Other requirements may apply to the movement of cranes within city limits, such as daily or annual over-dimensional travel permit(s) as issued by NYC DOT. Canopy (CAN) hold A CAN hold is automatically placed on a canopy maintenance permit application until a HIQA inspector performs a final inspection confirming the submitted plans. OCMC will review the project to determine if a Community Reassessment Impact and Amelioration (CRIA) statement must be submitted to NYC DOT. CONTRACTOR MUST NOTIFY THE ALLIANCE FOR DOWNTOWN NEW YORK 120 BROADWAY SUITE 3340 NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10271 212-566-6700, AT LEAST 3 BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. MAINTAIN 8 FOOT CLEAR PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY ON SIDEWALK. IF RENEWED OR REISSUED, THIS PERMIT SHALL NOT BE PLACED ON HOLD. Attn: Forestry To release an FCR hold, the applicant must demonstrate that either he or she has begun the CRIA process or that the CRIA statement is not required. THIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FULL INTERSECTION RESTORATION AS AGREED TO WITH THE BOROUGH ASHO'S OFFICE. A longer-term resurfacing schedule that forecasts several months of anticipated work is distributed during borough-level monthly utility coordination meetings (seeSection 2.3 Key Principles for Effective Notice and Coordination of Planned Street Work). or Tax I.D. Fax: (718) 298-7075, Staten Island (part-time office) THIS PERMIT REQUIRES REVIEW AND RELEASE FOR SPECIAL TRAFFIC PROJECT RESTORATION. Office hours: 8:30 AM-3:30 PM (in person) CONTAINER SHALL NOT BE STORED OR PLACED WITHIN: (I) "NO STOPPING","NO PARKING ANYTIME" OR "AUTHORIZED PARKING" AREAS. Entities that perform work in the streetsfrom utilities or contractors accessing subsurface infrastructure to property owners repairing sidewalksmust follow certain procedures when undertaking such work and must meet restoration requirements following its completion. Costs: Shown for each pole or luminaire as a $ symbol, representing relative costs compared to the Standard Street Light (SSL), the Octagonal Pole. STANDARD SHEETS (METRIC) > Doing Business with NYSDOT - (business-center) > Engineering > CADD Info > Drawings > Standard Sheets (Metric) > 619 Maintenance and Protection of Traffic Note: Effective May 2017 no new or updated versions of Metric Standard sheets will be published. Cobra Head fixture on standard lamppost This chapter, which constitutes the current DOT Street Lighting Catalogue, outlines options for street and pedestrian lighting for New York City streets, bikeways, pedestrian bridges, pedestrian malls, plazas, and parks. The permittee must attach a copy of the original permit to the application when requesting a re-issuance and all applicable reviews and fees will apply. Typical treatments include removing vault roof near curb, filling flowable lifts, and breaking vault floor. Some of the requirements include but are not limited to: Expansion JointsExpansion joints must be placed at 20-foot intervals, expansion joint filler material must be placed to the full depth of the sidewalk, and all expansion joints must be recessed and sealed. At crossings, the height of Accessible Pedestrian Signals must be reachable by a person using a mobility device, at a preferred height of 42 inches and a maximum height of 48 inches (see, Existing foundations at traffic signal locations in certain flood-vulnerable areas are being replaced with coastal storm foundations that incorporate a square concrete pedestal raising the electrical components above some flood depths. THIS STIP IS USED WHEN MORE THAN 50% OF THE INTERSECTION HAS BEEN EXCAVATED OR IF WORK CROSSES THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERSECTION. Prior to any permit revocation, NYC DOT will give the permittee an opportunity to be heard with not less than two