clear creek isd superintendent

Clear skies. Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District Dr. Charles Mims will assume his new duties after spring . COPPERAS COVE Copperas Cove students continue to excel and improve, Superintendent Joe Burns told a group of a few hundred at the Copperas Cove Civic Center on Wednesday. Critical race theory claims follow new superintendent to Clear Creek ISD, prompt calls for resignation, Timeline: How battle between Houston ISD, TEA has reached the point of a looming takeover. LEAGUE CITY, TX JUL 11: CCISD Superintendent Eric Willams leaves the board room after the Clear Creek Independent School district special meeting of the Board of Trustees at the Education Support Center in League City, Texas. If you forget it, you'll be able to recover it using your email address. By December a group of parents accused him of promoting "critical race theory" in K-12 schools. The Leader in Me program, which many critics of Williams take issue with because it promotes equity, was adopted at that time, Cunnigham said. William Paul, Superintendent of Windthorst ISD, said the school district does not comment on student matters per district . A recent post by right-wing opinion website The Daily Caller highlighted those parents concerns, once again putting the superintendent under national conservative scrutiny. Moses joins the CCISD team with more than 22 years of education and school leadership experience. She previously worked as an education reporter for the Chronicle for more than four years, covering trends across greater Houston and Texas. Bun B, Badu, J.J. Watt celebrate RodeoHouston Southern Takeover, Exclusive: Abbott explains push against diversity hiring programs. Hannah Dellinger is the Houston Chronicle's suburban education reporter covering 30 plus school districts in the region. Dr. Karen Engle was officially named to the Superintendent of Schools position for the Clear Creek Independent School District at the December 12 Board of Trustees meeting. The plan was informed by community input, including surveys of parents and community members. Student leadership opportunities to develop strengths and interests. His retirement becomes effective Jan. 31. Parents call for Clear Creek ISD superintendent's resignation Although multiple speakers called for Eric Williams' resignation, others spoke in support of the work Williams has done in the year he . The desired results for the school district. Clear Creek Independent School District Salaries - Texas - 2021 The Clear Creek Independent School District Board of Trustees voted unanimously during a Nov. 14 meeting to name Karen Engle the lone finalist for the superintendent position. Clear Creek ISD 3.7 . Dr. Karen Engle was officially named to the Superintendent of Schools position for the Clear Creek Independent School District at the December 12 Board of Trustees meeting. CCISD continued operating Webster High School until Clear Creek High School opened in 1956. The law says that schools must include lessons in instructions that foster traits such as caring, empathy, freedom from prejudice and fairness. Eric Williams, superintendent of Clear Creek Independent School District, is being scrutinized by a group of ISD . Served as Superintendent Emeritus from July 2022 through January 2023. (Daniel Weeks/Community Impact Newspaper). Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Twitter (opens in new window/tab) Vimeo (opens in . Educational tools and learning spaces to improve the student learning experience. Its rattlesnake season in Texas. By Daniel Weeks LEAGUE CITY, TX JUL 11: Concerned citizens attend the Clear Creek Independent School district special meeting of the Board of Trustees at the Education Support Center in League City, Texas. CCISD is the 29th largest school district in Texas. Last fall, some parents asked for Williams resignation. I think parents appropriately want to know that the focus of our schools is on kids having the knowledge and traits they need to be successful, he said. Dr. Greg Smith | Former Superintendent, Clear Creek ISD | by Huckabee | Power Supers | Medium 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. Cleveland ISD extends into portions of Montgomery and San Jacinto counties, and Tomball ISD extends into portions of Montgomery County. Superintendent NameSuperintendent Name Dr. Karen Engle Superintendent EmailSuperintendent Email Q13.Q13. A native central New Yorker, Colleen worked as an editorial intern with the Cy-Fair and Lake Houston | Humble | Kingwood editions of Community Impact Newspaper before joining the Bay Area team in 2020. The impending takeover of HISD by the TEA dates back to 2019, when Wheatley High School triggered a state law by failing to meet accountability standards for seven consecutive years. LEAGUE CITY, TX JUL 11: CCISD Assistant superintendent of Elementary Education pauses in sadness after the vote to approve Superintendent Eric Willams voluntary retirement, during the Clear Creek Independent School district special meeting of the Board of Trustees at the Education Support Center in League City, Texas. LEAGUE CITY, TX JUL 11: Concerned parent (who wishes to remain anonymous) shares with a reporter her concerns about the districts handling of CCISD Superintendent Eric Williams retirement