics for the Armed Civilian! I honor this class on my facebook page. Professor Walt Wildemann is a retired Surface Warfare Officer who first served as NWC faculty from January 1997 through September 2000 in the JMO Department where he taught both the Intermediate and Senior level courses. USS STUMP (DD-978) - a Spruance-class destroyer. How come it shows the Orleck with white railings? That was do able and would have made sense. They were called the Love Boats back then since they were the size of WWII light cruisers (8000-tons), yet only carried a pair of 5-inch guns (Mk45 rapid-fire jobs that provided more firepower than twice as many of the old Sumners 5-inch/58s), twin triple ASW tubes, and an 8-cell ASROC launcher. Yay for us. USS O'Brien (DD-975) was a Spruance -class destroyer built by the Ingalls Shipbuilding Division of Litton Industries at Pascagoula, Mississippi. When the Spruances left the Navy, they took with them 1,494 Mk41 VLS cells which carried mainly Tomahawk cruise missiles along with a smattering of ASROC sub-busters. Commanding Officer CDR Benjamin Grant Executive Officer LCDR Jacob Cates Chief of the Boat CMC Brett Olivieri. Our Navy has become has shrunk to become second rate. I was on-board USS Elliot(DD 967) AS A CTM1 From 1990 until 1993 always a tin-can sailor SPRU-CAN all the way got rid of them way too soon. My last ship I also put in commission was an Aegis Cruiser the USS Vincennes (CG-49) another great ship with a great crew. Ralston, a native of Rota, Spain, has been in command of Porter since Aug. 12, 2020, leading Porter and her crew on two multi-mission forward-deployed naval forces patrols throughout U.S. Sixth. I served on USS Oldendorf DD 972. A commanding officer speaks to his crew during an all-hands meeting. I suoi incarichi in mare includono la USS Roark (FF-1053) come ufficiale di artiglieria / antisommergibile e navigatore; USS Stump (DD-978) come ingegnere capo; e come ufficiale esecutivo a bordo della USS Hercules (PHM-2) e della USS Yorktown (CG-48) . We had several fires onboard due to shipyard trash being stored in electrical junction boxes. A native of Parkersburg, West Virginia, Felix Budwell Stump was appointed to the United States Naval Academy in 1913. Perhaps the best way to summarize Admiral Stump's philosophy towards his naval career, as well as the best way to summarize the conduct of the proud ship that bears his name, is the ship's motto: TENACITY: FOUNDATION OF VICTORY. Perhaps you can contact the Orleck museum for more info on that scheme. Chief: I do believe we were on sister ships; Served on the Nick DD-982 from precom 78 till I left in82 as GSE1. Also, note the Phalanx CIWS mounts port and starboard. JPME I, U.S. February 20 1985, an aerial starboard bow view of the Spruance-class destroyer USS Stump (DD 978) underway as a CH-53E Super Stallion helicopter approaches the helicopter deck during an in-flight refueling operation. USS JOHN YOUNG REUNION Michael D. Nordeen, commanding officer of the amphibious transport dock Mesa Verde, and Cmdr. Made rank on her and met some friends for life and took em to Japan w/me. Well these ships were fun to drive and both of them shot a lot of Tomahawks when I was on them. STUMP then deployed for UNITAS XXVI/WATC '85. They were great ASW platforms but not much else. 109 0 obj <>stream After the fourth hit the destroyer, heavily damaged, began to list sharply to starboard. I was Pre-com Connolly DD-979 and then regular ships company, 78-81. Not Multi billion dollars projects that run over budget, and do not deliver. 3 years USS John Rodgers DD983..I have always thought she was decommissioned way too young and it hurt my heart to see the pictures of her in Brownsville. Capt. 81- 85. But they could all have been upgraded to the standard of the three DDGs based on the Spruance class. I reminded he that we had offloaded all ammunition at Seal Beach, CA before departing. 1 Helicopter. Undated postcard Copyright © Atlantic Fleet Sales, Norfolk, VA. Circa 1977, Passenger Ship Terminal mid-town New York City on the Hudson River. (I lster served just as dad did!! In 89, the U.S. only had 12-15 Ticos up and running (Chancellorsville was commissioned 11/4/89) and they still had 5 years left. We had 2 Class C fires due to shipyard trash being stashed in sealed electrical boxes. My first ship and where I met my future husbandFC2 Krug! The reservation number for the 4 Queens Hotel & Casino is 800-634-6045 Option 1 reference the Oldendorf Reunion. In April, and on 48-hour notice, Stump was directed to detach and proceed to the Persian Gulf to replace the USSSamuel B. Roberts which had suffered extensive damage from a naval mine explosion. Loved the crew! Argenis. Ingalls promoted that the ships could be modified and upgraded for years to come, and Ingalls could build a modular section that could be added as the section they are updating was removed. Register and add yourself to the Crew List of the USS Stump (DD 978), Report an offensive or inappropriate entry, Stump..What more can a guy say.livin it up in S. America with the rest of CA was awesome. My first and only ship plank owner USS Briscoe. Then I discovered the whole 963 Class had been mothballed and were scheduled Davy Jones fleet. Aint it a small world? Control 360.315.2388 Good