days' notice. For further information regarding fees, the applicant should refer to Section 2-03 of the Highway Rules. Concretemust be poured and finished in accordance with NYC DOT Standard Highway Specifications. STREETBOND COLORANT IS ADDED TO PROVIDE COLOR. Whenever a permit has been issued in error and the conditions are such that the permit should not have been issued. WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH OCMC STIP SHEET AND ALL VALID AMENDMENTS WHICH MUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS PERMIT AND ON SITE. 4. FULL SIDEWALK CLOSURE WITH WALKWAY IN ROADWAY, WEEKDAY NIGHTS 7PM TO 6AM AND FRI NIGHT 7PM THRU MON 6AM. If this is not possible, sketches or drawings must be submitted, in duplicate, showing the proposed method of treatment to NYC DOT for approval. Typically, permits must be kept at the work site or designated field headquarters at all times and must be made available for inspection. Brooklyn, NY 11202 Full Closure Review (FCR) hold An FCR hold is automatically placed on the 90th consecutive calendar day of any full street closure. IF LOCATION IS IN SCHOOL ZONE AS SPECIFIED IN SCHOOL STIPULATION, MAY ONLY WORK 9 AM TO 2 PM MON TO FRI WHEN SCHOOL IS IN SESSION (083 STIPULATION). IF WORK IS WITHIN 100FT OF A BRIDGE STRUCTURE, YOU MUST SUBMIT A SCALED DRAWING SHOWING THE WORK AND EXACT LOCATION. A sample of an acceptable Certificate of Insurancecan be viewed here and in Appendix B. THIS PERMIT INCLUDES ALL WORK ASSOCIATED WITH THE INSTALLATION OF TREE PITS/STORM WATER CATCHMENTS. If there is no hold, the permit is issued to the applicant after appropriate payment is received. Brooklyn, NY 11201 Tel: (212) 788-6600, New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) These are in addition to the "Common Requirements" listed at the beginning of this section. IF WORK IS MORE THAN 100FT AWAY, YOU MUST FORWARD CERTIFICATION. 280 Broadway, 3rd Floor WITHIN THIS TIME FRAME ONE WAY ROADWAYS LESS THAN 39FT. NO OCCUPANCY OF ROADWAY OF PERMITTED AFTER WORKING HOURS. Check traffic advisories. PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY WORK, TO ENSURE THAT YOU RESTORE IN-KIND, YOU MUST CONTACT THE NYC TRAFFIC PLANNING DIVISION TO OBTAIN THE CONSTRUCTION AND MARKING PLANS FOR SPEED REDUCER INSTALLATION AND ANY SIGNAGE ASSOCIATED WITH THE REDUCER. COORDINATE WITH NYSDOT PRIOR TO WORK. See the state links below for available standard drawings. Office hours: 8:30 AM-5:00 PM, Brooklyn The Glossary and definitions found in this Manual provide a brief explanation of NYC DOT terminology. Either response must be sent to NYC DOT's Division of Bridges at bridgeshold@dot.nyc.gov for review and release prior to commencing work. MUST MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS AS SET FORTH IN RTE 9A RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT REPAIR DETAILS FOR REPLACEMENT OF 50 YEARS CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND SIDEWALK DATED 9/7/2001. To this end, this chapter discusses existing mechanisms that help inform utility companies and other potentialstreet excavatorsof impending NYC DOT work, including how to access information on NYC DOT's planned capital projects, weekly street resurfacing schedules, "protected street"*information and other data that can help to facilitate effective communication regarding street work. Transverse SlopeSidewalks must be laid to pitch from the building line toward the curb. A copy of the form can also be foundin Appendix B, Forms. (718) 391-1008 MAY WORK 7AM TO 8PM IN PARKING LANE ONLY TO OPEN UNDERGROUND STREET ACCESS COVERS FOR REPAIRS AND OR CABLE PULLS. The second option is available for applicants who do not have the technology to use the above procedure. When a need exists to develop special details similar to the standard details, consultants may request copies of the .dgn files from their NYSDOT Project