issue during the Clear Creek Independent School district special meeting of the Board of Trustees at the Education Support Center in League City, Texas. February 2023 Board Report | Stream Details - Clear Creek Independent She was instrumental throughout many large changes in the district, including being part of the team that opened CCISDs Education Village in 2010 and principal during the rebuild of her alma mater, Clear Lake High School. Education advocates insist CRT is not taught in public schools and that the term is being applied to any lessons that focus on race. Clear Creek Independent School District Superintendent Eric Williams speaks after learning his retirement terms during a special school board meeting in League City, Texas, on July 11, 2022. Some parents raised concern about Williams previous role as superintendent of Loudon County Public Schools in Virginia, which made national news because of complaints after the district hired a firm in 2019 to assess its racial well-being. LEAGUE CITY, TX JUL 11: CCISD Superintendent Eric Williams shakes hands with Board Trustee Jonathan Cottrell during the Clear Creek Independent School district special meeting of the Board of Trustees at the Education Support Center in League City, Texas. Daniel started covering Pearland City Council, Pearland ISD and Brazoria County for Community Impact in October 2022. Clear Creek ISD has five teachers who have completed their National Board Certification. Prior to that, she worked for large weekly newspapers in Virginia as an education and crime reporter. He engaged staff members in taking steps now to address financial challenges relating to declining state revenue.. Clear Creek ISD - Achieve, Contribute and Lead with Integrity Back to Top Unique Opportunities for a Unique You in Clear Creek ISD Starting in Kindergarten, CCISD offers innovative programming from immersive Dual Language to Elementary STEM schools. Students who. Clear Creek ISD Superintendent Eric Williams, who had been accused by conservative parents of indoctrinating students with anti-white sentiment, announced his resignation at a school board meeting this week. Eric Williams, who became superintendent in January, came to the district from Loudoun County Public Schools in Virginia, which made national news because of complaints after that district hired a firm in 2019 to assess its racial well-being. Eric Williams became CCISD superintendent in February 2021. Prior to that, she worked for large weekly newspapers in Virginia as an education and crime reporter. The CCISD leadership team is passionate about serving the community. Dr. Starting Jan. 1, Clear Creek ISD Superintendent Greg Smith will serve as executive director of the Fast Growth School Coalition, a statewide organization representing Texas' fastest-growing. He will take over for Dr. Karen Engle who will retire this month after more than 20 years in CCISD. Trauma-sensitive professional learning for all employees to support the social and emotional needs of students and staff. Williams said he is setting roots in the community and plans to stay in the district for the long haul.. The third-party audit found, among other things, that staff were unequipped to discuss issues of race or racially charged incidents; educators wanted more recruitment focused on hiring diverse teachers; discipline practices led to the disproportionate punishments of students of color, especially Black students; and that many students of color had experienced the sting of racial insults/slurs or racially motivated violent actions.. Citizens attend the Clear Creek Independent School District special meeting of the Board of Trustees in League City, Texas, on Monday night, July 11, 2022. Subscribe to Email Newsletters And Breaking News Alerts, Clear Creek ISD to discuss superintendent's early retirement. Clear Creek ISD Trustees in Clear Creek ISD affirmed Tuesday that they remain "unanimously behind" their decision to name Eric Williams as the district's lone finalist to become. 9:23 AM Jul 13, 2022 CDT, Eric Williams will officially retire from the Clear Creek ISD superintendent role Jan. 31, 2023. (Screenshot courtesy Clear Creek ISD). Williams, who was praised by educators and some board members amid that criticism, said he is resigning to help care for an ill family member in Virginia. Literacy development is a high priority initiative in CCISD. Referrals increase your chances of interviewing at Clear Creek Independent School District by 2x. Dr. Kim Hiel chosen as next Osseo Area Schools superintendent Dr. Get the latest local and national sports headlines deliveredto your inbox every morning. In December, Williams told the Chronicle he was setting down roots in the Clear Creek community and planned to stay in the district for the long haul. He said he chose to move from a district with more than 83,000 students to one about half the size to be closer to family. Sanger ISD Director of Social and Emotional Learning, Behavior Intervention Dr. Ann Hughes was one of three eSchool News 2022 K-12 Hero Awards winners. DuPont said Clear Creek ISD trustees asked Williams pointed questions about those incidents. Provide for two-way communication with superintendent, staff, students, parents, and community. Although Texas school systems cannot close without a waiver from the state, they warned Clear Creek campuses could be shutdown. 