Then Allah revealed to him saying, You rushed to do it before We told you what tool to use. He said, O Lord, I did not want to delay obeying Your command., Circumcision was one of the things with which Allah tested Ibrahim, His Close Friend. Libraire-diteur, Livres d'rudition sur le Moyen & Extrme-Orient, Asie, Inde, Afrique, Egypte et Amrique latine. LA CIRCONCISION EN ISLAM Contrairement la croyance populaire, la circoncision n'est pas une obligation pour le musulman, du moins, elle ne figure pas clairement dans le Coran. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. forum prpa org lyce|; bote de nuit bandol anne 90|; ; dictes et histoire des arts: cycle 3 Log in, //
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