Managers. The Guarantee Period is considered to be three years on unprotected streets, and up to five years, but at no time less than three years, on protected (recently resurfaced or reconstructed) streets commencing on the restoration completion date. Outlined below are the basic application procedures for Sidewalk Construction Permits. Office hours: 8:30 AM-3:30 PM. THE EMBARGO INCLUDES BUILDING OPERATIONS. Telephone inquiries: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM, Staten Island Third, following installation of the canopy, a final inspection by HIQA is required to confirm compliance with the applicant's submitted plans. Building Operations/Construction Activity Permits apply to construction activities that take place within the street and are generally associated with construction work adjacent to the street. 59 Maiden Lane, 34th Floor Download about 619-011: Work Zone Traffic Control General Tables & Legend; General Information 619-012: Sign Table Keywords: Sign, Table. For further information, call (212) 839-9435. City Hall, 3rd Floor 1 Centre Street, 9th Floor (212) 839-8980 NYC DOT may revoke a permit without affording the permittee an opportunity to be heard prior to the revocation if NYC DOT determines that an imminent peril to life or property exists. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. All other times: (718) 433-3447, The Bronx and North Queens (north of the Long Island Expressway) Sidewalk Construction Permits are designated as the "04" permit series, meaning all permits in this category begin with "04". PLACE LEFT LIGHTED ARROW BOARD 24/7 NE CORNER OF AMSTERDAM AVE/W.60 ST. NO IMPACT ON 4 TRAVEL LANES AT ANY TIME. Payment of the waiver request fee, as specified in the Highway Rules, Section 2-03, does not guarantee that approval to work during the embargo period will be granted. Long Island City, NY 11101 Staten Island, NY 10301 ON STIP WAGE02), WORK NORTHBOUND 7AM-4PM M-F AND 9AM-6PM SAT/SUN. SECTION24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. To this end, the Street Works Manual is a resource for all parties that perform work in New York City streets, from utilities and contractors installing, replacing and repairing underground infrastructure to developers replacing roadways and sidewalks adjacent to building sites and homeowners performing their own sidewalk repairs. THIS APPLIES TO PERMITTEES AND ALL OF THEIR SUBCONTRACTORS. number as provided by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). MAINTAIN ONE 12 FOOT LANE FOR LOCAL AND EMERGENCY ACCESS AT ALL TIMES, PLACE BARRICADES AND POST SIGNS MEETING "FEDERAL MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD)" STANDARDS STATING "ROAD CLOSED TO THROUGH TRAFFIC", MAINTAIN 2 LANES FOR TRAFFIC, 1 LANE IN EACH DIRECTION, MAINTAIN 4 LANES FOR TRAFFIC, 2 LANES IN EACH DIRECTION. Listed in the table are the most commonly requested Building Operations/Construction Activity Permit types, which may be used when completing an application. Atransformer vaultis a subsurface structure or room that houses electrical transformers and appurtenant equipment. The hold is to review the proposed work and set conditions for the work and/or the street restoration. (212) 839-9561/9566 The Queens borough permit office is located in Queens Borough Hall. VARIANCE GRANTED TO WORK DURING THE"HOLIDAY" EMBARGO-NOVEMBER TO JANUARY, AS STIPULATED BY THE OCMC OFFICE. ). Street Arterial Maintenance (SAM) hold A Street Opening Permit request to perform work on a protected street will automatically have a SAM hold placed on it if the proposed work start date is within 18 months of the street being resurfaced/reconstructed. MUST COORDINATE WITH NYPD PRECINCT C.O. Drawings are available in various formats including PDF (Acrobat), DGN (MicroStation Design File), DWG and DXF (AutoCAD Drawing), and other image types (TIF, DPR). Coordination