your own backyard podcast transcript

Select the settings tab. You made this happen chris. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2022 Captivate Audio Ltd. In others, he says they separated before they got to her dorm. Your Own Backyard - Podcast - Podtail And so, by doing that you can put in your first what I called in a podcast episode 190, your first 'Daily Quickie . For 24 years, Kristin Smart's disappearance looked as though it might never be solved. Cole says Ted **** took a polygraph and passed it. Podcast Transcripts: Why and How to Transcribe Your Podcast Episode 09 is coming soon. "Your Own Backyard" podcaster plans to continue telling Kristin - KSBY 00:11:02. The show was created by a California man. 53 posts. Cole says that is correct. Facts about Human Trafficking. Lambert. Sanger says the question goes towards Coles state of mind, which we havent asked about yet. Read More. Already mentioned but if you love a deep dive True Crime BS has to be one of the best in my opinion. Cole says yes. How a Podcast Helped Cops Arrest Paul Flores for Murder in Kristin Top 100: The Most Visited Websites in the US. As a podcaster, there are hundreds of ways to help your podcast SEO. Your Own Backyard Theme 00:00 00:44 Sorry, this track or album is not available. She also intends to testify about a time where she visited Arroyo Grande with Paul Flores and after asking about the Kristin Smart billboard in the Village, she says Paul told her Thats just some girl who went missing. She also intends to testify about an incident where Paul Flores grabbed the buttocks of her friend. A man from North Carolina vows to keep the Flores family on their toes, and accidentally finds a new way to get their backyard searched in the process. Cole says that is correct. And if hes not a suspect Sanger says that Trent **** was asked by an acquaintance why he plead guilty to manslaughter, and Trent responded, Ive done things worse. The Judge sustains Peuvrelles relevance objection. Questions focus on Coles considerations when drafting search warrant affidavits for Paul Flores and his family. Sanger asks if Detective Cole was able to establish that Scott Peterson was a student at Cal Poly at the time of Kristin Smarts disappearance. A man from North Carolina vows to keep the Flores family on their toes, and accidentally finds a new way to get their backyard searched in the process. A newspaper publisher thinks he's found Kristin Smart, until he hits a brick wall. 974 following. at the point when i began recounting this story, i thought a goal is such a long ways somewhere far off it simply doesnt appear as though its consistently going to work out or perhaps the ball has been dropped so often that it cant be gotten back. Please check your email for the login link. I struggle to get into some of them, dont finish them or just feel overwhelmed in what to listen to with overwhelming options out there. Chris is on a mission to find Kristin Smart, and he's here to share his journey. Cole says yes. Sanger says he will quickly finish his cross-examination of Detective Cole. Oct 17, 2022. . On the record at 10:22am At a chambers conference this morning, an issue was brought to the court's attention regarding potential witnesses not being allowed to stay in the courtroom. Jana says she went to the side door of Muir Hall and smoked a cigarette outside with Ted before letting him into the Hall. Use an Android phone or Google Chrome for desktop? This means: Weve made it super easy to include transcriptions on all of your podcast episodes by integrating with leading tool, Descript, as well as giving you options to upload SRT files and create your own transcript. Cari episode sebelumnya dari Your Own Backyard. A newspaper publisher thinks he's found Kristin Smart, until he hits a brick wall. Transcript of Episode 199: Puppy Fear Periods: Help For Socializing After the April 2021 arrests of Paul Flores and his father, Ruben, Chris recounts the search that led to them, and a timeline of the spot where investigators believe Kristin Smart's body was buried. Cole says thats correct. She also intends to testify about Paul Flores behavior when he lingered around bars, and incident where Paul Flores held a knife to her neck, an incident where Paul Flores came home extremely intoxicated and told her he had to tell her something but blacked out before he could. The program is hosted by musician and journalist Chris Lambert who interviews those who were involved in the case and investigation. Use an Android phone or Google Chrome for desktop? Judge van Rooyen rules witnesses wait outside until they are called, with the exceptions of Stan Smart, Denise Smart, and Susan Flores. Wanting to learn more, I decided to listen to the first eight episodes of . [ed. Where was Paul Flores over Memorial Day Weekend 1996? Thank you. People vs. Flores: Weeks 1 and 2 - Your Own Backyard | Facebook Sanger says he is, including a warrant to track Paul Flores vehicle using GPS. Sanger asks if Shahn said that he and Kristin made up after the shoe incident. Sanger introduces Defense Exhibit 625, an FBI questionnaire filled out March 11, 1999 by a student named Janusz ****, who said he lived in Muir Hall Room 237. "Fs" to be removed from Kristin Smart's Cal Poly transcript It is a great, free way to engage the podcast community and increase the visibility of your podcasts. Your Own Backyard: The Disappearance of Kristin Smart starts