281-284-0000. According to the agreement, Williams will be paid $199,000 in severance, which represents five and a half months of salary and benefits under his contract. Low 64F. Reading is the first step along your childs exciting learning journey in Clear Creek ISD. Clear Creek ISD Superintendent Eric Williams, who had been accused by conservative parents of "indoctrinating" students with "anti-white" sentiment, announced his resignation at a school board. A group of Clear Creek ISD parents are calling for the districts superintendent to resign less than a year into his tenure, saying he has put into place lessons that indoctrinate students with anti-white sentiment, an accusation that appears to have followed him from his last job in Virginia. Clear Creek ISD - TalentEd Hire Submitting this form below will send a message to your email with a link to change your password. We will treat each person with dignity and respect. First name. Jesse Putrah, who has three daughters enrolled in Clear Creek schools, said he did not know about the superintendent selection process until shortly before Williams was named as the sole finalist Monday evening. (Courtesy of Clear Creek ISD) Eric Williams, Clear Creek ISD's new superintendent, plans to spend. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. PDF TTechnology Lending Grantechnology Lending Grant School Action We will expand the organizations capacity to accomplish our strategic intent. The means for accomplishing the districts mission and the outcomes needed to ensure the implementation of each strategy. The District of Innovation designation, for instance, allows Clear Creek ISD to set its own school start date, establish its own class size settings, and provides overall flexibility. The district turned off elementary student access to the entire app because it was unable to remove access to Sex is a Funny Word.. Superintendent / About our Superintendent To see the social media blowback from the people theyre elected to represent, and still unanimously stand behind their decision, causes me to question whose best interest they have in mind, Putrah said. Clear Creek Independent School District. The volume of social media comments, and lack of articles on local Google searches about Williams tenure, left some local parents frustrated Tuesday. A reimagined communication experience for community, parents, staff and students where choice, personalization and convenience are provided. This plan drives our work, our decisions, and our future. Williams, who joined the. They included a field trip to a plantation, teaching fourth grade teachers the states history with slavery and providing a handful of lesson plans on the subject. Clear Creek Choir Students Shine at State Competition Clear Creek ISD Names New Assistant Superintendent of Secondary The district opened Clear Lake High School in 1972, Clear Brook High School in 1988, Clear Springs High School in 2008, and Clear Falls High School in 2010. Superintendent Who Implemented CRT In Loudoun County Is Overseeing A You name it, he checked all of those boxes., Williams, who came from a district of more than 83,000 students, said he is happy with his decision to move to Clear Creek ISD, a school system about half the size. 281-284-9901. I wish all the best to the district in its work to sustain and build on its excellence., On Critical race theory claims follow new superintendent to Clear Creek ISD, prompt calls for resignation. Restorative practices to enhance safe and nurturing environments. Dr. Engle is a product of the District, having attended Clear Lake City Elementary, Webster Intermediate and graduated from Clear Lake High School. Clear Creek Independent School District hiring Principal - Intermediate CCISD is the 29th largest school district in Texas, spanning 103 square miles and serving over 41,000 students. Clear Creek ISD was formed in 1948 when the districts of Kemah, League City, Seabrook, and Webster were consolidated, deriving its name from nearby Clear Creek, which forms Clear Lake, one of the few natural lakes in Texas. Clear Creek is located in League City, Texas, which neighbors part of the Houston metropolitan area. She said while she and others had brought those concerns to LCPS administrators and Williams for years, they were not addressed until the slave-game incident made national headlines. Eric Williams, superintendent of the Clear Creek Independent School District, is scheduled to discuss a voluntary retirement agreement with the board of trustees during a Monday meeting. [20] On the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills examinations, 97% of students passed in reading, 97% passed in writing, 98% passed in social studies, 93% passed in mathematics, and 92% passed in science. They scoffed it off, she said. The Superintendent of Schools is Karen Engle. Sanger ISD Announces new SHS Prinicpal Mrs. Carly Sperry is now the proud Principal of Sanger High School! Clear Creek Independent School District (CCISD) is a school district based in League City, Texas, United States.The district serves most of the Clear Lake Area and some other neighboring parts of the Houston metropolitan area.

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