aims to reduce street excavation work on recently repaved streets. YOU MUST SURVEY THE SITE. With advance notice of NYC DOT's intent to work in a particular location, utility companies and other potential street excavators are better able to make arrangements to minimize potential conflicts or to leverage the opportunity to perform their work before resurfacing or reconstruction is complete. The requested permit must be appropriate for the type of work that is planned. REQUIRES LOWER MANHATTAN BOROUGH COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE (LMBCO) REVIEW. Executive (EXC) hold An EXC hold is automatically placed if the proposed permit locations involve locations deemed necessary by NYC DOT. During the application process, the NYCSTREETS system will automatically identify cases which require additional HE review, and processes them accordingly. (212) 442-1890 The applicant will be charged a fee of $30 for each utility access cover opening EAN. With over 185,000 corners, the Pedestrian Ramp Program is a robust program focused on installing and upgrading pedestrian ramps (curb ramps) throughout the five boroughs. WORK SATURDAY, 8 AM-6 PM AND SUNDAY 9 AM-6 PM. PROVIDE 5 FEET FOR PEDESTRIANS ON SIDEWALK OR IN CURB LANE. PERMITTEE MUST NOTIFY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL IN WRITING 48 HOURS PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY WORK. THIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR RESTORATION OF CUT CONFINED TO WITHIN 8 FEET OF THE CURB LINE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NYCDOT RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR PROTECTED STREETS. Division of Review & Construction Compliance (718) 595-5223 or To release a VLT hold, the Permit Offices Plan Examination Unit must be contacted. WITHIN THIS 15 FEET THE FIRST 8 FEET ADJACENT TO THE CURB IS FOR MATERIALS/EQUIPMENT, THE THE REMAINDER OF THIS 15 FEET IS FOR 5 FOOT CLEAR FOR PEDESTRIANS WITH BARRIERS NO IMPACT ON THE REMAINDER OF THE 47 FEET OF THE REAMINDER OF THE ROADWAY AT ANY TIME._ MEC-07-270. If the installed canopy fails final inspection, HIQA will reject the canopy maintenance permit and notify the applicant of the rejection. FULL WIDTH OF SIDEWALK AND ROADWAY MUST BE RESTORED AFTER WORKING HOURS. (212) 839-4700 Permits (hazardous storage/operations) (718) 999-2457, New York City Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DoITT) POST "NO STANDING 7AM- 6PM M-F" SIGNS ON THE NORTH CURB. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. Office hours: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM, Queens Additional requirements are contained in Sections 2-02 and 2-09 of the Highway Rulesand should be consulted before any work is performed on the street. (212) 839-8847 POSTING OF SIGNS ON MTA/NYCT ANTENNA POLES IS PROHIBITED. Special Treatment Projects (STP) hold Any permits issued to work in areas that have a special treatment such as Times Square, Madison Square, Herald Square and other pedestrian plaza areas are automatically placed on hold. The Bronx DO NOT PLACE MATERIALS, TRAILERS, CRANES, CONTAINERS, OR EQUIPMENT IN FRONT OF DRIVEWAYS, BUS STOPS, WITHIN FIFTEEN FEET OF A FIRE HYDRANT, IN AUTHORIZED PARKING ZONES OR BLOCKING ACCESS TO DEP WATER TESTING BOXES. NYC Parks & Recreation All of these signs are metal and include the agency name and sign code. In addition, a second permit must be applied for to maintain the canopy. Long Island City, NY 11101 LANE CLOSURES MAY NOT OCCUR WHEN TWO LANE CLOSURES OCCUR ON GOWANUS OR ON RAMPS LEADING TO 3RD AVENUE. DURING CLOSURE SCA MUST SUPERVISE FLAGERS AT EACH INTERSECTION APPROCHING THE WALKWAY CLOSURE DIRECTING PEDESTRIAN TO OPPOSITE SIDEWALK VIA CROSSWALK. PERMITTEE MUST CALL/FAX OEM REGARDING EMERGENCY SITUATION. Information on the restoration requirements for sidewalk repairs can be found inChapter 4 