Thanks again! 3. Obituary. I remember my frustrated conversation with you after your conversion trying to talk you out of your new-found Calvinism. They have many teachers, especially on their Conference Pulpit as well as the regularly featured speakers throughout the day. I seem to lean in this direction because God is all knowing and perfectly sovereign and He must know who will be saved and who wont. I try to stress to my readers that they should never just take my, or anyone elses, word for it that someone is a false or trustworthy teacher, but that they need to compare everything to Scripture. will try to listen. In that case, there would be absolutely no problem with a male teacher of male/co-ed groups using materials written by women as prep materials. As with any pastor or ministry, I encourage ladies to read and listen discerningly and compare all teachings with Scripture. You have such profound grasp, [] Kayle Curley, contributor at The Two Cities, Augustine, Original, TULIP can be helpfully understood to have an implicit narrative structure, Mark 1-14 is about the Eucharist: Part I of III, Im A Calvinist (And That Hardly Matters), Learning to Love DavidCavanagh-TSA on Hermeneutics of Love (Guest Post), Brandon Hurlbert on The History of Zionism and the Nakba with Yousef AlKhouri (Podcast), Jennifer Hughes on The History of Zionism and the Nakba with Yousef AlKhouri (Podcast), Peter on The Gospel According to Job: Job 9:32-35, Biblical Studies Carnival 148 (June 2018) - Reading Acts on Augustine, Original Sin, and a Lesson on Friendship. Sproul, Sr. is #7 in this very article :0) Bridges and Horton are wonderful teachers, indeed. Hi Dave- Although I recognize the names, Im not really familiar with either of them. Stephen Armstrong was the founder and principal teacher of Verse By Verse Ministry International. He says and does a lot of unbiblical things which he needs to stop and repent of, and nobody should be following him, but he does not preach or claim to believe anything (to my knowledge anyway) that goes against the basic doctrines of salvation. A baptism of the Holy Spirit separate from savlation that a Christian has to ask for and that is evidenced by speaking in tongues. But however unwise I think this is, it does not rise to the level of yoking with a false teacher in ministry (2 Corinthians 6:14ff) and it does not warrant removing Voddie from this list, warning against him, or calling him a false teacher, as some might be tempted to do. Nonetheless certain scripture bothered me in that free will did not fit. Thanks, Berna. I am interested to know if youve ever listened to Youre more than welcome. On a funny note my husband had been told at a former church that the pastor would never have a person like Paul Washer teach at his pulpit because he was arrogant. He is a wonderful bible expositor. Another Verse by Verse expository teacher!! :0). A Texas pastor who hailed coronavirus as a "privilege" and a "wake-up call" for sinners, particularly those who engage in sex outside of marriage, has died from the fast-spreading disease. What are your thoughts on John Hagee and David Jeremiah, and Ed Young? As a pastors wife, you have helped me so much, thank you. Mr. Hesselink expounds Calvin's view of the Lord's Supper. His preaching was great. Thank you for your prompt response. Aaron Armstrong brilliantly brings us back to Genesis and delivers a theologically robust vision for obeying the Scriptures' command to help the poor while living in anxious anticipation of Christ's coming Kingdom." Hi! Central Florida Metal Detecting Club, I avoid those with Calvinistic leanings. the local church is responsible to raise up the next generation of pastors by training men in both theology and the shepherding work of pastoral ministry. Thank-you for your ministry, Michelle! Il y a 2 secondes. hes not someone I would recommend even if I had heard of him. But this isnt that. 1 Pastor Armstrong's Easter 2013 message 1 Pastor Armstrong's Easter 2013 message Pastor Armstrong recounts a conversation he had with two Jehovah's Witnesses concerning the identity of Jesus and the meaning of His death and resurrection The comments by Ralph West, pastor of The Church Without Walls in Houston, were made in response to a Nov. 30 declaration . My wife was a Jehovahs Witness for a time and it caused me to doubt who Jesus was. Verse By Verse Fellowship, a Northeast Side church, announced Pastor Steve Armstrong died after his battle with the coronavirus, which has claimed more than 1,800 others in San Antonio. (Trust me, they are rare as hens teeth. I have my favorites on the list that I listen to almost every week. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2023 Highend ThemeCreated with in London, UK. 1 Timothy 8 Lessons. Doctrinally sound book for a general audience, written by a woman- good, Doctrinally sound book for a general audience, written by a man- better. Its my pleasure to serve you in Christ :0), Many names I dont know yet! It sounds like you are on the right track. Nathan Armstrong. Ill bring them to my husbands attention to see what he thinks of them. Id like to hear/read his remarks in context. Read this article (2nd section) for further explanation. Hi Mary Ann- You might be interested to read my Statement of Faith tab at the top of this page. I was blessed by Voddie when he spoke at a mens conference at my church and have not stopped learning from him ever since. He is the pastor of Justin Peters church, Kootenai Community Church. Catholic theology; a strange . how many homes lost in almeda fire; cqc interview questions for nominated individual; envelope stuffing jobs from home near me; influence of media ownership on media content pdf; franklin county, ny departments; Andrew Armstrong is a Pastor at The First Church based in Nashua, New Hampshire. As for Christian podcasts, I highly recommend mine :0) (Click on the podcast tab in the blue menu bar). Im much older so I loved seeing some of the older