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JENNET: Fuel excise, where do you stand on possible extension of that? As a statutory corporation that relies on public funds, the ABC must aim to ensure that the time and resources used in dealing with audience complaints are proportionate to the circumstances. TV Interview - ABC Afternoon Briefing Listen. When will you brief the Opposition and others ahead of this month's announcement on the pathway? We've had some reporting this week about killer drones designed by BAE and the like. My lack of being able to compete with my children in terms of where they're at with social media platforms is probably the best defence in respect of anyone ever getting onto my phone. Many thanks. Returning out our top story this afternoon, Australia's unemployment rate fell to 5.5 per cent in April. We want to join them. They promised five years ago to build Metronet and I don't think we've seen a single train run on that yet. But as I say, it's really encouraging from the perspective of Australian defence industry, that all this ingenuity is happening here, which has the potential to be exported to other parts of the world, which is really important in terms of building Australia's strategic weight. Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 02 6277 7800. We've had four interest rate rises since they came to government and in fact Pat just mentioned the PBS announcement. Landsberg said in the afternoon briefing that a team spent all day looking for pieces of the downed plane. Get the ABC Perth newsletter Sign up for regular updates from ABC Perth Your information is being handled in accordance with the ABC Privacy Collection Statement. But Im confident that the goodwill that I saw yesterday in both my meetings with the European Parliamentarians and with the French Trade Minister, that theres a heap of goodwill to get this agreement up. MARLES: there is a review going on. The Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Richard Marles is out at his home airport near Geelong, taking in the Avalon Air Show today. I mean, it is genuinely remarkable. live, learn and work. But I think what we've got to make sure of is that we've got all the law in place to deal with it. : Yeah, alright. THE DRUM. Footer Menu. I mean, I'm imagining in your area, Defence is among the most sensitive. The ABC International Development team uses its media expertise to connect and empower people in the Asia-Pacific region, and globally, to have a voice. The Drum. So this was, from our perspective, a complete own goal. I mean, it's obviously an important issue that anybody who has worked for our country and in the process come into possession of classified information is obliged to keep that information classified for as long as it is classified. Good afternoon, everybody. That's going to be important for our Air Force to make sure that it is as modern as it can be. 21 June 2022 Greg Jennett: Alright, well Federal Cabinet's meeting in Canberra today, in person for many and remotely for some. : No, I wouldn't say that at all, actually. Along with RN Drive, which Karvelas has presented since 2015, for the past three years she has hosted Afternoon Briefing, which has grown to be one of the most popular programs on the ABC News Channel. And certainly as you walk around the air show today, you see one technology after another, which is walking down that path. Background Briefing's Signal number is (+61) 0491 750 876 WhatsApp This is a free messaging app with end-to-end encryption that also allows the transfer of documents, photos and videos. Edge Interested in working at the nations largest national broadcaster, and the independent source of Australian conversations, culture and stories? I do want to get to Robodebt and some things in your portfolio area, but it's hard to escape super. The main topic of. What I would say is that they are now the Government and they campaigned on reducing the cost of living pressures for Australians. First of all, around the national accounts and the strength of the economy. You could develop heart disease earlier, Farmers say live ex ban will 'decimate' industry, Labor aims to phase out live sheep exports, Putin accuses Ukraine of terror attack inside Russia, DHS Director says she was verbally abused over Robodebt, Controversy over leadership of the Pacific Islands Forum. Release details Release type Related ministers and contacts. And that's certainly the case in air warfare. At least 46 people were killed and more . So thats one of the points that were insisting on in this agreement. Matthew Doran brings you all the very latest news and interviews on what's going on in the halls of Parliament House in Canberra and the topics and events making headlines from coast to coast in politics and national affairs. Matthew Doran: So goodwill there on display from the delegation thats in Australia. I mean, it is genuinely remarkable. And to do anything different is to break Australian law, and that includes how to fly various planes. Interview on ABC News, Afternoon Briefing, with Patricia Karvelas Topics: trade relations with China, industrial relations reform, NZ backpackers. But again that's not being translated into services on the ground. Of course the Europeans have some issues which they want on the table. And as a Government, you take