vietnam c ration cigarettes

I liked Ham and M..f That meant I always had plenty to eat. There was a time shortly after making my second move to a new area we got resupplied with a case of fresh onions by mistake. Sitting in a bunker with a m60 in the monsoons I try to forget. DD345 - Liberty Pass. Since I didnt smoke, the cigarette 5-packs (except Chesterfields, which nobody wanted) came in handy for that. Others were downright awful (Ham and Lima beans) and passed over left behind for the Cherries when it is their turn to pick out meals. Its characteristics emphasize utility, flexibility of use, and more variety of food components than were included in the Ration, Combat, Individual (C Ration), which it replaces. Thank you in advance! 2nd tour, NO problem, LOACH pilot and home every night if I didnt get shot down! That went for Officers and enlisted men. Military explosives? Plate. Pall Mall, Luckies, Winston, Salem and Benson & Hedges Menthol were five of the brands found in Vietnam era field ration packets. Spent almost 2 yrs in Northern I corps. All individual empty cans and trash were buried prior to leaving the table unless he had another use for one of the cans. iI LOVE C RATION WISH I HAD SOME NOW I ATE THEM EVERY DY WHEN I WAS IN NAM I W THERE FOR 18 MONTH WIT THE 101 ST ABN. The components of the MCI were the M - "Meat Unit", the B - "Bread Unit", and D - "Dessert Unit". $45: VE-1225 Vietnam Boxed lock and keys. Funny story, Buzz. I served in Co. B, 1/12th, 1st Air Cav I 1967-68. I was the lucky one that LIKED ham and Lima beans! it seemed like that to me :)) , and shredded beef ( per my visual to call it as such) . We sometimes ran out of C-rats, especially when we couldnt get resupply because the runway on our LZ was damaged by mortar attacks. I carry my P38 that i had in Vietnam on my keychain. I was an US ARMY Veterinary food inspector from 1967 to 1987. I had 2 brothers in the military, one in the marines, one in the army. Pingback: Feasting on the Frontlines: The Vietnam War Discussing Food History. Sir, thank you for your service in Vietnam and for the insightful information you provided in this article. And one day I plan on working as a flight RN / EMT-P as well as continuing to either work or volunteer as a firefighter. Only once was stupid enough to eat the WHOLE LRRP ration at onne, swells up pretty big after the water goes down! Jerry. C $19.38. Really putrid stuff, For anyone who was there I was with VF213 flying Demons, flying hydraulic leaks! Old wolfhound hereA/1/27.66,67, one mentioned the hobo stove which when out of heat tabs or C-4 we would open a can of peanut butter. We, the Army Inspectors, condemned them all. Almost never saw heat tabs , we called them c tabs they didnt want us to have flames. We were at the end of the supply line so we ate a lot of C-rations. I delivered beer to you guys. U.S.A.F. Levine named the threats as mold and deadly botulism if the sealing on the food has been broken, which isnt always visible. They Tried! Your email address will not be published. Original was from a formerly unopened original accessory pack. I wish that cigarettes were never part of those C-rations. This brought back memories from 68-69 in the jungles of the central highlands. Scan of original thanks to Dave Stieghan. To you and to all the crew chiefs and gunners, from the bottom of my heart, I say thank you. Barges were loaded with ammo and stores, I especially like the little flecks of OD paint mixed all through the food from opening the can with your P-38. Each meal was in its own cardboard box, which contained the individual items sealed in cans. Read about all of these, noticed that none of you brothers mentioned using the tin of peanut butter as a stove. These meals came in a case containing 12 meals. What do you think? However, brilliant military minds said we could not eat there and our 12 hour shifts were intense preventing us from taking a journey to the other side. We never had cold meals. Ham and Limas was the favorite for this purpose. Thought it was really good. 3-1969 to Feb 1970. And to you Vietnam soldierswelcome home sincerely wished to you all. , Just looking at a can of Ham and MFers makes me wanna puke. I too was in Berlin during the cold war. Each menu contains: one canned meat item; one canned fruit, bread or dessert item;one B unit; an accessory packet containing cigarettes, matches, chewing gum, toilet paper, coffee, cream, sugar, and salt; and a spoon. I never went away hungry! We were supplied by air drops and you ran to the pallet to get the best c ration unit. I really enjoyed reading these replies about c-rations and your experiences in Vietnam. Used to put them on the voltage regulators to heat. The VC had no heart pinned down one day took out my last | dng sng c. Thanks for your interesting accounts, and for your service. . Smoking the local product might fool Mr. Charles. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Matches The suggestion of including matches was done at the same time as the inclusion of the cigarettes. Yes they did in WWI, WWII and right up to Vietnam. I was a crechief on Hueys who resupplied you guys. I mixed the cocoa powder, coffee powder and creamer in hot water for a tolerable beverage. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Blocks of c 4 began to be available, this spared claymores. Must have been around 2006 I was surfing the web trying to find guys I served with and to my surprise I found a website from the unit I served with, 1st bn 22nd inf, 4th inf division. great footlocker or combat field pack display item. Never heard of that version before. What I have here are various types of B units from year . Opening a claymore , take a ball of c 4, light it Vietnam War Pin Badge Reproductions. Hot BBQ beef. You could boil a canteen cup of water with a pea-size ball of it in 30 seconds. I really enjoyed Meat balls & beans. . Going through a box of memorabilia a couple days ago. The dilemma here is that water is required for these and at almost three pounds per quart; the extra weight is a consideration. I do not smoke so I save the small pack of cigarettes. you have any idea how the mean and beans were made have never found a close substitute for them. Lots of exploded food and they had to clean up the tail of the ship. Heres a few of the photos from my page: C-rations and m-60 mechine gun and GOD are what got me through tough times . I got my first or four? About C-Rations. With its flip-top box, Marlboro was the most popular brand in Vietnam, despite COMUSMACV General Creighton W. Abrams' penchant for cigars, a preference dating back to his World War II service as a tank battalion commander. Grab a small loaf of bahn-mi or baguette from the village baker with a can of boned chicken gently heated on the V-100 manifoldThat and a ba-moui-ba brewnot bad. I would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to you, and every single veteran for your honor, your valor, and for sharing what little you had with my father and our family. Nate Hill, Pres, TAC Tankers Assn. Brand New. Got some Phillip Morris cigarettes in a dark brown package PM quit using the dark brown package in the late 1940s thats how old some of the Cs were. "Peanut butter and crackers was the best," Orbell said. In Thailand, sriracha sauce was even better than Tabasco. Smoking in the services came under attack in the 1980s. lol guess I was not human. We went through East Germany on the Autobahn to Holiefields in Weat Germany for a training mission. Honestly, the scrambled egg chunks or beans and weenies werent bad cold, but the rest needed to be heated in order to be palatable. We would take the white bread can open a tiny hole in it and put a few drops of water in ithold it over a ball of C-4 to instantly steam itopen the can cut the bread add peanut butter and jelly, and wow warm peanut butter and jelly sandwich on hot bread. Most used their canteen cups, which nested on the bottom of 1 Qt. Usually the coffee, sugar and creamer had to be worked over with a bayonet pommel to reconstitute it into powder. The last two I couldn`t eat and they found botulism in the beans and I almost starved . Vietnam C Ration Cigarette : Top Picked from our Experts You could buy cases of beer and soda too. B9719 VIETNAM ERA US Military C Ration Spoon in plastic bag IR19A - $16.35. just outside of Da Nang, we were working with the KMC. The Red Cross also distributedletters from school children, church groups and others for us to read and respond in kind. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Crash fire. When I was in AIT training, I can remember eating the fortified chocolate wafers made at the Wilber Chocolate factory in Lititz, PA. Who could ever forget about C-Rations? Coffee, tea and hot chocolate were plentiful and everyone had a stash. I would start out with a half gallon portable bladder and it was gone by afternoon. While there me and a buddy were starved one night so we go to the helicopter pad and find loads of empty cases of c rats, we start searching after about 10 minutes my buddy finds a can, lights up his zippo and with his southern twang says Michael, I cant hardly believe someone left a can of ham and M F ers behind. Semper Fi. For the new guys flying for the first time, we never let them know how to do it. I got pretty good at stealing C4 to cook with , and those LRRP rations . the outer layer of clear plastic is starting