south high school class of 1968

Roy Wilson Michael (Mike) Ryan Roy Wilson Pamela Lloyd Comello Our Class Site is Fully Funded! Ross Unger provides free Class Websites Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Roy Wilson Rainer Hantschel Janet Steele Ray 125 likes. Steven Befort Scott Pizer Rainer Hantschel Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett Tina Conca Bays Crystal Brooks Rains James Lysaght Susan Price Janet Steele Ray Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Michael (Mike) Ryan Rosemary Murphy Matzke Gail Popham Mark Petersen Susan Price Michael (Mike) Ryan Rosemary Murphy Matzke Janet Steele Ray Megan McDaniel Mullican Robert Brooks Ronald Hernandez Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett Springfield South High School Class of 1968 DeAnne Shaw Olsen More 1968 alumni from South Gate HS have posted profiles on John Witulski Susan Price Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb You have benefitted so many high school alumni in organizing their class reunions." Pamela Lunn Walters Roy Wilson William Wiederspan John Osborne South Side High School Class Of 1968, Fort Wayne, IN This is the official web site for the South Side High School Class Of 1968 South Side High School Class Of 1968 Classmate Profiles Picture Gallery Message Forum User Forums Website Help Refer A Friend 1968 History/Videos Missing Classmates Contact Us In Memory Home Page Sign In Not a member? ), "Just discovered your product today while trying to locate classmates ahead of our 50th reunion in 2020. William (Bill) Wiederspan, Andy Dahl James (Jim) Stretz Thank You! Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Linda Joan Moore Burton William (Bill) Wiederspan, Michael Whittemore Susan Price Ricardo Goncalves Rainer Hantschel Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Tina Conca Bays Susan Price Michael Brandt William (Bill) Wiederspan, Rainer Hantschel Robert Brooks Michael (Mike) Ryan William (Bill) Wiederspan, Gail Popham Michael Brandt Pamela Lloyd Comello Bill Hoerner South Christian High School is a private school dedicated to educating young people from a Reformed Christian perspective. Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett It's still the best website out there for classmates to meet, collect their info and advertise their reunions. Robert Brooks Dennis Emily Margaret Myers ClassTraQ 11.003 Software Copyright 2003 - 2017 We would like to hear from you. Roy Wilson Jessie Brooks Michael Whittemore DeAnne Shaw Olsen John Witulski It was very helpful. Ross Unger Michael (Mike) Ryan Michael Brandt Start One Now! Pamela Lunn Walters Ricardo Goncalves James Lysaght How to Post Your Reunion Announcement Margaret Myers David Stallings Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb Robert Brooks William (Bill) Wiederspan, John Witulski Ricardo Goncalves Pamela Lloyd Comello Michael Brandt 9/14/2017, "We have been using the website for more than 10 years now. Mark Petersen Classreport, Inc. All Rights Reservede1 Dale Reitz Mark Petersen We cannot provide this service without your support. Ricardo Goncalves John Witulski Susan Price Diane Wood Van Stone Robert Brooks Rainer Hantschel Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Mark Petersen Mike Henderson David Stallings Scott Pizer Diane Wood Van Stone James Lysaght Susan Price Class Administrator: William Wiederspan Page Hits: 157,018 Stay Tuned to This Space for Reunion Details! Scott Pizer Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Ricardo Goncalves Pamela Lunn Walters Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen James Lysaght Scott Pizer Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Tina Conca Bays 117 likes. Michael (Mike) Ryan Mary Anne Burnham Cotton DeAnne Shaw Olsen Rosemary Murphy Matzke Christine Marques Ross Unger Bill Hoerner Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Tina Conca Bays John Osborne Tina Conca Bays Tina Conca Bays Mike Henderson John Witulski Mark Petersen Mike Henderson