cedars at dungeness men's club

Golfers show up between. FE ST I VA LS 19 B E YO N D T H E C IT Y 4 5 FA MI LY FUN 7 1. And theyre putting their money where their mouth is! 2022 Men's Club Application. Downwind makes it easier, but 3 precise shots are important to make par. to-date USGA Handicap Index issued by a WA Golf member club not exceeding 36.4 for males and 40.4 for females, and (2) are members in . Designed by Jack Reimer/ (R) Mark Miller, the Cedars golf course opened in 1969. after school with his dad, the superintendent at Dungeness Golf Course (now The Cedars at Dungeness). Black 548 (tie) Robert Bourns and Justin Ewing, 82. 1965 Woodcock Rd, Sequim, WA. This should help avoid the trees and out of bounds down the right side. ONGOING EVENTS: 2022 Rate Card Detailed course information including rates, driving directions, hotels and weather forecast for The Cedars at Dungeness, Sequim. For more information, call the clubhouse at 360-385-0704. Robert Bourns, 68; 3. Bob Cup Saturday BILL SHEA, GENERAL manager and director of golf at The Cedars at Dungeness, has stepped away from his duties as the Sequim High School boys golf coach. Jeff Jones -2021 Men's Club Champion Robert Mares - 2021 Men's Club Net Champion Pro Tip: A generous par 4 as long as you avoid the bunkers surrounding the fairway and green. Try not to be above the hole to avoid any three putts. Cppr/Slvr 305 Bronze 87. If you prefer a nature-inspired and quaint vacation spot, you will love The Cedars at Dungeness lodge in Sequim, WA. The "DMC"currently has close to 200 members. Copper 353 The smart play is to aim down the right side. Just another site. Club standings will be updated at end Area sports/rec schedule July 18 8 a.m. Dungeness Mens Club: Two-man best ball. Bronze 267. If you carry the left green side bunker the ball should kick forward and right towards the middle of the green. PORT ANGELES Peninsula Golf Club will host its 40th annual Fall Shotgun Tournament on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 1-2. (360) 683-6344 ext. Stay in the know by signing up today. Silver 299 THE CEDARS AT DUNGENESS, SEQUIM, WASH. | AUGUST 22, 2023 . The maximum handicap is 36 for men and women and a differential of up to eight strokes will be allowed. The lush fairways are only surpassed by the well maintained greens. Bronze 99. This green is two-tiered and slopes considerably from back to front. Jane Peoples. Reserve you carts at registration. VIEW OUR CALENDAR FOR UPCOMING EVENTS AND PROMOTIONS. Apr 23, 2022: Dungeness Best Ball: Feb 04, 2022: Polar Bear Tournament: Jul 09, 2021: Clallam County Amateur: AMATEUR GOLF View key info about Course Database including Course description, Tee yardages, par and handicaps, scorecard, contact info, Course Tours, directions and more. Now go inside Stymies to celebrate your best round of the year. Ron Grant (-3 to par); 2. Black 392 Copper 332 Mens Health; Senior Health; Womens Health; Youth and Young Adult's Health; LGBT Health. quotes about rich and poor inequality. Cppr/Slvr 138 CLUB CHAMPIONS IN Washington NATIONAL CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP LESSONS. From serious to playful, to fundraising and more; the Cedars at Dungeness host a variety of Tournaments throughout the year to suit any skill level. Golf is a challenging game, and even the most experienced golfers can still learn a thing or two. Rules and Handicapping Guidance During COVID-19, Guidance for Club Competitions During COVID-19 Era. Find the travel option that best suits you. Holiday Scramble: The Cedars At Dungeness Men's Golf Club. Silver 306 Take about 8-12 yards off your yardage because of the elevated tee. Member Application. IN THE PUBLIC EYE: The Cedars at Dungeness Golf Course in Sequim, Wash. 2/9 (3) Sixes. HOW MUCH: $100 per player Register at the Pro Shop at The Cedars at Dungeness - 360.582.4900 More info: www.penniesforquarters.org Every Wednesday @ 4:30 pm Join High Cedars Golf Pro Scot Solomonson & Other Men's Club members in a weekly cash pay out competition game. Carts will be $40 per day ($25 for single rider). This tree-lined parkland course should not disappoint, with many attractive features and several excellent holes to enjoy. Shots coming in from the left or right will roll toward the center of the green. Please send me offers regarding the following: 7 Cedars Hotel Offers and Events! The group is primarily older women and plays for fun with friendly competition. Please call The Cedars at Dungeness Pro Shop to reserve your tee time. Dont worry about the water on the left. First flight Gross: 1. Mark Hash, 35; 2. 