the circumstances you inherit, as we did from Labor when we first came into Government, and you deal with the circumstances as they arrive, which we did. So there are so many things that Western Australians need, but again, the money is not being spent where it needs to be. So what that will mean is that young people and people who are changing careers can get access to training, helping with the skills challenges that we currently have. ABC journalists will walk off the job for 40 minutes next Tuesday - the first protected industrial action in 17 years. So its an important trade deal. Why don't we step it out a little more broadly. Television Interview, ABC Afternoon Briefing | Defence Ministers Television Interview, ABC Afternoon Briefing Transcript The Hon Matt Thistlethwaite MP Assistant Minister for Defence Assistant Minister for Veterans' Affairs Assistant Minister for the Republic Media contact Ben Leeson: 0404 648 275 20 February 2023 Errors and omissions excepted If you are a whistleblower and/or have highly sensitive information to pass on to our investigative reporters, you should review your options for securely contacting ABC Investigations. So, we're focusing on things where we know it will help, in particular working families, as we're doing with childcare, people who have higher medical costs, as we announced today. Isn't he right? MARLES: Well, I saw those comments reported. To the Avalon Air Show, you've spent time there today. 02 6277 7800 13 October 2022 Errors and omissions excepted MATT DORAN, HOST: Richard Marles, welcome to Afternoon Briefing. Plus original reporting, expert analysis and all the updated news, sport, weather and . MARLES: Well, we obviously work closely with the UK and we've been following what's happened there, and we've obviously undertaken our own investigations. Your information is handled in accordance with the. This is one of the ways that we can join with like-minded countries and the rest of the world to put pressure on Russia and downward pressure on oil prices. PATRICIA KARVELAS, HOST: Tony Burke, welcome. Matthew Doran: What about the issue of geographic indicators or, as people might more easily know them - they go down to their supermarket, they buy a block of feta cheese to make a salad or something like that - what about that issue there about the EU being quite particular on wanting sole ownership, I guess you could say, over some of those names and stopping international producers using them? Please note that whilst anonymous complaints may be submitted, the ABC also cannot respond to anonymous correspondence. 10 December 2020 Keeping you entertained and informed whether you're at work, on the school run or at home. Now, why don't we start with a specific question? It's not far off. 6 July 2022. Presented , Beverley O'Connor presents the week's main international news, as reported by ABC News correspondents deployed in Bangkok, Beirut, Istanbul, Jakarta, Jerusalem, London, New Delhi, Port Moresby, Taipei, , Miriam Corowa presents the latest from ABC News, following today's top stories and coverage of events as they unfold. GORMAN: The ABC loves Western Australia. REYNOLDS: Thank you. Authorised by Patrick Gorman, ALP, Inglewood, WA, 6052. It seems you are using an outdated web browser not supported But it is an important issue. We are at a point where it won't be long before we are making the announcement about what the optimal pathway will look like. 24 November 2022 Interview - ABC Afternoon Briefing Senator the Hon Anthony Chisholm Assistant Minister for Education Assistant Minister for Regional Development SUBJECTS: Stuart Robert, Industrial Relations and Labor's plans to grow wages, Jordan Peterson, Drew Pavlou and Cheaper Childcare Bill A delegation of EU representatives met with officials yesterday, confident the impasse could be resolved. But I think the point here is what we really need is a review of this, which is what the Home Affairs Department is going to do, and it's their bailiwick to do that and to get proper advice from our experts, from the relevant intelligence agencies, about what platforms are appropriate on what phones. The Drum returns to its new 6.00pm home on ABC next Monday, hosted this year by Julia Baird and Ellen Fanning.. From Monday the new afternoon changes are as follows: 4pm ABC News Afternoon Briefing Respected ABC commentator and RN Drive presenter Patricia Karvelas joins Gemma Veness and Kirsten Aiken at 4.00pm AEDT for Afternoon Briefing, adding her inimitable insights to political and current . So if we can make sure that other countries can fulfil their democratic aspirations, we will do everything we can to help them with those aspirations. I think the future is where we will see a range of autonomous vehicles perhaps working in tandem with a crewed aircraft, but giving applications to a much wider effect as a result. So there's already that gradation in the security applying to phones from various parts of the Australian Government. Thursday, March 2, 2023 4:49AM. Im extremely confident that well get an agreement thats a good agreement for Australia, but also in a timely fashion. We have an ABC Help Centre with answers to hundreds of FAQs but we appreciate there will be times you need to contact us. That's despite around 31,000 jobs being lost in the month according to the Bureau of Statistics. First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we We've supported democratic elections in Papua New Guinea, in Indonesia, indeed, in the Solomon Islands previously in 2019. JENNETT: And you say you're on the verge, what are we talking now, a matter of days? Speakers: Andrew McKellar, chief executive Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Greg Jennett, host ABC Afternoon Briefing. To the Avalon Air Show, you've spent time there today. Richard Marles, in view of the almost mach loop that's about to take place above you. The ABC acknowledged the error and posted an entry on the Corporations Corrections & Clarifications page. I'm definitely living in a previous century. Statement from ABC Managing Director David Anderson. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn, and work. Contacting ABC Investigations If you are a whistleblower and/or have highly sensitive information to pass on to our investigative reporters, you should review your options for securely contacting ABC Investigations. : Yeah, all right. But is there really a prospect that this sort of deal could be sorted out in the near future? 7 March 2022 Transcript: Interview ABC News Afternoon Briefing with Greg Jennett The Hon Stuart Robert MP Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business Acting Minister for Education and Youth Topics: Higher childcare subsidy; Queensland and NSW floods; East Coast Submarine Base E&OE GREG JENNETT: MARLES: Well, right now, I think there is a high degree of security which applies to Defence phones, which would be different to those that apply to phones issued by the Parliament, for example. So by 0.25 per cent. 17 November 2022. 6:00PM. Before we get into your discussions with the EU delegation yesterday, I do want to touch on the news announced today that Australia is joining this oil price cap - Russian oil price cap. Before we get into your discussions with the EU delegation yesterday, I do want to touch on the news announced today that Australia is joining this oil price cap - Russian oil price cap. I think it was an F-22, wasn't it? But is there a sign that the EU is open to allowing that? Well work through those issues, and I believe at the end of the day well have a terrific free trade agreement with the Europeans. Is that actually going to have any benefit on Australian oil prices, do you think? Transcript. All of these are messages that I think are really welcome from defence industry. GORMAN: We've been really open with people that the cost of extending this is so great and in a really constrained fiscal environment, with all of that debt that the previous cabinet left, which Linda served in, we do have to make some pretty tough decisions. Subjects: Russian oil price cap, European free trade agreement. Minister for Trade: Yes, well, you might recall one of the first visits that Prime Minister Albanese made was to Ukraine. Transcript - ABC RN Breakfast. Learn more. Matthew Doran brings you news and interviews on the day in politics and national affairs, speaking with Katrina Bullock, Vishal Prasad, Dilip Rao, Linda Dare, plus a panel of Sara Tomevska, Mike Read and Chloe Bouras. JENNET: All right and I think we put this regularly to Labor MPs, frontbench and back, Patrick Gorman, doesn't seem like there's much contemplation of any extension from your side. ABC News can also be reached through several other channels that provide a more secure pathway for communication. JENNETT: Are there assets there that are definitely going to be included in the strategic review as future purchases? 30 August 2022 Minister Collins interviewed on ABC Tasmania Mornings with Mel Bush But look, I'm limited in what I can say. GORMAN: I don't think we're looking to have blame between one country and another. Minister for Trade: Look, weve made it very clear that there are some things that we need in this agreement, and access for our farmers to agricultural markets in Europe is one of them. Regularly updated briefing from ABC News for Hobart. 7:00PM. Filed Under: Uncategorized VIETNAMPLUS, Vietnam politics, express news, hot news, cybersecurity, update, e-newspaper, small ads, Vietnam News Agency, VNA, Vietnam News Daily, national., february 27 birthstone, afternoon briefing abc, afternoon briefing, 27 february 2021, where is afternoon briefing, alo chaya 27 february, mathijs gaat door 27 . So weve got something to trade with. We just want to make sure we're doing that. Has there been any movement on that issue? We will take advice from our intelligence agencies about what is the best pathway forward in relation to all social media platforms including TikTok. The briefing follows Biden's appearance in . We don't forget the big state. Shepherd of All God's Children Learning Center. This is a very standard expression of Australia's democratic values. AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time which is 10 hours ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Weve got a wonderful trade negotiator in Alison Burrows, one of our most experienced trade negotiators, and the things that were blocking the resolution of this free trade agreement have now been removed. Minister for Defence. Load More; Connect with us. MARLES: Look, I think it is really important that there is bi-partisanship. A lot of water has gone under the bridge since then. : Well, we