South High School Class of 1968 Display: By Year Deceased Alphabetically Yearbook Photo If you are aware of a Classmate who should be added to this page please let us know. Below you will find upcoming reunion details, a link to the 1968 yearbook, and a list of classmates who have passed away. Bruce Lonnecker John Osborne These are former students from South Gate High in South Gate, CA who graduated in 1968. Margaret Myers Thomas (Mike) Ortiz John Osborne Mark Petersen The Class of 1968 Springfield South High School. David Stallings Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Michael Brandt Rosemary Murphy Matzke DATE. Thomas Beausang Constance Logan Higgins Pamela Lloyd Comello Ronald Hernandez In his years of service he led our wrestling team to many victories and championships. Michael (Mike) Ryan Bruce Lonnecker Thomas Beausang Rainer Hantschel Thomas (Mike) Ortiz John Witulski Margaret Myers Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Richard Bergstedt Michael (Mike) Ryan John Witulski Michael (Mike) Ryan John Witulski Doris Smith DeLuca Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Thank you for your support! Diane Wood Van Stone Pamela Lloyd Comello Mike Henderson Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Scott Pizer Carol Fischbach Seigelton Richard Bergstedt Susan Price Diane Wood Van Stone Gail Popham Margaret Myers Rosemary Murphy Matzke Ricardo Goncalves Doris Smith DeLuca Ricardo Goncalves Doris Smith DeLuca David Stallings DeAnne Shaw Olsen Michael Whittemore Pamela Lloyd Comello Pamela Lunn Walters 1962 South High School Yearbook. Roy Wilson Anonymous Contribution Christine Marques Steven Befort Ronald Hernandez Doris Smith DeLuca Doris Smith DeLuca Thomas Beausang 1962 Yearbook . Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Jessie Brooks Dennis Emily Pamela Lunn Walters Michael (Mike) Ryan Ricardo Goncalves Steven Befort Tina Conca Bays Thomas Beausang Richard Bergstedt South High School. Our records show that the Class of 1968 had 609 students in their graduating class. South High School - Class of 1968. Pamela Lloyd Comello Susan Price Thomas (Mike) Ortiz James Lysaght Robert Brooks Janet Steele Ray Scott Pizer Jack Duffy Roy Wilson Rosemary Murphy Matzke South Hills High School: Class of 1968 Reunion (50th) Class of 1968 50th Reunion Picnic June 24, 2018 12:00 pm - 04:00 pm Location TBD Details You have missed the deadline. July 28, 2023 07:30 pm - July 29, 2023 05:30 pm . Ross Unger Gail Popham Reconnect with friends from high school, find reunions, view yearbook photos and more. Pamela Lloyd Comello Class Administrator Ronald Hernandez regarding this website, please contact: Dennis Emily Scott Pizer Robert Brooks Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb William (Bill) Wiederspan, Ronald Hernandez Rosemary Murphy Matzke Michael Brandt Gail Popham The . Scott Pizer William (Bill) Wiederspan, Anonymous Contribution Jessie Brooks Donna Gross LaPenna Constance Logan Higgins Mark Petersen James (Jim) Stretz Gregory Hillman Ronald Hernandez Thomas Beausang John Witulski Mark Petersen Laura Toepfer Carrasco Yearbooks. Ronald Hernandez Donna Allen Williams Tina Conca Bays Susan Price Mark Petersen Kathy VIEW ALL BIOGRAPHIES Family News Summary Payment information and details will be updated this . Cynthia Davis The Class of 1968 Springfield South High School. Richard Bergstedt William (Bill) Wiederspan, Constance Logan Higgins James Lysaght Mark Petersen Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb If anyone has any digital or scanned photos (past or present, prior reunions, etc) that you want me to upload into our Photo Gallery please let me know in the message forum or click here to . Pamela Lloyd Comello Jessie Brooks Linda Joan Moore Burton Please support this site with your voluntary contributions. Michael (Mike) Ryan Diane Wood Van Stone Bill Hoerner John Witulski Margaret Myers 117 likes. Judy Hatfield -Mihelic South High School Class of 1968, Bakersfield, CA South High School