Executing Work in the Street. Street work at Third Avenue and Saint Marks Place, Manhattan as part of a larger Cooper Square area reconstruction project. Street lights and signals at corners must be sited so that they do not obstruct pedestrian ramps, ensuring sufficient access to the sidewalk for all pedestrians, including those using mobility devices. AND THAT THE PREVAILING SCALE OF UNION WAGES SHALL BE THE PREVAILING WAGE FOR SIMILAR TITLES AS ESTABLISHED BY THE FISCAL OFFICER PURSUANT TO SEC. (718) 222-7307 Street excavations also adversely affect the condition of the streets, reducing the number of years the pavement would otherwise be expected to remain in good or excellent condition following resurfacing or reconstruction, and increasing repair and life cycle costs for the city. If the proposed location may be suitable, HIQA performs an inspection in order to confirm its suitability. Bronx, NY 10462 THIS PERMIT REQUIRED AN ODV PERMIT WHICH MUST BE IN THE VEHICLE FOR INSPECTION BY A POLICE OFFICER AND OR AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENTAL EMPLOYEE UPON REQUEST. OCMC will release the hold after it reviews the proposed work and adds the permit stipulations. FLAG PERSON MUST BE PROVIDED TO STOP PEDESTRIAN AND/OR VEHICLE TRAFFIC WHILE LIFTING MATERIALS OVERHEAD AND ALSO WHEN CROSSING SIDEWALK IN CONJUCTION WITH CROSSING SIDEWALK PERMITS. MAY STORE TOOL CART IN PARKING LANE DURING NON-WORKING HOURS. Department of Transportation. WITH NYCDOT MILLING AND PAVING OPERATION. Staten Island, NY 10301 THIS STIP IS USED FOR WORK IN AN INTERSECTION. (718) 391-1958 WORK 9 AM TO 7 PM SATURDAY AND 10 AM TO 7 PM SUNDAY. CLOSURE GRANTED AT REQUEST OF SCA LETTER. STLRES-RESTORE AS PER SKETCH #3 OF DOT'S PROTECTED STREET RESTORATION REQ'MENTS. DOT Street Lighting's Standard Drawings Book [PDF] includes Standard drawings for elements in the lighting catalogue. New York, NY 10041 The citys Climate Resiliency Design Guidelines[PDF] provide guidance on height. Permittees are responsible for maintaining the restoration for the duration of the "Guarantee Period" and must retain insurance for this purpose. WALKWAY IN ROADWAY MAY BE CLOSED 8AM- 4:30PM MON - FRI OPEN ALL OTHER TIMES. The private homeowner must complete the application for a. One call to New York 811 provides for where gas (yellow), electric (red) and phone (orange) are located. Tel: (718) 482-4825. Staten Island, NY 10301 Crane placed on the street for construction activity. TO FRI. OTHER TIMES OCCUPY 11 FEET ADJACENT TO SOUTH CURB ONLY. Who has exhibited a pattern of disregard for the rules or orders of NYC DOT or the terms or conditions of permits issued by NYC DOT or for other applicable law. An EAN is required for each utility access cover opening at a location, provided that the work is performed around the clock until the emergency is eliminated, at which time the EAN expires. MAINTAIN FOUR 11 FOOT LANES, TWO 11 FOOT LANES ON EACH SIDE OF THE EXISTING CENTER MALL. 120-55 Queens Boulevard, 2nd floor Section 3.5 Other Provisions Pertaining to Permits contains more information on holds. The goal of advance coordination is to reduce the number of excavations in New York City streets. MAINTAIN 5 FOOT PED. AS A CONDITION OF THIS PERMIT A CONSTRUCTION MANAGER FAMILIAR WITH THIS PROJECT IS REQUIRED TO ATTEND WEEKLY TUESDAY MEETINGS AT 115 BROADWAY 5TH FL OF THE L.M.C.C.C. Applicants should contact the NYC DOT Plan Examination Unit (PEU) of the Permit Office to initiate the application process and to determine specific requirements for a permit and a license, if required. These include: Certain circumstances are considered to be emergencies, meaning situations that endanger the public safety or cause or are likely to cause the imminent interruption of service. DOT Street Lighting's Standard Drawings Book [PDF] includes Standard drawings for elements in the