obviously work closely with the UK and we've been following what's happened there, and we've obviously undertaken our own investigations. Published: MonMon 27 Feb 2023 at 5:30am/with Christine Layton. : I can only imagine. Greg Jennett comes to you from Parliament House with the latest news in politics and national affairs, plus interviews with key players on the issues and events making headlines. TONY BURKE, SHADOW MINISTER FOR INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS: Hello PK. Listen Print Share I think that the point about drones is that increasingly what we are seeing in air warfare not just in air warfare, but in the other domains as well is an increasing role for autonomous vehicles. Look, I think you nailed it in your question is that they are now the Government. JENNETT: All right, fair enough. or any other modern web browser. . Series, News. But we will absolutely make sure that there is an appropriate briefing of the Opposition. AFTERNOON BRIEFING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2021 SUBJECTS: Grants rorts, NSW covid explosion, Queensland covid rules PATRICIA KARVELAS, HOST: Time now for my political panel. Republican Rep. James Comer suggested during a right-wing podcast earlier this week that President Joe Biden's deceased son Beau Biden should have been investigated in connection with a long-settled case on "campaign donations" from a backer who was eventually indicted. GORMAN: I just can't accept that characterisation. I think they would obviously understand that the former government initiated the process. Australia joins international Net Zero Government Initiative. Topics: International tourism, international border reopening, Tourism Australia funding. JENNETT: All government agencies, or might it be done piecemeal according to their sensitivity? HOST, GREG JENNETT: . : It was an F-35 that just went right past then and it's going to do a loop in a moment. After 17 years, Kelly will be leaving RN Breakfast on December 2nd. Episode: 23 Afternoon Briefing The daily destination for #auspol addicts. Youve pointed to the fact theres been a change of government and there is a shift in climate policy. ABC Afternoon Briefing - Greg Jennett Subjects: Solomon Islands security agreement; China. Recorded on 16 February 2021. I'm confident, obviously, that our partners in the United Kingdom and the United States are completely sure about where we stand on this and know that there is full government support in relation to it. Apologies for the briefing starting late today. But I'm not sure that speculation of this kind helps right now. We want to make it very clear that were fully in support of the people of the Ukraine in their fight for democracy and freedom. I'm not sure we'll shake that one out of you today. I think it was an F-22, wasn't it? Our mission is to provide a television and digital . This matter and more, Trade Minister Don Farrell joined us earlier from Adelaide. We've got the worst health system in the country. Greg Jennett comes to you from Parliament House with the latest news in politics and national affairs, plus interviews with key players on the issues and events making headlines. I wouldn't want to overstate the size of the issue in Australia and I'm limited in what I can say. He joins us live from the airfield there. JENNETT: I can only imagine. It is a universal Australian value of democracy. We want a free trade agreement with the Europeans. MARLES: Are there assets at the air show? ABC Afternoon Briefing 21.2.23 - YouTube 0:00 / 10:16 ABC Afternoon Briefing 21.2.23 James Stevens MP 9 subscribers Subscribe 0 No views 57 seconds ago @abcnewsaustralia Show more Show. Before submitting your complaint, you may wish to see if your concern has been addressed in ourFAQs. GREG JENNETT, HOST: All right, well, let's talk through any residual damage from that contribution, if any, that is. Plus, thoughts on the SAG Awards, 'Your Honor,' and more. Why don't we go to some regional issues now? We're mindful of the issues that have been raised, but people need to wait and see what is ultimately announced. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre will hold a briefing with reporters Monday afternoon. Visit ABC Careers. There is a generational thing, that's what I was going to say. Would you be prepared to make decisions akin to what's happening in the U.S. and Canada for your department alone? Zachary Petrizzo. Pat, your response? Why don't we step it out a little more broadly. Now, this Government has a decision to make. Alex Murdaugh found guilty of murdering wife and son, Not getting enough sleep? 