For New Braunfels ISD, there are two at large trustee seats and one for District 1 up for grabs, while Comal ISD is looking to fill trustee positions for District 6 and 7. Career Training is an important by product of our educational system. Keep it Clean. Sorensen said she wants parents and students to have more of a say in their schools, and to bring more transparency to the budgeting process. Ensure our budgets do not contain wasteful spending and insure we are meeting the needs for the education of our children as best we can. Also seeking to win one of the at-large trustee seats, which are currently held by Clark and David Heefner, is Matthew D. Sargent. Ive always visualized Comal County as the place where I would raise a family. At CI, Lauren covers education, local government, transportation, business, real estate development and nonprofits in New Braunfels. The next election for Board members is scheduled for May 6, 2023. This is especially true in how we spend our monies. Six candidates are vying for Comal ISD single-member districts 6 and 7 in this May's election. My kids are twelve, six, four, and I recently had another child who is almost seven months now. Thats a responsibility I take really seriously coming into the board.. I feel that I have the skill set necessary to meet future capacity demand requirements. All meetings are at 6 p.m. unless otherwise noted. As a Board, we are committed to ensuring that our teachers, staff and auxiliary employees are compensated fairly for the work they do on behalf of our students.. How should Comal ISD handle its ongoing growth? Share with Us. A keen eye must be kept on how our tax monies are being spent. May 6, 2017. Updated There was an error processing your request. Comal ISD paid for the construction of Davenport High School through a bond approved by voters in 2017. Casey Moeller 13. It should also allow contractors to sharpen their pencils on how to rebuild similar buildings based on previous experience. They will be joined by Daniel Carrillo. racist or sexually-oriented language. Elections will be held for Comal ISD District 1, 2, and 5. New Braunfels voters will elect CISD school board members for districts 6 and 7. This would include being proactive in seeking out land to buy for future construction. 1What is your current or most recent occupation? The Texas Secretary of State's elections department is also an excellent resource for election/candidacy questions and can be reached at (512) 463-5650 or Submit application to: Comal ISD, 1404 IH 35 North, New Braunfels, Texas, 78130, US To be elected to a school board, an individual must be a qualified voter: 18 years of age or older, a U.S citizen, a Texas resident, a registered voter, not determined to be totally or partially mentally incapacitated by an appropriate court, and not finally convicted of a felony. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. Amanda Jones and. (Warren Brown/Community Impact Newspaper). Student grades are not improving, and the loss of teachers is making it worse. Prior to CI, Eric freelanced for multiple publications and was a reporter for the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Trustee meetings drew packed board rooms this year following a series of controversial actions, motivating those who opposed their decisions to launch a get-out-the-vote campaign. In June, this Board approved a resolution that would ensure that revenue generated by the VATRE, both this year and in future years,isdedicated solely to fund teacher and staff compensation, as well as new teacher positions, says Comal ISD Board President Jason York. Rafael Diaz, who was appointed to replace Macias, won the District 7 seat, which represents all of Judson. 2005-2022 Community Impact Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. I enjoy hunting, fishing, or traveling when I have the time. Did not respond. This could be done by being more proactive in reducing construction costs via replication of construction designs. Zapata was disqualified from the race due to residency issues. All are for three-year terms. My passion and motivation to make a difference are my girls and their education. In doing so, we will achieve the best quality education. School Board District 1. Do you think your district is doing a good job educating its students? For the past two years, theComal ISDBoard has beenworking witha group of community members representing all areas of the districttodevelop abondpackage that allows the district to continue to addressnearly6,000new students who are projected to enroll in Comal ISD over the next five years. Lastly, it is no secret that there are divisive political agendas threatening to infiltrate our schools a place where these differences should be set aside. Both elections will be on Nov. 2 and early voting will be Oct. 18 to 29. While I feel that the other three candidates in the Comal ISD District 7 Trustee race have skills sets that are good and well meaning, I believe I possess the skill sets that encompass the broad picture of the Comal ISD. The forefront of our goals as board members should be student success, but success is not only grades and test scores. My top priorities include: Looking at our budget and finding where we are overspending so that we can find a way to pay teachers and support staff more; making sure we are being more transparent and accessible to parents, Comal ISD staff and all community members; offering support by listening to Comal ISD staff to find out what things need to change in our schools to ensure student success; and communicating with constituents. He received 120 votes. However, lifting the mask mandate that was set in place to protect students and staff less than 12 hours before the next school day and without consulting