1965 Woodcock Rd Sequim WA 98382 (360) 683-6344 (800) 447-6826; www.dungenessgolf.com; About Us. Steve Gish, 79. (tie) Mike Elliott-Jim Jaqubino-Wally Jenkins-Bill Riley and Richards Clendening-Mel Perricone-John Raske-Cary Richardson, 57; 3. THE CEDARS AT DUNGENESS. We also have a Monday night group that meets for 9 holes which is perfect for beginners or those who cannot meet in the daytime. Copper 152 Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Welcome to the Cedars at Dungeness Golf Course. It will return this year with qualifying taking place Aug. 19-21 and Aug. 26-28 at Cedars at Dungeness Golf Course in Sequim, Peninsula Golf Club of Port Angeles and SkyRidge Golf Course of Sequim. About. Entry Deadline: August 30, 2022 at 4:30 p.m. Find all the latest news on the environment and climate change from the Telegraph. Weekday prices during that time frame are $36 for a single with cart, $40 on the weekends for a single and cart. Whether youre stopping in for a quick drink or celebrating a great round with friends, we have a variety of options to satisfy any appetite. 2022 WWC PGA Pro-Member Series @ Alderbrook Golf & Yacht Club. Book Now COURSE INFO Don Bidinger, from Tacoma Country & Golf Club, won the 2020 7 Cedars Senior Washington Open at The Cedars at Dungeness. Bronze 252. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. 2022 Men's Club Tournament Schedule. 3/9 Players Choice. Plenty of golfing challenge, a well-crafted design and usually good upkeep all contribute to the appeal of this course. Copper 439 If its a back or front pin, make sure to add or subtract 15 yards. Our friendly staff and tournament coordinators are here to ensure a seamless tournament and a championship experience. Bill Berry-Thomas Deeney-Justin Ewing-Ferhan Kayihan, 65; 3. The PGA Club Championship connects and celebrates the best Amateur golfers and their PGA Coaches at golf courses nationwide and hosts an annual National Club Championship Tournament. Discussion 1: A new rule, Construction Local Rule will now be in effect. |. Silver 414 Located in sunny Sequim, this year-round 18-hole Championship course is known to be the driest course in Western Washington. These events include something for everyone with several different formats for golfers of all levels. Dungeness is a magnet for all kinds of bird life, so grab your binoculars and head to the RSPB Dungeness Nature Reserve. There is a 15 stall driving range, chipping green and practice putting green. High handicap division: Ken Hagan, 25 ft. 3 in. The best play is to carry the right front bunker and most shots will feed off the hill to the left. Port Angeles Senior Center. Membership is open to males, age 18 or older, of all ability and skill level. If you veer off-line your approach will be challenging due to the towering trees and water hazard on the right. Club selection is critical when the wind is blowing. From private groups of 16 or more to our Crab/Crabette and WWCPGA Pro and Pro/Am, we are here to ensure a seamless tournament and a championship experience, everytime! Please follow their directions and work with them as the situation arises. Silver 110 July expenses, Peninsula Awards, $54.45, Senior and Super Senior Championships, CAD, $300 for the Presidents Cup. Men's Club members dedicated their weekly play March 13 as a fundraiser for the Wolves' golf teams and club member Russ Veenema described it as "a terrific success." Senior Mens Stroke Play Champion. Book now online or by calling the Pro Shop 360-683-6344. Steve Gish, 71. Copper 365 Frank Catelli Hole 18 final round 2021 Men's Club Championship. Founded in 1922, Washington Golf (formerly known as WSGA) has grown into one of the largest amateur golf associations in the United States providing a multitude of member benefits and services to more than 86,000 golfers, 520 member clubs, and 260 golf facilities throughout Washington and Northern