Just like flipping it around without flipping it around. The reasoning behind one gel block for multiple shots is simple, though I understand it frustrates you. Thanks for the tip! Hrm, Well I was using live rounds. There is a vast difference in trying different powders and different bullets, seating at different depths etc.,than turning bullets around, creating dangerous pressures, and splitting necks. JavaScript is disabled. experiment) to a hand loader, is much like asking a drag racer why he is constantly fiddling with his traction bars- because its fun! bullet stuck in chamber backwards 27 Jun. Hey, hold my beer, tea, whatever, and watch this.. Only guns I've seen blow up on the range were shooting reloads. Chamber pressures in this situation can and most certainly will go dangerously high (left, bottom). Use a nylon or wooden dowel, tap it out with a hammer. The casing was getting stuck in the chamber and I was a able to pry one out with a screw driver and try again but it happened again and I gave up and went home and get it out with a cleaning rod through the barrel. of Israeli Defense Forces, joins David Fortier for an exclusive interview for Shotgun News. I had been told many years ago that the backwards bullet trick was used during the depression or by rural poor people to hunt for game with cheaper surplus ammo. The wrench/hammer is for when your spring rod gets set off-center. 26. All it will do is compress the smokeless powder. Not a lot. Somehow the extractor hopped over the rim without tearing off the case head so the bolt is now out of the rifle but the round is still wedged in tight. Since the rifle was designed for use on Alaskas great bears, Johnson cut 720-grain (47 g) boat-tail .50 BMG bullets in half, seating the 450-grain (29 g) rear half upside down in the fireformed .50-caliber case. I have no experience with clearing this type of malfunction, so I am asking if it would be safe to use a pair of needle nose pliers and gently wiggle/pull the bullet out of the casing first. A forum community dedicated to Springfield Armory XD and XD-M series firearm owners and enthusiasts. [h/t gunwire.com]. WOW, that's different. Good thing, since I can't get enough of the spring rod visible to get a wrench on anyway. This mark corresponds to the front end of the stuck bullet. The blank charge probably became dislodged and is smashed inside the gun or fell out without you noticing it. That would be my suspicion, but I was looking for a little more quantifiable fact, though not necessarily expecting any. I then made a mark on the rod at the point where it entered the muzzle. In fact their only downside for handguns is they penetrate too well if you are gearing up for self-defense against human attackers with bystanders in the area. It is real. How to Remove a Stuck Bullet! Had not fired at all, came back from hiking, attempted to eject to switch back to 2-legged ammo, and discovered the problem. Second Media Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. He thought he might have stuck a bullet in the barrel, so he went back home and tried unsuccessfully to remove the bullet. First stick the rod down the bore from the muzzle to the bolt face, hold it there and put a piece of scotch tape around the rod flush with the muzzle. This isn't your grandpa's muzzleloading system. It minimizes wave drag and keeps all shock waves oblique. I had no idea where the bullet was located or if, for that matter, there was just one bullet. I will need to ream the chamber to allow flat nose bullets to be . I was explaining the appeal of backwards facing bullets in terms of their terminal ballistics. Any help from you gunsmith-types out there would be very much appreciated Re: Live round stuck in chamber - now what? Main Menu As a matter of fact I am a handloader, I fully understand the desire for a handloader to want to experiment. Maybe the same? When he pushed it in I saw the top bullet flip off the top of the mag and land backwards. "FTE" is not automatically understood, as it has two distinctly different meanings. Mar 4th 5th, 2023, Monday 3/6 8:00AM-3:00PM = HB 952 Testimony Signup, Monday 3/6 8:00AM-3:00PM = HB 704 Testimony Signup, Buy, sell, and trade in the classified section, Chat with Local gun shops, ranges, trainers & other businesses, View up to date on firearm-related events. I just hope we don't run out of rappers.". We had a line full of people and I was behind the instructor. The first task was to determine the location of the stuck bullet as that could affect how I would approach removing it. Who knew wild turkey's were so stupid!? I would Use a piece of Steel Fuel Tubing Just small enough to fit in the barrel Od .350 x id .250 That way nothing in the center to touch the PRIMER! Not the best idea and as a reloader I dont like to do anything that could blow up my fine accurate rifles. Regardless, she managed to load the mag backwards. The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off. Insert the rod into the barrel; it might be helpful to lube the outside of the tape bushing with a bit of grease. With the mag out, can you rack the slide with your rear sight on a table with muzzle pointed safely down? Posted at 09:02h . With the bullet removed, I cleaned the bore and checked for damage where the bullet had been stuck. Throw it in a fire and let it cook off. Please do the next test on a .220 Swift. When I went to unchamber the round the bullet stuck in chamber and some of powder fell into the action and the rest went out with the brass. It seemed a backward step to me, but I am resigned now, and, perhaps, happier, for when all is said and done, time is a hard master, as you of the outer world, who are slaves of the sun, would be forced to admit were you to give the matter thought. Typically WC and SWC are used in handguns. It's not a squib. Sounds like