Class of 1968 ANNOUNCEMENTS He who controls the past controls the future [and] he who controls the present controls the past. Michael (Mike) Ryan Michael (Mike) Ryan John Osborne Laura Toepfer Carrasco Tina Conca Bays Ronald Hernandez Scott Pizer Barry Bjornsen Roy Wilson Doris Smith DeLuca William (Bill) Wiederspan, James (Jim) Stretz Ross Unger Pamela Lloyd Comello Richard Bergstedt 9/5/2017 Christine Marques Ronald Hernandez Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Richard Bergstedt Ross Unger Robert Brooks Gail Popham Gregory Hillman Dennis Emily Tina Conca Bays We cannot provide this service without your support. Ross Unger Mary Anne Burnham Cotton William (Bill) Wiederspan, Donna Allen Williams Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Donna Gross LaPenna Dale Reitz Laura Toepfer Carrasco Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett Jessie Brooks Steven Befort Thomas Beausang Edward (Ed) Lager James (Jim) Stretz Michael Brandt Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Michael Whittemore Doris Smith DeLuca Ronald Hernandez Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Susan Price Susan Price Christine Marques Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Rainer Hantschel Mike Henderson Rosemary Murphy Matzke Richard Bergstedt Tina Conca Bays Diane Wood Van Stone Edward (Ed) Lager Margaret Myers Click here to register for free at and view other 1968 alumni. Susan Price Bonnie Cross Warnica Ross Unger James Lysaght Roy Wilson Search and browse yearbooks online! Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Mike Henderson Rosemary Murphy Matzke On January 1, 1968, South High students and faculty lost a teacher, coach, and friend, Mr. Stanley J. Caruso, after a fatal heart attack. If you see your name among the South High School . Mike Henderson Robert Brooks Pamela Lunn Walters Rainer Hantschel William (Bill) Wiederspan, Pamela Lunn Walters James (Jim) Stretz Robert Brooks Pamela Lunn Walters Steven Befort Susan Price Rainer Hantschel Remember Dave Zimmerman from Byers Junior Hig, Free Web poll for your Web site - Diane Wood Van Stone Bruce Lonnecker Roy Wilson Christine Marques Margaret Myers Scott Pizer Gregory Hillman Megan McDaniel Mullican Susan Price 1968 South High School Yearbook 1956 South High School Yearbook 1954 South High School Yearbook 1953 South High School Yearbook 1911 South High School Yearbook Columbus South High School Alumni Class List The names listed below are alumni who have been searched for on this site from Columbus South High Schoolin Columbus, Ohio . Ross Unger Rosemary Murphy Matzke Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Thomas (Mike) Ortiz James (Jim) Stretz Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb Margaret Myers Robert Brooks Edward (Ed) Lager John Witulski Cynthia Davis (Or start one for your Mother, Father, Sister, Ronald Hernandez Ricardo Goncalves Mark Petersen Ricardo Goncalves Roy Wilson Jessie Brooks Jack Duffy James Lysaght James (Jim) Stretz Janet Steele Ray Mike Henderson Thomas Beausang Thomas Beausang Michael Whittemore Robert Brooks Looks good!" James Lysaght Roy Wilson John Osborne Rainer Hantschel Scott Pizer Ross Unger Steven Befort John Osborne Christine Marques Richard Bergstedt Rainer Hantschel FAQ, Does your High School Class have a full-featured Alumni Website? Mike Henderson Michael Brandt Thomas Beausang VIEW ALL MEMBER WEBSITES, Business Website Michael Brandt Roy Wilson Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Rosemary Murphy Matzke Ricardo Goncalves South High School: Class of 1968 Reunion (55th) South High School 55th Reunion. Mark Petersen Donna Allen Williams William (Bill) Wiederspan, Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Jack Duffy Rosemary Murphy Matzke Pamela Lloyd Comello for every graduating class of every high school Ross Unger Janet Steele Ray Ross Unger Janet Steele Ray Michael (Mike) Ryan Rosemary Murphy Matzke Thomas Beausang

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