I took it to heart. eventAction: 'load' "Hey @cigna, why is your employee Erika Casher laughing at this grieving young man who is 10 times as smart and 10000 times as human as she is? ADVERTISEMENT READ MORE I saw that in Williamson County obviously, they did. Once you see it, you can't unsee it. With Liberty and justice for all. Smyrna father of four helps lead 'Sick Out' protest in Rutherford County for COVID-19 safety in schools, COVID hospitalizations in Tennessee more than 5 times higher than Massachusetts, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. at a child talking about his grandmother's death is a joy to be around in other situations. This shows she is not capable of doing her job. Knox, according to Meaww, was one of seven children who encouraged the Rutherford County Board of Education earlier this week . Another added: Why are there so many in the healthcare industry who are idiots?, One noted, I mean, how ironic is it that I have a sign that says Let our kids smile and laugh at a tragic event this kid talked about? Would you want to be told you HAD to retain an asshole employee? It has become so predictable. She smiled and appeared to briefly laugh at that point in the video. Thats why you watch your social media posts. gads_event = event; However, your overall thesis that people (employees) have a right to act however they wish on their own time - is just fundamentally wrong. She deserves it all, I love it that the GOP's much loved "at-will" employment caper is finally starting to bite them, https://www.ncsl.org/research/labor-and-employment/at-will-employment-overview.aspx, https://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=view_post&forum=1014&pid=2798860, https://www.democraticunderground.com/1017680517, https://pmatep5f7b.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ProdStage. is mark miller of sawyer brown still alive; warren county, tn register of deeds; oral surgeons that accept badgercare; internal revenue service center ogden ut 84201 street address Mal: it's right there in the Employee Manual, & if it isn't, the law will still back up the employer, they probably don't like working with her, a nurse who has zero empathy for a teenager talking about his dead grandma. #tn #maskmandate #rutherfordcountytn #badnurse #fypage. . I work for a large healthcare organization and part of orientation was warning us. How do these people not know about social media??? As a healthcare provider Im aware of that, said the woman identified in that story as Registered Nurse Erica Casher., She continued to WKRN: But, its been used to take away our individual liberties over the last year. The article explained, She felt masks should be a parents choice.. pic.twitter.com/gxW6CYN5n0. Woman caught smirking at the boy has been identified as Erika Casher, by the netizens. Another added, "Why are there so many in healthcare that are assholes?". About | Copyright | Privacy | Terms of service | Contact. Should Hobby Lobby be allowed to fire employees for using birth control? One of the principal ideas that lays behind the First Amendment is we have a marketplace of ideas and protection of free speech," Kyriakoudes said. Biography, Net Worth, Gossips, Salary, News & Much More. I am planning on Encylopedia Brown books later. These reactions, whichStuart Bernstein, a cognitive psychologist at Middle Tennessee State University, deemedinsensitive and angry, are rooted in gut-based decisions based on stereotypes. The incident took place during a Tennessee school board meeting about implementing mask mandate. Grady Knox was part of a group of six Central Magnet School students organized by classmate Will Severn to speak in favor of masks. on behalf of an employer, decisions that affect the public and customers, and shows bad judgement in public, that is reason to ascribe bad judgement to the employer / company. At least in the U.S. they can. age if they meet the physical requirements of what amounts to a sedentery job that uses brain instead of brawn any more than not hiring/firing well-groomed "big" women for behind-the-counter. This lady had a good job. In a conversation with WKRN News, Casher had said, "Im concerned about mandating them [masks]. Meaning she could be terminated at any time, for any reason, or no reason (other than for being a member of a protected class, which is protected by federal law). Casher was quoted in an August 2021 story by WKRN-TV that described her as a registered nurse. Erica Casher went viral on social media (some sources have written her name as Erika Casher). Wiki, Biography, Age, Justin Bannans Wife, Arrested, document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()), Who is Sommer Bannan? }); How we dress and signs we carry and messages on clothing are all markers of what group you belong to," said Bernstein, whostudies memory, language and judgment. Thank you for visiting. Go figure - in an at-will state, none of that matters when your employer says "go.". Conflict of interest and unethical behavior? rudder hall tamu Facebook stone yamashita treasure signs and symbols Twitter difference between saxon and norman churches Instagram hoover 19 park family bloods YouTube summertown studio menu Pinterest. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), As I ask upthread, though, how many people who watched that video knew she worked for Cigna before they fired her? },false) Of course, I am glad she got what she deserved. They are higher risk than me, so I dont want to give them COVID." If it was a higher up that had more value another story. Not true now - and there's never been a time when it has been. Do I like it? Example, homosexuality. She has a highly desired skill, even if her brains are obviously mush. With-in their right to terminate her employment. How long ago was it, after all, that gays weren't a protected class? Our project's location forced all their employees to walk adjacent to us from the parking lot to the main entrance. I strongly disagree with employers not hiring or firing an experienced worker because of their. A worker at my company was caught off-duty in a restaurant making racist comments. Upholding public health measures that are based on science, a cornerstone of the nursing profession. I suspect very few, probably only her friends and neighbors. Any job requiring bonding, forget it. }); For the record, I also oppose random drug-testing. eventAction: 'click_ads' In a video that has gone viral on social media, a Tennessee high schooler makes a passionate plea for masks for the health and well-being of himself, his family, and his classmates. I expect there are communities in which employing a person widely known as obstreperous proponent of birth control could be bad for business. "Ought," not "is." Unions cannot negotiate contracts with employers that would require union membership to be employed there. If I get Covid, Im going to bring it to my family, and I talk to my grandparents a lot. ".how heartless do you have to be to laugh at a child talking about the painful death of his grandmother? Erika Casher, a white woman who was seen laughing at a student as he spoke about his grandmother's death due to Covid-19, has been fired from her job. },false) document.querySelector("#google_image_div").addEventListener('click',function(){ some people are just rotten https://t.co/2rEfee3kbR, a good rule of thumb is that the good guys are usually not laughing at 15 year olds recounting the death of their grandmother https://t.co/QjDV7bkiN9. So you can't fire someone because they are black, but you can fire them because they are an asshole. window.googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', function(event) { Bernstein said the second type of response involves slower decision making when people think about the feelings of others, such as friends, family and even acquaintances. if(document.querySelector("#ads")){ SHAMEFUL: When A RUTHERFORD COUNTY STUDENT tells the board his grandmother, a former Rutherford County Schools teacher, DIED OF COVID because someone wasnt wearing a mask anti-maskers behind him LAUGH and INTERRUPT HIM, the caption read. That story contains this line, Erica Casher laughs as a Rutherford County Schools student talks about the impact of his grandmothers death from COVID-19., Hey @cigna, why is your employee Erika Casher laughing at this grieving young man who is 10 times as smart and 10000 times as human as she is? eventAction: 'view' If it was a pro-life organization, they should have the ability to fire employees who show up at pro choice rallies if the state laws allow it. is different than sitting in the front row of a public forum, jeering, rolling your eyes, and advocating for no masks. As a healthcare provider, Im aware of that. No. Never thought I would be happy with something a healthcare insurance company did, Great. Plus, with the web, bad behavior becomes widely. Erika Casher. When instant karma strikes. Thay can terminate you if you are charged with a crime. Hope she's out of work for a long time, but that probably won't happen. The client was a 100 employee machine tooling manufactory that had about 40% female employees. Cue here, Casher's laugh. They review what your doctor is doing and suggest cheaper treatments, deny some treatments outright as not medically necessary, and are quick to say the injured employee is ready to return to work. Hey guys, we are here to act professionally, Young said. Thank you, he concluded. One of the things I agree to when I anually renew my volunteer status is that I represent the organization no matter what I'm doing. Which means an employer can fire anyone for any reason or no reason. they knew she was a NURSE. That nurse deserves everything she got. hitType: 'event', pg.acq.push(function() { More:Smyrna father of four helps lead 'Sick Out' protest in Rutherford County for COVID-19 safety in schools, Tale of 2 states:COVID hospitalizations in Tennessee more than 5 times higher than Massachusetts. This is just a case where what she supports actually did bind her. I'm so fucking sick of these people who are willing to let others die so they won't be inconvenienced by wearing a mask or getting a shot. Keith Olbermann, who has more than 999,700 followers on Twitter, was one of those who identified the woman in the video as Erika Casher, writing on Twitter, Hey @cigna, why is your employee Erika Casher laughing at this grieving young man who is 10 times as smart and 10000 times as human as she is? Unless another legally accepted condition applies, eg, there is a state law that specifically prohibits them from restricting your speech, or you have a written legal contract that allows it, including a union contract, a private employer can restrict your political speech or actions. Some reasons given for our retention of the at-will presumption include respect for freedom of contract, employer deference, and the belief that both employers and employees favor an at-will employment relationship over job security. Its unhealthy. ga('create', 'UA-67136960-15', 'auto', 'ads'); }); Then he spoke about his grandmother: "This time last year, my grandmother, who was a former teacher at the Rutherford County school system, died of COVID because someone wasnt wearing a mask." I do not think that companies should have a right to regulate conduct of private citizens. Thousands have called for Casher's position at Cigna to be terminated, although the company has not commented to the Daily News Journal. Heavy reached out to Cigna to ask whether Casher has been fired, after social media posts made that unverified claim, but we have not received a response. Erica Casher Wiki - Erica Casher Biography. Turning moral issues into politically