experts completely disregards all of those efforts. After graduating with a degree in journalism from the University of Georgia Lauren was a freelance journalist and worked as a college English teacher in China. In the race to fill the District 7 trustee seat for the Comal ISD school board, currently held by Cody Mueller, are David Krawczynski, Kaila Stovall, Orlando Joseph Dona, Jr., who will appear as Orlando OJ Dona on the ballot, and Stephen (Steve) Gallets. If you are not an incumbent, would you have voted to rescind the mask mandate? Use the 'Report' link on In following years, the tax rate is projected to lower back to 92 cents in 2022 and 91 cents in 2023 due to rising property appraisal values. at 5:30 p.m., a drawing will take place in the Board Room at the Comal ISD Support Services Building, located at 1404 IH 35 North, New Braunfels, TX 78130, for the purpose of determining the order in which the names of candidates for the Board of Trustees shall appear on the official ballot for the May 6, 2023, trustee election. Maintain the ongoing academic and extracurricular success of our students. We also need to make sure that before we continue to let people outside of the district register students here, we have sufficient staffing, especially for our students who are [in special education], [English language learners] and on 504 plans. Schools should keep students safe and secure while they learn. In addition, utilizing school design replication would lower design costs, maintenance costs and fixture costs. Joel Torres III 6. Comal Independent School District, District 4 General Election, 3-year term, 2014; Party Candidate Vote % Votes Nonpartisan : Denise Kern: 61.2%: 386 Nonpartisan : Nancy Pappas Incumbent: 38.8%: 245: Total Votes: 631: Source: Comal Independent School District, "Comal ISD School Board Election Results," May 10, 2014 | Three possibilities exist to consider a new map in the future. However, we need to ensure that there is equity throughout our schools. Seats representing District 1 and 2 on the City Council are up for grabs, as incumbents Shane Hines and Justin Meadows did not file for reelection. I believe I have a unique set of skills which will allow me to do that. 5. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. The pandemic created significant gaps, and they need to be addressed in meaningful ways, so our students go into the next phases of their education prepared. She is a school board candidate in Comal ISD for the District 1 seat. Youth Development Director for Ignite Volleyball Association. I am involved in and understand the community, and I have based my campaign on the collective opinions and objectives of family stakeholders in the district. Board members should be willing to talk with their constituents and work with them to ensure every voice is heard and taken into account when making decisions. Educ. Beginning on April 19, there will be an election for three members of the Board of Trustees for Comal Independent School District. Don't knowingly lie about anyone Our coverage includes school board member and candidate profiles, noteworthy election issues, district data, and more. Andres Campos-Delgado, an area manager, Jimmy Vallejo Delgado, a business consultant, and Suzanne Kasey Lynn, a COBRA specialist, have filed for the District 1 seat. The Board's primary functions are goal setting, approving the budget and policymaking. 2005-2022 Community Impact Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Two of seven seats on the Comal Independent School District board of trustees were up for by-district general election on May 6, 2017. Sorensen was part of aslate of candidates backed by the teachers union, student groups and progressive organizations running against board incumbents and former city councilwoman Leticia Ozuna. I would have voted to keep the mask mandate. I came into education in my later years through alternative certification pursuing a specialty in career and technical education while getting certified in High School Math and Science, Business Education, Social Studies, Career and Technical Education, and Grades 4-8 Math, Science, Social Studies and Generalist. degree in Management. What is your stance on the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) tests? Ryan and I made our home New Braunfels seven years ago, and we have loved living here. Comal ISD is divided into single-member districts and has a seven-member Board of Trustees. . It is no secret that Comal ISD is growing at an unprecedented rate, and how well we handle additional student enrollment is crucial. Oak Creek and Freiheit Elementary Schools, and a new middle school to relieve Canyon Middle School. Sorensen is the mother of a 5th grader enrolled at SAISDs Bonham Academy and vice-president of the Lavaca Neighborhood Association. While I acknowledge that each student has different learning style, I do not support charter schools. 