I have also successfully completed the PGCert in Blended Learning where I further developed my teaching knowledge by developing activities that could be delivered online to supplement face-to-face classroom situations. I have also completed MBA degree. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. If you could, how would you? educating your staff and students about copyright. I have tried my best to showcase the following: Learning Technologist, Cranfield UniversityLearning Services, Building 70, Room 7, Defence Academy for the United Kingdom. You can see what other Universities are up to, meet like-minded professionals and potentially make contacts that may provide opportunities for collaboration. The lecturer could instead request a reflective journal or blog, digital portfolio, video or something else that will demonstrate that the students have met the intended outcomes. I'm a 'long-term' Mq girl. A Senior Fellowship application should really include evidence of institutional impact. View all posts by Craig Owen. All the content in this portfolio was from when I worked at Southampton Solent University, and successfully became a Fellow of the HEA in May 2015. From looking at the bookings I could see that we were to expect 50 participants ranging from administrators to lecturers, HR managers to support service staff. Part of this was initially submitted through portfolio for Associate Fellowship (AFHEA) in 2020, and then was expanded for written application for Fellowship, and assessed in mid-2021. This guidance and the template have been designed to help you structure your supporting statement to provide the A sample from Olga's HEA Fellowship application The next step was to decide on the overall style of my application. It empowers us as citizens to reach and express informed views and to engage fully with society (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, 2018). Participants in this pathway will be provided with a mentor who is an accredited HEA Fellow who will support the development of their application. On reflection, this method of teaching really suited the participants as those who managed to pick up the technology quickly were able to either help those around them or make discoveries of their own and share them with the class. that I may be missing something important and that there is never enough doi: 10.1353/lib.2016.0004. London: UCL Press, pp. Forsey, M., Low, M. and Glance, D. (2013) Flipping the sociology classroom: Towards a practice of online pedagogy, Journal of Sociology, 49(4), pp. I have built an activity and short demonstration of the Flipped Classroom model using myCourse (http://mycourse.solent.ac.uk/flip). Lochtie, D., Stork, A., McIntosh, E. and Walker, B. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 105117. One activity written into the workshop asks the leaners to think about how they would present themselves online to prospective employer and incorporates elements of the Active Learning Theory. During the summer of 2013 we upgraded our myPortfolio software and therefore needed to update all of the support materials. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. Finally during the third year of roll-out I was asked to support 12 units some with up to 5 separate cohorts meaning 15hrs of my support for that one unit. This application was prepared over the course of 2019-2021. Oxford: Chandos. Feedback like this is very helpful, and its encouraging to see that a high-profile academic is promoting us amongst their colleagues. In the revision guide I also reproduced the essential reading list, which would help students comprehend every ILO, and I asked students to jot down which ones they had and had not read. This site is aimed at all staff and students with the hope that it can support them for whatever purpose. Your contextual statement gave a good sense of your learning and teaching philosophy, highlighting your commitment to inclusive, student-centered learning. ________________________________________________________________. This led me to think about what advice we give to our students at SSU about their own employability skills, and whether or not they knew how to exploit the free web for their own personal gains. From doing this course I was able to experience what it was like being one of thousands of students on a MOOC, see how the course was designed and delivered, and update my knowledge on Virtual instruction. A learning technologist will facilitate each session alongside someone who has trialled or uses the technology in their teaching. As shown above, I always try to ensure that I understand as much about my subject area as possible. This idea of connected experiences and journeys in knowledge creation/discovery as part of information work is also part of my philosophy to move away from traditional forms of library instruction in one-shot paradigms, to the scaffolded building of knowledges. Ive made my written application and my feedback available here so that other librarians have an open example of what a successful written application looks like. I consider myself more as a facilitator of learning rather than a teacher as I rely on my participants to follow my advice and guidance, reflect on how it can affect their everyday practices, and finally share it with their peers. I have anAcademia.Eduaccount which I use to publish my research to my network of followers on twitter and facebook. using the application Educreations (Educreations 2016). These can be done in my own time and do not affect my job, are free and often open my mind to new ideas and ways of learning. To some technology is seen as a necessary evil and I can hopefully help them to see the benefits rather than the inconvenience. Be sure to also reference Fellowship Instructions for NIH and Other PHS Agencies PDF and "PHS Fellowship Supplemental Form" on page 26 of Annotated Form Set for NIH Grant ApplicationsFORMS-F Series PDF. Once you've attended UCL Arena events that relate to your teaching, supervision, student support or leadership role, you can apply for one of the categories of Fellowship by submitting a written or multi-modal application to an internal panel of academic and professional assessors. So armed with the HEA framework, I set off writing my There is also a Canvas Site with a recording of the information session along with examples of applications and additional guidance documents. Freire, P. (1985)Pedagogy of the oppressed. A1 Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study, Intended Learning Outcomes and Constructive Alignment. I am responsible for writing and building the myPortfolio Guide in myCourse (http://mycourse.solent.ac.uk/myportfolio). Available at:https://www.policyconnect.org.uk/research/arriving-thriving-learning-disabled-students-ensure-access-all(Accessed: 21 December 2020). Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA) 2020, International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) 2020, Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) 2020. doi: 10.4324/9780429432606. Descriptors, outcome (Accept / Borderline / Refer), and any special comments: 2.I Successful engagement across all five Areas of ActivityAccept, 2.II Appropriate knowledge and understanding across all aspects of Core KnowledgeAccept, 2.III A commitment to all the Professional ValuesAccept. Most of my knowledge and experience comes from CPD and personal development activities that I have undertook so that I am able to confidently design learning activities that align to my objectives and outcomes. Support for writing your application. Associate Fellow (D1 AFHEA) Some teaching and/or supporting learning responsibilities students, GTAs, contract researchers, In order to apply for post. All the experience and evidence included in your application must relate to teaching and/or support for learning practice related to higher education provision such as: + level 4 or above within the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) in My role as a Learning Technologist is to empower staff in using technology to enhance teaching and learning, thus improving the student learning experience. I submitted my application in February 2014. The Higher Education Academy (HEA) is an international, non-profit organization that promotes teaching excellence in higher education. On gaining Fellowship you become part of a community of Fellows and you will need to familiarise yourself with the Fellowship Code of Practice. I decided to choose a MOOC with a subject close to what I do professionally and chose Foundations of Virtual Instruction offered by University California, Irvine via Coursera (https://www.coursera.org/course/virtualinstruction). And while there is a virtual reading group that anybody regardless of their location could potentially participate in, its scheduled for 12:30 London time, which happens to be 23:30 Sydney time. Sessions that I often deliver include Turnitin, myCourse and myPortfolio. At first, I was disappointed with the current lack of workshops in Australia, but I thought Id apply anyway. Vygotsky, L.S. As my relationships with academics and programmes have deepened, so has my ability to teach within these paradigms. In this section, you should provide examples of work, in the form of case studies, to evidence your effectiveness in relation to your role. As mentioned at the start of this application, I have undertaken a PGCert in Teaching Post Compulsory Education and Training where I was able to hone my skills as a teacher and understand the importance of mentoring and support students and their needs, classroom management and professional practices (lesson plans, schemes of work, resources and assessment). Lloyd, A. Hello Olga Either way, the mid-unit clinic is only successful if the students have carried out the tasks set prior to the session. Brown, N. and Leigh, J. The first is the theory of information landscapes (Lloyd, 2010) which aims to theorise and understand the ways in which people move contextually in, amongst and between socially constructed information in their lives, which itself relies heavily on social constructivism (Vygotsky, 1978). The University will support you in your direct application for Principal Fellow (D4) to the HEA by bearing the cost of the application and holding occasional workshops to guide you through the application process. They are then invited to share their answers with those sat next to them, giving them the opportunity to fine-tune their responses with their neighbours feedback. For example, one ILO from a lecture I gave on a qualitative research methods module was: analyse the way inwhich language constructs particular versions of reality (K1). As a four-part series I am openly publishing my case studies previously submitted for my Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. My role in this is to mainly organise and facilitate these sessions along with my colleagues, giving the floor to the academics, hopefully to inspire them. I centre my pedagogy around a basis in constuctivism, particularly social constructivism (Vygotsky, 1978), with a humanist lens. University teaching in focus: a learning-centred approach. (Accessed: 3 October 2019]. Book review: Laura Ellingson Embodiment in qualitativeresearch. MMus Music, The University of Huddersfield, 2015. Harmondsworth: Penguin. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Oxford, ASKe: Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development. for this criterion in the other column (see a small snippet below of how I did : Harvard University Press. I often attend and get invited to present at Solent events, delivering sessions such as the "Digital Researcher?, "Rethinking Pedagogy with New Technologies" and "Why Social Media Matters". Before beginning my teaching career I had obtained . https://blog.yorksj.ac.uk/lgbt/2019/10/11/diversity-in-information-resources-working-towards-inclusion-2/, The Practice and Promise of Critical Information Literacy: Academic Librarians Involvement in Critical Library Instruction, http://crl.acrl.org/index.php/crl/article/view/16616, Flipping the sociology classroom: Towards a practice of online pedagogy, Multimodal pedagogy in TESOL teacher education: Students perspectives, Toward Inclusive Education? The PSF sets out the professional standards for higher education. (Accessed: 19 December 2019). This often allows room for me to think and sometimes learn something new from the outcomes shared by the group. Finally, we liked