By October of that year, she had already scored a promotion to lead programmer and seemed destined for greater things. Let's get this out of the way: Suspect is a very good listen. Editors note: A previous version of this story stated Emanuel Fair was convicted for the murder of Arpana Jinaga. The power of that for potentially solving a crime, but also the potential shortcomings of DNA, was something everyone we talked to for this series has been really honest about. Many had written off the case long ago, due to the belief that DNA had correctly tagged Fair as the killer back in 2010, but the truth is that the story is much more complicated than that. Utilizing almost 200,000 lines of code, TrueAllele can analyze evidence with more than a half-dozen contributors, and determine who the most likely culprit is based on how many genetic markers are left on the evidence and where. One of Arpana's neighbors (Kyle R.) would later remark that at around 8:00 AM, he was awoken by a "horrible growling" sound, which persisted for about 20 seconds and was punctuated with a solid thud sound. During his career, the prolific actor inhabited an array of troubled characters. Hes dangerous, hes terrifying, hes an extra in, How to Watch the 2023 Oscars Celebrate All 23 Categories Live Again. I hope I never have to investigate a case like this again.". Writing, research, hosting, and production by Micheal Whelan, Producers: Maggyjames, Roberta Janson, Ben Krokum, Peggy Belarde, Quil Carter, Victoria Reid, Laura Hannan, Gabriella Bromley, Amy Hampton, Steven Wilson, Scott Meesey, Damion Moore, Astrid Kneier, Marie Vanglund, Scott Patzold, Lori Rodriguez, Aimee McGregor, Sue Kirk, Sydney Scotton, Sara Moscaritolo, Thomas Ahearn, Seth Morgan, Alyssa Lawton, Marion Welsh, Jared Midwood, Patrick Laakso, Kelly Jo Hapgood, Meadow Landry, Rebecca Miller, Tatum Bautista, Travis Scsepko, Teunia Elzinga, Erin Pyles, Jo Wong, Jacinda B., Ryan Green, Consuelo Moreno, Kelly Harris, and Emi Coates, Music throughout the episode was composed by Jake Mooshian. Thats depressing. However, when police revealed that they had obtained a log of his text messages and calls directly from his cell provider, he audibly responded "oh crap" and then claimed ignorance. As they were walking to a jail cell where Alanis was to be housed, they continued to yell at him and at one point Galarza then proceeds "without provocation or justification to push Alanis forward," the lawsuit stated. Or it might not. It's also a lot more complicated than TV shows and movies would have us believe. Discover golden trading opportunities with FXTM, Laura B. Martinez, The Brownsville Herald, Texas. The lawsuit, filed on behalf of Joel Alonso Alanis-Mejia, alleges the county jail system has a history of jailers using excessive force against inmates. They argued against the analysis performed by TrueAllele; at least, until they were able to look through the source code of the software to determine just how, exactly, the program had come to this consensus. was interviewed multiple times by investigators, and each time, was unable to remember certain details: including what he had been up to during the estimated time of the murder (3:00 - 8:00 AM). A new true-crime podcast delves into the complicated murder case of a rising 24-year-old software programmer in Redmond, Wash. had gone down to a car so that they could listen to some music, and C.J. If the state wanted to pursue charges against Emanuel Fair, then they were well within their right to do so, but attempting to convict both him and an uncharged accomplice for crimes that they might have committed together was unconstitutional. Arpana's body was taken to the King County Medical Examiner's office for an autopsy, to determine the cause and manner of death. Investigators would never ask him what this medication was, or what mental illness it was treating (one of the many missteps that Emanuel Fair's attorneys referred to in their pretrial motions). One of the women that Fair called, whom he phoned three times at around 4:45 AM, said that his calls had gone straight to voicemail. and Nirmala Jinaga, a professor of computer engineering and a housewife, respectively. would attend a party at a friend's house in Everett, and while there, attempted to wrestle them. His DNA had been found on a bottle of motor oil and on a bloody robe, both of which had been found inside of a plastic bag thrown into the apartment complex's dumpster. Oh, Loosey! There is no apparent reason why someone would want to take this person from the prime of her life.". For Arpana's parents, they had to grieve not only the loss of their oldest daughter, but an inspiring and bright young soul that had managed to accomplish so much in such little time, and seemed poised to accomplish great things in the future - not only professionally, but personally. Over the next few hours, police would begin arriving at the crime scene, closing it off to outsiders and attempting to gather statements from anyone