9:53 AM Apr 21, 2021 CDT Beginning on April 19, there will be an election for two members of the Board of Trustees for New Braunfels Independent School District. Collecting information regarding the budget, profit and loss potential. What would be your top priorities if you are elected? While I was recruited to play football for McKendree College in Illinois, a knee injury ended my football career. The Comal ISD board of trustees had a busy night Monday, but after some public comments on the district's mask policy the meeting largely focused on the district's tax rate and bond elections. So, I plan to look at our current spending and see where we can make changes. Even though she was the only member of the slate to win election, Sorensen said narrow margins in the other races show a lot of people are behind them. The San Antonio Independent School District board elections are among the most hotly contested, with the district's largest teachers union backing a slate of candidates to unseat three incumbents and replace a departing trustee on the seven-member board. The last day to apply for a ballot by mail (received not postmarked) is April 26. Our teachers work hard for our students, and, if I am elected, I plan to take a fiscally conservative approach to increase teacher compensation. Every Monday evening you'll get caught up with the top stories from the last week. Each trustee on the Board is elected separately from the single-member district in which he/she resides. I have used my skill sets of Cost Accounting, Capacity Planning and Engineering in multi-million dollar capacity manufacturing facility expansions. Would you like to receive our daily news. Where are our new students coming from? Preliminary election results for three open seats on the Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD school board show voters chose experience with one exception. However, downtown residents and residents of the Monte Vista, King William and Lavaca neighborhoods opted for new representation in the San Antonio Independent School District. After the filing period for the upcoming May election closed Feb. 18, a total of 12 candidates filed for two Comal ISD and three New Braunfels ISD trustee positions. Texas Public Radio | I served in the Army Corps of Engineers with the 25th Infantry Division. How should CISD handle growth within the district? Incumbent Laurie Schley lost to former board member Jason York in the race for District 3. My wife, Tory, and I attend Northeast Bible Church and have two daughters who go to Garden Ridge Elementary School. I am still learning about budgeting. (Community Impact Newspaper staff). 1, Did not respond. The goal of these lawsuits is to nullify Governor Abbotts Executive Order GA-36 on mask mandates in schools and give that power to school boards throughout the state. person will not be tolerated. One of the school boards primary responsibilities is to approve a budget. I would look at copying other school designs for expansions so we can reduce design and architecture costs. I think it shows our message has resonated with the community, and people are ready for change, Sorensen said. Brittany Soto: District No. NEW BRAUNFELS, Texas - Comal Independent School District Superintendent Andrew Kim will be leaving the district after 10 years. Comal ISD is a very large land mass. Because I have children in the district, I am 100% invested in what is best for students. Increasing teacher pay to keep teachers in Comal ISD would be a step in the right direction. Voters can be certain that I have no employment history with the district, no conflicts of interest, and I am not a radical activist who wants to change the fundamentals of our education system. Proposition A will also fundcampusreinvestmentandinfrastructure projectsas well asthe purchase ofcampus safety and security,busesand land. that is degrading to another person. Comal ISD is divided into single-member districts and has a seven-member Board of Trustees. What would be your top priorities if you are elected? * denotes candidates who did not respond to survey requests sent via email and/or phone calls by time of publication. There was no communication with teachers or parents. One side consists of parents and students, another side consists of teachers and administrators and support staff. The District 5 seat, left open for the first time in 31 years after longtime trustee Katie Reed decided not to run for reelection, also attracted four candidates. Comal County Isd District Map - Comal County Isd District Map - Locating a map of your county's district may be difficult. The candidate filing period is August 2-16, 2022. If successful, this issue will become the responsibility of each school district to decide on, potentially in perpetuity. Being a current teacher allows me the ability to understand teachers in the district in a different way. I know what they are dealing with when it comes to changes from TEA or Governor Abbott because Im also dealing with those changes and learning how to navigate teaching and everything else that is being thrown at us. Folks, I dont like the gamesmanship with student testing. *Tim Hennessee: District No. I am willing to collaborate and solve the challenges or stand in respectful opposition when I believe something is not in the best interest of the families of Comal County. I have a B.S. The early years of my post-graduate career were spent in the outdoor industry, beginning with the famed YO Ranch and, soon after, a luxury wing-shooting lodge in Kentucky. TPR was founded by and is supported by our community. This allows me to have a completely neutral view of Comal ISD as I do not have any favorites in terms of schools, teachers, and administrators nor do I have any negative views either. Mainly sunny. Sargent, who was the District 4 trustee from 2017 to 2020 for the New Braunfels ISD school board, is running again this time for at-large trustee after being defeated by John Tucker by 251 votes during the 2020 election for the District 4 seat. I challenge voters to look at the most recent grade report on their local school and not be horrified. As one of the board members correctly pointed out, there's no way that Comal ISD will ever close the gap between what we can offer and the private sector, but we're paying the higher price regardless, which is taking us over budget. Comal ISD is very reliant on homeowners to provide growth funding. Low 52F. Parents are concerned about what is taught in our classrooms that Texas is not immune to the rampant progressive ideology that is being taught in other states and there is no mechanism in place for our district to give them any kind of assurance. PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) The celebration surrounding Damian Lillard's record-breaking performance was short-lived. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph.. Mostly clear. This will lower maintenance and supply costs. Each Early voting will take place Oct. 18-29. That is the equivalent of adding an entire high school to our district every year. These two separate elections will consist of a Voter Approved Tax Ratification Election(VATRE), which will address teacher and staff compensationand new teaching positions,and a Bond Election, which will address continued District growth. or anything. I also plan to live stream board meetings and allow community members to speak and listen in, so that their voices are part of the conversation. 1 of 2. Updated At CI, Lauren covers education, local government, transportation, business, real estate development and nonprofits in New Braunfels. If the state wants to administer and test to collect data to evaluate the public school system, I have no problem with that. In 2016, I accepted a position at a startup within Rackspace and, once again, came home to the Hill Country this time, forever. I want to participate in the process to fix it as your trustee. Note: Names are listed in order of appearance on the ballot according to the city clerks' office. Comal ISD residents who need to register to vote or need to update their voter registration due to a recent change of address,maydo so untilOct. 4. 3:37 PM Feb 22, 2022 CST, Three New Braunfels ISD positions and two Comal ISD positions will appear on the ballot May 7. Why or why not? Board meetings should be live streamed so that all members of our community have the opportunity to attend and participate. I feel compelled to serve on the Comal ISD Board of Trustees, first and foremost, because I have two young daughters and many friends with children in the district. | I plan to keep a students first mindset in all decisions. Each trustee on the Board is elected separately from the single-member district in which he/she resides. Copyright 2021 Comal County Republican Party Paid for by the Comal County Republican Party. Comal ISD, District 7: The trustee candidates speak. I want to use my skills to help our districts children thrive in an educational environment. Please download the PDF file. Retired principal Corrine Saldaa narrowly won election with 33% of the vote. TPR was founded by and is supported by our community. Trustee (vote for 3) Amy Rogers 43. I also want to serve because I want ALL students to feel safe in our classrooms and hallways across the district. We need to be very proactive in locating where new housing developments are going up and how to serve the educational needs of our fast growing district. If the School Board approves the updated Hillsborough County District Map, the students of thousands could be affected during the next school year. Comal ISD single-member districts 6 and 7 are up for election this year and are occupied by Marty Bartlett and Cody Mueller, respectively. My time as a teacher has been rewarding, exciting, and, at times, mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausting. You have permission to edit this article. Looking to replace the District 6 trustee seat for Comal ISD, which is currently occupied by Marty Bartlett, are newcomers Amanda Jones and Amber Bracegirdle. If you are an incumbent, please defend your vote on the decision to rescind the districts mask mandate March 9. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. And though COVID is thought of as being to blame, math scores for students across all grade levels K-12 have dropped from 50% in 2019 to 35% in 2021, and similarly in other disciplines. I have been involved in the acquisition and approval of major capital projects while working for major corporations such as M&M/MARS-Wrigley. Each has . Most charter schools follow strict guidelines to for their test scores and are very selective of their students. Due to large volume of calls messages left may not be promptly answered. accounts, the history behind an article. While the district must manage the predicted exponential growth occurring in our area, the community should be aware of, and participate in, the efforts to maintain high-quality educational opportunities for our growing student population. What's making us happy: A guide to your weekend listening and viewing, Attorney General Merrick Garland attends war crimes conference in Ukraine, A mother fights for accountability after her daughter died during ROTC training, Barnes & Noble is staging its biggest expansion in more than a decade. Lauren joined Community Impact Newspaper as a reporter in October 2019. We will continue to lose teachers, and we will start to see students leave this district. Support our teachers and staff. Students, parents, and staffed should not have to worry about contracting the virus while going to school. After graduating with a degree in journalism from the University of Georgia Lauren was a freelance journalist and worked as a college English teacher in China. August 17, 2021 - Monday evening, the Comal ISD Board of Trustees called for two elections to be held on Nov. 2. Harlandale ISD residents reelected both incumbents on the ballot in their first election since the Texas Education Agency put them under the oversight of a conservator. 2. In comparison, Northside School District which has approximately 110,000 students and Northeast ISD which has 60,000 students can easily fit within the boundaries of Comal ISD and have a much denser and diverse tax base to support this higher student number to include businesses.
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