lighting catalogue. Some of the features on CT.gov will not function properly with out javascript enabled. PERMITTEE MAY BE REQUIRED TO REMOVE CONTAINER IMMEDIATELY UPON NOTIFICATION BY NYCDOT OR AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE. An overview of major permit categories, is provided below. NO EQUIPMENT/MAT'L MAY BE PLACED ON TOP OF SENSORS. NYC DOT authorization is required before installing a canopy over the sidewalk. However, if extraordinary conditions are present, the applicant may be asked to meet with OCMC. It also helps NYC DOT to identify opportunities for joint bidding and to coordinate the timing of the agency's resurfacing and reconstruction activities. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. All active permits in the affected area(s) are suspended during the dates and times of the embargo period and no new permits may be approved, unless a waiver for the work is granted by OCMC. Department of Transportation The Permit Bureau issues a number of different categories of construction-related permits for work on a street. The city has master revocable consent agreements with electric utility companies that allow them to occupy and use city property for transformer vaults. PERMITTEE IS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN PLAN APPROVAL FROM DOT/PERMIT MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING REVIEW AT 212-839-9666, NYC ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, 19-142, WORKERS ON EXCAVATIONS: A PERSON TO WHOM A PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED, TO USE OR OPEN A STREET, SHALL BE REQUIRED, BEFORE SUCH PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED, TO AGREE THAT NONE BUT COMPETENT WORKERS, SKILLED IN THE WORK REQUIRED OF THEM, SHALL BE EMPLOYED THEREON, (CONT. Chapter 3 describes different types of construction-related permits issued by NYC DOT and outlines the application processes for each permit type. Tel: (646) 252-5517 or (646) 252-5544, New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) WORK SOUTHBOUND ONLY. AUTHORIZED PARKING, DIPLOMAT PARKING, BUS STOPS & TAXI ZONES ARE RESTRICTED. MAINTAIN A 5-FOOT CLEAR SIDEWALK WHEN WORKING ON THE ROADWAY AND A 5-FOOT PROTECTED PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY IN THE ROADWAY MEETING NYCDOT SPECIFICATIONS AND RAMPED AT ENTRY TO SIDEWALK FOR HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY WHEN WORKING ON THE SIDEWALK. Effective 8/5/19 Closed until Further Notice Brooklyn, NY 11201 Pedestrian RampsWhen a corner is constructed, reconstructed or repaired, pedestrian ramps must be installed in accordance with NYC DOT Standard Highway Specifications found and in accordance with the most recent revision of Drawing H-1011 from the NYC DOT's Standard Details of Construction. Street resurfacing in progress. PHONE#508-429-6023. Download a PDF of theGlossary and Appendicesfor offline access to the Resources section. FIVE OR MORE SPEED REDUCERS ARE LOCATED IN THE ROADWAY OF YOUR PROPOSED WORK AREA. SPECIFICATION. NOTARIZE THE FORM. Attn: Forestry Tel: (212) 788-3071 Where certification is unobtainable from the manufacturer, certification by the installer may be submitted instead. Canopy permits are generally taken out by building owners, business owners, and canopy installers. This list is provided as a reference tool, for informational purposes only, and is not an exhaustive list. Click here to view a sample certification formand in Appendix B, Forms. PRIOR TO BEGINING ANY WORK, TO ENSURE THAT YOU RESTORE THE AREA IN-KIND, YOU MUST CONTACT THE NYCDOT RED LIGHT CAMERA UNIT TO OBTAIN THE CONSTRUCTION AND MARKINGS PLANS FOR THIS WORK AREA. For hearings, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Wednesdays and Thursdays of the month from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM MICROSTATION SHEET MODELS. RESTORE ALL TRAVEL