teachers in there. Dedicated to advancing the dialogue between faith and reason, Catholic University seeks to discover and impart the truth through excellence in teaching and research. I appreciate, Great exposition of this passage. I have listened to all but two of these men. I have read and listened to all on your list and consider them to be sound teachers as well. I would encourage readers, as with any other site, to explore discerningly and compare everything to Scripture. Ps Gabriel Hughes writes, STEPHEN ARMSTRONG Should someone ask why God would obey our desires in this way, the false teachers will claim God's faithful- nessrequires that He grant us wealth, healing, etc., when we demonstrate faith in His potential to do so. Like . West Valley Police Activity, You are so right about few and far between when it comes to women teachers but I have found one and her name is Susan Heck. 2. Benjamin K. Forrest (EdD, Liberty University) is professor of Christian education and associate dean at Liberty University. But even if all three of them were speaking at NRB, Im afraid youre misunderstanding whats taking place there. :0) Voddies a good one, too. Thanks, Bonnie. Where I had thought I had no more to learn I realized I knew nothing at all. Wow- your husband is really bold! Another prominent Black Baptist pastor has challenged the six Southern Baptist Convention seminary presidents for their critique of Critical Race Theory, saying as a result he is abandoning doctoral studies at one of the seminaries and disassociating with the SBC entirely.. A blend of Rapture theology, supernatural elements and a police procedural investigating the murder of the Pastor who predicted (incorrectly) when the Rapture will occur and of the lead detective investigating this . As a brand new babe in Christ, I walked 2 bloicks to a church in my neighborhood. There are a lot of links out there and there seem to be a number of them with the same reference to where he preached about how a man will want to leave their wife for a younger woman and the daughter comment. A few years ago I spent a lot of time in Romans with Steven Armstrong (a Calvinist) and later with Kay Author and irresistible grace came alive. I heard if you through Doreen Virtues YouTube. Adjunct Faculty | | Started at Bethel: 2014. He currently serves as Associate Professor of New Testament and the Director of the Doctor of Ministry program at Bethel Seminary (St. Paul, MN). I agree with you, Michelle. Hes a continuationist. bionically meaning biblical! Also, can you make a list of Christian podcasts that are good? His partner, Boyd Smith, was with him when he died. My, oh my, how convoluted things can become! Yes, I still share the gospel and pray for the unsaved but His Word has become so much richer to me and my election more real. My husband and I came out of the Assemblies of God and started listening to John MacArthur first, and it was amazing, then we also started to listen to Brannon Howse and I bought Twisted Scriptures, Twisted Theology. More than those, however, like you I found myself having increasing desire to let the Bible speak for itself which led me to Reformed and Covenantal theology. Visit our Connect Page to learn how you can make VBVF your church. He was 65. You can also find good podcasts to listen to in two other ways: 1. Thank you so much for your lists. I noticed a mention of Greg Laurie in another post, but no detail as to why you listed him among false teachers. I will pray for you as I pray all His children to find a place to go and to praise , pray and fellowship with each other. As Ive mentioned, these are not exhaustive lists. No worries, happens to me all the time :0). Im sorry, I misread your original comment to mean that he was speaking with (i.e. Edwards modeled himself as theologian, philosopher, and pastor after outstanding figures in each field. Thanks for ask you do. Hi Veronica- Welcome, and youre welcome. Hope this helps! This ministry is committed to providing compelling, verse-by-verse teachings of God's word at no charge, thus ensuring the whole counsel of God is proclaimed. Kellers being a continuationist is usually just mentioned in passing in articles about other topics, but if you Google his name with continuationism or continuationist youll get a lot of hits. Thanks so much for sharing this Mrs. Holck! In addition to various articles and essays, Jerry has published a book for churchmen entitled Exemplary Spiritual Leadership. I attended his church when we were stationed in Guam with the military. It obviously helped. I love listening to Stephen Armstrong from Verse by Verse Ministries International. He said the man he listens to on a regular basis that nobody knows of is Dr. Bryan Hughes he is on the board of directors at the Masters university and Seminary. Looking for a scripturely sound, non legalistic church seems nearly impossible at least up here in New Jersey. Jonathan Edwards: From the Editor Papa Edwards . You can hear some teaching about the problems with Hagee and Young here (just put each of their names in the search bar). The study covers . I totally understand about feeling done with church, but I would encourage you not to forsake the assembly. Be blessed!! Thank you so much in advance sister. To keep my views consistent I would just have to pass over them like For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8,9 Mahasi Sayadaw, Vipassana Metta FoundationTranslation Committee (Translation), Steve Armstrong (Goodreads Author) (Editor), Joseph Goldstein (Foreword author) 4.48 avg rating 95 ratings published 2016 4 editions. Id this the same add being taught by a woman? Stephen Armstrong writes for the Guardian, the Sunday Times, GQ, Elle, Wallpaper and the New Statesman, as well as showing up on Radio 4 whenever they let him. I love to listen to the old recordings of his sermons :0). I am so thankful I found your site and want to thank you for being so diligent in what you do and speaking truth. . Stephen