memories and sad feelings on the demise of our homes away from home! Stump, as part of Destroyer Squadron Two, joined five other nations and other U.S. Navy warships in the central Mediterranean for the execution of SHAREM 125, from 9 to 15 July 1998. Not a bad ship! I think they were sunk so that the Navy wouldnt have to slow down Burke production or Zumwalt development. USS Montgomery blue crew CO and XO fired By Geoff Ziezulewicz Dec 30, 2021 The commanding officer of the littoral combat ship Montgomery's blue crew, Cmdr. The heroic and distinguished naval career of Admiral Felix B. Stump is reflected in the ship's Coat of Arms. I REALLY MISS THE STUMP! This was the eighth in a series of fleet battle experiments designed to evaluate new naval warfare concepts and technological capabilities. David-Tavis M. Pollard relieved Capt. Beam: 55 feet . Mobile, Alabama SHAREM is an established in 1969 to continuously improve the quality of undersea warfare. All the while their ASW, ASuW, and NGFS capability are being marginalized. In 80 to 81, I was 11-12 yrs old and was in St Lucia while my dad was working thereWe took a tour of the USS Peterson when it came in for a port visit. When I seen them sink her a part of me went too. Instead of being crammed full of TLAMs, these new DDGs have to allocate most of their space to carrying surface to air missiles. 96 0 obj <> endobj Refitting with Aegis wouldnt happen. Oh, what nowthe Russians are reviving there sub fleet, too badno Spruance-class destroyers are left to hunt them down. Many good memories. I never thought I'd miss the Stump untill I got to the Enterprise. From 1797 to today, over 70 individuals have commanded USS Constitution. Throughout the deployment, the battle group also participated in numerous international exercises, including Arabian Gauntlet, an 11-nation exercise that involved more than 20 ships. In early 1945 he supported the operations at Lingayan, Philippines. The first thing I thought, perhaps horribly, was that I hoped she wasnt alive to have seen it. Stump, along with the rest of the battle group ships returned home on 24 May 2001. I served aboard the Deyo from 84 until 88 and count those years as some of the best of my life. 1983 1984 I served as an ET onboard the USS Comte De Grasse DD974 from 1983-1986 . I served on 2 SpruCans: USS PAUL F FOSTER (DD 964) as OPS Boss and USS OBRIEN (DD 975) as XO. does not share your information. Served as part of Airdale crew aboard the USS OBrien DD975 and USS Ingersol DD990 . Radioman. Served aboard from 83-87. 1996 Decommissioning of the Johnny Rod. Complement: 19 Officers and 315 Enlisted. Started as an IBM, and struck for OS, 1976-1979. In 1944 Stump was promoted to Rear Admiral and took command of Task Unit 52.11.2 and Carrier Division 24 embarked on the escort carrier USS Corregidor (CVE-58) for operations against Saipan. Two of my 3 favorite ships, the first being a 2250 Fram can USS Higbee DD-806! Sir, while I respect your overall conclusion that Spru-cans combat systems were their downfall, I disagree that they should have been scrapped at that point. Erickson. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Jenkins will be temporarily reassigned to the staff of Commander, Naval Surface Squadron 14, the Navy said in a statement Thursday. | He was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for "exceptionally meritorious serviceas Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet; United States Military Advisor to the Southeast Treaty Organizations." The ships crew was top-notch, but I was quite disillusioned about the quality of shipyard workmanship in building the Hill. DD 974 will forever live in my heart Sans Precedent ! Nice article on the ships, they were built for speed. I hope everyone is doing good. Call me crazy, but I miss everyone. Im not sure any newer ships are museums, I visited a Coast Guard Ice Breaker in Michigan, brought back some memories, but it was 1940s 2005 or so. Cadillacs..Plain and simple, Our Ship (USS FIFE), could tear through the water, Hunted Subs like a fox, and always looked sleek and sure in or out of port. Plankowner USS Fletcher DD992 BM3 AlexRodriguez, I was a plank-owner on the USS Cushing (DD985), a fine ship! Good article about a great class of DDs. It broke my heart to learn of Nicholsons decommissioning and subsequent sinkex but it also happened to two of the other ships I served in as well. ", It took me 14 years to get here and now we are Decommisioning? Thorn just had plankowner reunion in Nashville. Spruance Class Destroyers Stump was decommissioned 22 October 2004. 