September 30th. edit transcripts, Improve the presence of your podcasts, e.g., self-service, If you share your Listen Notes page and at-mention. Seventh-Year Land Sabbath and Bread Baking Tips (Live Coaching Call He says Ruben was 15-20 feet away during the entire exchange, and he never set foot on Ruben's property. Luckily, weve made it quick and easy to add transcripts to your podcasting workflow, so keep reading! Instead, Google will reward you most for context, detail and relevance something that a typed-out conversation isnt really going to have all the time. I love true crime podcasts and listen to a lot of them. Cole says no. The trial was moved to Salinas, and the court isn't allowing any video or audio recordings of it. Chris travels to Stockton to meet her parents, Stan and Denise, along with her friends, neighbors, and classmates. podcast pages. Lambert . Your Own Backyard | Podcasts on Audible | Trusted by 5,200 companies and developers. If it is the first time you login, a new account will be created automatically. Cole says that is correct. Susan Flores, the mother of Paul Flores, the sheriff's prime suspect in the investigation into the disappearance of Kristin Smart, spoke to KSBY News on Tuesday for her first-ever media interview. Cole says, Yes he did.. But if not, you can do it all your own. Just the best reported and researched crime podcast Ive ever heard. The point here isnt that youre going to get called out or cancelled for lack of podcast transcriptions. Then, just start recording your podcast like you normally would. Your Own Backyard | Podcast on Spotify Sanger asks Cole if the interviews of Laura **** (Defense Exhibit 605) and Shahn **** (Defense Exhibit 606) were available to law enforcement at the time that they filed search warrant affidavits related to the case. Peuvrelle refers to Detective Crawfords reports that Kristins roommate Crystal **** could not identify Scott or Laci Peterson from photographs, and Jennifer **** also did not know them and never saw Kristin Smart with either of them, and asks Cole if he took that into consideration when drafting his search warrant affidavits. "I introduced myself and said I'd like to talk." 1 42 Your Own Backyard Podcast Search past episodes of Your Own Backyard. Please let us know how we can improve our content eg is there anything we didn't answer? Then, all that attention led to key people talking, which led to arrests. Peuvrelle asks if Detective Crawford reported that there is no information to link Scott Peterson to the victim. Peuvrelle asks Cole if Defense Exhibits 611 and 609 indicate that Ted **** appeared to be interested in Jana **** and Jennifer **** rather than Kristin Smart. If you want to know about creating high-quality, entertaining and engaging show notes, check out our guide. Prosecutor Christopher Peuvrelle says Angie intends to testify about an incident while visiting the home of Ruben Flores, where she attempted to walk towards his avocado grove and was immediately redirected by Paul and Ruben. Peuvrelle asks if Detective Kenny also included in his report that he contacted the FBI Office, who informed him that Ted **** was interviewed in May of 2002 and submitted to a polygraph which indicated no deception, and that Ted was not considered a viable suspect. Sanger produces Defense Exhibit 614 (an interview with Kim **** by Sheriffs Detective Steve Crawford on January 16, 1999). The Judge sustains Sangers relevance objection for the time being. After the April 2021 arrests of Paul Flores and his father, Ruben, Chris recounts the search that led to them, and a timeline of the spot where investigators believe Kristin Smart's body was buried. Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. . Your Own Backyard podcast 'Your Own Backyard' Podcast Credited For Helping Lead To Arrests In Kristin Smart Case Paul Flores, who attended California Polytechnic State University with Smart, has always been the key suspect in her vanishing. Pro-tip: Captivate integrates directly with Descript. How 'Your Own Backyard' podcast led to arrests in Kristin Smart murder Podcast transcripts are not substitutions for your show notes! Youll have peace of mind that your transcript will be as accurate as possible. Peuvrelle asks, Were any of the people depicted Kristin Smart? Cole says no. Posted at 5:56 PM, May 25, 2021. and last updated 5:56 PM, May 25, 2021. Cole explains that a Person of Interest is somebody investigators believe may have info about the crime theyre investigating. Sanger introduces Defense Exhibit 612, an interview with Felipe **** on July 16, 1996, and Defense Exhibit 613, a report from a 2005 interview with Felipe **** conducted in 2005. Your Own Backyard is a true crime podcast that investigates the 1996 disappearance of Cal Poly student, Kristin Smart from San Luis Obispo, California. Your email address will not be published. Cole says, Yes, I believe so.. Cole says that is correct. Creators & Guests Chris Lambert Host 22 episodes Recent Episodes A Brief Update . Published on: March 4, 2021 Peuvrelle asks if Kim **** also said that she believed Smart would probably fight if there was a problem. He's an artist, musician, and podcaster. A podcast transcript is a written version of your podcast. Your Own Backyard Chris Lambert Subscribe A documentary podcast series investigating the 1996 disappearance of Cal Poly student, Kristin Smart.

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