they deemed pertinent. Its got a lot wrapped up in it and I am just grateful that people are engaging with it. One of the more intriguing aspects of Suspect, a new nine-part investigative true-crime podcast, is the extent to which many of the people interviewed seem to express outward awareness about the fact theyre on a true-crime podcast and what that can mean. One, that someone had broken into the third-floor apartment of the decedent by kicking in the front door, leaving behind the broken frame to be discovered by the 911 caller. In October of 2008, a 24-year-old computer programmer living in the Seattle area would attend a Halloween party in her apartment complex. However, the notion of a robbery taking place did not end there. Whoever had forced entry into the apartment had attempted to clean and cover up their crime afterward. She was 24-years-old when she was killed on November 1st, 2008, and would now be 35. Who knows what kind of things she might have accomplished by now? Speaking to the press, King County's Sr. Deputy Prosecutor Jeff Baird claimed: "The defendant opened the locked door to Jinaga's apartment, attacked her, stripped off her clothing, gagged her, assaulted her and finally strangled her to death.". Mar. Rather than an 'other suspect,' [C.J.] And still you have something that plays out like this did, where no one is currently arrested, indicted or in prison for this, and the investigation is nonexistent. When residents of the Valley View Apartments in Redmond, Wash . Over nine episodes, true crime podcast Suspect hosts Matthew Shaer and Eric Benson return to the scene of the 2008 crime over a decade later to uncover what happened, and speak with everyone about . "We still consider it early in the investigation. This entire process has become known as probabilistic genotyping, and it's become a pretty integral facet of forensic testing over the last decade or so. Season 1 features a whodunit-style search for a holiday party killer. as an uncharged accomplice). Can Anyone Predict Whos Going to Win Best Supporting Actress? This email will be used to sign into all New York sites. Sarah Neilson is a freelance writer and book critic based in Seattle. As if that wasn't bad enough, the killer had then sprayed motorcycle oil and other chemicals all over the 24-year-old's body, which they had then attempted to light on fire, not knowing that oil isn't flammable. Travis Barkers Finger Is Now the Enema of Blink-182 Fans. But as the reporting got going in earnest, it became more about an opportunity to do something which Ive always wanted to do, which is really break down an investigation from beginning to end and see how these cases come together or dont. However, investigators could not establish a specific time of death; instead speculating that she had died at some point early on Saturday morning, sometime between 3:00 and 8:00 AM. She recalled one of these voicemails sounding like constant movement on the other end, but nothing verbally being said. Season 2: Vanished in the Snow chronicles the disappearance of 12-year-old Jonelle Matthews. And who you can expect to see performing and presenting. This included the tape used to gag Arpana, DNA recovered from her neck (where she had been strangled), and a bloody robe found in the apartment complex's dumpster, which contained traces of Fair's DNA. Using the design kit allotted to each contestant, Arpana was able to design a communications jammer, which didn't win her the contest but showcased her ingenuity at such a young age (21). After her death, the killer had scrubbed Arpana's body with bleach in an attempt to destroy evidence, and investigators would later note that Arpana's hands had been stained blue by a "highly-acidic" cleaning agent. Who knows how many lives she could have touched? The team, led by Matthew Shaer and Eric Benson (who previously collaborated on Over My Dead Body), with further reporting by Natalia Winkelman, approaches every beat of the investigative documentary process with clinical precision and workmanly competence. Another military veteran that has become a suspect in this story is none other than Israel Keyes, who was the focus of a very early episode of Unresolved from 2015 (and has since been covered more extensively in other books, documentaries, and podcasts). "In 2004, a correctional officer, Lt. Hilda Trevino, blew the whistle on fellow guards' mistreatment of inmates. Emanuel Fair's defense attorneys, on the other hand, didn't see it that way. A handful of years before the murder of Arpana Jinaga, Emanuel Fair had been arrested and charged with raping a minor. The two disgraced men have both been sentenced for sex crimes. Most of this reasonable doubt revolves around C.J., Arpana's neighbor, who also remains a very valid suspect (hence me not wanting to say his name throughout this podcast). She was the oldest of two daughters to her parents, B.C. Specifically, it is a software that uses thousands of algorithms to read DNA and translate