the .455 Webley Mk III. I've tried force, finesse, a rod and nothing seems to work. The procedure is duplicated from the chamber end of the barrel, revealing where the stuck bullet is located and how long it is. You must log in or register to reply here. Mark Twain, A buddy I was shooting with one day loaded .380 in his CM9 mag and fired. I had my wife move the lever because once it's out of the way you can open the slide and lock it in place (impossible without extra hands). Consider the risk of using a gun that isn't feeding/firing correctly. Repeat with a lesser amount of tape for the rest of the rod that will engage the bore. Come join the discussion about optics, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, troubleshooting, accessories, classifieds, and more! After it sets a bit, the barrel is inverted and the solvent dumped into a suitable container. Not really worried about why it is stuck at this time - I'll figure that out after I get the rifle cleared. yes, if you turn the bullet around so that the pointed end is in the case, the internal ballistic pressure does cause a pressure gradient greater where the case is crimped. Never oil a chamber. If you are that worried about setting it off, take a wooden dowel rod and drill the center of one end so you have no chance of even touching the primer. No, a FMJ backwards is not as aerodynamic as a FMJ forwards. I also read about someone loading backwards rifle round to produce subsonic loads. It also had the characteristic of being far better at holding shape, allowing the use of compressed charges. Research hardcast lead bullets with large flat meplats and you will understand. Wasnt the 50 Alaskan originally a cut down 50BMG bullet stuck into a case backwards? Lighter and tougher and more precise than ever, it's the perfect back country hunting rifle. Sounds like an out of spec round or maybe a 9x18 instead of the 9x19 round. This definitely sounds like the response of a non hand loader. I'm new to owning a rifle. One old trick with the .38 Special was to use a 148-gr. This is easily done with a solvent. | Make sure your rod is as large in diameter as possible that will still move freely in the bore. 4- Buy a KIDD charging bar kit. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. To do this I carefully ran a carbon fiber rod down the barrel from the muzzle until it contacted the bullet. Trim the case's! The legal BS that would be piled on me in the event that I did have to use them in a self defense situation wouldn't be worth it. Plus they're not going to be very accurate, the rate of twist of your rifling is going to be for standard velocity .22's, not sub sonic, or hypervelocity. I guess. They really seem to loosen up and performance improves. The primer never ignited. JavaScript is disabled. I don't think there's a term for it Well I guess I did not use the correct term. I've had a similar issue but the round was out of spec and in the rifling. Yes Gene, a backwards bullet is essentially a wadcutter or a semi-wadcutter if the bullet was of the boat-tail variety. More often than not, a single stuck bullet will seldom harm a bore. A word of caution is definitely in order here. The ideal bullet shape, from an aerodynamics perspective, is something like a football. Had the bullet stuck in the barrel farther forward, with another cartridge fired behind it, the barrel would have been damaged and in all likelihood need replacing. From what I was told, there were no injuries, but there were several very surprised and shaken folks in that shop. Feb 19, 2017. You are using an out of date browser. If the case was stuck it should have been hard to open. "Tap" your magazine to be sure it is properly seated. It will just go back into the 1/2 open position. DO NOT USE ANY OBJECTS TO HIT ROD HANDLE AS DAMAGE TO ROD AND FIREARM . The gun gets stuck and they can't open it. Once the bullet is pushed back into the mag, drop it (but keep the slide locked back). It won't extract by normal means. It is stuck in the barrel tight enough so that when you pound / pull / mortar the case out, what you are doing is pulling the bullet out of the case. Same problem happened to another person just recently here on xdtalk. Thanks. It's not your case that is stuck in the chamber, it is your bullet. Mark the location. I also seldom use a steel rod to drive out a bullet to avoid any possibility of a spark or damage to the bore. Honestly I knew what you meant and knew it wasn't a stovepipe. This does jive with what was told about the origin of sporterized military rifles. And I explained the advantage of a backwards facing bullet with what is essentially the same thing: semi or full wadcutters. Always use as large a diameter rod as possible. The videos intent is to show, if you found yourself living in a world (read anti-gun state) where hollow point bullets were banned, or worse, found yourself living under a complete ban of ammunition (nationally) could you use any old FMJ you found and turn it into a more effective round? It didnt take Johnson long to find out that the 450-grain truncated shaped solid would shoot through a big brown bear from any direction, claiming in 1988, I never recovered a slug from a bear or moose, no matter what angle the animal was shot at.. I was (am) fond of accuracy. Hello. basically I just grab the back of the slide on the serrations then kinda karate chop the back of the grip/tang area with the web of my right hand. Once the case it out, reverse the barrel in the vise jaws so that its muzzle is up. )-25acp*CMMG ar15 build. A squib will only go "pop" as opposed to "bang," and you most likely will feel less recoil than normal. Use of a pick or miniscrewdriver may release it to drop the barrel. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations.
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