3;u9Tm % DD 864 Harold J. Ellison 5 years as BT in fire rooms that were hell on earth. Cmdr. Deck Department: 1st Div Served on Ingersoll 87-90 caught in yards in San Pedro Ca and rode her to Pearl.Did the Aussie Bi-cenntenial cruise more time inport than at sea after the cruise Capt Frank told me I would make chief because of the performance of our div(S2) I will be always thankful for that group of sailors much love for Spruance Class destroyers. What's up homies, give a brother a shout out!! Drop me a email zorched_dd973 AT yahoo dot Com I find Shipmates and Friends rather easily when I have as much details as possible when I start. Involved in this process was Long Island contractor Dynell Electronics, which was acquired by United Technologies company Norden Systems. Weapons systems limited, did they have NTDS, how about Engineers, were their power plants like? We found drugs in South America. Favorite story was the skipper called me into his sea cabin to let me know we would be diverting to the Gulf of Fonseca for a freedom-of-navigation operation while transiting from San Diego to Pascagoula. As a result of her outstanding performance, STUMP was awarded the "Hookem Award" for USW excellence by the Commander U.S. Sixth Fleet. Back in the early 1970s, the US Navy needed a replacement for the old FRAMd WWII era Sumner and Gearing leftovers from the 1940s and 50s in the fleet. I serve on the david r ray DD 971 for me that class was what the navy was all about during the cold war. The focus of FBE-H was the application of network-centric operations in gaining and sustaining access in support of follow-on joint operations. The USS America Carrier Veterans Association, Inc.( An NYS Tax-Exempt Corporation) is a Tax Exempt Organization, under IRS Code 501(c)(19). Named for: Felix Budwell Stump. The ship was named after Admiral Felix Stump, Commander of the U.S. Pacific Command from 1953 to 1958.[1]. 2. the ability ,of stump's crew to present a silver dollar ship to approximately 250 . She was my last ship in a 20 year Naval career. Cruise books are created for private distribution. Mathias Vorachek as commanding officer of Albany. Plankowner, Shellback and Suez Canal transit certificates proudly hang on the wall in my home office to this day, I did Med & North Atlantic trips on her I learned my trade on The Count, Finished 24 years active duty as an ICC(SW/AW), I knew it was time to retire when I was invited to the Decom for her, and I was still active duty Never thought Id out live that glorious ship. I was a Plank Owner on the USS Comte De GRasse and served from 1978 To 1980. Also in 1984, STUMP won the James F. Chezek Memorial Gunnery Award by shooting an extraordinary 496 out of 500 during Naval Gunfire Support Qualifications. Seth Rumler from leadership of the Scranton. We need to arm our vessels to the teeth to out gun any enemy like the Russian Battle Cruisers, and heavy DDs did! She was a great ship, and being one of two ships on the east coast that had major crypto surveillance, we were always underway. Even got to play on the gear in CIC!! Capt. Required fields are marked *. I wish all my SH'S the best in their future! Welcome aboard and congratulations on your orders to USS Kearsarge (LHD 3), the best amphibious assault ship in the fleet! In late 1944 Stump kept his flag in Carrier Division 24 and NATOMA BAY (CVE-62) during action at Visayan, Philippines. USS Caron (DD 970. Three years later served as EMO aboard DD-984 USS Leftwich. Portraits are generally organized alphabetically by surname within each division or department. It was a definite difference from GGL and CGs. UNITAS ROCKED!!!! Open to former crewmembers and support personnel. Short time, but memorable. My first thought was Wownow why wouldnt they want to retrofit these great ships and get another 10 to 15 years of service out of them? Moreover, the class had an enormous RF reflectivity, making them huge targets. Props to the king of south america, Bob "as in I wanna bang you from the back" Didier. They were indeed beautiful ships though! Like Megatron and Osama Bin Laden, most of the Spruances were sunk in deep water. Over the 1980s and 90s, they were increasingly armed with other weapons systems. The aluminium hull construction specifically. I served on the USS Kinkaid DD-965 during CrashPac 89-90 as ET3/ET2. Over 30 per cent of the gators were deommissioned, all of the CLF ships were decd or sent tot the MSC, and8 1/2 USARMY DIVSIONS (out of 18 2/3eds) WERE DECATIVATED. While in Vietnam I saw several Marine helo pilots park their helos on the fantail. Drone anti submarine helicopters Unmanned helicopters capable of carrying nuclear depth charges. The Navy has relieved 13 commanding officers so far this year, including one Marine who was at a Navy command, said . She received the Vertical Launch System (VLS) which is designed to carry, among other things, the battle-proven Tomahawk missile. RGB fired her 76mm gun at the roboski for a total of 71 rounds fired for the day. Kyle P. Higgins as the commanding officer of USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) during a change of command ceremony aboard the . He was relieved . She was laid up at the inactive ships maintenance facility in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and sunk as a target along with her sister, Comte de Grasse off the coast of North Carolina on 7 June 2006. Surely keeping some in mothballs would have been decent insurance but no one was worried about Russia or China back in 2003 or so. Stump then traveled to New Orleans as the U.S. Navy's host ship for the 1984 World's Fair. It seemed disrespectful to me at the time. The U.S. Army Distinguished Service Medal, received for exceptionally meritorious services as commander of a combined operations center during the early part of the war, is represented by the colors scarlet, white and blue, the colors of the suspension ribbon of the medal.
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