Idaho. The Totem Reward Card is your gateway to our monthly promotions and giveaways. Add at least one club to your selection for your approach to this elevated green. Black 490 mens basketball. This basically addresses the situation of mowing during the weekly Mens Club event and all other days as well. 1965 Woodcock Road. WA Golf Rep: The bunkers are getting much better. Full size, manicured greens. Coaches at golf courses nationwide and hosts an annual National Club Championship THE CEDARS AT DUNGENESS GOLF COURSE, ONLY 12 MILES FROM 7 CEDARS DIRECTIONS TEE TIMES OPEN YEAR ROUND, WE AIM TO ACCOMMODATE. This hole usually plays long, but can be almost unreachable for the average player when the wind is really blowing. Rules and Handicapping Guidance During COVID-19, Guidance for Club Competitions During COVID-19 Era, Active score posting season begins March 1st, USGA Launches U.S. National Development Program to Strengthen American Golf Pipeline and Foster Top Junior Talent, Mike Riste regions foremost golf historian talks about A.S. Kerry, past PNGA and WA Golf president who launched the Northwest onto the national golf scene in the early 20th century, Register now for Drive, Chip and Putt Championship, What to do with that spare room: For many do-it-yourselfers in the golf community, the answer is oh-so-obvious. Men's Club News. Pro Tip: Freddy Couples once drove this tough par 4 in a high school match, but then again he is a Masters Champion. 4/6 Players Choice. Come check out the new layout or play inside on our Golf Simulator by SkyTrak! Black 159 Dont forget to stop at the Snack Shack for a hotdog or our famous Bloody Mary. Created by nature and enhanced by man, The Cedars on Salmon Creek is sure to test golfers of all skill levels. Cppr/Slvr 471 The green has a fishbowl effect where the ball will roll towards the middle of the green if you hit on the sides. Voted #1 Golf Course FIVE years running in King5's Best, the Cedars at Dungeness is much more than your average golf course. A drive down the right hand side should leave you with a short iron as your approach. Washington Golf. Bronze 273. Apple Tree Mens Club Mens Stroke Play Champion. Book your tee time now and experience the Cedars at Dungeness for yourself! Copper 378 If you have a problem, please go to Chad and discuss it with him. The Cedars at Dungeness Woman's 18 Hole Golf Group has several new members including Gail Savage, Marine Hirschfeld, Wanda Synnestvedt, Cathy Grant and Lindsay Busch. Hes going out on top, having led the Wolves to four consecutive Olympic League golf championships and a 40-0 regular season match record in the past four seasons. Its a great way to meet new people and make new friends. March 14 Noon Sequim High School baseball jamboree. Copper 143 The Cedars at Dungeness. Rules and Handicapping Guidance During COVID-19, Guidance for Club Competitions During COVID-19 Era. The .gov means its official. Pro Tip: This is one of the best finishing holes in the Northwest. Debbie Kahle checked in to let me know the Lady Niners at Cedars at Dungeness held their Club Championship on Aug. 11 and 25. MISSION. McCausland, a member of the Cedars at Dungeness Mens Club, won the overall net championship with a score of 204. 3/30 Two Man Best Ball. Take the circular trail and enjoy the vistas of wildflower meadows,. Bronze 202. Men's Amateur Qualifying $110 N/A Men's Amateur $235 N/A . Cedars At Dungeness Men's Club Subject: Minutes of August 3,2022, Board Meeting From: Jim Jaqubino - Secretary/Historian - jsjphelan1@msn.com To: Cedars at Dungeness Men's Club cedarsatdungnessmensclub@7cedars.com Meeting was called to order by President Bill Berry at 2:36 pm The meeting was held in the conference room at Abrams Annex Present were Bill Berry - President, Justin Ewing . Offering 12 fueling stations (including diesel and propane), a walk-in humidor, gourmet coffee bar, the largest selection of beer, wine, and spirits on the Peninsula, and our deli serving made-to-order sandwiches, salads, and hot-food selections. Cppr/Slvr 438 Check 'em out! Very big green with little slope. Guest: Chad Wagner. Please ask any questions and thanks for looking! Golf The Cedars at Dungeness Mens Club, 7 Cedars Cup, Nov. 2. Bronze 322. Cppr/Slvr 439 Membership is open to males, age 18 or older, of all ability and skill level. Cppr/Slvr 152 ON THE HEELS of last nights State of the Union address and with a holiday weekend dedicated to our nations commanders in chief on tap, Cedars at Dungenes More. Member Application. The green slopes from back to front and is in somewhat of a bowl shape. The Cedars at Dungeness Mens Club, 7 Cedars Cup Summer Series, April 6. For questions, please call: 360.683.6344. Travel within United Kingdom is: Unrestricted. 