LANES WHEN SITE IS UNATTENDED CONTRACTOR MAY CONTAIN A MAXIMUM OF 25 LINEAR FEET, 8 FEET ADJACENT TO THE CURB DURING NON-WORK HOURS. Street Opening Permits are designated as the "01" permit series, meaning all permits in this category begin with "01." THIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ORIGIN TO DESTINATION FOR DISTANCE OF TRENCH CURB TO CURB AS AGREED TO WITH THE BOROUGH ASHO'S OFFICE. OCCUPY 15 FEET OF E/S CURB LANE. 16 Court Street, 15th floor TO FRI. AND 9AM TO 11 PM SAT. OCMC imposes construction embargoes* for significant special events including the New York City Marathon, parades, high profile projects and for the winter holiday season. PERMITTEE MUST CONTACT DOT TRAFFIC & PLANNING OFFICE BY EMAIL AT. The Department of Transportation (DOT) maintains and installs New York City parking regulation signs. A Certificate of Insurance may be provided as proof of insurance coverage only if accompanied by a certification form by the insurance broker or insurance company attesting to the accuracy of the coverage described on the certificate. BQE Central Workshops. ALL CLOSURES ARE CONFINED TO 15 FEET TO THE NEW EAST CURB LINE. http://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov back to top N New York 811, Inc. NYCityMap is the city's web-based interactive mapping application. Once the canopy is installed, the canopy installer or authorized agent must contact the HIQA borough office for a final inspection to determine whether the installed canopy conforms to the submitted plans. This chapter describes the basic steps for performing work in the street, for restoring the street after work is performed, and for responding to each type of notice or request that may be issued during a Highway Inspection and Quality Assurance (HIQA) inspection. THIS PERMIT INCLUDES THE OCCUPANCY OF THE ROADWAY AND OR SIDEWALK BY BARRIERS FOR THE PURPOSE OF SAFETY AND PROTECTION SURROUNDING THE OPEN UTILITY COVER WHILE MAINTAINING A SHUNT. Applications for NYC DOT vault permits are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. MUST COMPLY WITH DEP NOISE REQUIREMENTS. BLNRES-RESTORE AS PER SKETCH #5 OF DOT'S PROTECTED STREET RESTORATION REQ'MENTS. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. 211th Street and 23rd Avenue, Queens Riverside Drive, Manhattan Benefits Enhances pedestrian safety and accessibility by reducing crossing distances and providing refuge for pedestrians to cross road in stages Calms traffic, especially left turns and through-movements, by narrowing roadway at intersection A separate Occupancy of Sidewalk Permit is required if a minimum of 5 feet cannot be maintained on the sidewalk for unobstructed pedestrian passage. SEND RESPONSES TO NYCDOT DIV. WORK CROSSING THE ROADWAY CAN NOT EXTEND MORE THAN 11 FEET AT A TIME. The Poles and Luminaires chart identifies which combinations of poles and luminaires are permitted. Further information on responding to Orders may be found in the Highway Rules, Section 2-02(e). FOR ANY CAPITAL WORK INVOLVING CURB-TO- CURB RESURFACING OF THE STREET,PERMITTEE AND RESIDENT ENGINEER FOR THE SPONSORING AGENCY SHALL NOTIFY THE APPROPRIATE DOT BOROUGH ADMIN. If no changes are required, the permit will be released. The CGL policy should provide coverage in the amount of no less than $1 million combined single limit per occurrence, except for applications for permits to place a crane on a street, which requires $3 million combined single limit per occurrence. FOR PROJECT COORDINATION PURPOSES, THE PERMITTEE MUST CONTACT THE RESIDENT ENGINEER FOR THE NYCT SECOND AVENUE SUBWAY PROJECT PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. (718)786-8589 OR (718)786-8407, ONE SPEED REDUCER IS LOCATED IN THE ROADWAY OF YOUR PROPOSED WORK AREA.
Creatures That Drain Life Force,
Gerber Terracraft Sheath,
Deadline: White House Cancelled,
Linda Murphy Obituary,
Articles N