it, essentially, into evidence that investigators and prosecutors can then use. The empty bottle of motor oil was found inside of a plastic bag, which also contained Arpana's Halloween costume, a blood-stained bathrobe, and sheets from Arpana's bed, which were conspicuously missing from the crime scene. It's also worth pointing out that the same evidence used against Emanuel Fair - the DNA evidence analyzed by TrueAllele - revealed that C.J. The Washington State Department of Commerce on March 2 released its final housing needs projections, which suggest the state needs to add 1.1 million homes over the next 20 years and more than half of those homes need to be affordable for residents at the lowest income levels. can also be characterized as an uncharged accomplice.". On Thursday, June 6th, 2019, the 12 members of the jury began deliberating, and originally found themselves deadlocked yet again (split into groups of 4: innocent, guilty, and undecided). Phil Skelton, a member of the PNW Riders, spoke to the Redmond Reporter and said about Arpana: "When you met her, she would have you smiling within 15 seconds.". Emanuel Demelvin Fair - who was also known as Anthony P. Parker - was 27 years old when charges were filed against him in October of 2010. For three and a half decades, her disappearance was a mystery - a riddle neither authorities . I hadn't seen her for months, I'd never thought about her like that [prior to the night of the Halloween party]". In fact, DNA from several men was found at the crime scene, including several of Arpana's neighbors and fellow partygoers. And the energy with which many of the people pursued this case it is tragic, what happened. Emanuel Fair's trial would begin in February of 2017 - more than six years after he had originally been charged, and more than eight years after Arpana Jinaga's murder. While those at the party remember Arpana going home alone at around 3:00 AM, neighbors that lived on both sides of her unit would recall hearing what sounded like muffled moaning sounds shortly thereafter, which they assumed at the time was consensual sex (but, knowing what we know now, undoubtedly wasn't). That is, until roughly two years later when King County officials would throw together a press conference, where they announced the arrest of a suspect. The gap between practice and potential is further underscored by the many instances in which Suspect carries the genres various conventions and clichs. In the year since Emanuel Fair's second trial came to an end, the story has received close to no attention from the world-at-large. Now science has gotten very sophisticated. Shaer: This is a story that found me rather than the other way around. Months later, members of the Pacific Northwest Riders, the motorcycle club that Arpana had joined, would organize memorial rides in her honor (which took them out to Snoqualmie Falls, one of Arpana's favorite places to visit in Washington). Now inside, Jay and C.J. During that time, he had been couch-surfing with a friend at Arpana's apartment complex: a young woman named Leslie, who would actually lie to police about Emanuel staying there (claiming that she was home alone when questioned). Why did it play out like it did? That dream that would ultimately turn into a nightmare for herself and her loved ones, who have had to endure years of trials and tribulations in the wake of their tragic loss. Arpana Jinaga was a 24-year-old computer programmer, who had moved to the Pacific Northwest in March of 2008. Benson: We didnt know that the Redmond [Police Department] was going to be willing to participate in the show. By Monday, Arpana had not yet surfaced and she would fail to show up for work that morning. They were able to follow the trail of maelstrom throughout the apartment down the hallway, towards the decedent's bedroom, where they discovered her body: that of a 24-year-old from India, who had come to America a few years prior to pursue her "American dream". It seemed more like a momentary argument to them than a sign of anything serious and didn't believe that it was linked to Arpana's death hours later. Friends recall that she spoke of opening an animal sanctuary for endangered species in the future. Because this individual has never been charged with any crime, I'll continue to refer to him as C.J., but there is a lot of evidence pointing towards him either having some kind of involvement in this case or, at the very least, knowing much more than he has publicly admitted. In it, she spoke about her love of working with computers and using them to innovate new and exciting things and spoke about working with companies in the future to do just that - innovate - before following in her father's footsteps to become a professor. The world is a sadder place without her but the people she touched while she was here will remember her for an eternity.". theres no closure for them, certainly from the justice system. The best musical instrument is a love triangle. Speaking to the