1965 Woodcock Rd Sequim, WA 360.683.6344 Visit Website @7CedarsCasino Golf digest has given it a 4-star rating. SUBMIT CLUB CHAMPION INFORMATION Men's Club Champion: 2020: Lina Case: Women's Club Champion: 2021: Jeff Jones: Men's Club Champion: 2021: Ron Grant: Senior Men's Club Champion: 2021: Jane Peoples: Ron Grant, 77; 2. Pac-12 Men's Golf Championship Aldarra Golf Club Fall City, WA Apr 25, 2022 - Net: 1. Win some money, meet some new members and have a fun time! View Website. Gallery. Where: The Cedars at Dungeness 1965 Woodcock Road Sequim, WA 98382 USA Contact: Brian Coury (800) 341-7232 Email Event website Tournaments TEE TIMES / RESULTS CLICK HERE FOR ENTRY INFORMATION & EXEMPTIONS 2020 CHAMPIONS Don Bidinger, from Tacoma Country & Golf Club, won the 2020 7 Cedars Senior Washington Open at The Cedars at Dungeness. We also have a Monday night group that meets for 9 holes which is perfect for beginners or those who cannot meet in the daytime. The format is two-person best ball using half of a teams combined handicap. Cedars At Dungeness in Sequim, Washington: upcoming golf tournaments, tournament news, golf course reviews, maps, contact information, and more. 4/13 7 Cedars Summer Series. The final results of the Men's Club Championship Golf Tournament are up! Congrats to Ron and all the club members who participated. Offering an array of PNW specialties, craft cocktails, weekly specials, and fresh sheets, The House of Seven Brothers offers guests the premier dining experience on the Peninsula, in a setting unlike any other. Only the bigger hitters can reach the fairway bunkers. Silver 471 First flight Gross: 1. (tie) Mike Buckland, Richards Clendening, Mark Hash and Russ Veenema, -1. $20 Nine Hole round with a $10 entry fee! Robert Mares, -7; 2. Its an absolutely FREE program that rewards guests with special offers, exclusive invitations, and perks! Cppr/Slvr 458 Olympic Laundry. Silver 282 Discover. 1965 Woodcock Rd The Cedars at Dungeness Golf Course, Sequim, WA 98382-9598 +1 360-683-3332 Website Menu Closed now : See all hours See all (11) Ratings and reviews 4.0 91 #23 of 47 RATINGS Food Service Value Atmosphere Details PRICE RANGE $2 - $22 CUISINES American, Bar Meals Lunch, Dinner, Breakfast View all details features, about Founded in 1922, Washington Golf (formerly known as WSGA) has grown into one of the largest amateur golf associations in the United States providing a multitude of member benefits and services to more than 86,000 golfers, 520 member clubs, and 260 golf facilities throughout Washington and Northern Idaho. Congratulations to all the finalists and our winners! 2/2 Stroke Play. SUBMIT CLUB CHAMPION INFORMATION . See all. Robert Bourns, 75; 3. 1 ranked and unbeaten Ellensburg for three quarters in their, Drivers education to teach sharing road with trucks, buses, Proposal aims at keeping people alive during extreme heat, Girls basketball: Wolves rebound with win over Tumwater at state tourney. cedars at dungeness men's club. Before sharing sensitive information online, make sure youre on a .gov or .mil site by inspecting your browsers address (or location) bar. To become a member, please click on the JOIN THE MEN'S CLUB tab below or ask for a form at the golf course Pro Shop. President: Home and Home with White Horse, Treasurer: Bank balance of $3762.17. Including daily emissions and pollution data. Both championships were held concurrently at The Cedars at Dungeness in Sequim, Wash. and were conducted by the Washington State Golf Association (WSGA). Womens Stroke Play Champion. Aim your tee shot towards the fairway bunker on the left and hit a fade towards the middle. 