Appledusk blamed Mapleshade for getting their kits drowned and turned Mapleshade away. Hello Mapleshade, Appledusk dipped his head to her formally, but Mapleshade could tell the dark cream tom was overjoyed. I just was so overwhelmed with all the judging everyone has done of my kits. This leads me to my final theory, which is the only thing that I think truly makes sense: cats choose to go to StarClan or the Dark Forest. Your disloyalty makes me sick. Imagine raking your claws across some cat's pelt, and drawing real blood! Brokenstar | Tigerstar | Blackstar | Jaggedtooth | Darkstripe | Darktail | Sleekwhisker | Clawface | Redwillow | Juniperclaw, ThunderClan Imagine the power we could have the revenge we could take. Good theory! He really had no real reason behind killing kits the way he did by attacking them ("training them."). He looked at me, reassurance in his eyes. As she nurses, she asks Frecklewish to fetch her water. Well, he's the only cat to die and make it back to the Clans in a living body. This is where my issue with the Dark Forest is since who is sent to the Dark Forest or not seems rather arbitrary. I wondered if you know what it means., Mapleshade frowned, confused. Mapleshade uncomfortably agrees, knowing that Appledusk is their real father. He told her he loved her more than anything. We will see what Oakstar says about this. She cuffed Wasppaws ear and he protested, following her to the leaders den. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Be patient, and you will find out everything.Mapleshade revealing herself to Tigerclaw. Petalpaw raced to the warriors den, possibly to get my mother; who, coincidentally, was Wasppaws mentor. The tom that was truly the father. Using his apprentice, Perchpaw, as bait, she lured him to RiverClan's border and challenged him to a fight. Warrior Cats Mapleshades Vengeance / Recap - TV Tropes The Blog Monthly is back written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone! COULDNT HAVE DARKSTAR AND THE OTHERS BEEN AS GENEROUS TO HER?! Mapleshade goes for her instead, but Appledusk jumps in the way, and he takes the fatal hit. Mapleshade tries to stop them talking, but Ravenwing reveals he had a omen, and thinks it's about the kits, that the kits do not belong in ThunderClan. Appledusk's apprentice jumps on Mapleshade and bites her neck, badly wounding her; she vows to take revenge on Reedshine and Appledusk's bloodline before crawling away. Birchface is rightfully their father, and they are Thunderclan cats through and through! This is a sub-reddit dedicated to fans of the Warriors series published by HarperColins. Mapleshade names her kits Petalkit, Patchkit and Larchkit. Appledusk Not mourning for his kits and acting innocent when confessing to Darkstar that he was the father of the kits, getting another mate, and treating her worse than prey. First, Goosefeather,a medicine cat who had the ability to always see the spirits of both StarClan and the Dark Forest. But then the Clans cast her out as a traitorand she vowed to seek her revenge. We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. I-Im sorry, She said gently. Ashfur certainly didnt seem to feel bad about his actions during his life, but I suppose its possible (although not super likely imo, because why would dying make him change his mind?) I mean, it makes sense conceptually at least; if StarClan is cat-paradise, then it makes logical sense to have an opposite of paradise: a cat-hell where bad cats go when they die. Thank you! While Appledusk was gone, Mapleshade decided to keep her kits entertained. And, yeah I put Mapleshade in the murdering because of a purpose category (wanting to get revenge because of the death of her kits,) but not the murdering for fun category. Frecklewish asks if Birchface, Frecklewish's brother, the warrior who Appledusk killed, is their father. And, about 4) when I read that passage, I interpreted it as a nightmare/hallucination brought on by the guilt he felt about being a bad father, and not that he was actually sent to the Dark Forest. She was only tryna do whats best for her kits. My point here is that I think "Ashfur went to StarClan not the Dark Forest because he loved too much" is a really weak argument and doesn't actually justify him being in StarClan since it is directly contradicted by another instance in canon, which is Mapleshade's situation. So, first off, this article did not change my mind about her (though it has good points). Ravenwing. Who are you?. Be patient, and you will find out everything. If he was the medicine cat, why does he need me? In her desperation to get her kits to safety, she tried to takethem across the stepping stones to RiverClan, only for them to be swept away by the swollen river. Nothing is known about her kithood, but it's said she was a bold, loyal and skillful warrior, known for her courage in facing enemies such as foxes, badgers and other cats. and I could go on with Hawkfrost but you get the point only one that can't be justified under this ruling is Thistleclaw which yes he was manipulative to a minor he didn't actually break the warrior code there (Despite it being all types of wrong) and we can make the argument that he wanted to make himself stronger for his clan by going to the dark forest. Its about Patchkit.. Press J to jump to the feed. Im sorry. -river clan mate It was entirely, 100% her fault. Nettlebreeze says that Mapleshade deserves to go to the Dark Forest. While he fell in love with Snowfur, Thistleclaw despised her sister, Bluestar. Mapleshade is one of thefewmajor female villains in the. Patchkit grinned, eyeing the fish gleefully. Mapleshade's Kits - Chapter 1 by Moonstone210 on DeviantArt The wind whispered through the trees as Mapleshade bounded through the Thunderclan territory. Larchpaw just looked at the sky absent-mindedly. He sees her killing Frecklewish with adders. Today was also the day of Half-Moon, where us medicine cats go to the Highstones. However, she ended up falling in love with a RiverClan tom namedAppledusk, which was forbidden by the Warrior Code. As if that wouldn't be enough, M. thunderclan patchkit mapleshade +12 more # 6 -Scarlet stream- (Hollyleaf vampir. Although I was trying not to let my personal bias cloud my analysis in the post. Hey guys, today I figured that Id share something that has been bothering me about the series the apparent inconsistency between what cats are and are not sent to the Dark Forest. Ravenwing scents me behind him. If Mapleshade's Kits Lived | Warriors Fanfiction | Fandom Would the clan find out? For now, you don't need to know anything else. Plus, well be there soon.. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! The Ultimate Guide: Updated and Expanded Edition, Mapleshade & Crookedstar - Mini Collector Figures, Mapleshade and Appledusk's confrontation, Mapleshade's confrontation with Spottedleaf. Yes, Mapleshade purred. Although listed as a RiverClan cat in The Ultimate Guide, Mapleshade was never truly accepted into RiverClan. Mapleshade watched them, amused and satisfied. Wouldnt they be happier in StarClan than the lonely, miserable Dark Forest? Mapleshade is a sturdy, large, matted, sleek, tortoiseshell she-cat with a scar on the bridge of her nose, a fluffy white tail, and amber eyes. Welcome to the Warriors Wiki! Narrator about Mapleshade's failed accomplishment. Appledusk will live on in his kits, and their kits in turn. But its for the best. But instead she chose to be lazy and take the fastest and most dangerous way, even if there was no flood. Why?! Larchkit nodded. He insists that the Clan needs to know the truth, and tells them. Another reason why she shouldve not gone to the dark forest was when she was training Crookedstar. 5 Cats That Everyone Thinks Deserved to go to the Dark Forest but dont (and one Cat who Absolutely does) by HollyleafTheGreat, Skye [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Were you watching, my precious kits? Are they ready to face danger..and the truth?. Who killed mapleshade's kits? - warriorcats. Of c-course! But, if tricking StarClan like that is so easy, then why didnt the other cats in the Dark Forest, like Darkstripe, Hawkfrost, or Thistleclaw do that? Yall May ask why send the others to the Place of No Stars? Well my friends, heres the key: Oakstar Banished a newly queen and her three kits, resulting in them dying. All-in-all, Mapleshade is one of the most ruthless and dangerous of the Warriors villains, but at the same time, she is also one of the most sympathetic. Yet he goes to StarClan and Mapleshade doesn't even though they both have similar motives (wanting to punish the cats that hurt them.) Mapleshade could never make the Clans suffer enough for what had been done to her. Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Or become a loner with that loner who tried to save her. Mapleshade herself was not at fault for their deaths, and plenty of cats who loved a cat from another Clan have gone to StarClan. I guess Im not his favorite. Afterwards, she gets pregnant with his kits. She kills Ravenwing at the Moonstone. Darkstar denied Mapleshade a place in RiverClan, which fueled her anger even more. During her exile, Mapleshade had visions of her drowned kits, initially wailing for help and then urging her to commit murder. Appledusk and Mapleshade sat together, watching from afar while their kits ate the fish. Books Mapleshae Test Warrior Cats Mapleshade. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Ashfur still attempted to murder kitties. Mapleshade grinned. She is the main antagonist ofthe super edition Crookedstar's Promise and the novella Goosefeather's Curse, the main protagonist of the novella Mapleshade's Vengeance, the overarching antagonist of the novella Tigerclaw's Fury, the secondary antagonist of the novella Spottedleaf's Heart, one of thethree secondary antagonists (alongside Brokenstar and Thistleclaw) of the story arc Omen of the Stars and a major antagonist in The Broken Code arc. You must promise me that you will be loyal to your Clan above all other things. Out of nowhere, Larchpaw leaped on him and pinned him to the ground, although his claws were sheathed. No! Mapleshade is a sturdy, large, matted, sleek, tortoiseshell she-cat with a scar on the bridge of her nose, a fluffy white tail, and amber eyes. My brother jumped off of Wasppaw as she approached. She discovered that she could dwell in the dreams of others, and watched over Stormkit, Appledusk's great grandson, destined to be RiverClan's next leader. Mapleshade smiled sadly at her kits. Don't come any closer! The Dark Forest: A Place For Evil Twisted Cats Join us, Warrior! The kits soon were playfighting with a leaf that spiraled down from the sky. Its Patchpaw, and this prey is not for me, but for Crimsonwish. The reasons why she didnt go to the bridge was In the recent months, and years, really, I've noticed that there have been a lot of people who, without much reason, just seem to defend Mapleshade and say she should go to Starclan, blah blah blah. Mapleshadeshe's a really old Dark Forest cat, and all of the others seem afraid of her, even Tigerstarwell, Mapleshade is taking a special interest in me. Period. Cats like Tigerstar, Thistleclaw, and Brokenstar who viewed StarClan and stupid and weak simply did not want to go there after their deaths. know Birchface? Larchkit asks. I looked for revenge whenever I could! Then, maybe it isnt a question about action, but rather about motive. I totally agree about Ashfur haha. Add to library 5. Consider creating an account! Finally, they had made it to the Riverclan border, only a raging river not standing in their way. Mapleshade still felt a sickening in her stomach as she went back to camp. Only if you want to, though., Mapleshade was bewildered, but honored.
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