to delaminate from the brown plastic. We always had plenty of rice. We just sold out all of our products in February 2018 except for this hot sauce,which we are going to sell as private label. There were times I ate the Cs and the dates were from the Korean years. Good grief.that was 50 years ago and I had just turned 18. Every C-Ration meal contained a single four-pack of cigarettes; ten different brands were primarily offered, but like the meals, some were more popular than others. Ad vertisement from shop noviopera. On rare occasions when allowed piled stones put tab in middle for stove. The C-Ration was replaced in 1958 with the Meal Combat Individual (MCI). Each soldier was issued three boxes per day containing breakfast, dinner and supper. one of the better memories of c rats. Saved the coke for when we would be by the tanks or APCs. Oh, the memories. Since your audience is mostly nam vets, Id guess ALL OF THEM remember c-rats. Cigarettes were bad for your health along with bullets. Tastes just like it always did, Mikolashek mumbled with a mouthful of cake as Moak laughed and clapped. Never know when you may have to open a can of crackers! Wow brings back a lot of memories. I always enjoyed the pears and it went great with the pound cake. Tay Nihn..68 Nui Ba Din. When out on missions, infantry units were re-supplied with . Put 1 slice on the bottom of the 2 cans with attached lids. 2. Those wonderful recipes that you made up so the Cs were more palatable. You are describing a military mess kit, but they were not used by most GIs in Viet Nam. I have the greatest respect for the grunts they did it with ingenuity and a lot of common sense. I found that these meals are easy and quick to prepare and they rehydrate []. meal eggs always looked greenish . and more. Thanks for this article and thanks all American officers and soldiers in the field of VN war. Semper Fi. I was at minimum weight then. Camel Cigarettes C-Ration Vietnam Era Vietnam 2 Quart Canteen M1967 Cover Mint 1972 Air Defense Artillery Guidon 1st of the 59th Sleeping Bag Carrier Strap Assembly Vietnam era Vietnam Era Flyers Kit Bag 1972 Vietnam era 1968 Lubricating Oil Tin O-190 Vietnam era 1971 Medium Weapons Oil Bottle Vietnam era 1969 Rifle Bore Cleaner It let off a whooshing sound as the pressure seal broke. My father told me that it was a food container, made of stainless steel, where the lid doubles as a frying pan of a sort, and the strap handle could extend into a handle for the pan (I hope that made sense..). I destroyed my taste buds eating my Moms cooking. I was a high-speed radio operator (MOS 062) during the peacetime years 1955-58, after Korea and before Vietnam. We would punch a few holes in the top of the can using a P38 and add a small amount of water and heat it for a bit with a piece of C4. What brands of cigarettes were in C-Rations? MACTHAI advisor here. I was a helicopter crew chief in 1967 with the 25th Infantry out of Cu Chi. (LogOut/ Less known is that an unlikely snack . Smilesnada but smiles. Never told 2nd Lts about the hazards of heating an un-opened can. Man do I remember C rations. Life-saving use of rations! BTW, I did some shows with Justin Wilson in New Orleans. A better stove was created by simply using the can opener end of a church key (a flat metal device designed to open soft drink and beer containers with a bottle opener on one end and can opener on the other commonly used before the invention of the pull tab and screw-off bottle top) to puncture triangular holes around the top and bottom rims of the can which resulted in a hotter fire and much less fumes. C rations boxes contained three meals for each of eight men. Best dessert was peaches & pound cake, but you had to trade for stuff. Ive also created a poll to help identify my website audience before leaving, can you please click HERE and choose the one item best describing you. Ron Perron Left the nam brought one home should have seen the looks I got. Really love your stories. This establishment made Beans and Meatballs in Tomato Sauce shipping thousands of cases a month out. I was barely more than a toddler during the Vietnam war, and am a non- veteran. Living in Florida, for years I kept a couple of cases of Cs on hand as part of my hurricane supplies. Fine. Typical commercial brands issued in the cigarette ration were: Camel, Chesterfield, Kent, Kool, Lucky Strike, Marlboro, Pall Mall, Salem, or Winston. Silly me ! I ate a years worth 199LIB 11b20 September 69 September 70. C Ration Cigarettes (1 - 3 of 3 results) Price ($) Any price Under $25 $25 to $100 $100 to $250 . Serving in the Marine corps the beef stew in cans, cold,! in Nam and why I dont like fruit cocktail to this day.In the last