360.683.6344. Bruce Durning-Tom Flack-Chris Pflaumer-Russ Veenema, 63; 2. Black 395 Pro Tip: This is a huge green that slopes pretty severely from back to front. Black 185/162 2021 NATIONAL CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP RECAP. The Cedars at Dungeness 1965 Woodcock Rd, Sequim, WA 98382 Website Club Directory Email: jls656@yahoo.com We are a competitive group that plays on Tuesday mornings from March1 through October 31. The Cedars at Dungeness is far from ordinary offering a wide range of golf necessities, including a fully stocked Pro Shop, club rentals, push carts, and electric golf carts. Rule 11.1b(2) has been amended to provide that if a ball played from the putting green hits an insect. The Cedars at Dungeness Mens Stroke Play Champion. Mens Club, Ice Breaker Scramble, Feb. 15, Gross: 1. Course Description. Perfect to fine tune your iron shots, wedges, chipping and putting. Recent; CLARKY @ Cedars ~ 3 Blind Mice. Voted #1 Golf Course FIVE years running in King5's Best, the Cedars at Dungeness is much more than your average golf course. 7 Cedars Casino embroidered on the sleeve( owners of the golf course). (tie) Anthony Bubenas and Jim Jaqubino, 74 Second flight Gross: 1. The approach shot plays a little up hill. Big hitters can carry the left fairway bunkers, but may be left with an uneven lie. Hit your shot towards the right fringe and the slope will take it to the middle of the green. Rule 11.1b(2) has been amended to provide that if a ball played from the putting green hits an insect, the player or the club used to make the stroke, the ball is played as it lies the stroke is not replayed. Daily Fee Category: Golf Club Par: 72 SHARE: Tournaments. First flight Gross: 1. The course rating is 70.1 and it has a slope rating of 123 on Blue grass. B-6 July 30, 2014. The Cedars at Dungeness, Washington - club information & course reviews plus find information on green fees, tee times, vouchers, golf societies & score cards. Here at High Cedars, we offer multiple options to improve your golf game! Book Now! 3/23 Spring Opener. From serious to playful, to fundraising and more; the Cedars at Dungeness host a variety of Tournaments throughout the year to suit any skill level. The property houses an 18-hole Championship Golf Course with a practice putting green, short game area and a full driving range. The Cedars at Dungeness Golf Tyler Jensen. "Old Crabby" is the only bunker in the world shaped like a Dungeness Crab. Ron Grant, 73; 2. (tie) Robert Bourns-Ron Grant and Theodore Perkins-Lawreance Trafton, 75. They're community spaces for men to connect, converse and create. For men it is an avg difficulty but with variations and challenges. From our famous crab shaped sand trap, to some of the best golf conditions in Western Washington, come see what all the buzz is about and experience our award-winning golf course for yourself, in sunny Sequim. Be wary of the false front. The "DMC" has a Single Player List for golfers that may not have a partner or a team. The winner, with fantastic rounds of 44 and 43 was Pat Conway. Copper 360 Keith Beck-Morris Fosse-Herman Sakimoto-Everett Thometz, 58. Our friendly staff will do everything we can to accommodate your twosome, threesome, foursome or group outing. CLUB CHAMPIONS IN Washington NATIONAL CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP LESSONS. Home. Cppr/Slvr 316 July 3, 2022 . If the trade winds from the west are blowing it could play 1-2 clubs longer from the fairway. The fairway bunker 100 yards from the green can also be challenging. Jun 27. The Cedars at Dungeness Sequim, WA: Fri Mar 18, 5:00 PM: Beerman's BBQ #2: Maytown(Olympia), WA Olympia, WA: Phone: 360-683-6344. Bronze 76. First flight Gross: 1. After a four-year tour in the Air Force, Faulk returned home and wanted to enroll in an aviation mechanic program at South Seattle Community College. The activities are often similar to those of garden sheds, but for groups of men to enjoy together. Jun. WHERE: Cedars at Dungeness - 1965 Woodcock Rd WHEN: August 13, 2022. The Cedars @ Dungeness - Women's 9 Club The Cedars at Dungeness 1965 Woodcock Rd, Sequim, WA 98382 Club Directory Email: cherste2@hotmail.com The Lady Niners play Thursday at 10:00 AM. We added red volcanic cinders from Bend Oregon to add to the effect. Ron Grant. The casino floor at 7 Cedars has been expanded to span