4:00PM. We'll do it again sometime with the West Australian focus. Date: 8 February 2022. FEMA, EPA speaks on East Palestine Ohio train derailment. Freedom of Information . Matthew Doran: Lets pick up on that issue of agricultural products getting greater access into the EU. GORMAN: Of course we do want to be careful, that's what the Australian public expect of us and we're looking at things where there are benefits for cost of living and benefits for the economy over the medium and long term. Just as were entitled to put issues on the table, so are the Europeans. JENNET: Well, it does look like way the ball is back in the Solomon's court, so we'll see what response that draws either immediately or perhaps even on that visit that you're foreshadowing there, Patrick Gorman. by this website which may effect your viewing experience. Minister for Trade, Don Farrell: Look, cost of living is a serious issue in Australia at the moment, Matt. Richard Marles, in view of the almost mach loop that's about to take place above you. REYNOLDS: Well, again, we did introduce it for six months, which made a tangible difference to inflation. JENNET: What about the McGowan Government? More from WA Afternoons Afternoons I spoke to the Employment Minister Stuart Robert a . Would you want to buy the first Toyota Corolla out of a half million production run? The daily destination for #auspol addicts. The rest of the world, or the free world is backing this ban. President Biden, in a recent interview with David Muir on ABC News, continued to deflect any specifics on his possible candidacy in 2024, saying, "I've got other things to finish before I get into a full-blown campaign." Political considerations aside, the president also E&OE. They'd have to be somewhere around a shortlist, would they? The Hon Dr David Gillespie MP Minister Gillespie's media Ministers Minister David Gillespie's transcript at the ABC Afternoon Briefing on 29 November 2021 on Omicron Read the transcript of Minister Gillespie's interview at the ABC Afternoon Briefing on 29 November 2021 on Omicron. So this is going to become a disrupted interview, but it is a very cool aircraft. Theres lots of things that they want from Australia, particularly in the area of hydrogen and critical minerals. Share. JENNETT: And what will you do to manage that? They also have some issues about our luxury car tax. Select the specific program/team you wish to contact (if known) and we will ensure your message is passed on. Now Pat was just talking about the cost of living. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn andwork. ABC Australia is Australia's international television service, available via rebroadcasters throughout Asia and the Pacific, and direct via satellite (Pacific only). JONES: Fairy Meadow McDonald's, there was a close contact there 24 hours ago. Minister for Trade: Look, Im very confident, Matt, that we can get a deal in good time. So it's kind of an insightful critique on the failures of the former government over the last ten years, which has indeed led to a lost decade at a time when we couldn't deal with it as a nation, and that is what we've inherited in terms of this program, in terms of trying to deal with potential capability gaps. Pat, I'll throw this one to you. CONTACT Authorised by Patrick Gorman, ALP, Inglewood, WA, 6052 . And we want to make it clear to the Russians that we dont support what theyre doing, and were doing that by imposing this price cap on Russian oil. . 27 February 2023. So we're trying to get things going in the right direction. This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. We produce food for 70 million people. ABCNews. Solomon Islands yet again, we seem to find ourselves in some level of disputation Pat with Manasseh Sogavare this time around, public election funding. JENNET: Thank you. So we do this all the time and it is business as usual, but we do it with respect to the countries that we support. Its very clear that they were the two impediments blocking a free trade agreement. I'm definitely living in a previous century. : All government agencies, or might it be done piecemeal according to their sensitivity? Don Farrell, welcome to Afternoon Briefing. ABC AFTERNOON BRIEFING TUESDAY, 13 JULY 2021 SUBJECTS: JobKeeper lite; Sydney lockdown. One great example is the announcement that came out of the Jobs and Skills Summit which is the commitment for 180,000 fee free TAFE places starting in January next year. E&OE Greg Jennett, host ABC Afternoon Briefing: Australian Chamber of . We're mindful of the issues that have been raised, but people need to wait and see what is ultimately announced. So quite the opposite, actually I think there's been a real sense of positivity in the conversations I've had throughout the day with defence industry about what's happening in the field of defence and what the future holds. There is a generational thing, that's what I was going to say. We've got people traveling to Melbourne, people traveling to Goulburn, people moving around the city. For questions and feedback related to ABC shows: 1-818-460-7477; For video playback and other technical issues: 1-800-230-0229 We have to remember that its a $17 trillion economy with 450 million consumers. Text us on 0437 922 720 (rates apply) or call us on 1300 222 720. Whilst we review all submissions daily, as we receive a high volume of enquiries it is not possible to respond to everyone individually. Radio interview - ABC Canberra Mornings. The ABC has grown remarkably since it launched on 1 July 1932. So it's kind of an insightful critique on the failures of the former government over the last ten years, which has indeed led to a lost decade at a time when we couldn't deal with it as a nation, and that is what we've inherited in terms of this program, in terms of trying to deal with potential capability gaps. To whom should we apportion blame for this latest flare up? Published: ThuThu 2 Mar 2023 at 5:30am/with Christine Layton. The daily destination for #auspol addicts.

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