Redmond Reporter, some of the club's members would remember Arpana as the fun-loving, ambitious young woman she had been - not just the victim she had become in local newspapers. As you can imagine, this analysis was seen as invaluable to the prosecution, who saw this as being ironclad proof of Fair's guilt. Both were seen together, and this would come up later - which is why I mention it - but both claim that their interaction lasted no more than 30 minutes or so, and they hadn't seen each other before or since. Other witnesses that knew C.J. Fair's attorneys would point out several gaps in the investigation. for having any involvement in the murder, they were creating ammunition for the defense in the form of reasonable doubt. The semen from an unnamed neighbor was found on a towel near Arpana's body, while another neighbor's DNA was found on a bootlace that investigators theorized had been used to strangle Arpana (this neighbor, it's worth pointing out, had an alibi for the time of the murder, and had not been at the Halloween party). Despite not even knowing how to ride a motorcycle at the time, she purchased a Suzuki and began attending classes to learn how to safely ride it. That the murder took place around the time of a Halloween party lends a slightly surreal quality to the way law-enforcement types discuss the case on tape: Was it the gangster? Suspect is an investigative series about mislaid justice and the kinds of weighty decisions that detectives, lawyers, and jurors make every day - decisions that, once made, are almost impossible to reverse. He said that he met her briefly that night, and seemed to get along well with her; she briefly showed him photos from her bedroom computer, but that was about the extent of their interaction. Suspect Season 1 Episode 1. The following Monday, her body would be discovered inside of her apartment, the victim of an apparent homicide. Suspicious deaths, such as homicide, very rarely happen in Redmond: one of the wealthier suburbs on the outskirts of Seattle, which is known internationally for housing the U.S. headquarters for both Microsoft and Nintendo. This isnt some true-crime podcast I can listen to and just have an opinion on.. Suspect is an investigative series about mislaid justice and the kinds of weighty decisions that detectives, lawyers, and jurors make every day - decisions that, once made, are almost impossible to reverse. If they did, youd probably see a news cycle about it by now. They dance and drink. Prosecutors implied that Fair had been lying about where he was during these vital hours, which remained unexplained nearly two years later. "Defendants Galarza and Solis acted unprofessionally and in a manner they knew would cause additional stress to Alanis' situation for no legitimate reason other than to bully Alanis because defendants Galarza and Solis were in a position of authority, power and control to do so," the lawsuit stated. However, over the next several days, they would eventually bring themselves to a consensus, and delivered their findings the following Tuesday, June 11th: not guilty. After leaving work, she would stop by a store to pick up some Halloween decorations, and began covering her apartment as other people began returning home and donning their costumes. Shaer and Benson previously collaborated on another true-crime podcast calledOver My Dead Body.. Everything Everywhere All at Once leads with eight nominations tonight. Alanis Mejia is also accused of striking Galarza in the chest. Unlike Emanuel Fair, he also had a prior relationship with Arpana, lived next-door to her, and had been noticeably resentful towards her in the weeks leading up to her death. Breaking down the contenders in the seasons most unpredictable Oscar race. Shortly thereafter, Fair would be arraigned on murder charges and entered a plea of not guilty. It's an extra special, two-part, more than two-hour, Valentine's event. This included the nearly two years it took them to single out Emanuel Fair as a suspect; during which time, investigators had hired a psychic to help point them in the right direction, which highlighted how adrift the investigators had been up until that point. After nine years of awaiting his fate, 35-year-old Emanuel Fair was released from custody just hours after being acquitted in the death of Arpana Jinaga. Speaking to the Bellevue Reporter, Lt. Doug Shepard of the Redmond Police Department said: "We're a safe community. Id written anarticle about DNA forensic science for The Atlantic, and I was like everybody else I thought that DNA worked like it did on Law & Order, where its a green light. Offscreen, he was one himself. How did that happen? Now that Meredith is gone, it is business as usual at Grey Sloan Memorial. This eventually led to her moving to the United States to attend Rutger's University in New Jersey. After all, not everything has to be about something bigger than itself, and theres something to be said about delivering the most polished version of