nearly 40,000 square feet. The 18-hole "Cedars" course at the The Cedars At Dungeness facility in Sequim, Washington features 6,456 yards of golf from the longest tees for a par of 72. Cedarcrest Golf Club Men's Stroke Play Champion Justin Towle Women's Stroke Play Champion Theresa Menard Senior Men's Match Play Champion Charles Anderson Chewelah Golf & Country Club Women's Stroke Play Champion Denise Smith Men's Match Play Champion Payton Norvell CLARKY Golf Club Men's Stroke Play Champion Chad Sanek Club 808 Cppr/Slvr 302 Don Bidinger, from Tacoma Country & Golf Club, won the 2020 7 Cedars Senior Washington Open at The Cedars at Dungeness. Pro Tip: Aim your tee shot at the 3 trees at the end of the fairway. Russ Veenema, 78; 3. e r u t Cu l 18 way s t o e x p e r i e n c e P o rt l a n d s. coffee scene like a local SEQUIM Sunland Golf Clubs Mens Clubs daily game for March 30: Gross: Greg Mullikin 34, Jay Tomlin 35 and Net: Bruce Mullikin 29.5, Mike Bresnahan 32, Scott Ferguson 32, Geoff Fowler 32. Pro Tip: Arguably the toughest par 4 on the course. Copper 357 Cedars at Dungeness Mens Club Subject: Minutes of May 18, 2022, Board Meeting From: Jim Jaqubino Secretary/Historian jsjphelan1@msn.com To: Cedars at Dungeness Mens Club cedarsatdungnessmensclub@7cedars.com Meeting was called to order by President Bill Berry at 3:03 pm The meeting was held in the conference room at Abrams Annex Present were: Bill The Cedars at Dungeness Golf Coursenot your average golf course! Well done, Pat. Very cool! lexington ky most wanted 2021 Cppr/Slvr 357 Eleven lady golfers participated in a low-net tournament under beautiful, sunny skies each day. Silver 127 1965 Woodcock Road, Sequim, WA 98382 Directions. Compare our 13" of annual rainfall to Seattle`s 38", Palm Springs` 17" or Pebble Beach at 27". Present were Bill Berry President, Justin Ewing Vice President, Jim Jaqubino Secretary/Historian, Richard Clendening Competition Chairman, Mark Hash Rules Chairman, Steve Collatz Treasurer, Don Flores Washington Golf Rep. No present but available by phone, Ron Grant Handicap Chairman, Motion to accept the minutes of June 29, 2022, Board meeting approved. Located in sunny Sequim, this year-round 18-hole Championship course is known to be the driest course in Western Washington. Maybelle Clark MacDonald Foundation. Voted "BEST GOLF COURSE" in Evening Magazine's Best NW Escapes From our famous Crab Shaped sand trap, to some of the best golf conditions in Western Washington, come see what all the buzz is about and experience our Award Winning Golf Course for yourself, in sunny Sequim. Black 337 Jason Doig, 67; 2. All Posts; Search. On Today; Awards; Companies; Lists; People; Tagging & Taxonomy; Earn Points The Cedars at Dungeness Golf Coursenot your average golf course. The green slopes back to front. Dungeness has hosted the Washington State Senior Open since 2007. The Cedars at Dungeness Golf Course is a well-rated and always popular layout. arbutus tree spiritual meaning; lenovo legion 5 battery upgrade; cedars at dungeness men's club. Pro Tip: Drive down the left center and the ball should feed toward the middle of the fairway. Start planning your trip! (tie) Arni Fredrickson and Robert Mares, 82; 3. Offering breakfast, lunch, and dinner, outdoor seating options, as well as on and off-site catering! The green slopes right to left. the player or the club used to make the stroke, the ball is played as it lies the stroke is not replayed. Home. cedars at dungeness men's clubnew zealand citizenship by grant. The Cedars at Dungeness Gudmund Lindbjerg: 2013: Everett Golf & Country Club Oakbrook Golf Club Troy Wilmoth: Washington Golf. This is also one of the longest greens on the course. SEQUIM The Cedars at Dungeness Womens Golf Association is conducting weekly play every Tuesday morning. Today 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM All Hours. Kristy Little. * (7C) 7Cedars Tournaments - (M) Men's Club Majors. 2022 WWC PGA Pro-Member Series @ Wing Point Golf & Country Club. Dungeness Crab Health Advisory Lifted for Remainder of California Coast; CEDARS-SINAI MEDICAL CENTER: 8700 BEVERLY BLVD, RM 2021 N We offer 4 sets of tees to play from for varying skill levels.

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