polarized issues triggeremotional responses, giving political leaders the ability to control populations of people, Bernstein said. Users of birth control are not a protected class. If you signed up for a contractual obligation, then naturally you should observe it. Decides to allow you to engage in political speech, great. Long-term exposure is traumatic, Gowda said. Maybe she can start her own hospital for unvaccinated and unmasked. Her name is Erika Casher; no confirmation from @cigna AFAIK but seeing rumors that shes been fired. Sept. 7, 2021: His voice was steady as he leaned over the podium to share his personal loss duringtheCOVID-19 pandemicand explain why he was in favor of amask mandate atRutherford County Schools. and it is very unsettling. Those deep-rooted beliefs, fueled by outside sources like social media, Mathis added, may cloud empathy for others. We are killing people. Kyriakoudes uses food as a metaphor. People on Twitter have been begging Cigna to fire her. When I run errands, I change from my house clothes to my public clothes and behave as a representative of AFS. Sign Up Log In Messenger Facebook Lite Watch Places Games Marketplace Facebook Pay Oculus Portal Instagram Bulletin Local Fundraisers In a conversation with WKRN News, Casher said: "I'm concerned about putting [masks] on them.I saw that in Williamson County, obviously, they did. This is an avoidable issue, and by not wearing masks in schools, its irresponsible. They always seem to be in favor of laws and regulations that protect, but do not bind them. Do something obnoxious or hateful, pay the consequences, play the victim, and start a GoFundMe page! ga('ads.send', { Do your thing, Twitter." Erikas Facebook account has been disabled, according to TechnoTrenz. "But, it's been used to take away our individual liberties over the last year.". If an employee makes important decisions Of course. Elected officials seem to be held to different standards from us normal grunts (and standards that differ depending upon what party they belong to!). professionals do. On social media, many called her out for her immature behavior. }); You know.. the case manager who openly mocked a teenager while he talked about the death of his grandmother. Out of all these goodbye posts, this one I think so far it has been the most satisfactory. In a conversation with WKRN News, Casher said: Im concerned about putting [masks] on them. Well, her lack of empathy was right there for all to see. For the families of victims killed in unsolved murders, life is at a standstill. All they care about is their image. Erika Casher tennessee cigna Tennessee Cigna Nurse Caught on Video . Our teachers would remind us to behave because we were representing our school. That would establish the principle that the company (or organization) can hire and fire for arbitrary reasons unless one falls into a protected class. Erika Casher was/is a nurse for Cigna. You do not owe someone a job if they PUBLICLY do not have the judgment and behavior for it, at least in many states where employers can fire at will. "They're higher risk than me. Everyone has a right to free speech. Thank you," he concluded. It's all over the internet so she'll likely have a tough time getting another job. Marcus Rashford, a football player for Manchester United, had a famous father named Robert Rashford. The Murfreesboro Voice gave her name as Erica Casher, but online records show it is Erika Casher. So, why should the newspaper print the guy's employer? However, a tweet made by a user, @NotKel_ fueled the rumors that Casher was fired from her job at Cigna. Many users joined her skills to identify her as a registered nurse. Employment at will. They are two different things. COVID obviously is real. The Enquirer is . Her LinkedIn page was also taken down, but a copy of it showed her as a Cigna case manager who had previously worked as a registered nurse at a variety of hospices and hospitals. She shouldnt be allowed to hide behind anonymity. Just an update, an acquaintance that works with @Cigna has verified that #ErikaCasher was fired yesterday, When some users asked for proof, the user explained, "They will ignore the whole thing, @cigna is such a large company one person acting ignorant that is a cog in the wheel won't get a mention from them until their stock plummets and they get backed in a corner. Anon-C This message was self-deleted by its author. When the audience continued heckling, board Chairman Coy Young spoke. Looks like she broke Cigna's code of ethics. "Hey @Cigna what are your thoughts about this woman, Erika Casher, one of your case managers in Tennessee, laughing at a kid telling an audience about the tragic loss of his grandmother due to COVID? to acknowledge your hesitation, and probably share a degree of your uneasiness. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Her LinkedIn page is now deleted as well, but a cached version of it described her as a case manager at Cigna who has previously worked at various hospices and hospitals as an RN. The cop, identified as Vishal, was seen coughing second before collapsing Hooper was a language teacher at Howard Middle School in Orlando. Erika Casher literally laughed at a young man who was advocating for people in schools to wear masks because his grandmother had died of Covid. , Knox later told CNN, My brain was just like all over the place because I could hear them behind me but it felt like the two things werent connected because I couldnt understand why people would react to that to a statement that I made that was so personal I just hope that they see that theyve given me this chance now to speak in front of the entire nation and to say how I feel that masks are really essential for schools to stay open.. What if the company decides something you *do* like represents them poorly, and is cause for firing?