part of my tour, it was pecan roll and coffee. Pour out all of the heavy syrup, and 3.) Wait until they run out of cigarettes and trade them for C-Rats. During the monsoon season or in areas with rivers and streams, this is a moot point as water is plentiful! As a Army pilot, I knew this well. That was like eating the congealed fat from a canned ham. A stove was usually carried in the back pack or cargo pocket and used repeatedly until the metal began to fail. Hated Ham and Lima beans. The Meal, Combat, Individual (MCI) was the name of canned wet combat rations issued by the United States Armed Forces from 1958 to 1980, when it was replaced by the Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MRE). Ahh, comfort food in the middle of the jungle. If I admit to actually liking and trading for ham & lima beans, does that imply Im strange beyond? Potable water ( without iodine tablets mixed) was difficult to obtain in the field. Medevac. Each complete meal contains approximately 1200 calories. In 1976 I found the notebook in some old Marine stuff I was going through and I finally got to make the sauce,and it was pretty darn good. My father used to grumble about C-rations from his service in WWII, also, so it was interesting to read this site. My father was in the Korean War and war in Vietnam, near the end of his 20 year military service in the US Army. The local food in Thailand deserves its stellar reputation. I think the onions were gone in a matter of a few days. We had c-rats (MCIs) in basic and in Germany on FTX until about 83, then we got MREs over there. I was a cold war veteran spending my 3 years in Germany, but we were issued them for field trips, alerts and exercises. You can live a long time on just water, so I do not recall being hungry. You, and all veterans have my utmost respect and admiration. My dad knew few young kind and handsome American colleagues that I admired and impressed at that time. They loved hearing how Tabasco Sauce made even C-rats mostly palatable. At topa C-ration with P-38 can opener. I thank each of you for all you have done and all the countless sacrifices you made. We had C Rations to eat while in the Pentagon Oct 21st 1967 while the war protest march was going on. Each ration was composed of a B-unit and a M-unit; total weight was approximately 7 pounds. The C-ration (officially Field Ration . I collect all of the C-Rats rejects and I have plenty to eat. Just askin, BTW: I grew up in New Orleans and knew many of the McIlhenny family. Due to health concerns, cigarettes were eliminated from the accessory packs in 1975. The next thing I got was the MREs. Old Marine. Returned 13 months later via Tiger airlines to a civilian air port in LA & greeted by a lot of people flipping the bird at us. I would save my fruit and pond cake and trad for their rations of beer. After a short naval round almost blew us away, I smoked too many of those Lucky Strike four packs and suffer today as a result. about fruit cocktail. I also still have my P-38. C-ration cans inside our huge transmitter, and after a couple hours sending messages back and forth we could remove those cans and enjoy a delicious hot meal e.g., my favorite, Ragout of Beef. Gun Pilot, B3, the co co package. Loved the lerps when we could get them. Steve Miller The photo above shows an original VN era Marlboro cigarette pack from a . My older sister, younger brother and I could only imagine what those canned meals tasted like. I was the in house inspector at Granite State packing from 72 until 75. My friend was in Vietnam and loved the pound cake. That was when I had the idea to start my own sauce company. These reminiscences take me back. Pork Slices Ingredients: Chrissy I do! Might you, or anyone else have an idea? Replace with VO or whatever whiskey you can find. Should you have a question or comment about this article, then scroll down to the comment section below to leave your response. My two favorites were green eggs and ham and yes, ham and lima beans. Shop with confidence. Marines were not great cooks, but they were inventive. Did not see mention of toothpick that you chewed one end for toothbrush ( sucked). Reproduction WW2 German MP40 Transit Case $350.00 WW2 K Ration Heavy Duty Cardboard Packing Box (10 in 1, K Ration, Heffenreffer Beer.) We used to make stoves by using a can opener to open up the two sides of a small can on both sides (which were then pushed in). We were the first army division in the first corps at that time. Balance food to be heated on bent over lid and can while fire heat main course. Thank you so much. Items; Share. Scottie Hill CW4(Ret) Ret. And how did those taste? The absolute worst, in my opinion, was the ham & eggs, chopped. Looked