how your ideas were extended with lived-experience examples and developed into practical tools and teaching practice. This, then, was an explicit step in encouraging and facilitating student self-directed reading and revision (K3, K4, V1, V2). I am aware of the importance of accessibility and inclusivity and therefore try to make sure my support is available to as many people in as many ways as possible. You may identify specific career milestones, influential professional development activities, engagement with significant others, etc. Vygotsky, L.S. From previous experience this exercise causes the energy in the room lift as the student discussions get louder and louder. As part of this effort, UNSW offers the HEA Fellowship program accredited by Advance HE. It took me probably 1-2 months to draft it. Therefore the approach I took was to show them why having a professional online presence now matters, suggest a few examples of sites that can be used, present case studies of students who have successfully gained employment through their online presence, and showcase some real-life examples where it goes horribly wrong. Required fields are marked *. When I first heard about HEA fellowships, I assumed that, if successful, Id be upskilled by HEA (workshops, mentoring, a structured program of some sort, maybe even a grant ). reflectively, I shared some writing tips in this Cracking Ableism is also highly prevalent in academia itself (Brown and Leigh, 2020), with Gillberg (2020) specifically critiquing how ableism creates and maintains knowledge production and disciplines itself (Liersh, 2019) critical librarianship asks me to extend this to the work of librarians in HE, and bring disability out of being silent and sidelined (Williams and Hagood, 2019). Supporting Statement Guidance - Associate Fellowship Thank you for agreeing to provide the supporting statement required to corroborate an application for Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA). Dean, C. J. Robert Gordon University. Liersch, U. Essentially, its mission is to improve learning outcomes by raising the quality and status of teaching in higher education. You should complete this section against the relevant descriptor statements (D1-D3) in the UKPSF, making sure that you provide evidence against the relevant Dimensions of the Framework. In 2011 I was invited to be a guest presenter and workshop facilitator for a JISC ePortfolio event held in London where I shared mine and my colleagues? The HEA defines 'good standing' as "continuing to work in accordance with the standard indicated by the relevant Fellow Descriptor of the UKPSF (HEA, 2013:2). From experience, I knew that the face-to-face induction part was fairly useless as most students wouldnt open myPortfolio again until I saw them during the clinic session, meaning I would have to go over the whole induction process again. The objective was to give the lecturers and staff an opportunity to experience of what it was like to study as a student using the Flipped Model of course delivery, giving them an idea of how they can use myCourse themselves to facilitate this method of teaching. As time went on, I noticed something interesting. _____________________________________________________________. Disabled students routinely experience difficulties with university structures, bureaucracy and systems which are not designed around them this includes pedagogy and support mechanisms (Blunkett, Mitchell and Norton, 2020) [V1, V2, V4]. ____________________________________________________________. Advance HE is a UK-based member-led, sector-owned charity that promotes excellence in higher education across the world. Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies IAAP, candidate 2021. 1. I did my PhD here and taught on different courses, ranging from 1st year to PhD students. Connor, D. J. It will be interesting to see if the students do actually follow my guidance, compile and submit a more focussed assessment, thus improving the average grade for that cohort. HEA fellowship - A portfolio example In 2016 I gained fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. The pedagogical rationale underpinning this activity is that the students were able to engage in active learning through the means of collaborative peer dialogue, wherein each station provided the scaffolding for students existing knowledge and understanding to be activated and reviewed (Robb, 2013) (K2, K3, V3). UQ is supporting academic and professional staff and HDR students to apply for an HEA Fellowship through the HEA@UQ program. In future, I will develop this further for students to self-assess to further the knowledge construction. You should complete this section against the relevant descriptor statements (D1-D3) in the UKPSF, making sure that you provide evidence against appropriate Dimensions of the Framework. Fellowship Exemplar Principal Fellowship Application Form: HEA Guidance on the UKPSF Areas of Activity, Higher Education Academy Fellowships. This is an example of how Mahara can be used to build a portfolio of evidence. 414440. Having a toddler who wakes me up around 5 am every morning, that is simply not feasible for me. Upcoming Fellowship deadlines Monday 5th December 2022 (Click on the icon to your left to view the . I chose the latter approach as I find it easier to be reflective Another series of successful workshops are the Half Hour Huddles, part of Online Pedagogies strand of Technology Enhanced Learning Community of Practice. The HEA Fellowship is administered by Advance HE in the UK, whose goal is to bring the higher education sector together to share teaching strategies and practice. Available at:https://cjds.uwaterloo.ca/index.php/cjds/article/view/690. assessors/trainers who talked us through HEA framework. [citation needed]Founded in response to the increasing . Robert Gordon University. Following are successful project statements from a former junior fellow, a senior fellow and a performing/creative Locate your evidence PFHEA begins with the selection of evidence that will underpin the entire application (this is called the Record of Educational Impact or REI). During the workshop we asked the more experienced users to buddy up with those who were new to Twitter.