a standard. On October 31st, 2008, Israel Keyes flew from Anchorage to SeaTac and was in the Seattle area until November 2nd, when he then flew from SeaTac to Boston. She would even join a local motorcycle club, the Pacific Northwest Riders, and many of those in the PNW Riders chat-room would later reminisce about her lack of knowledge when it came to riding bikes, but how she came prepared to take on the challenge with a smile on her face, and her participation on lengthy rides throughout scenic western Washington that summer. And there is nobody in prison or even charged with this murder right now. Season 2: Vanished in the Snow chronicles the disappearance of 12-year-old Jonelle Matthews. Alanis-Mejia is seeking $1 million in exemplary damages as well as the cost of attorney's fees. That night, Arpana and at least three of her neighbors would open up their apartments for the party, which would move throughout the complex over several hours. But over the next few years, Emanuel Fair would fail to abide by the terms of his release and was later jailed on probation violations. Arpana Jinaga was not the first young professional from India to be killed in 2008. Still, I dont mean for this discussion of aesthetics to take us too far away from Suspects merits in and of itself. But we got really all of those people. claimed to not remember anything about them. [In the 1980s], you really needed a lot of body fluid, so there was no ambiguity about whose DNA it was. Its challenging in terms of race, in terms of policing, in terms of forensic science. By this point, Arpana had already started to make plans to accomplish all of these goals. In any case, Suspects overarching narrative builds up to Fairs victory against wrongful imprisonment. But Suspect is often so uncomplicated in its telling, it almost seems anonymous. Speaking to the Times, this juror recalled: "I think that was the biggest reasonable doubt and no one could eliminate him [as the killer] We found [Fair] not guilty because of reasonable doubt, not because we thought he was completely innocent.". There are even awkward smash cuts to ads, a stylistic staple nowadays, where you dont quite realize youre listening to a host-read ad for the shows presenting sponsor (and not a continuation of the actual episode) until a few seconds into the read. Later on, during Emanuel Fair's first trial, prosecutors even alleged that this neighbor had been an accomplice in the murder. She had traveled the globe in pursuit of an exciting and adventurous life, made a name for herself in the notoriously-competitive tech sector by the age of 24, endeared herself to dozens of strangers and it had all ended with one senseless act of violence. These were the last calls or texts Arpana would receive that night, and when questioned about these phone calls, C.J. It was soaking in the tub, in a mixture of water and bleach. Yet, it seems like the limp had come from somewhere else, due to him arriving at the party with it; and it was theorized by investigators later on that the wrestling match was an cover by C.J. O'Leary is currently serving out his sentence at the Sterling Correctional Facility and remains a possible suspect in this case. In addition to joining a motorcycle club, Arpana also volunteered at the Redmond Fire Department, riding along to fires in the area; as well as animal shelters in Bellevue, where she helped care for and attend to unwanted pets. Later, police would figure out that Fair attended that same Halloween party as Arpana because of photographs that other partygoers had taken, some of which had been posted online to social media sites. Tom Sandoval and Ariana Madix have broken up after he allegedly cheated on her with Raquel Leviss. Despite being a relative unknown in the public sphere, Fair was no stranger to law enforcement, having been arrested nearly a dozen times already, and serving sentences for at least six crimes: which included drug and firearms-related crimes, as well as sexual offenses. The lawsuit, filed on behalf of Joel Alonso Alanis-Mejia, alleges the county jail system has a history of jailers using excessive force against inmates. 4A former Cameron County inmate is suing the county and two of its jailers for $1 million alleging he was beaten by the jailers while incarcerated. These are just a couple of the most high-profile suspects I've uncovered while researching this case, but the answer may be more simple than that (it usually is). I hope that answers can still be found in this case, but until such a time, the story of Arpana Jinaga will remain unresolved. Those thoughts were welcomed by Arpana's family back home in India, who found it "heartening" to hear what an impact she had had on those in the Seattle area over just a few months. Just like in the first trial, the state leaned heavily upon the DNA evidence, which had been aided by the TrueAllele analysis and originally implicated Fair in Arpana Jinaga's murder.
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