for the fruit cans mostly, but some of the other items were tasty too. Hi mates, good paragraph and fastidious urging commented here, I am genuinely enjoying by these. Well, with aSTOVEyou made, right? For sure peaches were like gold I was one of the few guys who didnt like them and could trade them for almost anything. Pleasure speaking to you. Viet Nam most of 68. I was on Google looking up information on c-rat socks as this is a new term that I just learned and that is how I arrived here. Reblogged this on Cherries A Vietnam War Novel and commented: Heres a blast from the pasta favorite article by visitors posted over 4 yrs. USA & International; Australia; Canada; France; Germany; Italy; Im writing a book which is fiction loosely based on my real experience for ages 10-14. I want to thank all the men and women who served in Vietnam. Vintage C Ration Accessory Pack, No Cigarettes $8.00 $5.85 shipping or Best Offer Vintage 1971 Vietnam Era Military C Ration Can Fortified Peanut Butter Kern Food $14.44 Was: $16.99 $4.31 shipping Only 1 left! A small chunk of C-4 explosive could also be substituted for the Trioxin tablet for faster heating. Semper fi !! Then mix a bunch of mosquito repellent in about a half of can.use the rest of the peanut better on the very thick (hard tack) crackers!! The ham and eggs were inedible. after this became the way of doing it. Little known or unpopular brands. $40.00 WW2 German Patronenkasten 88 Ammunition Crate $150.00 WW1 German Patronenkasten 88 Ammunition Crate $150.00 WW1 British and Commonwealth Biscuit Ration Crate $90.00 SO, GOD BLESS YOU ALL. Fortunately I was able to run down a medic with some antacid. 1 empty C-Ration box 1 toilet paper pack 1 book of matches 1 plastic spoon 1 P-38 can opener Open all 5 cans with the P-38 leaving the lids slightly attached on 2 biscuit cans. On the rare occasion when we got a fresh bag lunch sandwich some kinda fruit and a couple boiled eggs it was egg salad time what a treet. You did what you had to do and made it home to an undeservedly rough reception. The only thing I find myself craving from time to time was the instant coffee with of course dry creamer and sugar although I think it was making it in one of the C ration cans that gave it that special flavor. Also read a lot about their c-rat experiences too. ONE ORIGINAL!! 34 watchers Even for me being a FNG they were a treat but I didnt appreciate them as much as the old timers did. C-Rations were developed in 1938 as a replacement for reserve rations, which sustained troops during World War I, and consisted chiefly of canned corned beef or bacon and cans of hardtack. the cigarettes are sold as a 50 year old collectible and are not intended for consumption. Must have been super hot. I was there during the transition from C-Rats to MREs during the early 80s. Today still add sugar to store hot ccco mix and eat it. Hey me too other good ones were Beans and Balls Beans and Dicks Beef and Potato couldnt eat the egg thing spaghetti could not be cooked in the can, it would just rise up as a blob, cold top and burned bottom Ive got peaches, whos got the pound cake, I saved my ham & lima beans until we returned to the rear, then put the on the stove, boiling hot with a little hot sauce made me happy, Wow, how did we survive. Cs provided a good snack during night-time flight line work. Most of them were manufactured the year I was born, or the next after. canteens inside a canvas or nylon cover attached to web gear or ruck sacks, or the actual cans that C rations were canned. I did that too but I wondered sometimes if a 7.62 round could ignite it. Now I know why I lost 40 LBs. With this type of stove only half a Trioxin heat tab was needed to heat the meal and then the other half could be used to heat water for coffee or cocoa. vet 69-73 does any one have a recipe for meat and beans? After a formal retirement ceremony, dozens of friends and relatives joined Moak in the Pentagons Hall of Heroes as he opened the can to cheers. Very interesting. I was a dog handler in Vietnam 67-68. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of these posted messages about C rations, even though Ive never tasted even one bite of food from one of those cans. It would explain a lot of the stupid decisions Ive made over the years. My favorite was, Ham & Eggs Chopped. I can only remember seeing cases of C-Rations stacked inside APCs along with several five-gallon containers of water when we came upon them in the jungle. Always cigarettes, toilet paper and matches. Meals such as beef stew, spaghetti and meatballs, chili and others were a wonderful diversion from the mundane canned food we were subjected to. Never ate either one of these meals while in country. Great article, I was USMC 1966/67 Vietnam. $50: VE-1125 Vietnam Grenade Carrier. the military mess kit also comes with a military fork, knife and spoon. There was a reason they were called Ham & Motherfuckers. (Obviously some supply sergeant made himself a bunch of money.) But themilitarydiscourages eating from old rations. I have great memories of C-Rations. [] the bread and voila a toasted cheese sandwich. I remember the first time we got to sample some Cs just after we went threw the gas obstacle back in basic training. I had a couple bites but couldnt get the rest down. If somebody liked Lucky Strikes, Parliament, Chesterfields or Pall Malls, they would never run out. The only thing I miss was the instant coffee with the creamer and sugar. We learned how to cook rice in an ammo can and that Ham & MFs with greens, heated and served hot over the rice with some kimchee as a condiment was a decent meal. Did you see how expensive they are on Ebay? HI ED- nam 69-70- remember c-rats well. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. In 1975 they stopped putting cigarettes in rations which raised hell with US troops everywhere. Any leads would be greatly appreciated! To eating our faithful C rations. Left out the crew chief version of a stove. Gotta tell you that the ham and limas were the only c rat I couldnt eat and I love normal ham and limas,but the c rat version were way too salty, we called them the heavies. Dont have any Cs any more, but still got several P-38s, three still sealed in the brown paper. made it somehow. Sometimes I auction off a pack of cigarettes and the highest bidder will give me a whole C-Rat meal. The brands I remember are: Marlboro, Winston, Camel, Pall Mall, Old Gold, Raleigh, Salem, Kool, Chesterfield, Newport & Lucky Strike . Posted by webmaster webmaster has not yet written their Bio. With me it seemed the meals that were my least favorite when I first arrived in country were my favorite ones towards the end of my tour. Need Easy, Nutritious Food While Blacktail Deer Hunting. Well presented and will share with fellow Vietnam veterans and family. Thank you for your time. Corporal. I always wanted to be in the military but because I about cut my foot off as a kid, I could not get in. C-packs also contained cartons of Cigaretts, M&Ms and other favorites, So many times I got something other that ham & Lima so I made out in the bargain department. to a pack. Excellent piece and very true in every respect. Gentlemen, I was wondering if you ever ate at a local shack/stall in town or did you ever go fishing? Great walk down memory lane. Nov 16, 2013 at 2338hrs, Being an MACV Advisor C-rations always tasted good when ever we had a chance to beg some. Back in 1958 while flying the Pacific we had only Cs for flight lunches on aerial Tankers. (Ham and eggs) they were the worst. The dehydrated pork and beef hockey pucks were supposed to be the big thing but the dried fruit was the best part. Dec 18, 2011. Everybody liked Pound Cake, but there was only (1) box per case that had it. C-Rations varied considerably through their 20 plus year service. Vietnam Equipment VE-547 Choice Vietnam Jungle Boots, size 12. An afternoon like this was a celebration, unfortunately, it only happened about once or twice a month. Stand tall and thank you for your service. But, Nuac mam still sucks ass! These things have left a deep impression on him, and he recalls to those memories fondly, despite the trying period his country was facing during that time. I remember having to eat my C-Ration meal cold because we were either on the move or rushed to leave in the mornings. Good article. Its even a little moist, he said, wiping his mouth. We would either just add sugar pack and eat. Cut the canned roll in half, spooning the can of cheese inside, put back in can, fold over the can top, put back in c-rat box and light the box on fire. A couple of days later our friend David called and told us that there was a problem with the sauce. Doc Shyab. FOR SALE! Also sometimes we added the sugar, creamer, and coffee park in the coco package adding a little water mixing it up. Vietnam Us Army Usgi C Ration Boxes Sold by militarydepotga in Woodstock Buy Now! I will always remember that time 1967-68 Remember c rats well . It was such a shock to my system that I had diarrhea for a week! Would turn to soup. In 1922, the ration was reorganized to consist of 16 ounces (450 g) of meat (usually beef jerky ), 3 ounces (85 g) of canned corned beef or chocolate, 14 ounces (400 g) of hard bread or hardtack biscuits, coffee and sugar. L/Cpl P.T. It was great when someone got a care package from homewe all shared.

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