Armstrong is a journalist and author. This group study examines thought-provoking teaching of core biblical concepts in prophecy.The study features a 152-page workbook and 12 videos designed to prepare both individual students and small groups for a deeper understanding of eschatology. We are doing our best to learn and study but it is like we live in a sea of false teachers. Oh thats right, no one can, but YOU can jump out! Hi Tricia- No, I would not recommend the Bible Recap. Leroy R. Armstrong, Jr. . Theology on Tap Confirmation Class Connection Groups . I love all these brothers teachings on the Word. They refused to let me partake in the LORDs supper ( they evidently examined my heart for me) and then all 35-40 people broke out in what I am sure they thought were tongues. spell check? FREE Shipping on orders over $25.00. Previously, Andrew was a Senior Minister at Acton Congregational Church. PASTOR EMERITUS Stephen was the Senior Minister of Christ Church for 35 years from 1987-2023. I would say that my passion for discussing faith and theology with Mormons was the biggest influence that led me to become a Bible major. Real heresy is narrowly focused. Brian Borgman. As a far more secondary issue, Id be a little concerned for any man who is reading that book for his own study. @voddieb Acts of the Apostles 34 Lessons. He spends 20-30 hours a week reading and studying the Bible because, as he says, "That's what it takes to know the Word of God." "I was amazed at how much I have learned about judgment, redemption, the Suffering Servant and God's ultimate love for us. Blessings to you! Join Pastor Armstrong and Verse By Verse Fellowship for a verse-by-verse study through one of the most encouraging and eye-opening letters in the New Testament. The fault lies with people who dont understand the difference between true heresy and false teaching. Yes, a number of issues. I know this is a challenging time, and you feel like you want to hurry and make up for the lost time you spent in false doctrine, but you have to remember that spiritual growth is a process. There are many more than these 10 godly men out there, both well-known and obscure, that rightly preach and handle Gods word. I do not know anything about him and his doctrinal beliefs, however, remember seeing his name in that respect. Ill be putting out more lists in the future. Voddie should have more discernment to not be associated and calling false teachers his friends.. Dr. Lawson has written a plethora of books, from commentaries to . While I consider him to be generally doctrinally sound and agree with him in many aspects of theology, he is not someone I proactively recommend for a few reasons: 1. Thanks for stopping by! Even though I was so opposed to Calvinism, there was always an uneasiness within me regarding the way I approached that passage. Thank you for sharing. I did enjoy the Gospel Message you have at the top of this page. I can email that to you if you want it. I remember asking a Bible major friend at lunch during my first or second week on campus about his experience as a Bible major. Not questioning your opinion I would like to read it. Now that COVID restrictions have eased, we would like to celebrate his life and legacy with you in-person. For the most part, yes. Thank you for the list, Michelle! The main reason Chuck Missler is not on this list is that Ive never heard of him. Thanks for your ministry Michelle. I asked him if he could point to one major change in his views since studying the Bible intently here at BIOLA. But after reading Schreiners essay I didnt fully transform my theology. I believe, unless Im mistaken, that MacArthur has said at one time that he is not a Calvinist. Theology Major Faculty Christ College Armstrong, Clinton J. (Reformed Baptist) I already listen to Paul Washer, R.C. Since men have a higher level in the spiritual hierarchy, doesnt using a womans teaching open him up to more possible deception?, No. I glanced over it a bit, and while Im not familiar with most of the names on the Conference Pulpit, I saw a few that I know to be doctrinally solid, and none that jumped out as definite false teachers. Can you advise? Great list! It was teeny tiny (I made an even dozen). First Corinthians 36 Lessons. Oh I could go on . A few years ago I spent a lot of time in Romans with Steven Armstrong (a Calvinist) and later with Kay Author and irresistible grace came alive. Some people call acquaintances with whom they have a cordial Hi, how are you? relationship friends. Or its possible that Voddie is maintaining a friendly relationship with Tony in order to disciple him and correct his errant theology. Chris in NC, MLJ is definitely a good one. I was reliving some of that yesterday as I reflected on my initial transition. Steven Waterhouse, Senior . If I knew Voddie personally and he asked my advice, I would tell him I didnt think it was wise to post a picture of himself with Tony Evans (which was one among several pictures of him with many other people) with the word friend attached to it. After all, I had a degree in theology so I knew I had a reason for what I believed. Sproul and I used to listen to John MacArthur, but I would really like to know your feelings on him advising people that they can take the mark of the beast and possibly make it to heaven. If youre on a computer, go to the right sidebar and scroll down until you get to Blogs and Podcasts I Follow. Indeed, about eight years into this foray into Calvinism myself, the freedom Ive experienced because of the doctrines of grace is one of the greatest gifts God has given to me next to my salvation itself. He was an astronaut. Wonderful teaching and speaking. In his letter, Armstrong rebuts the charges outlined by O'Neill. But if you askdid Christ die for everyone, why yes He did, can I lose my salvation, yes you can.well what about that verse that says NO ONE can snatch you out of the Fathers hand?
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